#102: Surviving a Competitive Niche

w/ Mina Elias

About This Episode

Amazon PPC expert and multiple seven-figure seller Mina Elias is here for Episode 102 of the Lunch with Norm podcast. In this episode, Mina shares with us tips in surviving a competitive niche and how to crush the competition on Amazon with some incredible PPC expertise! Mina is a multiple seven-figure seller in the supplement industry, investor, Amazon PPC expert and founder of the PPC university. Mina excels at developing cutting edge supplements for different target audiences and combines his passion for supplements, his background in chemical engineering and chemistry, and his expertise in PPC to crush the competition on Amazon. His goal is to disrupt the supplement industry and make a significant positive impact by cleaning up the market and giving consumers the supplements they deserve.

About The Guests

Mina is a multiple seven-figure seller in the supplement industry, investor, Amazon PPC expert and founder of the PPC university. Mina excels at developing cutting edge supplements for different target audiences and combines his passion for supplements, his background in chemical engineering and chemistry, and his expertise in PPC to crush the competition on Amazon. His goal is to disrupt the supplement industry and make a significant positive impact by cleaning up the market and giving consumers the supplements they deserve.

Episode: 102

Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Mina Elias, a Multiple 7 Figure Seller, Amazon PPC Expert and CEO of MMA Nutrition LLC.

Subtitle: “Be Very Slow And Systematic. Your Business Depends On You.” 

Final Show Link: https://lunchwithnorm.com/episodes/episode-102-surviving-a-competitive-niche-w-mina-elias/


In this episode of Lunch With Norm…, Norman Farrar introduces  Mina Elias, a Multiple 7 Figure Seller, Amazon PPC Expert and CEO of MMA Nutrition LLC.


Mina is not your average entrepreneur looking to make a significant impact in the world. In this episode, he talks about surviving a competitive niche and how to crush the competition on Amazon with some incredible PPC.


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In this episode, we discuss:

  • 4:12 : Mina’s Background
  • 7:13 : Is Amazon Too Saturated To Launch A Supplement?
  • 14:26 : The Importance of A Good Product Packaging
  • 17:38 : Mina’s PPC Approach
  • 21:18 : What’s True With Rebates Right Now
  • 33:08 : The Importance of Optimizing Images On Your Listing
  • 38:33 : How To Create Deep Links
  • 43:04 : Having Solid SOPs
  • 45:10 : Managing ACoS In A Competitive Niche
  • 53:26 : What Is The Proper Budget To Start With PPC?
  • 55:30 : Getting People To Create Content For You
  • 1:01:46 : Mina’s Advice To eCommerce Sellers
  • 1:03:42 : What Is A Data Quality Report?

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Norman  0:05  

Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar a.k.a The Beard Guy here and welcome to another episode of Lunch with Norm, The Rise of the Micro Brands.


Norman  0:25  

Okay, so today’s episode we’re gonna have Mina Elias on. Mina is a multiple seven figure seller in the supplement niche. He’s an investor, PPC expert. He’s the founder of PPC University. He’s been around so I can’t wait to talk to him. He’s going to be talking to us about some really cool things today. So anyways, where are you Kelsey? I know you were having some problems with your sound earlier.


Kelsey 0:55  

Yeah. Hopefully that’s all fixed. Can you hear me?


Norman  0:57  

What was that Kels? Can’t hear you.


Kelsey 1:02  

Funny guy. Okay, so Happy Friday.


Norman  1:06  

Happy Friday.


Kelsey 1:07  

We have Mark joining us. So how’s your Friday going? Put in the comments section, we’d love to know. Also, let us know where you’re watching from. I think we have a bunch of new viewers over the last couple of weeks. So yeah, we’d love to get to know you a bit more and a great place to do that is in the Beard Nation. So you can find it at Lunch with Norm Amazon FBA & eCommerce Collective that is our Facebook group. We call ourselves a Beard Nation and I’ll put the link in the comment section, as well as our YouTube channel, Norman Farrar, that’s the name of the channel. It’s not Lunch with Norm. But that’s where we put all the highlights and Lunch with Norm episodes. So if you miss it, that’s where you can go and find it.


Norman  1:50  

Right and I see there’s a few Facebook users that are coming in. Kels, there’s a URL that they can use, so you can see their name.


Kelsey 1:58  

Yes, so I’m going to do this right now. Okay. So if you are in the Facebook group, in your posting, you will come up as a Facebook user, like this. If you want to have your name, show up with your picture, you need to use this link here. streamer.com/Facebook and that will fix it, it’s a one time click. As well, if you’re watching from Norm’s personal Facebook page, we can’t see your comments. They won’t pop up on the screen. So if you want your comments to pop up on the screen, either go to our Facebook page Lunch with Norm, or go to our Facebook group and we’ll be able to see all your comments. But that’s it.


Norman  2:44  

Alright and so the last thing just doing part of Kelsey’s job is that we love you, if you like what you’re hearing, smash the like. If you’d like to subscribe, hit that, ring a bell, do whatever you have to do in social media these days and on top of that, just wanted to give a few shout outs to Mark, Facebook user, Sarah, Simon, Dr. Koz, a couple more Facebook users, Majid, Miro and a few more Facebook users, there we go. Yep, Manny’s there. Oh, and from Germany too so I wonder where Andrew is going to be today. He’s usually flying around the world somewhere. 


Kelsey 3:26  

So it’s Barb, Yarrow and Hector. Okay. Yep. Sarah, too. So yeah, so if you guys use that link will be able to see you.


Norman  3:36  

Perfect. Okay, so sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the episode. Alright, where are you sir?


Mina 3:44  

I am here in beautiful Marina Del Rey in California.


Norman  3:48  

Take the knife out of my back. I’m just looking at a city of ice fishermen out there. So which is kind of cool by the way. Well, yeah, if you’re into ice, but the city dissolves at night and then comes all back in the day. It’s kind of cool. But why don’t you tell everybody just a little bit about yourself?


Mina 4:12  

Cool. So yeah, my name is Mina Elias. Like Norm said, I’m a supplement seller on Amazon. I basically came to America in 2011, got my bachelors in chemical engineering and chemistry, worked in the industry, got my master’s in industrial engineering, hated the 9 to 5 grind. Eventually I decided to start my own supplement company. I didn’t know how to go about selling anything because I was a really good engineer, just a very bad businessman because I didn’t know anything and then, I was at this MMA event and I wasn’t selling, I was like promoting my supplements and I sold 25 out of the 40 that I went with and people kept asking me Where can I buy the your supplements and I didn’t even have an eCommerce store setup or anything because I didn’t even know what an ecommerce store was or how to even go about anything or how can people order online and I packaged this stuff and send it. So I just lied and I said it’s gonna be on Amazon soon and then from there I kind of had to fulfill that lie. So I went home, did a ton of research, eventually got on Amazon, started on Amazon, got very aggressive with PPC, realized that PPC and reviews were kind of like the biggest contributors to my success. So I dove deeper and deeper into PPC, got better and better at it, then eventually became really good, started adding value in the groups and posting about it and then people started asking me, Hey Mina, like can you help me with PPC? I didn’t want to keep trading my time for money doing consultation. So I ended up just creating a course. It’s a very technical course . It’s just basically breaking down PPC, all of the different knobs and everything that you can turn in PPC and what everything means just explaining it all. From there obviously, I’m very passionate about supplements. I’ve always been passionate about supplements ever since I think I was like 12 or 10 years old. I was passionate about supplements. So I don’t know where that comes from. I think it’s a lot like me thinking that supplements were the answer to unlocking my genetic code and making me a better athlete, I’ve always been an athlete. I’ve been an MMA fighter since 2013. So from there, I kind of got more and more into the supplement space. I have now for brands starting the fifth one with Samer Brax, he’s also a YouTuber, FBA Youtuber talks about Amazon FBA and we’re kind of showcasing this is it we’re showcasing the entire launch of the product, how we sourced everything, and just trying to grow more and more in the supplement space. I invested in one brand last year in October and that was my first brand acquisition, and just taking it day by day, trying to get better and better every single day. I’m all about not just business, but also physical optimization and business optimization and life optimization. So living life and enjoying life.


Norman  7:13  

In Marina Del Rey, and you got to take a beard too. So I just gotta say that. Alright, I know the first question that will pop up here. I know it. Not that I’m a mind reader, but there’s going to be about supplements, right? Is Amazon too saturated to launch a supplement? That’ll be the first question.


Mina 7:37  

Okay. So, there’s no such thing as anything being saturated if you are making someone’s life better. So if you go ahead, and you research, some supplements, and then you see that for example, collagen is blowing up, and you decide to sell collagen, you’ll fail, because you’re not adding any value to anyone’s life. However, if you do notice that collagen is blowing up, and then you decide to say, you know what, the issue with collagen is it’s clumpy or the issue with collagen is that it’s not getting absorbed enough, or the issue with collagen is that I would love if it had this, this and that, which would make it better, and you make a better product, there is no such thing as a saturated supplement market, because it’s almost like a pizza or a burger. You can never make the best pizza, because you can always come up with a better pizza and that’s why pizza places keep opening up and coffee places keep opening up is because they keep innovating, and they keep coming up with new stuff and it’s the same with supplements. So is the supplement market saturated? It’s not, there are a lot of competitors out there. But as long as you keep creating a solution to a problem, that’s better than everyone else’s solution, there’s a market out there for you.


Norman  8:54  

So make the better mousetrap, right?


Mina 8:57  



Norman  8:58  

Just listening to what you were saying, that could go for any product. You could be selling a plastic shoe stretcher, you could be selling the spatula and just improve on it like what can you do or how can you bundle it differently and I guess the other thing people should probably do is make sure you do your market research because let’s just take supplements are so perfect for this. You can go to a crappy manufacturer, and I mean just have a crappy design and a brand and it’s going to do nothing and if you go to a quality and if you do your market research and you get proper branding and you can launch it properly on Amazon, you’ve got a much better chance of right from the get go of getting those sales with an optimized listing with proper customer analysis.


Mina 9:52  

Exactly and if you’re thinking Hey, I want to get into a supplement or I want to get into a niche early on. I want to beat everyone. I’m worried about anyone knowing what my product is, you’re already failing right from the beginning because you have to, like, there’s no point in me trying to create something that’s gonna make me a quick buck. Like, you have to think of the business as evergreen. So, I’ll use neuro as this one is a perfect example. So what is this product? Right?


Norman  10:22  

Oh my God, hold it, stop. You just showed your brand. I know it’s normal for Amazon sellers to show their brand but okay.


Mina 10:34  

So this is how it came about. Right? I was talking to Sam. Alright, and he loves coffee. However, he has a problem with coffee. My problem with coffee, I love coffee, I only have it once a week on Saturdays because it’s very addicting and I don’t want that to be dependent on it. Are you drinking coffee?


Norman  10:56  

I am. Twice during this podcast by the way.


Mina 11:00  

I just don’t want to be dependent on it. Now Sam drinks coffee every single day. But it makes him jittery. It gives him a little bit of anxiety, it messes up with his sleep. So I said, Okay, let’s create something that’s an alternative to coffee. The caffeine comes from natural sources, let’s add MCT oil. So instead of having that coffee, energy boost and crash, it’ll be a long sustaining thing, bulletproof coffee. So it’s MCT oils from coconut cream, that’s where we’re getting it. Let’s add something to it. Let’s add nootropics. We added something to help boost your brain, they’re super foods anyways. I said, Let’s take it even a step further. Coffee kind of burns your adrenal glands, ashwagandha and maca are adaptogens that will lower your cortisol, lower your stress levels. So they’ll replenish your adrenal glands. So, let’s kind of fix that problem and then let’s take it all the way to the end, and add like the beautiful components of Chai and cacao. So we added cacao and cacao is a superfood. It really helps with a lot of things: heart health, brain health, sexual function, everything and then as well as ginger, turmeric, cardamom and cinnamon, all of these beautiful things and make one full, complete latte. That’s kind of like think of coffee, but 10 times better and it’s not to fully replace coffee, I know that everyone loves their coffee. But Hey, before reaching for that second cup, maybe try a little bit of neuro before or if you want to start your morning right, you love that like the feeling of a coffee or a tea in the morning, instead of taking something that might kind of cause you jitters, here’s something a little bit better and so that’s why I’m not worried. I just pretty much found a problem and I created a solution to that problem. I looked at the market. I went to stores like Erawan Whole Foods, I talked to the people there I said, Hey guys, what’s moving on your shelves in the supplement stores and and it was an astounding like mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and there’s one other like, product that’s moving, but a lot of mushrooms and I was like, mushrooms is becoming a big thing. I totally see it and they have a lot of benefits. So I said, Let’s incorporate that. Do you know what golden milk is? 


Norman 13:17



Mina 13:18

Golden milk is basically like you take coconut milk and you take turmeric and some other stuff, and you kind of boil it, and then you pour it into a cup and you drink it and it’s the turmeric and all that kind of stuff is a very good anti inflammatory and then the coconut milk has like a lot of healthy fats. So I was thinking that golden milk and adding mushrooms to it, my own,I said, this is a good thing to kind of drink while I’m working and it gives me a little boost of focus and so that’s when Samer came in, and we kind of like came up with that idea is like let’s create something that’s better and so for me, I’m not worried about anything being like a saturated market, because I just invented something that’s better than everyone else. So maybe someone else is gonna come and invent something even better and then it falls back to number 1, am I continuously improving and number 2,  I talk about my brand all the time. I’m very open about Hydrolyte, which is my supplement brand. So that’s kind of how I go about things.


Norman  14:26  

Well, you’ve mentioned a few things here. So first of all, you did research outside of Amazon, which was kind of cool, going to a retail store and saying what’s moving off the shelves. I don’t hear that very often and that’s a great way of market research. The other thing when you were in the retail store, did you notice that the packaging was more for retail and what not to do for Amazon? Their standardized packaging on retail, correct?


Mina 14:55  

Yeah and honestly in retail, you see a lot of ugly packaging. But when you go to places like Erawan, you do not notice a lot of beautiful packaging. Have you ever heard of Erawan


Norman 15:10

Yeah, I have. 


Mina 15:11

Yeah, it’s almost like Whole Foods on steroids. Like it’s smaller, a little thing of blueberries. It’s $13. So it’s a very high end Whole Foods type store. The packaging there is beautiful. I actually go there to get ideas for my packaging.


Norman  15:25  

Oh, cool. So going, again, just listening to the brand, not the supplement. But what are you focusing on, you’re focusing on benefits, you’re focusing on what problems, pain points that people are having. So that can happen with everybody’s listening. So it’s kind of interesting listening to the tips and the strategies that you’ve already come up with for your brand and the other thing that I like, we haven’t talked about price point yet, but your price point is higher than most other brands that are out there. Can you show us like, take a look at the packaging that Mina has, any of your packaging. It’s always fantastic. So you’ve spent money, not a ton of money, but you spent money on packaging, perceived values there, your listings. I mean, I’ve seen your listings. So I know what your brand is, it looked great. So it’s all upfront time and effort and I know we had Oh, who was it just recently? Oh, Jeff Sass was on, he talks about brand and how to build out that brand story. That’s really what you’re doing is it’s the overall look and feel of the product and you can kill your competitions. If it’s a plastic shoe stretcher, or a plastic spatula and a matter of fact, this sounds really crazy, but I just looked at something like I think it was a plastic spatula, or silicone spatula and I saw this really cool one, like, come on, ASM 1, they were doing plastic spatulas, it was super saturated, and there’s still new people coming out there, eating up the competition with new ideas on plastic spatula or silicone spatulas.


Mina 17:16  

Yeah, there’s gonna be innovation.


Norman  17:21  

Okay. I’m kind of interested now on the PPC side. So I’m thinking supplements are gonna suck the life out of you when you’re spending money. When do you know when to turn off the cash or you’ll go broke?


Mina 17:38  

Okay, so this is my approach to PPC. So first of all, it’s 100% investment. I just launched a new product for one of my brands very, very recently. The goal, I told my team, this is the goal for the first two months, I want every single dollar of profit coming in from the sales to be used on PPC. So let’s say, my profit is $10 per unit. That means if I’m selling 10 units a day, I want my PPC spend to be $100. If I’m selling 20, I want it to be 200. If I’m selling 30, I want it to be 300. Within less than a week, I was already at 45 units of sales per day. I was spending 350 to 450 dollars a day on PPC spend in the first week but the sales I mean, I was making that profit right from the sales. When I start my first month, at least my first month, I don’t want to make any money. I want to spend as aggressively as possible on PPC to get as much velocity as possible, because that’s going to trigger the Amazon algorithm and let them know that this product is moving. Now, how do I go about this in combination with ranking and using like Rankbell for example for search find buy. So at the beginning, I’ll go in, I have my four auto campaigns, I break them up close match, loose match, complements, substitutes, have that discovering stuff for me. I’ll have my main keyword. So main keyword, basically look at your top 10 competitors, it’s the earliest keyword in their title. So I have my main keyword, and then I’ll take my top 10 competitors, put them in Helium 10, do a reverse ASIN lookup, it’ll pull up all of their keywords, I’ll do a minimum ranking competitors of 9, which will get me the intersection of all of those competitors, like the keywords that all of those competitors have in common. I’ll pretty much get like 200 or so or 300 keywords. From there, I’ll rank it by search volume and I’ll create campaigns, 10 keywords per campaign for every single one of those keywords. So if there’s 200, that’ll be like 20 campaigns and then there’ll be 20 broad, 20 phrase, 20 exact, so 60. From there, I’ll look at the keywords that have maybe 2000-3000 search volume and I’ll wait a week and I’ll start hammering them one by one. So I’ll say okay, for example, hydration powder for keto, that’s 2000 searches a month keyword, I’ll create a separate campaign for one broad, one phrase, one exact. So that’s three separate campaigns, I’ll hit it a little bit harder, maybe instead of like $1.50 bid, where we usually start, I’ll do $3 and then I’ll do a ranking campaign with Rankbell where I go up, up, up, up, up, up, up, hit it, maybe like five units a day, or seven units a day for an extended period of time, maybe 10 to 14 days, and then go down, down, down and I will very, very quickly win that keyword, and then I’ll move on to the next one. I’ll move on to the next one and it takes, first of all, it’s whatever your budget is, right? So for me, at least I know, let’s say I put $10,000 in the cost of goods, I don’t want to see that $10,000 until like two months. I want all the money that’s coming in in profit, I want to use it for PPC, and then maybe I’ll allocate like an extra two grand or so or doing search, find and buy 2 or 3000. So whatever I can afford, sometimes I can afford a lot. Sometimes I can’t afford that much and then, yeah go ahead.


Norman  21:18  

No, I was just gonna say so you’re using PPC, you’re using rebates and you’re using high quality rebates. So like Isabella over at Rankbell, she’s not the cheapest rebate out there, but you’re not using a rebate network that’s free and looking for the lowest price possible which could be a problem as well. So I just want to touch on rebates for a second. I’ve heard Okay, so I hear this all the time. Oh, rebates are either not effective or they’ll shut down your listing or, and I use rebates, by the way. I use a lot of rebates. I just want to hear your version on what’s going on, what’s true about rebates right now.


Mina 22:07  

Yeah. So I don’t think rebates are gonna shut down your listing unless you’re going for very, like low quality rebates. Like if you’re going to a certain like group where it’s everyone’s looking for 100% off like coupons. Like, if you’re doing the method of you find someone, you give them the money $20, let’s say your product is $20. Give them the $20 on PayPal, or Venmo, or cash app, whatever and then they go and search a keyword and buy your product. I think that’s good. If they have normal human behavior, if they’re not like, I don’t want to say if they’re not being overly used, things like that, you’ll be fine. If they’re low quality, maybe it’s an issue. I don’t know, I haven’t heard of anyone’s listing getting shut down because of that. However when it comes to me doing rebates, the reason I see rebates not working is a couple of things. If your listing sucks, it’s not going to work like. What’s the point of getting to the top, because once you’re at the top, you’re going to be compared with the top. So if you’re on page one, you’re going to be compared with the people on page one. If you can’t hang, you can’t hang. Now you have 10 reviews, I don’t think it’s going to hurt you. But you having an ugly main image, your title doesn’t is not that great, someone clicks on it, they go in, the listing images don’t really sell the product, that’s when you’re going to be like, Oh, well ranking then work. I’m like, Well once your product is up there, is it going to hang? Then what I see a lot of people do is they say, Okay, I want to do seven, let’s say like seven giveaways for let’s say 10 days, and they’ll go 777 and then stop and I’m like, so you move up to page one, and your sales are going up, and then all of a sudden you cut off. How do you expect Amazon to not be like, Oh, people aren’t interested in this product anymore, bring it down. So it’s not just getting to page one, it’s getting to page one, staying up there a little bit, just enough until your PPC sales and organic sales and that’s why I really use a lot of PPC aggressively is to complement what I’m doing with my ranking because if I’m just focused on my ranking, and not enough PPC, I’m not gonna be able to sustain that and I’ll taper up, stay up there and then taper down to make it look as natural as possible and when I taper, I don’t go 1,1,2,2,3 No, it’s like 1,3,2,2,5,4, very randomized to make sure that there’s no triggers or anything like that.


Norman  24:41  

I call that the heartbeat. So a lot of people just do either plateau or this really crazy incline and then they drop off but I can’t agree with you more. The first method Oh, here’s coffee time. Thank you. I just do some Jeopardy music while this is going on. Thank you so much. Second cup. Alright, then I know you’re gonna roll your eyes. 


Mina 25:05  

I’ll send you one. I’ll send you one when it comes out.


Norman  25:08  

Okay, I’m looking forward to it. But the Brady Bunch effect, that’s what we call if people go to the front page, and you spend all this time getting even with PPC or if your listing sucks, and you can’t compete with the Brady Bunch, then nobody’s going to click on that listing and then you hear people complaining, all the rebate didn’t work, no, your listing didn’t work and the other thing that I agree 100% on, we see this all the time, where Okay, we’ve made a calculation that we need to have 54 or 104 rebates. We’ve got to put that out, we know the sales velocity for this group of keywords, this is what we need. It’s a simple formula. But I’d rather give out 24 units, then don’t do the rebates because it’s gone. It’s not going to achieve what you need to do.


Mina 26:05

Or do a lower keyword. 


Norman 26:08

Yes, exactly. Do a few more long tails. But the single biggest problem that I’ve seen, and like Shane and I over at prREACH, we talked about is not following through with maintenance. You see that plateau, and then boom, like you say, and it only takes a few rebates to maintain those keywords after your rebate campaign. So if he gave out 100, maybe you only have to give out five here and there. Look at Helium 10 and just make sure that your keywords are maintained. So what a really great tip. I like that and now, you ‘re going to be talking about some other strategy, I think before I rudely interrupted you.


Mina 26:51  

Some other strategy. 


Norman  26:53  

You were talking about rebates, and then you were starting to talk about another subject. I have a bad habit of interrupting people. 


Mina 27:02  

No worries. I mean, I was generally just talking about PPC. So after I launch all of those campaigns for PPC, from there, I’ll wait a week and I’ll start extracting all of the keywords from the search term reports and launching campaigns, campaigns, campaigns. It’s not uncommon that like in the first three weeks, I already have 150-200 campaigns launched for my PPC and because the reason I do this is I never put any more than 10 keywords per campaign and what I’ve seen anecdotally is that if I do more than 10, Amazon’s gonna look at the keywords and see which ones are driving the most traffic and the most sales, and then funnel all the budget there and the other ones are not going to get any budget, which is essentially like I’m not even running PPC on them. So some people will have like campaigns with 307 keywords and I’ll say, and they’ll think that they’re bidding on 307 keywords, I’m like, you’re only bidding on 10 keywords or 12 keywords. But these other ones, they’re not even getting visibility because Amazon’s gonna say, Which ones are the main ones? Like which ones are the most likely to get us the sales and then they’re just giving that the budget Why Amazon wants to help you make sales? Because contrary to popular belief, when you make sales, Amazon makes a lot of money. They make pretty much as much profit as you do, at least and so Amazon wants you to sell. Even if you think like Amazon wants you to spend on PPC, Amazon makes way more money. It makes it go at six or $7 every time you sell and and so, Amazon wants to help you sell. So it’s going to look at your PPC and say what’s the highest likelihood of this product selling and they’re gonna pump that money there. So when you have 300 keywords, they’re only going to choose the best one. So I break all of my keywords up 10,10,10,10,10, 10,10 and I bid in every single category, broad phrase and exact, because people think Hey, like let’s say I’m bidding electrolyte powder broad and then I found unflavored electrolyte powder. So I’m going to negative it and broad and put it in phrase and then negative infringement. I don’t get it, you have to understand they behave completely differently. So unflavored electrolyte as a broad keyword and unflavored electrolyte as a phrase and exact, completely different keywords. It’s like they’re not even remotely similar, because the broad one is triggering for a lot of different keywords. The phrase one is triggering for a little bit less, but still more keywords than the exact one is just for that and you cannot assume that because unflavored electrolyte is doing well in the unflavored and the electrolyte powder broad campaign that it’s going to do well as an exact campaign or a phrase campaign. You just can’t jump to that assumption. Just because it’s doing well in one, doesn’t mean it’s going to do well in the others and that’s where I think a very data driven approach. I’m like, Okay, cool. Any keyword that’s been cool clicked on a few times means that people are interested in it. So I just extract that, launch it in all the match types and then I let the data dictate say, what’s the ACoS looking like. For that keyword, is that ACoS favorable? Yes. Okay, let’s keep it. No, let’s lower the bid and that takes me kind of back to the point is like what’s your spend and all of that kind of stuff. In the, let’s say, my profit margin is 50%. So, if my profit margin is 50% for the first two months, my target ACoS is 100%. So double my profit margin, which basically means for me, I’ve generally seen the double buy profit margin as an ACoS is pretty much equal to my total ACoS equaling my profit margin. So me not making any money for the first two months and then after that, I’ll drop it to 75% ACoS, which is one and a half times my profit margin and that’ll kind of drop it from my total ACoS being 50% to maybe 40%. So I’ll be making 10% profit around that and again, I’m trying to keep the sales velocity growing and the sales growing as much as possible, because it’s a long term plan. I’m not here to come in, be profitable as much as possible, and then jump out, like, that’s not how you make millions. You need a very long, sustainable plan. So my long sustainable plan is, let me get the product to sell 50-60 units a day and then maintain here. If I can get a really good hero product, that’s going to do 150, 200, 300 sales a day, that would be amazing. But my goal is okay, let’s just hit 50-60 sales a day, and then keep it there. So again month 3 to month 6, I’m at 75% equals, and then month 7 to month 9 or 10, I’m at 50%, which is breakeven. So my ACoS equals my profit margin, but then my total ACoS will pretty much be somewhere around the 25% and then after that, once I get to month 11 and 12, my target ACoS will be around 40-30%, which will generally drop my total equals, which is effectively like how much of my profit Amazon is taking in terms of advertising to around 15%. 


Norman  32:11  

Okay, Kelsey, do we have questions?


Kelsey 32:13  

Yep, we have tons of questions. So, first one from Simon. If a product wasn’t launched correctly a few months ago, would you create a new ASIN and relaunch?


Mina 32:24  

That’s a tough one. That’s a really tough one. I’ve done both. You can do both. So okay, the one thing that I would say is, if a product wasn’t launched correctly a few months ago, if you don’t have a ton of reviews, and I’m like for me in two months, I usually have 60 reviews. So if you’re anything under like 20 reviews, I would say relaunch it, relaunch it and be way more aggressive, you can get 20 reviews like this.


Norman  32:52  

Yeah, that’s a good answer and make sure when you relaunch it, that you check it, double check it and triple check it for optimization, because you can relaunch it with the same crappy listing and you’ll end up with the same type of launch results.


Mina 33:08  

Here’s a quick tip, guys. So people think to have a beautiful listing, it’s going to be very expensive because of graphics. No, I found this guy. He’s sent from heaven, nolimitcreatives.com. So I found him like a couple years ago, as Steven black mentioned him and I went in on the creatives, literally, they have an Amazon package, eight images. It’s for $150. You can’t beat it. It’s eight images for $150 and I want you to go and look at their portfolio. The images are so beautiful. So beautiful and the one thing that I would say is make sure that every single image says features, benefits and why it matters to me as a customer. I don’t care if you have a benefit of long lasting elastic support. Why do I care? Spell it out to me, I need to know exactly why it matters. Because this is what people are doing on Amazon when they’re buying something. This is exactly what I did. I just bought a new standing desk. This is exactly what I did. I said Okay, what’s one thing I can find on this listing so I can disqualify it and that’s what everyone is doing on your listing. They’re looking for the first thing they have four listings open. They have you, competitor, competitor, competitor, they’re like, Okay, this one is too short. delete it. For me, I was like, this one is only 48 inches. I need something that’s at least 55 inches, deleted. Okay, this one doesn’t have memory settings, I want something that I can just click a button and it goes to my, deleted. Okay, this one is white and black. I want it all white deleted, okay, I’m left with one that has all of the things that I kind of want and that’s what people are doing. So if they have to think too long about the benefits of your product, you’re disqualified.


Norman 34:50  

But you know what? The other thing that a lot of people do, and I don’t know why is they write a whole bloody book on their image. It’s crazy. Like I don’t know why, and so just put in your bullet points. So just really quick, sometimes it’s directions. Okay, two words, two words toward the end. Enjoy. Very, very simple. What was the name of that company again and Kelsey, can you let me know? Can we write that? 


Mina 35:23  

Yeah. No Limit Creatives and Jeff Minnichbach, he’s out in Berlin. Dude, great, great, great guy. very humble. Like it’s crazy. But his team has over 250 people now and all graphic designers. The reason that he can do this is they’re all over the world. Like they’re VAs. So he is able to keep the price point cheap and honestly, it was a godsend because, like I was struggling with being able to find someone who can do listings. I went to Fiverr and I made all these mistakes, I went to Fiverr, got the crappy listing images and when you really get good listing images, everything kind of skyrockets.


Norman  36:07  

Here’s my nugget of the day. I’m always looking for good product photographers. Do they do video?


Mina 36:15  

Yeah, they do video too. Norm, I think you can agree on this. The hardest thing for us to find as business owners is good and reliable resources and employees. That’s like, I think the hardest thing in business and I think that’s what really can take a company from here to here is how good is your team and how good is the resources around you?


Norman  36:38  

Right. Yeah, exactly. Okay Kelsey, there’s a bunch of questions, it looks like.


Kelsey 36:43  

So this is from Gideon.


Minas 36:47  

Not that I’ve experienced but if you do something stupid maybe, but not that I’ve experienced. 


Norman  36:56  

Do you use super URLs?


Mina 36:58  

So I don’t use super URLs. I use Pixelfy for deep links only, deep links and the review link. So the deep link is because if you ever even, like if for best friends, if you ever send me a link, and I have to log into my Amazon account, I’m not doing it. Like, there’s no way. So I use the deep link so that when people click on that link, it opens in the native Amazon app and so it’s already logged in, everything is done for them, they just have to click the buy button, which is exactly what I want. Now with the reviews, it takes them to, again, in the app, it opens my product, like  will be like a hydrolate energizer with the review already open. So all they have to do is type in, A great product. I love this, this was good, done and then what I do is I also seven days or eight days later, after they send me the review, I send them the link again and I say, Hey, would you mind uploading a picture? It will take only two seconds and so because it’s like 14 days later that Oh, yeah, sure. They take it out, they take a picture of the product, and they upload it and I’ve noticed that regular reviews versus reviews with pictures, massive difference and there’s a much, much, much higher chance of the reviews sticking when an image is uploaded.


Norman  38:18  

Okay, so I use PixelfyMe. Let’s go through this, because there’s probably a lot of people on this call right now that have no idea what we’re talking about. So let’s start by taking the raw link, going into Pixelfy, just go through those action steps. 


Mina 38:33  

Okay, so you go into Pixelfy right, and you click create a tracking link, you go in there, it’s going to give you a bunch of options. Just do the regular tracking link, you don’t need to do the super URL, all the keyword rotator, just go with the regular one, or with the review one. So with the regular one, it’s going to ask you what’s the ASIN, you input the ASIN, scroll down, create a link, it’s going to open a URL, it’s going to be pixelfy.me/ blah, weird stuff, like letters, just do edit URL and change that after the slash, make it something that’s easy. So for example, I have pixelfy.me/energizer and so it’s easy for me to even mention it anywhere, like I just did right now and you can take that link, send it to people, and if they open it on their phone, instead of like opening a browser or anything, it’ll like shift and open the Amazon app.


Norman  39:26  

So that’s the deep link. That’s the difference between a deep link. It’ll actually open up that Amazon app.


Mina 39:34  

On the app and that is incredibly important because the amount of friction that it takes, I still do not know, I can’t remember off the top of my head my amazon.com password because I have not had to put it in for so long. Like the account is on my phone, the app is on my phone. I never have to think about it. So if I send someone a link like amazon.com/my ASIN and it opens and it’s like, please what’s your login, your username and password, you’ve lost that person and so when you create that friction, it’s almost impossible to get it done and I always tell people, minimize the friction and minimize the fatigue. Some people will say, Hey Norm, can you please search electrolyte powder? Find my product, buy it. Okay, seven days later, can you please do a review? You’re fatiguing the person and they’re not going to do it. Make it as quick and as easy as possible. If you’re going to use someone for search, find, buy, use them for that. You’re going to use someone for reviews, use them for that. Don’t strain a buyer because you’ll lose them forever.


Norman  40:42  

Very good. 


Kelsey 40:44

Okay, great, I’m back to no limit creatives, do you know how much they are?


Mina 40:49  

Yes. So off the top of my head, the Amazon package, it’s $150 for eight images. So you can get your main image and seven listing images done, or you can get eight listing images done. It’s also 150 for enhanced brand content. So you can get all of your modules done for enhanced brand content for 150. So if you think about that, what is 150 divided by 8, it’s like 25, or something like that, very cheap for a picture. Now, if you want them full time, which I do, because I have multiple brands, I’m constantly improving images, pumping out Instagram content, pumping out content everywhere, there’s a monthly unlimited $450. So it’s $450 unlimited images, I pump out between 60 to 80 images a month, at least and and this is the thing, if you create one image, let’s say I create an image where I’m like drinking this, and there’s something in the background, I can do 10 of those, and they count as one if I’m just like changing the background so. So it’s like, you get 60 kinds of tasks, but you can get 600 images, like actual images if you’re changing like little things in those tasks. So, I mean, it’s taking my game to the next level, because really, if you look at my content, visit my website, look at my Hydro Energizer is the perfect because that’s the one where I spent the most energy on my listing, like images, getting them right. It’s beautiful, like, and I look better. My friend has a $30 million supplement company and my images look better than his, and he’s got like I mean, he’s got the money to spend and so like No Limit Creatives, it was a definitely a huge game changer for me. I’m not plugging or anything like this is gonna help you people. It’s gonna help you. I can’t think of anything that I found cheaper.


Norman  42:51  

Okay, just before the next question, actually, you’ve talked about this. Are there any apps or tools that are not on the mainstream, like people know about that you’re using that have changed your game?


Mina 43:04  

Not really, nothing. I don’t have any crazy secrets, I just have very good systems, standard operating procedures. I trained my employees super well and basically, I can duplicate myself and so if I can give one piece of advice to anyone is have very solid SOPs and this is the way I go about it right, is I’ll pretty much for two weeks log hour by hour, like minute by minute, every single thing that I do. At the end of the two weeks, I’ll take it all, prioritize it from highest to lowest priority, started the lowest one and I’ll create a step by step detailed instruction as if I was going to pull someone from the street and tell them to read this, then I’ll record a video of me doing it and then I’ll do that for every single task starting from the lowest to the highest and then once I hire someone, and obviously the hiring procedure is a whole other beast. But once I hire someone, I’ll go in and I’ll say, Hey, take SOP 1, take SOP 2, take SOP 3, and make sure that they’re doing it exactly the way that I would do it and since it’s a video, you’re literally duplicating what I did and I pretty much call myself like my employees, not only that I clone myself, but they’re even better than me because like one of my employees, she is so good at graphic design and so creative that she took everything that I was doing and enhanced it so much because I’m an engineer man like numbers is my game, like numbers, calculations, equations, creative sucks for me and then basically I took everything that I was doing for creative and gave it to someone so they were doing everything that I was doing better and that really like creating clones of yourself, that’s how it goes and everything I have, all my SOPs, they’re central. It’s one sheet, every single employee can watch every single SOP. I have no problem if the PPC employee wants to watch a graphic design SOP. Go for it.


Norman  44:57  

Okay, very good. Kels? 


Kelsey 44:58  

Okay, from Isha. If a product launched in a competitive niche and ACoS will be very high, how can we manage those campaigns?


Mina 45:10  

I mean, very simple. Once you’re past the launch phase, right, you’re going to start aggressively. Like I said, shoot for breakeven, you don’t want to make any money, you don’t want to make any profits initially. After two months, once you’re done, it’s very simple as what is now your target ACoS. If you want to start being profitable, lower to one and a half times profit margin, or maybe just one times profit margin and then what I do is I download bulk sheets, last seven days. I do this every seven days, but I leave a seven day gap. So FYI guys, Amazon attribution, is at least seven days delayed. Taylor from Better AMS, he basically downloaded his clients stuff, let’s say like today’s February 12th. So he downloaded from let’s say, February 8 to February 12, and then waited a week to February 19 and downloaded that same February 8 to February 12 and noticed up to 100% difference in the numbers. So some numbers that were 40 became 80, some numbers that were 80 became 40. So the Amazon attribution is so delayed based on this data that I always, so today is the 12th. If I were to optimize, I would go back to the fifth. So I optimize from January 28 to February 5th, for example and so from there I’ll go download the bulk sheets, seven days, I’ll highlight everything sort and filter, go to column B, it should be record type, I’ll click on that and I’ll only show keywords and product targets. Now that will show me only the keywords and product targets that I’m bidding on. If you go all the way to the right, you’ll see the ACoS, and also you’ll see the max bid. So one of the columns is max bid, one of the columns is ACoS, if the ACoS is high, higher than your desired, let’s say the breakeven is 50%, or your targets 50%. If it’s 55, I lower it by five cents. So I don’t do any equations. There’s some people that, even destiny, I disagree with her on this, but they do these equations, they’re like bid minus max bid divided by target ACoS, Dude listen, you can’t create an equation for something that’s dependent on human behavior. So this is the approach I take, it’s the exact same way, as if I were to go into the shower, turn the hot water on, I put my hand and it’s too hot, I lowered a little bit. Put my hand and it’s too hot, I lowered it but that’s it. So I go in, I look at my ACoS, it’s 60%, my bid is $1.50, I’ll lower it by five cents. I’ll check again seven days later, it’s still too high or I’ll lower by another five cents, and so on and so forth. If you overshoot too hard, you lose the impressions, and then you’re gonna have to kill yourself jumping back, overshooting to where you were just to get those impressions again, to get the data. So just lowered. Like, this is the sweet spot, the sweet spot you’re here, this is a low, low, low, low, low, low, low a little bit and this is always moving because it’s based on human behavior. So you’re kind of just like, very slowly chasing that sweet spot and there’s just gonna be like an up and down. But that’s pretty much what I do to optimize the bids.


Norman  48:07  

Okay, so let’s say that you have 100 campaigns going, and you’re going through and you’re optimizing that nickel here or there. I know that a lot of people can’t track that. Yeah, they can’t track it on Amazon. They’re trying to track it. Do you have a system or an app that you use that you recommend that people use for tracking their ACoS?


Mina 48:32  

No, so this is what I do, I built a system where the actions take care of itself. So if the ACoS is too high, I’m lowering the bids. If the impressions are too low, I’m increasing the bids. So it’s kind of in this cycle right? Now every single day and every single week, I look at my total ACoS and my profit now this is one thing that I please want to stress to everyone, stop focusing too much on your ACoS. What you really care about is the dollar amount that’s coming into your bank account because this is a business. So what matters is what is my P&L at the end of the month? So if your ACoS is amazing, Look guys, I have a 12% ACoS. Okay How much money did you make? $50? $100? My ACoS is 38% and I made $500. So who’s winning here? You because you have a lower ACoS or me because actually there’s more money coming into my bank account? So keep track of how much your profit is coming in and then keep track of what your total ACoS is which is what’s the portion of your entire revenue that’s being spent as Amazon advertising, though as long as your total ACoS is lowering, or your profit margin is increasing, not profit margins, your total dollar amount profit is increasing, that’s what matters. Because if I’m doing actions for example, I was just doing this the other day for a friend right he’s like Mina, please like my stuff is messed up. So I went in, and one of his keywords had 60% ACoS, and I increased the bid by 10 cents and he’s like, Mina why? This bid is so high. I said, take a look at it for a second and we did a calculation, which was the sales from that keyword divided by the total sales and that number was 20%. I said this one keyword is responsible for 20% of your entire PPC revenue. You want me to lower the bid? Or should I increase the bid so I can drive more sales, because every unit more that you sell, instead of saving you a little bit more money, I’m making you a lot more money and in the grand scheme of things, your net dollar amount in your bank account is going to increase. So that’s kind of the approach that I take. 


Norman  50:50  

Okay, very good. Before I get to the next question, I see it in the comments that you do have a course, PPC University and you are offering $400 off of the course, we’re not getting any affiliate. It’s just Norm, N O R M and you can get $400 off the course. So anyways, I just wanted to let people know. The other thing that we didn’t talk about, we’ll have a giveaway today. It’s #Be My Valentine and we’re going to be sending out somebody’s premium box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. How’s that? So just #Be my Valentine and Kelsey will be writing a card.


Kelsey 51:36  

Is that a US only?


Norman  51:38  

That’s US only. Sorry or Canada, US or Canada.


Kelsey 51:41  

US or Canada. Okay, so yeah, US or Canada. What was it? #Be my Valentine.


Norman  51:47  

I was gonna put I love Kelsey, but I thought people Oh, and by the way, it’s a very sad day. It’s Kelsey’s last day today at the household. He’ll be moving back to Toronto and I won’t be saying I’m upstairs and razzing him after every show


Kelsey 52:08  

I’m on lockdown for the past month and a half. So I figured I’d stay here and kind of work out.


Mina 52:13  

Where are you guys located?


Norman  52:15  

We’re just about two hours north of Toronto.


Mina 52:18  

Oh, wow. Okay, so you are in Canada. Alright.


Norman  52:20  

Yeah. Oh, the frozen tundra. Yeah. So everybody seems to be loving what you’re talking about. I just wanted to touch on another point, you were talking about bidding up down. This is crazy, I see this on YouTube, I’ve seen this in courses where people say, like, Don’t bid, I just try to spend $10 a day and I see this on Facebook, too. Oh, just do $5 a day, $300 a month, like there’s videos out there that say just spend as little as possible. That’s not the goal of what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to gather information and I just wanted to get your expert advice on when you are launching a product and I know, this is 100% how long is a piece of string? It depends on so many different things. But what is the proper way for you? Oh, geez, something’s loading here. Just a sec. Okay, what is the proper budget to start off with?


Mina 53:26  

Yeah, I mean, you said it, really, like I said, take whatever money that you have, that you put in, let’s say you bought 1000 units, you put in $1,000. Whatever profit that you’re going to make from that 1000 units, that is how much money. So if 1000 units means $10,000 in profit, I’m okay spending $10,000 in PPC until those 1000 units sell, because by then obviously guys, you need to understand, Amazon is not going to pay you that money for the sales for a while. So make sure you’re ready to front, another 1000. But by the second 1000, my first 1000 Cost of Goods has come back and I can keep putting that money in the 1000, to get more units. So essentially, initially when I’m launching all of my profit is going to PPC that’s like where it’s going. There’s obviously a little bit of additional money that I’m spending on services, things and all that kind of stuff and then everything else is just going to go back to the units but it’s not going to happen in the first month or so. It’s after you sell all of your units, maybe two weeks. Again, it all depends on where you are in the pay period based on Amazon and this is a whole other ballgame. The date range reports and understanding where you are. It is very complex, but that’s my budget, however much my total profit is for the first batch, which is 1000 units.


Norman  55:08  

Okay, very good. I know, we’re running just about the end of the podcast here. But just off Amazon, what would be the first step, if you’re an Amazon seller, you’re doing okay, now you want to take the big plunge and go off of Amazon. Where would you look or what would you do first?


Mina 55:30  

Okay. So if we’re talking basic, basic, basic, Instagram, that’s the first thing that I would do is start getting people to create content for you. Because first of all, I want you to think about this. If you saw a taco truck in the street, and there was a massive line, you don’t care how clean or dirty or whatever, you’re gonna go stand in that line, because you see other people demanding that. So make sure that you start having a lot of social presence and awareness. So that’s the first thing I would do. I sell supplements. Hydrolyte is ideal for endurance athletes, or maybe women who do hot yoga. So I’m hitting up hot yoga studios. I’m hitting up CrossFit gyms, I’m going to the tagged photos. I’m finding the people who are tagging those places, because it means that they’re members there, and I am reaching out to them saying, Hey, you’re amazing. I love your profile, it looks beautiful. Can I just send you a product for free? All I want in exchange is content, just send me a couple pictures. That’s how I benefit and you get something for free. It’s a win win. Are you down? I get a 50% answer of Yes. So I reach out to 400 people, 200 say yes and then I get 80% kind of send the content back, 20% they kind of, Oh my mom went here and this and I lost the package stuff like that. So that’s kind of the first, now here’s the second thing that I would do. This is the nasty or uglier one. It is a long term investment. Go on your Shopify, create a Google Tag Manager, go to Google Tag Manager, create a Google Tag Manager, and then add Facebook pixel which will come also the Instagram pixel, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, whatever, all of the different pixels, these are tracking links, add them to Google Tag Manager and add the Google Tag Manager to all of your pages on the Shopify. Now from there, start creating content, assuming that I heard about you, so I went to your website once. I went to hydrolyte once. What are some things that you can do to convince me to buy? So an unboxing video, like a review, a testimonial, a few benefits talking about what would happen if you’re dehydrated, right? So a few benefits there, right? Those are three videos, create them on all of the native platforms. So if they’re Facebook, if their story, create it as a story and so on and so forth and simply set up retargeting, so if anyone ever visits your website, they’re now getting retargeted. If you have one product, it’s super easy. If you have multiple products, take it a step further, and create triggers depending on which URL they went to. So if they went to the gohydrolyte.com/hydrolyteenergizer, I want to hit them back with a hydrolyte energiser review, I want to hit them back with the benefits of Hydrolyte Energizer and why it’s better than everyone. So I want to hit them back with an unboxing or a taste test of Hydrolyte Energizer, so it’s very targeted. Once that retargeting is set up, okay? Now it’s like, every time someone comes to your website, they’re constantly reminded that you exist and it’s very, very cheap. From there, now you start pushing people to your website. Okay? So I start with, it’s crazy, but I start with the bottom of the funnel, and I build it up. So now that I built the bottom of the funnel to the middle of the funnel, now I build the top of the funnel and the top of the funnel is vast, okay, it can be it micro influencers, it can be running Facebook ads, brand awareness campaigns, and so on so forth. You just want people to come to your website and browse around and then from there, based on where they browsed, based on how long they browse, because you don’t have to trigger for every single person, you can trigger for specific people. Obviously you’re going to trigger for USA only people if you’re selling only in the USA and so on. You could trigger for people who spent a certain amount of time on the website and so on and so forth. So you can be pretty targeted with your retargeting. But once you build that bottom of the funnel, when someone comes and sees you, they’re kind of reminded again and again and again and honestly, for me, it takes 1,2,3,4 times. Hey Mina, remember you wanted that pre workout. Hey Mina, we have the look. Hey Mina, this person is doing a lot of cool exercises and he took our pre workout. I’m like, you know what, let me try it and I’ve done that many times.   I think did it once, and like they had this like Mimosa energy. It tastes like Mimosa, right? Energy drink to some, Man, I’m addicted to it now, I love it so much. It’s so good. But it was literally me seeing people drink it like five or six times and I’m like, Dude, let me just try it. Like, let me just buy some and and so that’s what I would do. It’s not hard, it is very nasty. It’s very nasty stuff. It’s cold and there’s gonna be a lot of research. How do I add my snapchat pixel? How do I add my Pinterest pixel, and so on and so forth. Once you get that done, just build it as a plan. Once you get that done, it’s super simple, because all you have to do is keep increasing the different ads that you’re running to the top of the funnel, and keep testing all of these different middle and bottom of the funnel ads. One of the ads will stick. Maybe it’s this hot girl who is trying out let’s say you’re selling a bag, maybe it’s a hot girl trying out a bag and people love that and that’s converting super, super well be like, Okay, cool. Now that that’s converting super well, let’s open the floodgates and bring a shitload of people in there. So that’s kind of my advice. 


Norman  1:01:21  

Okay, very good. So we are winding down. I got one other question. This might be a tough one. You’ve dropped so many nuggets here. I can see it all in the comments, too. Is there anything else, is there one thing that you haven’t talked about today, that is a must do or a nugget that you can provide that Amazon sellers or the eCommerce sellers could do to improve their sales?


Mina 1:01:46  

It’s just the tough pill to swallow that there’s no silver bullets, there is nothing, there’s no one thing that you can do to increase your sales a lot. Nothing is going to do anything a lot and unfortunately, I know that you want some sort of track or hack or PPC trick or something, it just doesn’t exist, it’s brick by brick and the faster that you accept that, the faster you’re going to grow. So be very slow and systematic. Your business depends on you. So there’s no person doing $50 million if they’re not a $50 million person, okay? So you have to grow your skills, you have to get better at accounting, you have to get better at raising money, you have to get better at selling yourself, selling your product, getting into retail. You have to do all of the tough stuff. So stop thinking that there’s something out there that is going to make your sales a lot better. Stop looking at that and start looking at what’s one thing that I can do to myself right now that is going to improve me as a businessman and then what’s one thing I can do to my listing and my business right now to improve my business just a little bit. Because trust me, you have 365 days in the year, if you improve your business a little bit every single day after 365, it really adds up. 


Norman  1:03:15  

Okay, and Barb, I just saw that you were quoted $10,000 for your A plus content page. I’ll do it. I will do it for five. Just send me your info.


Mina 1:03:25  

I’ll do it for four and a half.


Norman  1:03:29  

I also saw Usman talking about what is the item, Sorry, it’s cut off my screen. It’s a Data Quality Report. What is a data quality report? 


Mina 1:03:41

I don’t know. I haven’t heard of that. 


Norman 1:03:42

Okay, I think I know it Usman. It just basically defines the quality of your listing, the overall quality of your listing, it’ll go through every little item that you’re doing, and it will rate it. It’s a report that Amazon uses and I think that’s what you’re talking about.


Kelsey 1:04:01  

One last thing from Adriana, how do you spell Jeff Minnichbach?


Mina 1:04:05  

M i n n i c h b a c h, Minnichbach. It took me a lot of time because I kept tagging him, it took a lot of time to even figure out how to spell his last name but it’s Minnichbach. He’s an amazing guy dude. Like a family guy, kids, living in Maryland like living his own life. Yeah, there you go.


Norman  1:04:35  

Okay, very good. I’ll check that out. 


Mina 1:04:38  

I never expect him to have 250 plus employees like it’s crazy.


Norman  1:04:41  

Enough for photography. It is crazy. Look, we have on Mondays, we’re trying to get our guests to come over and join us on Clubhouse at 1:30. Brand new to us. We started last week. We had a good result and if people are coming out and supporting us, we’ll do it again. Just like the podcast and what I like about Clubhouse is, our audience can actually come on and start talking and asking questions. Are you able to come on next Monday?


Mina 1:05:10  

You said 11?

Norman  1:05:12  

It would be at 1:30, Eastern Standard Time


Mina 1:05:16  

Eastern. That’s 10. Yeah, I can do that.


Norman  1:05:20  

Perfect. Okay, great. Alright. So I think that’s it. How do people contact you, sir?


Mina 1:05:28  

Facebook is Mina Elias, M i n a E l i a s. Instagram @egyptian_prescription_elias. So only the two places that I really check my messages, LinkedIn and that kind of stuff is too much spam and yeah, hit me up.


Norman  1:05:44  

Okay, very good. Let’s do the Wheel of Kelsey.


Kelsey 1:05:48  

Okay. Alright. So just a second.


Norman  1:05:51  

I thought there’d be hundreds of people wanting a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day.


Mina 1:05:59  

I mean, I won’t say no to a box of chocolates either.


Kelsey 1:06:03  



Mina 1:06:04  

I should have entered guys.


Norman  1:06:05  

You should have


Kelsey 1:06:08  

I’ll just make sure I didn’t miss anyone on my other screen.


Norman  1:06:10  



Kelsey 1:06:12  

I think I got everyone. Yep. Okay. So 321


Norman  1:06:23  



Mina 1:06:27  



Norman  1:06:29  

Oh, it was Jeffrey. I mean, that was borderline. Olga and Jeffrey, how’s that? Because that was right on the border. That’s the first time that’s happened. Okay, so we’ll send something out to you today. If you can just let Kelsey know your information and we’ll get that ordered. Might not hit Valentine’s Day, but we’re gonna try that. Okay, guys. Okay, Mina. Thank you, sir. Come back.


Mina 1:07:01  



Norman  1:07:02  

It’s taken like six months for us to mesh right. But you gotta come back in, and we’ll talk more. I saw Steven was on here too, Pope and we gotta get him back on as well.


Mina 1:07:12  

Man, Steven Pope is an incredible guy. Incredible.


Norman  1:07:15  

He is and he’s got a great podcast, My Amazon Guy. You gotta check that out. But yeah, remember Lunch with Norm on Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays. Okay, but Steven’s is also a good podcast. Alright. So sir, thank you for being on the podcast and yeah, we’ll definitely be in touch.


Mina 1:07:38  

Alright, sounds good. Thank you so much Norm. Thanks Kelsey.


Norman  1:07:40  

Alright. See you, Mina. Okay, everybody. So I hope you enjoyed the podcast today. We’ve got next week, we’ve got Chase Norlin and it’s going to be a really interesting podcast, something we don’t talk about. But some things that really affected me a few times, cybersecurity. So how do you lock down your websites? How do you lock down and make sure that you’re not going to get hacked, get this. I went to GoDaddy. They had taken my name, they had put it up for auction. They listed my domain name and this is one of my companies, as a $1 Premium domain. They bought it and then I had to go and I had to buy it back from them and I had to pay a huge buck to get my domain name back because I got scammed. I know if Shane’s listening,  he’s rolling his eyes. Because, yeah, we could have avoided what was happening just by doing better, or having better cybersecurity rules in place. So I can’t tell you how important it is. But please tune in. It’s gonna be a great show.


Kelsey 1:08:57  

Okay. Awesome. We got a good lineup next week. 


Norman  1:09:01  

Who else is gonna be there Kels?


Kelsey 1:09:02  

We got Chris Brewer and then we also have Brian Johnson.


Norman  1:09:07  

Okay, great. Very good


Kelsey 1:09:08  

Then we also have our Kevin King Episode the next week after that.


Norman  1:09:12  

Okay, great. So I think that’s it.


Kelsey 1:09:16  

Yep. So I just want to mention quickly, for people watching from the Norman Farrar personal page, we can’t see your content, or like the posts you put up. So I know I think Destiny, Tony, Marcia, they were all commenting on the Norman Farrar page, but we can’t see it. So if you want to go either to our Facebook page, YouTube, LinkedIn, our Facebook group, that’s where we can see your comments, and we can pull you up on this. Okay.


Norman  1:09:45  

Alright. Very good. Kelsey wasn’t being rude.


Kelsey 1:09:48  

Yeah. Just to check and make sure we’re not missing anything and yeah, there’s tons of questions. We couldn’t get to all of them because I guess PPC is just so complex. There are a lot of questions that people want to know about and we can go down a bunch of different rabbit holes. So there’ll be lots of other times where we can answer those questions and if you have anything that you really want to have answered, just post them in the Facebook group, easy way, or we have Brian Johnson there, I’m sure Mina, if he’s not part of the group already, I’m sure he would love to join or even like with the Clubhouse Episode 2, so there’s lots of different ways you can get your questions answered.


Norman  1:10:27  

Alright. Well, Happy Valentine’s Day everybody and I guess we’re at the end here. So tune in every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Eastern Standard Time at noon. Thank you everybody for watching. The community is growing. We love it and just want to thank everybody for joining us throughout all this, the last almost, I guess it’s getting close to a year. It’s getting there. 


Kelsey 1:10:55  

I think it was the end of April that we started..


Norman  1:11:00  

Wow. Time flies. Tempus fugit. Okay, so see you everybody later