Today on the show, we are joined by friend and Social Media Expert, Wilfried Ligthart. Wilfried is the CEO of Digital Blacksmiths. He is known as a Social Media Ninja Extraordinaire as he specializes in driving external traffic! In today’s episode, we discuss how to gain traffic to your business with some great tips and trick. Wilfried helps explain what ADA compliance is and why it’s important to stay compliant. Look for Wilfried returning in the coming months to give updates on social media strategies for your online business.
Wilfried Ligthart (51) is a Digital Blacksmith that specializes in driving external traffic. He is an expert in developing, engaging, and monetize digital communities. After a Master in Finance and a Master in Communication, he worked for years as a CEO in a multi-million-dollar Media Company in The Netherlands. He soon saw that the world was making a gigantic shift in how people live their lives and conduct business.
Traditional means of getting in contact with your client have totally changed in the last decade. As an entrepreneur, you need to adjust, almost on a daily basis.
As a Digital Blacksmith, he advises entrepreneurs on developing an online marketing strategy crafted to meet the goals and objectives of any company. He has grown multiple Facebook fan pages amassing millions of followers and then converting these followers into paid customers. Finding your tribe and die-hard fans is essential to making it to the big leagues and Wilfried will show you just how to do that. Last year Wilfried reached 2 billion people on Facebook on a $ 10K budget.
Date: November 9, 2020
Episode: 61
Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Wilfried Ligthart, CEO of Digital Blacksmiths and a Certified Digital Marketing and Traffic Expert.
Subtitle: Provide value first and the money will follow.
Final Show Link:
In this episode of Lunch With Norm…, Norman Farrar introduces Wilfried Ligthart, CEO of Digital Blacksmith and a Certified Digital Marketing and Traffic Expert.
Wilfried gave some tips and tricks on how to gain traffic to your business. He also discussed ADa Compliance and its importance.
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Norman 0:01
Hey everybody. It’s Norman Farrar, a.k.a The Beard Guy here and welcome to another Lunch With Norm, the rise of the micro brands.
Norman 0:20
All right. So today’s episode, I’m joined with my very good friend, Wilfried Ligthart and what’s interesting, he came to a live event that Dave Kettner and I had in Hawaii a couple years back and we were helping and mentoring a bunch of people, and turned out that the student taught the teacher. So anyway, he’s got a great story. He is the CEO of Digital Blacksmiths. He’s also known as a social media ninja extraordinaire. I’m sure he won’t like that word. But anyways, or that phrase, but he specializes in driving external traffic. Today’s episode, we’re gonna be discussing how to get traffic to your listing or into your business with some other great tips as well and one, you want to stick around for it’s called ADA compliance and you’ll hear a few horror stories of what happened to some poor, small business owners with ADA and that’s the Americans Disability Act Compliance. So stay tuned. But before we get there, where is my son, Kelsey.
Kelsey 1:32
Norman 1:33
Kelsey, you were replaced on that very special podcast we did on the weekend, which will be published any day now.
Kelsey 1:39
I heard there was a little miscommunication.
Norman 1:42
Not miscommunication. I was just opening up my options here. The other brother from the other mother.
Kelsey 1:50
Will he replace me?
Norman 1:51
It’s not right. That’s not true. Yeah. Mom will hate that. But she won’t hear it. She never listens. But anyway, what do you gotta say?
Kelsey 2:04
Alright. If you haven’t already, please like and share this episode. We are on all social media platforms. So Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, we’re on everything. So give us a follow. If you’re looking for the full episodes of maybe you missed one last week, or you can always go to the YouTube channel. All of the full episodes go straight there. Plus some highlights that go daily and let’s see, we’ve got a brand new Facebook group. We’re about a month old now. So I’ll put the link in the comment section. For anyone wanting to join, you just have to answer three questions, you need to answer those three questions to get in. That’s like your, let’s see. Maybe like your weakness, your greatest strength or what do you hope to gain, super easy questions.
Norman 2:56
The other one too Kels, is just agreeing to the terms. That’s the main one. Yeah. But okay, so anyways, we are broadcasting to you live today on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn and if you are watching a replay, skip ahead, you don’t have to watch all this. Just get right into the meat and potatoes, about Wilfried is going to be talking about. If you’re on my profile page, you can also just go straight over to my fan page at Norman Farrar, a.k.a The Beard Guy. Let me see. Yes. Oh, and a quick shout out to Dr. Koz. Hey, nice to see you joining us on YouTube. The other thing, if you have any questions, just shoot them over to the comment section and we will get back to you as soon as possible. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show. So where is Mr. Ligthart? There he is.
Wilfried 3:54
Hey Norm.
Norman 3:55
How are you sir?
Wilfried 3:56
Very well. Thank you. All the way from Amsterdam.
Norman 3:59
Yeah, geez. Sometimes Orlando.
Wilfried 4:03
No, not this year. I just recently moved there. You might know and I got a photo collage of my 2019 and I didn’t have any room left anymore because I flew to Fiji, Hawaii, China twice, all around the world and my 2020 I can do it with one picture because I’m here ever since the lockdown so I don’t get to very awesome places anymore.
Norman 4:30
Yeah, my travel miles are just plummeting.
Wilfried 4:36
Yeah, mine too. But I like it being locked down as well and of course because of the illness and diseases and the pandemic and whatever, but you can do the one thing entrepreneurs should do and that’s focus. It’s very nice to be on stages all the time and fly around the world. I went to Fiji, took me 33 hours to get there. It was three days and then 33 hours to get back and then all that week you don’t work at all, of course you read training and that kind of stuff about. Yeah, being hands on on the job. I got four guilty million dollar projects currently up my sleeve and it’s amazing what you can do when you have so much more time on your hands.
Norman 5:19
Right. Yep, that’s exactly it. So you got to make the best out of it and like you said, focus is great. But today, we’re going to be talking about something different and I don’t know if we want to lead off with this, but something that you scared the heck out of me was, you talked to me about a month or two ago and said, Hey, are you doing anything? Do you know anything about ADA compliance? What are you talking about and then I said, Yeah, you gotta check this out, you showed me a news clip and then said, Yeah, you might want to consider getting this on your website. So let’s talk about that. First of all, what is ADA Compliance and why do people have to be aware of this right now?
Wilfried 6:10
Well, the most important thing is one out of seven has some kind of form of disability and that can be visual or hearing impaired or some kind of that you don’t see the color correctly. So one out of seven, cannot see a normal website like we do and that’s what I came up with the ADA Compliance, American Disability Act and it’s always a good thing that everyone could participate. You miss out on 7%, or 7% even more, it’s 15% of your clientele. But they put it in law and that they did it years ago. But now lawyers found the new ambulance Chase, and that ambulance is actually website owners that are not compliant currently and that means that you will get a message and saying, Hey, we’ll sue you because you’re not in compliance. You can pay anywhere up to 3500. I heard horror stories all the way up to $75,000 to my law firm right now or I will sue you and you will be sued for twice that amount. Because it’s the law and yeah, there is no lawyer or sorry, no court that will say, Well, you’re the small time business owner and not apply to you. Everyone should be compliant with ADA. Yeah, that’s the true horror story in this that left and right businesses are sued, I think we are up to 7000 lawsuits right now and it can happen to anyone. It’s a few years back, when someone took a picture from Getty Images and just put it on their website, they actually have 350 people, they hired 350 people to look for websites like that you get a message similar like ADA and say, Hey, you use a picture of mine, that’s 3500 fee or what I will sue you and you will pay 50,000. It’s the same with ADA. But the good news for being compliant is it’s good for your business, because it will get you more clients and it’s the right thing to do. As I said, one out of seven has some kind of disability and in 21 centuries, it’s not acceptable anymore. Other people are left out. But yeah, just scare you a little bit. I even see that it’s 12,000 lawsuits in 2019. So yeah, anyone should be compliant and we at Digital Blacksmiths came up with a tool, we only need to put on one line of code on anyone’s website, Shopify, WordPress, or whatever and if we put on that code, you will be compliant from that moment on and it’s Chrome changes, Shopify changes, WordPress changes, whatever. You will always be compliant, because we take care of the back end and yeah, not to scare you. But I think a lot of people should take a look at the logs right now and you can do it yourself. But it’s a horrible job to get that code up to par and when you have it up to par, the algorithms change 360 times a year and same with Chrome update. So before you have it under control, it will be changed again and you need to go into the code or you can hire some developer from India. Well, we know how that will enter. They take your money and they will take a run. We always say they’re hired to be fired, or Yeah, that’s why we came up with a technique that we will put it on your own website, it’s around $29 a month and that’s a lot less than 75,000 to 150,000.
Norman 9:48
Yeah, so like I’ve tried out this app, by the way, and if you go to, you’ll see it. You’ll see a wheelchair and it’s up to the top left, it’ll be a drop down and you can see all the different things and one of the things, guys, just check it out at the website, because there’s one thing that blew me away and I didn’t know that this was a problem, but certain people can’t read certain fonts. Yeah and when you press the button, I’m looking at my website, you could try it out on the website, and you can look at it and it doesn’t look any different. The font’s different, but you can’t tell the font’s different and yet, this is a problem and so it’s not only just speech, or the ability to speak, or just do all these other things for ADA compliance. It really, it looks good. It looks like you’re a good corporate citizen as well, like you’ve got that culture built in and you’re helping other people that don’t have the ability to access your website. The other thing that I found out because I just didn’t jump into this, and I’m not promoting Wilfried’s app particularly, I’m saying that I bought it. Because when I went out to Shopify, and I looked at the free stuff, and I showed it over to Wilfried, I said, Look, you got to take a look at this. Here’s a WordPress plugin. Here’s the Shopify plugin, and he said, Yeah, but they don’t do this, this, this, this, this and so you’ve taken that all into consideration. So if people are looking for it, we’re not going to spend a lot of time on this today, not making an affiliate from it, check it out, go, I want you to be compliant. Because here’s the other thing that Wilfried didn’t say, if you do end up with a lawsuit, and they are targeting smaller businesses, like if you go to his website, you’ll actually see the news clip and you’ll see the small, I think it’s a shoe store or something.
Wilfried 12:10
Yeah, they have 60 visitors a month on their web.
Norman 12:13
60 visitors a month and they got sued and now the thing, the trick about this, and it really ticks me off, is that it’s such a small amount, that if you go to your lawyers about it and say, oh, what can I do? They’re gonna say pay it. Because if you take it to court, it’s gonna be a heck of a lot more just legal costs. So anyways, that’s it. It is something that we don’t talk about. But for your shops, and you also told me about videos and Amazon, for example, like big platforms like that. They’re not compliant, though. Why are they not going after them?
Wilfried 12:55
Well, they sued a few big ones, or they even sued Beyonce and she had to pay up to $150,000. So they are looking at the big ones as well, but going to the smaller mom and pop stores, it’s easy money for them and that’s why I say they have a new ambulance to chase their ambulance chasers. That’s what I do and yeah, the idea, the Joker, what’s better than one lawyer at the bottom of the ocean?
Norman 13:24
Wilfried 13:25
10 lawyers.
Norman 13:27
Wilfried 13:28
Okay. Now let’s do a bridge from ADA to where the magic happens. Because if you are ADA compliant, Google will love you and that’s also bought by him here external traffic, because Google will favor you for it for being ADA compliance and just as a teaser, I have a quick recipe to profit from the upcoming Cyber Monday and you want to be number one on Google. So I see you left the screen Norm, but you want to ask me a question or just?
Norman 14:01
No. I just, you were talking, so I was just letting you go on your way.
Wilfried 14:07
You know I will talk for a whole hour. I did it on Amazon for seven hours straight. So.
Norman 14:13
So before we get into it, hey, I see that Simon joined us again and it is Nathan. So hey, Nathan. Glad you could get on on the podcast and hopefully, you’re learning something, especially about the ADA. That was a surprise to me. But now you’re talking about, okay, the benefits of even having that on. We all want to do better. You’ve got incredible strategies, you’ve got a million different strategies to build external traffic. So let’s talk about that. Yeah, what are some action steps that people can do to either get ranked on Google or get external traffic on Google?
Wilfried 14:52
Yeah, I am Social Media Extraordinaire Ninja, as you said that it’s a very nice name for Scrabble or we’ll use it tonight.
Wilfried 15:00
I also do a lot of SEO link building. Because a good friend of ours, Howard Ty, yeah, he actually, I was on his mastermind as well and he ranked a product number one on Amazon without one sale without one review and how did he do it? Because he ranked it number one on Google and that’s how important it is those big companies, they look at each other. I didn’t want to miss out on the next best friend. So if you are number one on Google, you need to be number one on Amazon because they don’t want to miss out. You do something correctly there and with our tactics, and as I said, I will give you a quick recipe to profit from the upcoming Cyber Monday because you can rank number one. We did it actually with one match vacuum cleaner, and will not give away my website, because everyone will jump on it and do all kinds of shady things. But we got it page one in two weeks and I always say when I’m on stage, I bring you good and bad news. The good news is anyone can do it. The bad news, it’s a lot of work. There is no magic button, you can just press a button or hire some shady SEO guru or do something nasty to it. That’s only a quick fix. But if you want to be here in the long run, it’s just a lot of work and without further ado, I will give you a quick recipe right now and people want to make some notes. What you want to do is create some kind of like a link bait, as we call it. So let’s say you have a website, you will create a page like let’s say you’re in the fitness gear. So create the fitness or a page with the biggest discounts for Cyber Monday 2020. That’s very important and do not put only your own products in there because nobody will actually think you’re credible that way. So what do you want to do, you want to have a resource, and that’s just your website, then I will show you how to push it and yeah, one thing you need to do is compile a page or a site with industry deals. So as I said, not only your own recommendation, and you can go to Google and search for previous sales. So let’s say you go for Fitness Discounts Cyber Monday, and you take a look at people that actually did some discounts in 2019, then you need to reach out to them or find out if they have another deal upcoming in 2020. If they have it, you can put it on your website, that’s basically you make a one page, that’s actually awesome, because one thing Google will look at is, is there value in your post. I always say provide value first, and the money will follow and if you give, let’s say 100 discount tips for fitness gear on Cyber Monday in 2020, let’s say that’s your title, you will rank like crazy, because that’s what people want to find. That’s what Google loves to show and then people will go to your website and of course, you should put your own products in there somewhere somehow, not all on page one and not say this is the best product ever. But do it a little bit alike people really care about it and then you will get the clicks and the likes and the Google juice and as I said you need to contact the stores and then you need to compile, publish and share your site and one thing you need to do is that those are the big takeaways, include the year in your title so 2020. Why is that? Because then people know it’s fresh, it’s real. Also put in at the top of your page last updated or posted on and then a date preferably yesterday and it’s only one day old. A breakdown of the sales by category. Also use a table of contents at the top, make it easy for people to click because our attention span is lower than a goldfish and yeah, link a lot to all products out there. As I said top 100 or the top 250. As I said it’s a lot of work. But if you do it correctly, it’s amazing. Then you need to validate your keywords. So as I said that search for Fitness Black Friday 2019 and see the top of the results. What are actual keywords that popped up there, because then you know what people are looking for. Also go to Google Trends, you can see that CBD deals. Black Friday did worse than Black Friday CBD deals. In that different area, you can see 10,000 searches or 1000 searches and there are a lot of tools out there. Always use Serpstat, it’s a free one, but you also can go to SEMrush, that’s also a very good one. You can play around with those tools to do keyword research and yeah, then you need to push it. One thing to push relatively new pages is of course press releases, you’re the expert Norm with press releases.
Wilfried 20:08
Invest in a press release to push your way or blog or your page, because it will certainly help you and yeah, what you also need to do is promote it on Google web tools. A lot of people don’t know about that one. But Google web tools will actually show you where you are currently ranking for. So what does Google has his eyes on you and if you go in that tool, you can see this keyword is ranking now on page two, so we need to push that a little bit, right, even more better article about it or put some extra words in it and then you need to share it on Fora, on social media, on Reddit, do some guest blogging, and that will get your website trust and credibility and that’s always important, because as I said, we ranked number one now actually, before Amazon with a vacuum cleaner and that vacuum cleaner gets 10,000 searches a month and we take about if you are number 1, 35% of that search volume and you will know that our client that actually sells those vacuum cleaners on Amazon went to the roof when he find out that we got them ranked page one on Google in two weeks and yeah. One big takeaway, of course, provide value, make it as quality as possible, promote it like crazy, press releases, social media, Reddit, everywhere, you should promote it and yeah, then you will see the magic happen. Because then you will get the Google juice and you can do it for any holiday, you can do it for Christmas again. The best fitness gear for a Christmas present or whatever. You can do Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Halloween, basically, you can use this tactic on all kinds of holidays, because you pick the interests of people. If I want to buy some fitness gear with a discount, I want to see that they said shows me 100 deals and yeah, that’s the way to do it. So yeah, that’s on the Google side of things and also for your Amazon store, you can do two websites. I always love to be in control. So I always like to have a Shopify store because what you want 50% Amazon, 50% Shopify, then you’re in control of your own list. But if you don’t want to have your own Shopify store, you at least build a blog website in WordPress, so that you can rank number one there and then send people over to your Amazon listings, because it will definitely, you will definitely benefit from it.
Norman 22:49
Hey, Wilfried. When you’re building these websites, let’s say you’re doing some content, just like you were talking about you doing high quality content. Do you recommend going in every month or so in adding new content ao the algorithm will come back?
Wilfried 23:06
Absolutely, you should and that’s why you need to go to Google web tools. Because web tools will actually show you you can do a search on your own pages and see what keywords jump off and what keywords go out and if there is a keyword that’s 10,000 searches, and you’re now on page two, you need to push that keyword and add light, say, 300 words to that particular article and then you can also send it back to Google or in they’re in web tools, you also have the possibility to say, Hey, can you crawl my website again? Because otherwise Google will crawl your website every six weeks and that’s too late for Cyber Monday, because that’s, I think, November 27, or something like that and that’s why you need to put it in that tool. It’s a free tool, and we love free stuff and you need to dissect that particular tool, analytics and web tools. They’re meant to make our life a little bit easier. Because Google wants quality as well and yeah, if you search for that particular thing, then you will see where you are ranking for and yeah, that’s a very good way to do it.
Norman 24:12
Well, what about you were talking about different keyword tools that you could get you mentioned, three or four. What about using just the old basic Keyword Planner in Google?
Wilfried 24:27
Yeah, well, that one is a little hidden. You need to have a Google Ad accounts right there right now to search for it and yeah, I don’t like it that much, because it says somewhere between one and 100 searches a month, or 1000 and 10,000 and we want to be specific in nowadays, and with and I’m not sure if that was free, but I had to pay for it.
Norman 24:49
It costs a little bit. They have a trial. I think it’s $99 a month. That’s another one that we use as well. It’s great.
Wilfried 24:56
Yeah, what you can do now is sign up for those trials and every week you do another one and if you say I like this one best, then sign up for it and at least you have this month because q4 is the biggest month for our online sellers. You have all the tools at your disposal at their disposal to look for all those same things and dissect the competition as well. If you do a search for the biggest fitness deals on Cyber Monday, you look at that page, and you say, hey, that one has 3000 words, I will make one that is 3500 words and then you will be favored for it. If all the other boxes checkout as well. You need quality images. You need not be, how do you say, it’s too salesy. Put your own products all the way at the top. But it’s always good to do a review style kind of block and that’s what I said when it’s complete and we only have one product on our page, we just talk about that product, of course it’s five stars.
Norman 26:04
But even if you’re doing that, tell me if this is wrong. But if you’re doing a review site, and you’ve got 5,10,25 on there, would you not use your affiliate fee to get at least commission if somebody clicks over to somebody else’s?
Wilfried 26:19
Absolutely. Yeah. You should be a little careful, because I’m not sure Amazon likes to view. I don’t think it’s allowed to but to get affiliate over your own sales, but.
Norman 26:29
I believe it is.
Wilfried 26:33
Norman 26:34
Yeah, I think you can do that and I will 100% check that out. But yeah, I’ve talked to a few people and big sellers and they’ve said that they’re doing it. I’ve kind of stayed away, because I’m leery of it. But I’ve been told that you can.
Wilfried 26:49
I think it’s not allowed when you do like say your Facebook ads, and you put your affiliate? Yeah, because then it’s related to you. They don’t know that you are the owner of the website. But yeah, we like to be on the gray side sometimes. Always be careful, especially with big companies like Amazon and yeah. So one thing they always want to preach is value provide value. The same with social media, that’s if people don’t care what you’re doing, they will never buy from you. So that’s one thing that’s very important.
Norman 27:23
So before we get into the Shopify side of things, I think there’s a few questions here. Right Kels?
Kelsey 27:29
Yes, we got a couple. So first of all, we got Yarrow popping in saying, Hello.
Norman 37:34
Hey Yarrow.
Wilfried 37:35
Hey Yarrow.
Kelsey 37:37
He’s back. We have one from Dr. Koz. Okay. Let’s see. Hey, Wilfried, what’s your opinion on grabbing both domains that are keyword relevant to forward traffic? Does Google reward domain name relevancy?
Wilfried 27:51
Well, a month ago, I would say yes and that’s why the algorithms change all the time. It’s not that important right now to have a website that’s 11 years old. One thing that’s very important right now is website speed. That’s one of the most important things and again, Google has his own free tool, Google PageSpeed and you can check it out and the one thing I always see when I onboard a new buying, and I had one, two weeks ago, his website took 45 seconds to load, and then URL, your domain name can be 50 years old. But if it takes 45 seconds to load that website, you will never rank page one. So yeah, what you need to do is check out how you can improve your website speed, or you can, for example, go to CloudFlare, they have a free for one website, as well and it’s a content delivery network and that means that if I’m in Amsterdam, the website is loaded from the Amsterdam server. So it’s always very fast. If you have a WordPress, you can use some plugins that will create caching. Caching is important because it will load your website faster as well. I basically put it back up on your hard drive. So the second time you go to the website, a lot of things are loaded from your hard drive and on Shopify, it’s a little harder, it’s a little bit more tricky. You need to be in the code a little bit. But there are also some apps out there that can improve your website, for example, compress your images there. That’s one of the biggest issues always is people put on five megabyte images on the website, that should be 72 DPI. It’s a little technical, but never more than 50 kilobytes or something like that. That’s enough.
Norman 29:49
That could be a plugin as well, right? Like for WordPress, I think we’re running it on soap, and that’s just a plug in.
Wilfried 29:57
Yeah, there are a few good ones out there. As I said, gamify that, I always use WP Rocket, and that has that image plugin as well in it. But yeah, the one thing to ask or answer Dr. Koz’ question is, say what you’re doing and Google will like what you’re doing here. I sell fitness Everyone knows what you’re doing. You sell fitness gear, of course, don’t put bicycles on there. Well, you can fit this with bicycles, but shoes or something. But as long as you stick to your keywords, if you have your keyword, your main content keyword in your URL, yeah, that’s always good. is an amazing website because yeah, you do not have to do that much to rank that one. So it’s always favorable to do some research and I also like to go to deleted domains and then there is research on Hrefs. So you can sign up for a free account there as well and the one thing I always do when I have a new client or a new niche we go after is go to deleted domains, search for backlinks already, check out if they are for real or if they are spammy. Yeah, maybe they were penalized in the past. So don’t don’t use them there and then you can go to Hrefs and see what are the actual links, you can just click on them and if they are all legitimate, then yeah, you can buy a domain.
Norman 31:27
You checked out something for me once and won’t go get into the account. But, you know which one I’m talking about. Where I said, Hey, can you check this out for me? I just want to make sure that we can promote this thing and we had 110,000 followers, you came back and you say shut it down. I said, What are you talking about?
Norman 31:50
The thing was, I really left this up to social media. It wasn’t Shopify or it was social media and I left it up to a team that I had hired. What I didn’t realize and what I didn’t look at were the insights and what was it like 99%, we’re just cheap follows from overseas, which would just just, it would be horrible for engagement and you just said, What are you doing? Why did you do this and you were, if you could have reached through the Skype meeting, I think you would have slapped me around.
Wilfried 32:31
That’s one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they look at the number of likes. Facebook doesn’t care about your likes, they care about your engagement. I rather have one like, and thousand people talking about me, because they don’t have to like me to talk about me and that’s so much more important. We have clients that we have 1500 % engagement rate and when I have to compete to, let’s say, two competitors, and they are having normally they’re around 5 to 6% engagement rate, I will always kick their butt and that’s because Facebook sees that I actually provide value and they’re easy, again with that word. But if I have something that people talk about, because it’s funny, it’s entertaining, it’s problem solving. It’s something that people really have something to do with then, yeah, my posts will always be favored and that’s the number one, we don’t go for likes, we go for engagement and yeah, one thing again, it’s good and bad news. Good news is anyone can do it. The bad news, it’s a lot of work. If someone likes our post, we say, can you like our page? We actually invite them to like our page. Never use any automation tools out there, because it will get you penalized. Facebook hates automation. If someone shares our content, we actually go in and say, Hey Norm, you like my post. Hey, Norm, you’re awesome because you shared our post and what normally happens you get an answer back and say, Oh, yes, thank you very much. But the all seeing eye, the algorithm, they see that we really care for our clients and that’s so important because you want to do the extra step, the extra mile. You want to have a community of loyal followers and the only way to get them loyal is to thank him for what you do here as well with Dr. Cos, you invite, you say hey, awesome that you are here Doctor Koz. That’s what people want to see you and that’s why they keep showing up because they like what you’re doing. Of course you need to provide value. We get a view if we just talk about other fingers for the next hour. It’s a brawler, but people will skip. They want to know what’s actually useful for me and yeah, that’s what you always need to do and yeah, that’s that’s the takeaway for today.
Norman 34:51
Butter fingers is a nutritional snack.
Wilfried 34:56
Yeah, it will shorten your lifespan with 10 years, but at least
Norman 35:00
You’ll enjoy it. So, I think there’s a few more questions Kels?
Wilfried 35:06
Yeah. We have Paul. Let’s see, Hey guys, how are you? Is it true you guys used to be business partners before or market together? Norm has become so famous these days.
Norman 35:19
Wilfried is a famous guy. Yeah, absolutely. We’ve known each other for a couple of years now. I was a partner in Digital Blacksmiths for a while and we still find opportunities to work together and that’s the beautiful part about networking is you find awesome people that you can partner with. So Wilfried found a niche that he wanted to go off and target and he’s doing great at it and I took another road and did some other things with Amazon sellers. But in the end, we’ve talked ongoing over the months about Oh, hey, can you help this client? Or can you help? I’ll go to him. I’ve got this Amazon client that needs this. So yeah, we absolutely do work together and yeah, he gets out. He’s the big guy. He’s the guy that’s seen everywhere now.
Wilfried 36:16
Well, yeah, that’s also what you say about networking and that’s why I miss on all those famous trips, because I actually have one guy I work with now. It’s Rick Barry, you probably know him. He is in the Top 50 Best Basketballers of all time, or something like that in the US and I’m not that big in basketball, but I know how big he is and he’s actually my professional door opener and that’s because I met him on some events, and we hooked up like we did as well and we just pass around clients and people that need help and yeah, that’s why they always say there’s a phrase from the US. Your network is your network and that’s always true. Yeah.
Kelsey 37:01
All right. Paul has another question. Wilfried, do you still sell on Amazon personally? What is the minimum monthly charge for agency services? How many clients do you currently have?
Wilfried 37:12
Well, I did sell on Amazon, but I stopped selling because I got the famous email saying your account is in jeopardy because I got a one star rating, and I totally freaked out. I’m a little bit of a control freak. So I want to be in control of my business and the funny thing is, you were there as well, Norm a year later than me, at Amazon, the big Amazon seller in New York, ASDTG. Yeah, it’s the second biggest meetup for Amazon sellers, the combined audience is around 60 to $20 billion and I like to tease him a little bit. So I asked him, Who of you trusts Amazon and nobody raises hand and my second question was, who of you is in control of his business, and nobody raises hand. You have $20 billion of revenue in your audience, and nobody is in control of his business. So that’s why and of course, if you want to sell fast, and a lot of products, you need to be on Amazon. I don’t want to disrespect Amazon at all. I think it’s a great way. But yeah, we all are familiar with the tactics sometimes. They can kick you off in a heartbeat and that’s why I stopped selling on Amazon and went to the online marketing route with my Shopify stores myself and, yeah, my minimum amount is broken down my services. As you probably also know, Norm is kind of like a raid card system. Because my intention was never to start an agency. My intention was just to help out people that are struggling with agencies, they overcharge and ask 10 to $20,000, without any return. We always say they are the retainer broker said, they come to you for three months, and they’re gone. At least they got three months of your hard earned money and that’s why we broken down our services in a raid card system and I always advise people not to invest at all. I always see myself as a chef in the restaurant. If I give you a menu, well Norm probably, but nobody else will order all items on the menu, because we’ll get sick and that’s also what you need to do with an agency. Just pick and choose the things you can grow with and start to gain money with it and if you have the money, of course, put it in a little bit more service. But yeah, be very clever how you spend your money, and go for the low hanging fruit first and reinvest that extra cash that comes in other services that you can do. You cannot conquer the world in one day and you need to be very clever, and maybe are in the niche that you can be number one on Google very fast, well go for that route. If you are in a niche that’s very popular on Instagram, go for that route first. Be an expert on one field, and then move on to the next and I think it’s very important and a lot of people, they just are all over the place and they’re all over the place in 10% of their capacity and one thing is important is diversification. I was with Norman, he saw me turning all white because Facebook actually kicked me off one time and we did 2 billion people in one year, and if they didn’t just delete your account for being fake, because I flew around the world that much. They say, you cannot be in China last week, and now in Fiji and now in Amsterdam, so you must be fake and they just deleted all my pages.
Norman 40:49
They’re not small pages either, either. I was with you when that happened and that was actually when we just said, we kind of went different ways. Because all of the time and effort that we put into this incredible project, Facebook wiped out in a matter of a second and we had or you had built up these huge communities, Republicans, Democrats, pets, and then broke down pets into dogs and dogs into schnauzers and in all this time and energy, and then if they just said you’re fake and I remember that we were going to put together a campaign and go over to Facebook. We are not fake camping. Okay. Yeah.
Wilfried 41:35
Yeah, one thing I learned from that, it wasn’t even the mistake, he could not do anything about it. If they kick you off on Amazon tomorrow, yeah, then you’re wrong. But I have a backup plan and my backup plan is to spend 20% of your time and of course, you need to be an expert first on Instagram. But that needs to be done in one month. Don’t spend a year being an expert on Instagram. You need to be take away one month and then go to YouTube, then go to Facebook, then go to Reddit, then go to Pinterest and if you’re on those social media outlets, let’s say 20% of your social appearance, then if someone kicks you off, you still have the other 80% and that’s why I think it’s so important to have your own store and your own clientele. Because Amazon is in control over your clientele and you’re not and you want to provide value as well. If you have an exit strategy. Let’s say you want to sell your story five years from now, everyone will have that dream and say I want to make a million dollars. It’s so much more value if you can sell your store with a 1 million client list and a Facebook page that has 100,000 followers or an Instagram page with 100,000 followers. That’s what you need to do to prepare for the future almost.
Norman 42:50
Right. Yeah. Next question Kels.
Kelsey 42:52
All right, from Dr. Koz, again. Hey, Wilfried, what about YouTube making review videos and directing traffic to websites?
Wilfried 42:59
Absolutely. Yeah, YouTube is very important. One thing that people are also overlooking out here, I think Google AdWords are very expensive. So never put your money into shopping ads, or AdWords because I think they’re very expensive. What you need to do is YouTube ads. There is a tool out there. I think it’s called Tube Shifts that you can put in keywords and you can find popular videos in your niche and then you can just say to Amazon, I want my video and the go to number is 80 seconds. I want to put my video in front of those very popular videos as pre roll ads. The beautiful thing is if people click the skip ad button, you don’t pay anything. So it’s free brand awareness and we just finished the campaign for a client. We got 234,000 impressions and that’s why you need to put the call to action in the first three seconds. Your logo, what are you selling? What is your discount? Because you want to get people engaged in what you’re doing and if they click the skip ad button, you don’t pay anything for those people but they still saw your logo and your product and if they stick around. Yeah, then you need to draw me in there. Your video should be so awesome and that’s why, you know me as well Norm, I work a lot with Rob Burns from Video Telepathy. He makes incredible videos and I always show the snow video he did because every time I see this video, I like to get my wallet out and buy that product. Why I never tried it but they say oh, this product is so amazing. It’s awesome. It’s the best thing ever and it’s so well done, because those are real people in that video that yeah, it’s an incredible tactic to get a lot of clicks and views to your website or straightaway to your Amazon listing and normally we pay around four to five cents per view and that’s ridiculously lower. That’s so much cheaper than Facebook ads because the Real Estate on Facebook is so expensive. They can only show two ads in 10 posts. I’m done in 10 posts on Facebook, because I don’t have the time to scroll through my newsfeed. But searching for very popular videos. Yeah, that’s what people do. It’s the second biggest search engine. Sometimes I don’t even go to Google anymore, I go straight to YouTube, because people are showing me how to solve that problem. That’s what I said as well. I’d be problem solving, entertaining and funny as well. But yeah, let’s say you’re in a fitness gear and I just moved and I had to take down my my old equipment and put it back together again, let’s create video like that, with all the nuts and bolts and how to do it, you will see that it will be number one video on YouTube, because everyone is struggling with that particular problem. If they move, and they need to put in that whole system again with all those weights and lifting and that kind of stuff and you’re not selling your product. But you get a lot of eyeballs and of course, somewhere you can say, oh by the way, we sell those things as well and you can buy it here or that’s what you can do if people trust and like what you’re doing so absolutely.
Norman 46:18
Right. These are really and I just saw Marcia’s post. These are great ideas. Absolutely. You’re not hearing about this being talked about. You’re hearing, Google Ads Facebook Marketplace. But hey, the secret is, the pre rolls and the other thing that I love that you taught me for pre roll, is that at around the 24 second mark, tell everybody to Hey, if this isn’t for you, get out of here.
Wilfried 46:48
Yeah. Sometimes it’s wallpaper, people just click on the video and even now YouTube has something that it will automatically load another video and if that’s your ad running, and though people don’t skip the ad button and then yeah, then we’ll see you and that’s why it’s so important. Especially if you’re not into fitness, if you want to be fat and ugly, just click this. Don’t say that by the way, do fat shaming, because we just got it out. Before and after videos, no go. So Facebook, you cannot do that. But you can definitely say first is not for you then click the skip ad button, you need to point it out. People are like sheep, it’s ridiculous. But you need to say click this button and another thing to improve your conversion rate with 37% a countdown timer at the end, because people will say oh my god, I need to click something. Five seconds, four seconds, click the buy button. I think it’s ridiculous. But it works. We tested it with and without the five second countdown and conversion rate went up 37%. It’s ridiculous. But as I said people are sheep. Just click the link, click the like. Yeah, you need to point out that people need to do something.
Norman 48:10
Okay, next.
Kelsey 48:12
On that note, if you haven’t already, please give a like, comment down below for Facebook.
Norman 48:19
Oh, there we go.
Kelsey 48:20
Also, I wish to mention that Wilfried has a special something to give away to one of our special viewers. So stick around to the end. Yeah. So next question. Oh, this is from Yarrow. Actually he’s, I guess in your area maybe. Hi Wilfried. Are you based in Amsterdam? I am in Amir. Maybe we can meet for coffee one day?
Wilfried 48:41
Absolutely. I love to meet people.
Kelsey 48:42
He has a question too. So on Shopify say it is beneficial to have a blog with all these articles, right? Like the best 100 presence and so on and keep updating it?
Wilfried 48:55
Absolutely, I would maybe you can do two websites, it’s a little bit more work. But I have the blog website, it’s a little bit more authentic and more trusted and has more credibility. When it’s just a review website, it’s a little weird that you have sale or Shopify and also say the top 100 and you pointed out to other people, so I rather have a, let’s say fitness gear again, fitness gear reviews and there you have the reviews and you have your own and that’s your Shopify, you can interlink to each other and that’s also where the magic happens. It’s the linking to each other’s website. That’s very important. Also within your website, if you have three articles, let’s say the top 100 for women or men or children and then interlink those articles also to each other, and one tactic to rank very fast, if you have one cornerstone article that’s already doing very well, let’s say it gets 1000 views a month, and you have a new article, put a link to that new article in that very big cornerstone article that gets a lot of brow bows already. Because the crawler comes in and knows that you are a popular article and then see Oh, there’s a new link, let’s crawl to that article and also put it in our Google crawler again. So yeah, that’s a very short SEO course. But those tactics still work for us.
Kelsey 50:25
We got one from Simon, talking about site speed. Don’t all these plugins slow the site down? How do you overcome this issue with plugins that are needed to speed it up?
Wilfried 50:36
Yeah, be as thin as possible. If you have a plugin that you don’t use, for example, you can have Google Analytics, you can put the little codes on the header yourself, or you can do a plug in like monsterinsights. It’s in the word array. I like a plugin, by the way, but it will definitely slow your website down because you do all kinds of things you probably don’t need. So it’s not about having one on the plugins on your website, go for the ones that actually are beneficial. You need to have a backup plugin, for example, but a caching one and one for your images and other than that, yeah, you don’t need that many plugins. So yeah, be very careful what plugins you put in, like Jetpack, for example, all those free ones. Sometimes it can be beneficial. But go to PageSpeed and just turn that one off and see what’s happening with your page speed and that’s also one tactic we always do whenever we have a new tool, we immediately go to PageSpeed. That’s what I instruct my people as well, when they wake up, they can have a cup of coffee, but then they need to go to Google web tools and they need to go to Google PageSpeed and see what’s going on because it needs to be in green. If it’s in the green, it’s good. Green is good Norm. That’s it. That’s always good.
Norman 52:00
Yes. Always good.
Wilfried 52:02
Yes. So yeah, but be very careful. Page speed is so important. It’s Yeah, the one thing that’s overlooked.
Kelsey 52:11
Okay, great. We got a couple more coming in. From Paul, are impressions really free advertising? A low click through or conversion rate when Google or Amazon is losing money, they would rather show to something that converts better.
Wilfried 52:28
Yeah, impressions are always free. Yeah, we have a client right now and yesterday had 500,000 impressions and he didn’t pay anything for it. So I don’t know what you mean, with the low click through rate or conversion rate will mean Google is losing money.
Norman 52:46
I think I know.
Wilfried 52:49
Yeah, it’s different between Facebook and Google. That’s what I say, provide value first and the money will follow. It’s the same with Google. If you go to Google, and you search for something and cannot find it because they care about conversions, then they will lose as well, because they’re not showing what’s in the best interest of you. If you search for 100 discount tips for fitness gear on Cyber Monday, you want to see that article, you don’t want to see anything else that may be probably converts better. Now you want to see that article and that’s what I showed that article all the way at the top. So they always look at click through rates as well, if you want to rank number one, people need to stick on your page for at least a minute, they need to see more pages than just that one. So they always look at what’s in it for the client. That’s the most important thing.
Norman 53:41
One of the other things I could probably help you out with Paul, is that if you’re talking about Amazon, and you’re just driving a ton of traffic over to Amazon and they’re tire kickers, what you can do is create just a lead page and you could drive the traffic over to the page and you can get rid of the traffic or the tire kickers, people that are going from that page over to your landing page, or sorry, over to your product listing, then you’ll see higher conversion rate because people, a lot of people won’t go to that second step. You’ll lose a ton of traffic, but you’re getting a better conversion.
Kelsey 54:24
Okay. We’ve got two more it looks like. Also, if we end up missing a question that comes in late, you can always go and put it in the Facebook group, Lunch With Norm Amazon FBA & eCommerce Collective and we can continue the conversation there.
Wilfried 54:40
I signed up today as well, so I will answer questions there.
Kelsey 54:42
Perfect. So we got an expert here to answer your questions. So Doctor Koz, what are your top three Shopify apps you love?
Wilfried 54:54
Abandoned cart protector is very important because I see a lot of time that you do so much energy in getting people to your website, they put it all the way up to the add to cart and then they jump off. So you need to have protect yourself for people that actually, they’re not allowed to leave without a purchase. That ‘s basically lock all the doors and that’s the one I like best. I like there are different ones with the Facebook Messenger app, it’s very important to make it as easy as possible for people to connect with you. Because when they don’t know you, they will not buy from you and I always say put a telephone number also at the top of your website, nobody will ever call you. But just the fact that you have a telephone number at the top will say that you’re not hiding, I’m here you want to call me, you can call me and if you combine that with your Facebook Messenger app, people will definitely prefer to click on the messenger if they have a question and also the beautiful thing about Messenger, you can automate 95% of all your questions. We always do inbox audit with clients and look forward to 95% with frequently asked questions, you can automate those questions in that Messenger bot and you’re taking care of 24/7, 365 days a year and that’s another research I read the other day that 90% of all businesses they don’t answer in five minutes. If you have a Messenger bot, that will be taken care of in seconds and if they ask three different businesses the same question, the one that answers first of all gets the sale in 80% of all the questions when it happens. So at the Facebook Messenger on that one, that’s a very important one and yeah, I had another one that you can do reviews with. You have excellent apps that will show reviews in all kinds of different places. Yeah, that’s the one I like as well and yeah, sometimes I have other things like Zipify, for example, from Ezra Firestone, that he can build landing pages, almost like ClickFunnels, but then connected to your own Shopify store. So yeah, there are so many things out there. But those three things are in my opinion, the most important are the Abandoned Carts, Facebook Messenger and you reviews on your website, those things are very important.
Kelsey 57:26
Okay, great and if anyone is watching, if you have a favorite plugin or a Shopify app, you can put those in the comments, and share and our last one we have from Paul. I use 1000 by 1000 file size for my pictures on the Shopify site. Is that too high? Will it cause it to be a slow loading site?
Wilfried 57:48
Yeah, well go to page speed and see what Google is saying they break it down into all the different things that are not correct on your website. They’re like, they will say your images take 10 seconds to load. I think it’s a little higher 1000 by 1000. But you should take a look there and another tool that’s also for free is gt You can put your website there in as well, you will get a 30 page report about your website and you will see in seconds if the images are the problem and the images are very important there because it’s your product showcase. But it can slow down your website. Absolutely. You should always look at the kilobytes. It should be around 50-60 kilobytes per picture.
Norman 58:38
Yeah, the 1000 by 1000. Paul, I think you’re talking pixel size. If you’re uploading a 300 DPI, that’s one thing or 150. But at 72 DPI, 1000 by 1000, I think that’ll probably be fine. If you’re doing like, I think 1000 by 1000 and if you’re pumping that up into a 300 DPI, then you’re going to have big problems but keep everything low res like, I’m not talking about horrible pictures. You can have great quality pictures at 72 dpi.
Wilfried 59:16
Yeah, you should take a look at your own website and if you can break it down a little and that’s why you need to take a close eye on the page speed then and it still looks awesome then do it. We had a client the other day, we said your webs your pictures are not good enough. They need to be more high res and then we need to slow it down a little bit but you don’t want to see blurry pictures on the website.
Kelsey 59:41
Okay, and we just have a couple of comments. Dr. Koz saying, Excellent, you are a beast.
Norman 59:47
I agree.
Kelsey 59:48
Alan is saying hello Norman and Kelsey.
Norman 59:56
It’s good to see Alan back. How are ya?
Kelsey 1:00:00
That’s it for now. So yeah, I don’t know if you want to jump into the little giveaway we have.
Norman 1:00:06
Okay, well, just one one last thing, Wilfried. So for those new sellers, intermediate, and advanced, just quickly, any tips for each of them? Just very quick tips.
Wilfried 1:00:23
Yeah, well, the first thing you need to do, and that’s a thing people skip too much is do research, what’s interesting in your niche? What’s trending? What’s interesting? What’s relevant? Because if you have that broken down, also look at your competition, and what are they doing? If you are on Facebook, like every competitor’s page, because in your newsfeed, their post will show up and if you see that something is doing great, then don’t replicate it, but make it better, but with the same idea. So research is very important. Then you need to break it down into goals and what are you going to do with it? From your goals, you go to creating the content, then you start sharing it, you get website traffic, trust, credibility, and then you will get the sales. You will not go from zero to sales without doing all the previous work. Sometimes I see people starting a website and I say what’s the idea behind it? What is interesting, what’s relevant, what’s trending? I don’t know. I just sell fitness gear and I think this is an amazing way to do it. Now we need to find out what is the next best thing with fitness gear for example. Today, I heard my boy saying I’m not sure if anyone in the audience is into the toys. But you now have some laser projector that you can shoot each other. But then with those laser guns, and I think it will be a winner this upcoming Christmas. Because if you can do it in your home, it’s amazing. Those kids are already choked up about it. So if you are into the toys, write about that particular article and fidget spinners two years ago, three years ago, and I think this will be the next best thing, but just find out what’s trending. Then write about it. If you have the products, it’s even better, of course and then yeah, take it from there.
Norman 1:02:18
The other thing about what you’re just talking about with content the whole time, you’ve been talking about content. You could also look at, we’ve talked about this last week about build your influencer network, build your brand ambassador network. Brand ambassadors will pump out tons of content for you, which you could use exactly the way that Wilfried was talking about earlier. So on that note, I think that’s it, sir. How do people Oh, the giveaway. Alright, so the giveaway is? What is it? I know what it is. Wilfried, why don’t you explain that?
Wilfried 1:03:01
I’m the winner, I will dissect this online visibility. So give me your URL and your products and yeah, we will do a one on one and maybe take 30 minutes. If we need to do it longer, we will do one hour, but we will go for the low hanging fruit. So I want to find out in your niche and use all my tools at my disposal to help you out and make your online visibility a little bit better and give you tools and nuggets and tips and tricks and all the secret sauce that we didn’t talk about to get you ranked number one in Google Analytics on.
Norman 1:03:43
I thought it was really generous that you’re going to do it to all listeners.
Wilfried 1:03:49
Yeah, well, maybe if I have 48 hours in a day, but I think we have one lucky winner I guess.
Norman 1:03:54
Okay, one lucky winner. All right. Let’s see. Let’s do it. Really simple. I want Wilfried, the first person gets it.
Wilfried 1:04:08
I cannot see someone chatting or something.
Norman 1:04:10
But oh, it’ll have, it’ll have.
Kelsey 1:04:14
I’ll pop up when uh, when someone says, but yeah. How do we contact you, Wilfried? Oh, wait.
Norman 1:04:23
Oh, there we go. Marcia, you win. There you go.
Kelsey 1:04:28
All right. So we have a lucky winner.
Norman 1:04:30
Kelsey, you’re gonna have to get a hold of Marcia. Get her email address and Wilfried we’ll get you in touch with Marcia to start this off.
Wilfried 1:04:42
She got it wrong on Wilfried but let’s forgive her for now. Yeah.
Norman 1:04:48
Okay, so Wilfried. Okay, contact information.
Wilfried 1:04:54
Well, yeah, just Google Wilfried Digital Blacksmiths and my email is So if you want to shoot me an email, otherwise go to a website, there’s a ton of information there as well and also for the ADA compliance we talked about that, I think it’s very important. It’s a good way to start with it, but also end with it. Because, yeah, if you miss out on 15% of your audience, and that’s not acceptable anymore in this time of day.
Norman 1:05:23
I think it’s even more than that. If it’s the insurance policy, even if it’s a slight risk, I would pay, whatever it is, 24-29 bucks per month, just as a precaution. Just to make sure that I don’t get that letter. All right. So we will also include the page to ADA in case anybody’s interested in that as well and guys, just take a look at the site, and you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about. It’s such a minor thing, that it’s surprising that people are taking action on that. But like you said, ambulance chasers will be ambulance chasers.
Wilfried 1:06:09
Norman 1:06:11
All right, my friend. So until next time, and I think you’ve agreed to come back as a regular guest.
Wilfried 1:06:16
Yeah. Why not? As I said, the algorithm changes 360 times a year. So even when I’m here once a month, we lose 30 different changes. So we’ll keep you up with all the SEO changes, Facebook changes. The next best thing and Reddit is very popular right now. But if we see something else popping up. Absolutely.
Norman 1:06:42
Perfect. All right, my friend. We’ll see you later. Can’t wait to get you back on. But okay, so I think that’s it. I hope everybody enjoyed the podcast. today. We’ll be posting the whole episode on Norman Farrar, a.k.a The Beard Guy. If you want to see a video, go to the YouTube channel, which is just simply Norman Farrar and Kelsey?
Kelsey 1:07:10
Okay, great episode. Lots of questions.
Norman 1:07:12
You’re here. Lots of questions.
Kelsey 1:07:14
Yes. So yeah, let’s hear for Wilfried, you can put in the comments that you like the episode. You will be back. I’m not sure. How often was it once a quarter, but we’ll figure that out yet.
Norman 1:07:27
Whenever he’s got time and if you like this type of path where we’re kind of mixing a little bit about SEO and social media together, just let us know and we’ll start bringing more content your way. So what do we got to do?
Kelsey 1:07:44
Alright, so if you do have any more questions about today’s episode, maybe you wanted to figure out some more apps for Shopify, or you just have a question for Wilfried. You can go right over to our Facebook page, or Facebook group. Sorry. I put the links here. So it’s on YouTube, Facebook. But you can search Lunch With Norm Amazon FBA & eCommerce Collective and yeah, join. It takes three questions. You need to answer them to get in and yeah, you can start conversation. There’s a whole bunch of other Amazon online sellers there and yeah, we’re building this community, be a part of it.We’ll have fun posting memes about Norm. We have a good time and yeah, we are an official podcast. So you can always go to Lunch With Norm and search it up on Apple or Spotify, and you’ll be able to listen to us and yeah.
Norman 1:08:44
Okay, so guess what is ready right now? A newsletter that doesn’t suck. That’s right. Yes. So if you are interested, you could always go over to Lunch With Norm, or NormanFarrar.comand sign up for our newsletter, which is all content driven, like Wilfried said, content. So we’re trying to improve or help improve online sellers, just by providing great content. So the next thing is, let’s see, next episode is Wednesday. Where we’re bringing on Tom Meek from Avask and we’re going to be talking about global expansion, all while setting up your tax compliance and I think that’s it for today. Join us every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at noon, Eastern Standard. What?
Kelsey 1:09:35
Just one more thing. Thank you Simon.
Norman 1:09:37
You did it again.
Kelsey 1:09:39
I know. Simon, good to have a good balance between on and off AMZ. Great work, guys. So yeah, if you agree with Simon, let us know in the comments. We love to figure out what you guys want because this is for you at the end of the day. We just want to bring you the best content, but we are doing these little giveaways at the show, you might have to answer questions later on in later episodes, we’ll mix it up. But yes, make sure you watch these episodes live to kind of maybe you can win something fun and oh, thank you, Alan.
Norman 1:10:15
Yeah, and they’re awesome giveaways today from Wilfred. So we got to thank him again now. Are you gonna let me finish? Are you gonna interrupt?
Kelsey 1:10:24
Take the floor. No, no, it’s all good.
Norman 1:10:26
It’s like Thanksgiving Dinner all over again.
Norman 1:10:29
I’ll remove myself.
Norman 1:10:31
Dad trying to give his opinion. Okay, so once again, tune in every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at noon Eastern Standard Time and if you’re just joining like Marcia, thank you for joining for the first time everybody else. Thank you for watching and enjoy the rest of your day.
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