#14: High Quality Video Content with Amazon

with Rob Burns

About This Episode

I have video content expert, Rob Burns. In this episode, we discuss the multiple ways Amazon FBA sellers can use video content. Combining his 20+ years of experience copywriting and online marketing Rob is considered an industry expert on creating high-quality product videos and ads that sell. Having a great video content strategy is an excellent way to build trust and authority with your audience!

About The Guest

Rob Burns is the founder and CEO of VideoTelepathy.com. VideoTelepathy specializes in creating marketing and product videos for Amazon, eCommerce, and Crowdfund businesses. Combining his 20+ years of experience copywriting and online marketing Rob is considered an industry expert on creating high-quality product videos and ads that sell.

Date: August 16, 202

Episode: 14

Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Rob Burns, Founder and CEO of VideoTelepathy.com

Subtitle: Using video content strategy to improve sales and build a relationship with the audience

Final Show Link: https://lunchwithnorm.com/episodes/14-high-quality-video-content-with-amazon-rob-burns/

In this episode of Lunch With Norm… ,Norman Farrar introduces Rob Burns, founder and CEO of VideoTelepathy.com

Rob Burns as president of VideoTelepathy.com, focuses on e-commerce video production. He discussed how using video content is a trend nowadays in e-commerce.

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In this episode, we discuss:

    • 2:24 : How Video Telepathy works
    • 7:09 : Video advice to new Amazon sellers
    • 9:40 : Repurposing videos
    • 12:33 : Running video ads
    • 16:02 : Video trends
    • 21:01 : Face of the brand
    • 24:44 : What people should ask for a production company
    • 28:03 : Different uses of videos in Amazon
    • 32:22 : Amazon live
    • 34:25 : Marketplace review videos
    • 37:23 : Video Telepathy package services

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Norman  0:03 

Hey, I think we’re live. Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, a.k.a. The Beard Guy and we had a couple, just a small technical glitch. So we’re running a little bit late, but we’re on and again now, this is brand new for us. But we’re broadcasting live on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. So, like my son always says something about the likes, right Kels? Hit those Like buttons and share this video and ring that bell Kels, right?


Kelsey 0:38 

Yes, ring the bell. If you are enjoying it, like and comment and share it via Facebook Live.


Norman  0:46 

That’s right and if the Norm the gnome had a bell, he’d be ringing it right now. But okay, so let’s get down to what we’re going to be talking about today and it’s about video content, and how to put it together and what to expect and I’ve got an expert on hand. I’ve known him for years. He’s a great friend and in fact, he used to own prReach and the service works well, so I ended up buying the company and it all started because Rob, his name’s Rob Burns, put together a video package for press releases. So even way back in the day, he was thinking ahead of the game and now he’s got some really great things to talk about. So Rob is the founder and CEO of Video Telepathy, and Rob, welcome.



Hey, thanks for having me on.


Norman  1:44 

Hey, wow, I’m glad we were able to get you on. Yeah. A couple of technical issues.


Norman 1:47 

Yeah. So this is just a casual talk, Rob. We’re gonna sit back. We have a bunch of listeners and for the listeners that are tuning in live, kick back, have a cup of coffee and  just learn. This will be recorded and you will see it later on the different channels. But it’s just something , just a casual talk, something to learn more about video, how we use video and just expert advice from the expert. So where do we start, Rob?


Rob  2:24 

Yeah, I know you’re very Amazon centric. As far as product videos and with Video Telepathy we’ve really kept a focus on e-commerce, Amazon, crowdfunding videos, so we’re really very specific on that and we also do commercial work as far as just like regular full blown commercials and things like that. But, we started out when we transitioned really focusing on Amazon and e-commerce and now they’re really kind of considered going insane. But, so that’s where we go. With Amazon, we started creating things, Amazon specific products, things like product demonstration videos, and Amazon ads and even taking something we call a market review video, which is kind of a man on the street video and where people actually try the product like real people try the product, and then we get the responses and then we’ll slice that up and those are really great.


Norman 3:34 

So I don’t think a lot of Amazon sellers, maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think a lot of Amazon sellers really know how effective videos are, like some people if you have a brand registry, you could use video as your seventh position. Or you could use it in your store. I mean, there’s so many different ways that you can use video and a lot of people worry about the price. It’s not really that effective for the engagement is it?


Norman  4:14 

The price isn’t that expensive


Rob  4:28 

Oh, yeah, I was thinking like my brain just shut down. So yeah, as far as price so one of the things that we did that made video tough the little unique over other video agencies is we actually built the back end platform and and we went through just a ton of like e-commerce gurus and experts and people that use this kind of stuff and say, what was your biggest challenge as far as dealing with video agencies or getting videos done for Amazon and then what we did is we actually built that into the platform. So we took all the things that always happen, as far as having a video made, and then we systematize that, and what that lets us do is now we can create a lot more videos, and we can create them a lot faster for a lot less money. But the real upside is, is we can spend more time on creativity, because we’re not doing like, so one issue was communication, that was a big a big challenge for people because it would be they would talk to one person from a video agency, and they may have called him on the phone and had a discussion and then they talked to another person, it was like via email, then they talked to another person who was on Skype and so all these people, do different processes in video production, would use all these different types of ways to communicate and then nobody was really communicating with each other and so there were big gaps, and it just took a long time. So what we did is we actually standardized everything, we put it and we actually built like a communication platform in the dashboard. So once once you get started, that’s the only way we’ll talk to you, because whether it automatically kind of transitions so when it goes, if you’re having a script writer, then it goes to the script from the script writer, then it hands off to the videographer that hands off to the editor, and all the whole time you can see all the conversations through the project so that way nothing slips through the cracks and so that that was one kind of time saving way and then also we have a section for different assets and all that kind of stuff. So, kind of to make that short question long. We built a lot in there so that we could increase productivity, but still maintain high quality and that’s how we get our price down.


Norman  6:52 

For the quality of the video, your prices are extremely low. So Amazon sellers, new to Amazon. What type of videos should they be looking at or what kind of advice can you give them to get into video?


Rob  7:09 

Yeah, so especially with Amazon, they’re very vague. I’m kind of what they like, but they’re also very specific when they reject you. So, but just because we’ve done literally thousands of videos, we really kind of figured out what they like, what they don’t like. Some of the things that Amazon doesn’t like, for a product video is anything that’s really kind of a direct response style. So anything that’s maybe, like an ugly VSL type thing where it’s just super hype and playing on emotions and things like that. They don’t like any kind of bragging, false claims, anything whether it’s time sensitive, like buy now kind of stuff and so anything basically kind of like, it would be like a late night infomercial, they probably would bounce. What they do like a, like I was mentioning the product demonstration video is probably, it’s funny because it’s our least expensive video, but it probably converts the most on Amazon and that’s really just showing the product being used, like just just showing the product in the best light and when you’re really successful at creating that kind of video, it would be putting that product in the viewers mind side so that the so the viewers imagining using that product and so with a demonstration video, like they don’t even really have talking heads, so it’ll just show the product being used and then also we’ll have reports all the different benefit points. Have five or six different points and maybe one or two key points. Then we’ll support it with music and move that in the studio or around the studio if it’s a kind of an outdoor product or something like that. So that’s how that works. That’s probably what I would recommend starting off with.


Norman  9:05 

Okay, how long should the video be? Product demo?


Rob 9:08 

Ah, we see about 39-40 seconds. I think their limit is 49 seconds something like that. But we usually keep ours about 39-40 seconds and that seems to be the best the best conversions


Norman 9:31 

I guess once you publish it on Amazon, it’s not just an Amazon video, you can go and repurpose this everywhere.


Rob  9:40 

Yeah, absolutely. So what we’re doing , we’re showing a shot and then, it’ll be dynamic text and it’ll be a benefit point. You can take those and actually slice those little 10 to 15 seconds segments up and make that into little video ads, you can make them into social content, you can spice up social content. What’s good about that is because a lot of times, people used to when they did videos, they would think, well, this is the point, this is the thing that people buy my product about, this is why people buy my product. This is one benefit point, whether it’s making you lose a guy’s puppy or whatever. But when you run those little pieces of micro content with different benefit points, from the same video, you can start to get a picture of really, what are really people responding to about your product? So a lot of times we see almost all of the time people what the reasons people thought they were buying your product or not the same reasons as people actually, it might be a different benefit point. So that’s something interesting too.


Norman 11:00 

So just split testing it too?


Rob  11:03 

Yeah, yeah, exactly. It’s a split testing.


Norman  11:09 

Go ahead Rob.


Rob  11:11 

No, no, I didn’t have anything to say.


Norman  11:15 

But what I was gonna say is we had a Hani Mourra from Repurpose.io the other day, and sending over a, like a 49 second video clip and using that app is, it’s really incredible and you can get so much more out of it. So it’s taking a video that doesn’t cost a lot, that you can have on Amazon, that you can repurpose everywhere and then like take the clip and cut it into small pieces, like Rob was saying, and it’s so easy to do, you can get 100 pieces of content out of one video just by repurposing it. So first of all, just to stop for a second here, I wanted to give a shout out to Victor and Mark. How’s it going, guys? Victor did have a question or he has a comment and it’s a video is the engine pulling our train these days and you’re absolutely right. If it’s video on your listing, or your video ads, that and from at least everybody I’ve heard, that’s what’s really driving sales and converting. So Rob, have you had any experience with the video ads and have you, I guess a lot of sellers have been going over to you for that. But what kind of stats? Can you give us that, If you know anything?


Rob 12:33 

Yeah, as far as running video ads, I would say Amazon and Facebook are great. We’ve noticed that believe it or not, on LinkedIn when you’re running a video ad, actually a static ad or an article actually converts better than video which not to unto my own horn but but you’re just kind of from what we’re seeing and as far as the actual video is converting, increasing divergence we’ve seen, we’ve actually had customers and, these are customers that were doing a fair amount of volume, but they’ve actually put it once the day they put the video up, actually, they made that much more that actually covered the cost of the videos. So it does definitely increase conversion, but it’s a little difficult for us to get hard numbers from our clients just because it’s kind of a secret. As far as e-commerce sellers and Amazon sellers, they hold their cards pretty tight as far as their numbers and things like that. But, we do get a lot of feedback like, hey, this didn’t work, or this did work or right here, we dropped off this time and so we just keep adjusting ourselves and that’s and that’s how we really learn as far as what’s working and what’s not.



Norman  13:56 

One of the things that’s really common with video and Press releases, people are afraid or it might be because of the ability to understand how to put it together. So you have a script, press releases, we have the body of the press release going out and most people don’t do them. A lot of people don’t do them because they feel it takes work. Well for us we have scripts or we have writers for you. If somebody is on defense doing a video, the script writing might be the thing holding them back and as long as they give you a couple of bullets, everything should be cool, right? He doesn’t


Rob  14:47 

Right, Yeah, I mean, depending on the kind of a video, so like a product demonstration video or a market review video kind of a man on street really, it’s just having the product and then giving us five or six benefit points, and we’re off to the races and then we go from there to I mean, we go all the way up, we’ve actually rented out, like actual movie studios and built sets and actors and that’s much, much more expensive, but those are more, like bigger brand videos. But yeah, just getting started as far as how complicated it can be and even if you’re doing say a spokesperson video, or something that’s more like a commercial, then we actually have script writers that you can hire if you want to write your scripts and if you want to write your scripts, we actually give you templates to say, Okay, here’s kind of the basic format, that we think will help you convert for this kind of video, and then based on the thousands of other videos that we’ve done, and we keep tweaking those, too, so.


Norman 15:54 

So what are some of the trends that you’re seeing in e-commerce and Amazon right now with video?


Rob 16:02 

I think the bigger trend is quality. We’re noticing, so one of the things we noticed, say three years ago, pretty much any video was just amazing. You would throw a video up and it would just convert like crazy and you’d sell like gangbusters and then a lot of kinds of the services where they were kind of not Robo video editors but just where they would take like stock footage and then add checks and this , that kind of thing. Those did really well but we’re really seeing a trend now of just kind of originality in the video. So we use much, much less stock footage and we spend much more time just shooting original content, and then actually having that quality of the content. So, I know a lot of direct response folks are just like, well. Don’t spend your time on making the brand look pretty or fancy or whatever but with video I think, video really kind of gives people an impression of what your company is about and what your products are about. So the better you make it look the better, the safer people feel. So , throwing out some kind of a super ghetto video, this is full of stock footage and people are really gonna think that’s how that video relates to your product, which is not necessarily a good thing. So I would say one of the biggest trends is really just kind of the quality.



Norman  17:43 

Yeah, I know back in the day, the Animoto videos we would just pump them out, one after another after another. Not on Amazon, but just


Rob 17:52

They worked amazing.


Norman 17:54

Yeah, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s got its place but with Amazon, it’s just like the packaging, it’s like listing optimization, it’s about authority and trust and if people can take a look at your quality images and you have some crappy video on there, they’re going to take a look at that, and it could bring the perceived value down and if you can’t keep that trust, they could click off very easy. So by putting a really nice video with features, benefits, it could be ingredients, it could be used, you build that trust. So it’s an important element for listing optimization in my view anyways.


Rob  18:34 

Absolutely. I think when somebody sees those videos, and they’re just super low quality, they’re saying, Well, are these people really gonna, are they really vested in this product or how if something goes wrong, how are they going to take care of me and,is this thing just gonna fall apart when I opened the box kind of thing. So, the more you can actually portray quality and show that you care about the product itself. The buyer actually, then that I think the better you’re going to do that the better your video is going to convert. So, and that doesn’t always and there are some exceptions, testimonials, I think, real testimonials from real customers, you should never be really super highly polished because they know nobody’s really going to go into a studio and give a testimonial for somebody on just a regular Amazon product or something and I see a lot of sellers going out and actually buying kind of these testimonials from people. So, I would say just regular cell phone videos are the best for a testimonial. The only exception I would say was like I was mentioning like the market review videos because that’s almost more like we’re going out, man on the street person on the street and asking them questions about, have them tried the product and ask him questions about it. Those have pretty high production value, but people still understand that these are real people that are trying the product out and that’s really the main message you want to do with the testimonial type thing.


Norman 20:12 

But there’s a time and a place for that. So when people see unpolished testimonials, like, let’s say that you go out there and do the marketplace reviews, they know it. So they know it’s real, their real feelings. When people go out and test out a product and say they do an unboxing video, and they’re shooting it with their iPhone. Absolutely perfect. You can have a crappy video and it’s real, people know it’s coming from that person. So there again, there’s a time and a place. We got a couple of things here and I wanted to here’s a question from, oops, there we go. Mark’s talking about do you feel it’s important to have a consistent face to the brand? What a great question.


Rob  21:01 

Well, if you’re talking about you being the face of the brand, I mean, if you are the brand then yes. If, like with video telepathy, we actually try to not so much make me the face of the brand for obviously for a lot of reasons. But, also because we have so much talent that we actually use our talent and so kind of having a variety of talent, whether we’re doing our ads or promos or whatever, it is actually kind of our faces of brands because it just shows that we have quite a bit. So, I would say it really depends on the brand. Sometimes, the product is the actual face of the brand and it means that that’s always the thing that showcases it. So, I would say if something wants to build your own personal brand or your personal brand is tied to your product, then yes and if not, then no. If you’re talking about different actors and talents, like say was it a flow with  GEICO and then the  GEICO Gecko, those are all phases of the brand and those are all built on campaigns. But they also, if you notice, those companies actually have multiple phases too, so they can transition in and out.


Norman 22:34

The caveman.


Rob 22:37

So one of the challenges of, Yeah, yeah, exactly.  GEICO Caveman, Emo Hipster Caveman. So, I would say there is a danger to of pigeonholing you so say you have a certain person or a spokesperson even if it’s not you that does it then, if that person goes away or all sudden what, now once a million dollars a video or something like that, then you get kind of sucked into that. So I would say it depending on the brand, right?


Norman 23:12 

I’m looking for a video company. There’s a million online, you type in video production, video this video that, what do you need to look for? What are some questions that you need to ask before you bring on a person?


Rob 23:29 

As far as bringing a video agency on?


Norman  23:33 

Yeah, like a video production company.


Rob 23:38 

I would probably ask them, what is their production process? Like so what, once I buy the video, what are my next steps and how does this go? How do we collaborate?..


Norman 24:10 

Rob, you’re cutting off. Okay, so we’ll try this. If it drops out some more. Maybe what we’ll do is just turn off the camera and just go back to you. Okay?


Rob  24:32 

Yeah, I think you dropped off and I dropped off but I’m good now.


Norman  24:36 



Rob  24:38 

So I think, where did I drop off at?


Rob 24:44 

Just talking about the beginning, right at the beginning when I asked about what people should ask for a production company.



Rob  24:53 

Sure, I think people should ask about what is your production process so once I buy a video, how does that get started? How does the process go as far as sending your products, having a video shot, all that kind of stuff and then how is a product delivered. I would ask different samples of what their work is, because most video agencies really kind of have a forte, they specialize in certain kinds of videos. So, if you’re going to somebody that does, maybe corporate videos, and you want an e-commerce product video, they could shoot it, but is that their thing? So, and then I would also look for testimonials from other people and talk to other people that may have used your product, use your agency. So, probably those three things, but you’re really like, what is the process? How long does it take? How is it delivered? How do we collaborate in between, what do you need from me? That’s a big one, too.


Norman 26:00 

What about just how many times you can revise a video?


Rob  26:05 

Yeah, yeah. Well with us, because believe it or not, I would say, it’s something like, close to 60% of our businesses repeat business now. So, our goal is to really have happy customers, so instead of us constantly trying to land new clients in, and just kind of churning through old clients, is we want to take care of the clients we have. So we don’t, us personally, we don’t have a hard fast revision rule. Just as long as it’s realistic, like, if you’re kind of designing on the fly, where it’s like, you send in these revisions, and then all of a sudden, like, Oh, that looks great and then like, Oh, can you do this now? Then it’s like something completely different then. We might have a talk, but, usually, we’re just more concerned about having that video. Yeah and we do a lot on the front in  as far as just getting information before we actually start putting the video together as far as this creation stuff, so we usually have a really, really good idea on what the clients are looking for.


Norman  27:13 

Okay, and I just want to remind everybody, if you do have any questions about video or anything about today’s topic, just put it in comments and we’ll get right to it. The other area I’d like to talk about Rob is the different areas on Amazon that people can use video for. So right now everybody knows that you can, if you have Brand Registry, you can put it on your product listing, you can put it into your product store and now, I don’t know if you’ve heard but they’ve expanded it to one video in your store up to 20 seconds. So I’m not sure, as of this date, when we’re publishing it’s 20 seconds.



Rob  27:59 

So, is that for non-brand registered or brand registered?


Norman 28:03 

Yeah, that’s for your Brand Registry. So when you have your store you can go in, and they’ll allow you, one of the widgets to upload a video. But the other areas that you can put these videos in, and I’ve talked to you about this, but I haven’t done it and we got to talk after this. But one of the really cool ways that you can use video on Amazon is in the related videos. So I’d go over, I find a video production company, and I’d say look, I want to talk about the product, the features, the instructions, the ingredients, the How To’s, right and you do shoot a half day shoot or whatever it takes, and then you edit four or 5,6,7,8,9 of them, and you put them together with a thumbnail that looks consistent. It might just be a little difference in color and then you upload them into your related videos and I don’t know if you’ve ever seen this, but it looks so cool. So now you’re scrolling down and from the listing to the frequently bought to  down to the next section down and then there’s related videos, and it looks like a tutorial that your company has put together. So a lot of people forget about that. Are you doing anything like that right now?


Rob 29:21 

We’ve done some, kind of indirectly, where people have taken, like you said, the content and sets it up and then put them in there. Because we also do kind of like a lot of post production videos where unboxing videos, and you’ll follow up and I honestly believe most of your money is made post sale, where you’re taking care of your client and because you could get a million companies, they’re good at selling you stuff. But how many companies are good at taking care of people after they’ve sold your stuff and those companies that do that, then they have clients that are evangelists instead of just clients. So, right? Yeah, I love those down below because I think to really the mindset for an Amazon Video is really less on selling people and more on educating and helping them buy, I mean, helping them not buy, but helping them make a decision. So if you look like an advocate and the more information that you give them, it lets them know that much more about your product, the more they’re going there, that it just keeps narrowing down that chance, they’re going to click that Buy button and just be old school, even direct market thing. Every time somebody takes an action, they’re that much closer to buying. So if you have this whole little series of micro videos, and they just keep going through them and they get to kind of get hooked on a lot more about your product, they’re gonna be that much more liable to actually make a purchase than if you did. They just went and saw it. Like, Oh, I got five stars, and I gotta get somebody else to know and yeah, so, kind of kind of getting them sucked into your ecosystem. Those are great for doing that.


Norman 31:09 

Yeah, another tip. So this is the bonus tip for anybody watching, and this is all cool. It’s not blackhat, but one of the things that we do with video as well. We’ll create a product video, so a product video with our competitors, and we do a comparison. So we’ll have three different, well, you’ve got one of the products right now. So our shampoo and the serum stuff I just sent you, but you just compare three or four different products and it could be your biggest competitor. Well, you can upload the video and you don’t trash anybody. But you can give a maybe biased, maybe you have a biased opinion on your product, but you can easily put them on your competitors’ listings too and they’re not going to go away. So that’s another way that you can just get on to the listing. I mean, you could do Amazon posts too. But that’s a whole other topic. The other area that we haven’t touched on is Amazon Live. So videos and Amazon Live, I mean, that’s a whole other medium now.


Rob 32:22 

Yeah, I think folks are kind of doing QVC style videos, that’s something we’re just starting to research into and we had way back in the day actually set up kind of a studio where you could do that where people could have their own little QVC shows and and style shows and I think it was just then it was just too early and it was mainly towards the e-com crowd so but with Amazon Live that they just they can just throw such a massive audience at something that. I think you can promote Amazon live, am I correct? So you can run Amazon Live but you can actually promote via paid too. I think I’m not positive. So that way, you could actually send some heat towards your stuff and I think you can actually pre record these and actually still run them as on Amazon Live if I’m not sure if I’m not incorrect.


Norman  33:21 

Now this, I mean, it could be with video telepathy, it could be with any video production company, but I want to talk about the different types of videos that you’re producing. We’ve already touched based on the product demo video. Now, tell us a bit more about the marketplace review videos, and what products are best suited for that. Sorry, Rob. The other thing I need to know on this is how are you doing this with COVID?


Rob  33:51 

Yeah, so it’s interesting. So we’re in California, and when the first lockdown happened, the Governor kind of gave us a heads up so we knew what was gonna happen a week or so ahead of time. So what we actually did is we took lives from the studio, and then we actually built to other remote studios, where videographers and editors are, and so we really didn’t miss a beat.


Rob 34:25 

So the products would come in and then what our videographers do is just come pick up the products and they would take it to their studio and they would shoot the shoot stuff. So, it actually, we probably saw a little bit of an uptick, believe it or not, I think e-com, because retail stores are having the store on the street, storefront retail stores are having such a difficult time. Everybody’s going to Amazon to buy stuff, so we actually picked up a little bit in business and then we had to get creative, but it works really well and we’re still doing things like market review videos, we have to think a little bit through before we do it. So we’ll go to say, so market review video, which is kind of the person on the street type video will maybe go to a farmers market and it actually kind of worked out better for us now because in California when they have farmers markets, they only let a certain number of people in and and then there’s like a sheep’s line that goes about a mile of people that are six feet apart. So we’ll just kind of set up about a half mile into that line, back and have this thing and like, everybody’s just staring at us, like, Hey, what’s that? They’re like, Oh, you want to try some coffee. Then we’ll have them try it and kind of do the thing and then we can still with our video, set up our mic, we can still maintain our distance and have them maintain their distance and then we’ll do the review video and then we’ll go through and sanitize everything and then we’ll have the next person come through and just do the same thing. So we had to get a little creative, but we didn’t miss a beat on that. One thing we’re talking about too, as far as kind of showing your competitors type, your stuff along with your competitors, one way, because Amazon like I said, they don’t want you to, like go out and just bash your competitors. Like, that’s kind of in that old school direct response type stuff to their of this. But what you can do is say, with the market review videos, you can do something almost like a Pepsi challenge, where you can say, Oh, we have XYZ and then, but they don’t know which one it is, and then they try the product and it’s your product and like, Oh, it’s amazing, and then they try that one like, Oh, that’s Folgers, that’s chock full of nuts or whatever. So, you can do something like that and then, that’s 90% of time is gonna pass muster and I’d say 90% of time because 100% of time with Amazon. It’s a pretty, pretty bold statement.


Norman 37:06 

So there’s, we’re just winding down now. You have a product that I want to tell people about and it’s for social media, it’s video social media. Can you tell people about the package or the service that you’re offering?


Rob 37:23 

Sure, So we’re doing a couple things depending on where you are, as far as, on the growth of your brand. We start out with basically if you have existing content, or say we shot some content for you, like one of your videos. You can on a monthly basis, we’ll take that content and we’ll slice it up into basically all the different social formats. So we take a little  5,10 seconds snippets, make them a vertical horizontal square for your Instagram, YouTube, whatever you’re using. They will also make you make them into images and then I’ll convert them over inches save things like cinemagraphs, and photographs and image ads and video ads, and all that different kind of stuff. Then for some of the larger brands, they just want monthly content, where they could just have monthly social content, little micro ads, and we’ll actually go through and just shoot their product out, kind of in cool locations and different things like that, and then go through and do that and then even to step it up even further than we can do things with actors and models and things like that. Depending on what your product is and how big you want to scale. So, it starts out as low as 397 and it goes up to 5 or $6,000 a month, depending on what you’re looking at.


Norman  38:44 

I’ve seen your average package and that’s an incredible value that somebody can have video or some form of rich media every day of the month, in all the three different formats. So, I don’t plug things, I’m not doing anything affiliate, I should. But I don’t do any affiliate stuff. I’m just telling you that, I’ve seen Rob’s, that 30 day video content and it’s incredible. So if you are looking for it, and you’re tired of doing all this yourself. It’s an excellent way to have it at your fingertips. So I think that’s it, Rob, unless you have anything else to say about video marketing.


Rob 39:29 

I could probably go on for days. Yeah. I think we’re probably good for now.


Norman 39:36 

Perfect. All right. So, I think that will conclude our session today on with Rob Burns and I hope you enjoyed everything. Kelsey will come on right now and tell us about what you’re supposed to do. All I know is I ring a bell.


Kelsey  39:55 

That’s right. Follow us on social media. We have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok everything you need. So, if you enjoy the content today, just a share and a like go a long way. So, I hope you enjoyed it.


Norman 4:13

Kelsey, also this has been the full podcast, it’s been about 40 minutes. We’re gonna also be splicing this up into small segments, and you can enjoy it that way as well. So, Rob, thank you so much for being on the podcast.


Rob 40:30 

I don’t know how much you can hear me, but yeah, I think I lost the audio here. So, can you hear me okay?


Norman 40:36 

I can hear you fine.


Rob 40:36 

Okay, cool. I can’t hear you guys. So I’m just kind of winging it. I can see your mouth moving.


Norman 40:44 

So okay, so I’m gonna say this. See you, Rob. Alright. So guys, until next time, until next Thursday, at or actually we have a special guest next Tuesday at noon. That’s going to be talking about crowdfunding. So stay tuned for that and we have another guest next Thursday at noon for Lunch With Norm. Thank you for watching and we’ll see you then