Marketing Advisor, Kenny Harper is on a mission to inspire and empower business owners with the attitude, expertise and drive to amplify their business by increasing profits through implementing proven strategies and effective systems. Kenny connects with other “Rockstar Professionals” who are devoted to growth and empowering the clients they serve. In today’s Lunch with Norm Kenny is going to take us through 5 strategies you can immediately implement to increase your business’ profits. Norm and Kenny dive deep into goal setting, delegation, and how to stay on track with your business.
Date: January 6 2021
Episode: 86
Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Kenny Harper, a Certified Marketing Advisor & Business Growth Coach.
Subtitle: The 5 Profit Drivers
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In this episode of Lunch With Norm…, Norman Farrar introduces Kenny Harper, a Certified Marketing Advisor & Business Growth Coach.
Kenny Harper discusses how to increase your business’ profits through 5 strategies.
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Norman 0:02
Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, a.k.a The Beard Guy here and welcome to another Lunch with Norm, The Rise of the Micro Brands.
Norman 0:20
All right, so on today’s show, we’re gonna have marketing advisor Kenny Harper on and this is going to be really cool. We’re gonna be talking about five quick and effective strategies that you can immediately implement to increase your business profits. How’s that? So stay tuned. This is gonna be great. I do want to talk about a couple things. Kelsey, if you want to come on to the screen. I just wanted to Oh yes, it’s time you can say hi.
Kelsey 0:46
Okay. Hello.
Norman 0:46
You know what really sucks?
Kelsey 0:47
What is that?
Norman 0:49
Well, it doesn’t suck, but I’ve got my cup. Right? But I realized, this is your cup.
Kelsey 0:58
Oh, look at that. That’s why I’m stuck with the Golden Retrievers today.
Norman 1:03
The puppies. Anyway, I do love my dad. But this was Kelsey his Christmas present. So his only Christmas present other than coal. Anyway, Hey I wanted to talk about a couple things. I know you’re gonna talk about slamming likes and subscribing. That’s all good stuff. I don’t usually talk about this. But I had just an incredible guest on I Know this Guy. So over the last couple of weeks, like we’ve had Andre Norman on if you don’t know Andre Norman, check him out. He’s really incredible. He was sentenced to 100 years in prison for some crimes, got out at 14, completely changed his life around and it’s just an incredible human being. We’ve talked to Michael Peterson recently who’s a country music star. Anthony Mel Curie from hotels impossible. But last night, I met with Frankie Marino and we had a blast. We talked for two and a half hours and I didn’t know this, but he’s the number three number one hit maker of all time, he’s behind Madonna and so I know like last night, I said that, check out his website. This is incredible. What a talented guy, a nice, awesome guy with an interesting story. So anyways, I don’t usually talk about I Know this Guy. But guys, check it out. These people, they talk about their backstory, their failures and everyone will tell them that they had major failures to get to their success and usually they talk about motivational quotes, what gets them through. So this is an eCom podcast. Check it out. There are some really cool eCom people on there as well like Colin Campbell’s over there, Kevin King has a great podcast interview, and Lil Roberts. So there’s some really good eCom people there too. So anyways, now I’ve taken up your time. Go ahead talk.
Kelsey 3:11
Yeah, so that just to be clear, that’s I Know this Guy podcast. That’s a completely different podcast. Yeah, so some of those episodes haven’t aired yet. Right now we have Michael Peterson. But that’s a different podcast.
Norman 3:22
Check that out. Michael Peterson is an awesome guy.
Kelsey 3:27
Alright. So for this episode, if you’re new to the show, if you’re joining us for the first time, you can put any questions, comments over in the comment section, which stream to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn. If you missed it, you can always watch all the different episodes on the YouTube channel. It’s Norman Farrar. I’ll put the link in the comments and yes, smash the like button. Share the video. That’s right and yeah, we’ve got some really exciting things planned for the podcast, join our group that’s where everything is going to be happening, Lunch with Norm Amazon FBA eCommerce Collective. We’ve got some contests announced. We actually have a huge contest on Friday. So make sure you join this. Yeah, you guys are gonna like it. So that’s it for me. Let’s get this thing going.
Norman 4:17
Okay and I got to give a shout out to Marina and Mark and Simon and Facebook user. I’m not sure Kelsey, you can tell me who that is. Radd, Dr. Koz. Hey, I saw a couple of these people, Mark and Simon. I just came off of the Seller Sessions Podcast with Danny McMillan, and Tim Jordan and Brandon Young. So I recognize a few of these names as well from that podcast. Alright, so we can get started here. Enough of all this other stuff. Let’s get going. If you have any questions, throw it over in the comment section and we will get to it. If we don’t get to it during the podcast, we will answer it as soon as we can. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show. Here’s the man, how are you Kenny?
Kenny 5:06
Rockin and rollin man. Excited to be here.
Norman 5:09
Hey, why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about yourself and what you do.
Kenny 5:13
Alright, so my background, if you see the name Growth Amplifiers or Rock my Image, Amplify my Business, all those things kind of come back from my historic land of playing on stages, in performing in rock bands. I actually met my wife playing on a stage in Jacksonville Beach, and then we procreated and I have two little boys of my own, who I’m really excited to be connecting with. It’s great to see how you’re connecting with your son and getting him involved. It’s really awesome.
Norman 5:50
When he does his job right.
Kenny 5:54
So now, I’ve always had that creative background and just love connecting with people and having that sort of immersion experience and so now I’ve pivoted through my career and it’s been some time now, because I went to school, and graduated in 2005. So I’m showing a little bit of wisdom, right?
Norman 6:19
I was gonna say, you’re a young pup for marketing.
Kenny 6:21
For marketing, and multimedia and now, I’m a growth amplifier. So you see the little word growth, there it is. Growth amplifier, and I work with advisors who serve business clients, and help them amplify their business, so that they can increase their leads, their sales and profitability and it’s really what I love to do is taking the creative background of, being able to look at things differently and kind of put some creativity behind it and the business background of being able to put strategies systems in place to get results. So that’s kind of like, how I got to where I’m at now and one of the things that I really do appreciate, is just being able to connect with people that have the attitude, expertise, and drive to fall and live their passion. My first passion was in music, but I ran into the wall because I had the passion, I knew what I loved to do, but it didn’t have the right strategies and systems and knowledge to make that dream come alive. So that’s pretty good. It’s kind of one of the things that fuels me.
Norman 7:30
So I’m kind of curious, is there a specific niche, or an area that you specialize in with the growth formula?
Kenny 7:39
So one of the things that I have been focusing on is the five profit drivers. Leads, number of leads that are coming into your door, whether they’re leads or referrals. How many of those leads, that’s number one, lead generation number two, sales conversion, how many of those leads are converting into sales? Number three, number of transactions. How many transactions per customer on average are they having in the lifecycle of the client? For the average price per transaction, and five, the profit margin. It’s very simple.You can count it on one hand, 12345. It almost seems so basic, that you can really overlook it. I heard this once before, it’s the 80-20 rule. These are the 20% that give you 80% of the results. So when you put your focus and attention on improving your performance in these five profit drivers, everything else becomes easier. I’ve literally seen businesses double their profitability, simply by just having some focus and attention on the drivers of the profits.
Norman 8:55
That’s interesting, because I like talking about perception, perceived value and if you do just a few things differently, how you can really increase sales and how you can increase your profit margin. These five we’ve talked about, the five steps that you have, you add that to any of the things that we’ve talked about on the podcast before to build perception. I mean, it’s just a double whammy. I think it could really escalate your sales. So we’re gonna get into that. I just wanted to say that Dr. Koz, take the knife out of my back. I’m sitting here in rural Canada snow. Ah, it’s awful and you’re in a T-shirt. Alright, so very well. I’m in a T-shirt indoors. But anyways, I saw that anyway. Alright. So let’s get started here.
Kenny 9:50
I love your mug by the way.
Norman 9:54
This one here. The accident.
Kenny 10:00
Get my dad to move with me.
Norman 10:03
So let’s talk about foundations and we’re gonna go through each step one by one. So foundations, it’s the very first thing. So let’s talk about that. Let’s get into detail.
Kenny 10:15
Alright, so let’s get into detail. This is gonna seem like a no brainer for some people who are tuning in. They’re like, yeah, that’s obvious. But that’s one thing I’ll say that’s probably one of the biggest challenges that I face when I’m talking with people who are looking to grow, is they say, Oh, I already know this. I already know this information? Yeah. Okay. I already know this. Does that remind you of anything as a father? Our kids. Yeah. Especially when we’re teens. Yeah, I kind of know everything right? As soon as we think we know everything, is when we start limiting our growth and sometimes, it’s the things that we know that can even prevent us from implementing them. So there’s a distinction I’ll put out really real quick. There’s what you know, then there’s the actions that you take, right? Then there’s the results that you get. So if something, that’s great. But if you’re not getting the desired result, it doesn’t matter what you know. So just as you’re listening in, think about that for yourself, because if you’ve heard of things great, but if it’s not working for you, if you’re not getting the result you want, then you’ve got a gap. You have a gap and typically, it’s in a blind sight, maybe you can’t see the gap. Maybe you’re unaware of it. Right? So you’ve got to have an awareness of where your gaps are and chances are, you can’t see it, because you can’t see the frame if you’re in the picture. Alright, so I just wanted to bring out that distinction, because the first thing about the foundations is really to follow a framework to say, Alright, look, I talked about the five profit drivers earlier, right? You’ve got to assess how you’re doing in each of these areas to know where you’re at right now and then you can calculate to say, If I change these, each by even a little percentage, what would the transformation be to my business? How valuable would that be? Then when you can calculate that and see what that would do, you can really begin to understand that that would be so much more valuable than doing the to do list of busy work that I typically get caught up in, or all the distractions that I typically get caught up in. So really having focus and clarity on where your gaps are and then it’s really easy setting goals and following the framework to achieve the goals on a consistent basis.
Norman 12:51
So is that starting with a business plan?
Kenny 12:57
Not quite a business plan. Because a lot of the people that have helped out the most, or established businesses that are doing good now, they’re not challenged by any means and that’s one of their challenges is that they’re not challenged. They think, Oh I’m good. But they have blind spots. They have untapped opportunity and because they’re comfortable, they’re not looking to see where the opportunity is. Have you ever seen Rocky 3?
Norman 13:31
Oh, yeah.
Kenny 13:34
Rocky 3 is the one where Mr. T and Hulk Hogan are in there and Rocky kind of gets confident because he’s the champion, and he loses the eye of the tiger and then before you know it, someone with the eye of the tiger comes up and takes them down and that can happen with businesses and entrepreneurs. Once they get out of pain and they start like getting comfortable. They quit looking for what’s possible. So it’s just to answer your question, getting back full circle, is it a business plan? It is a plan. It’s a plan, but it’s really a growth plan to identify where the areas of opportunity are, where your bottlenecks are, and then what actions you can take strategically to improve them. Okay, and know you’re in marketing and you’re a genius in this arena.
Norman 14:32
I would not say that.
Kenny 14:34
Right? Well, you’re very sharp, right and you’re a strategist and you really kind of know what works and what doesn’t work. A lot of times when a professional may go to a marketing agency, or connect with another marketer, they too quick far too often jump into a tactic Right? I need to be doing a certain social media platform or I need a podcast, or I need a sort of membership course. They think about what is this tactic, but they haven’t really stepped back to look at the bigger picture to see how that’s gonna affect their business. So that’s what we need to do is first, come up with a clean slate, assess where you’re at in each of the five profit drivers, get clarity on how you’re doing, you can just simply do this by looking at each of them and giving yourself a score on a scale of 1 to 10. How strong and confident are you in each of these areas? For example, lead generation, right? Let’s talk about leads for a second.
Norman 15:55
Can I just go back to one quick thing? Yeah, so we’ve got a lot of new people that are new to eCom. New to business. We’ve got intermediate sellers, and we have some really advanced sellers and I just wanted to make a comment. Not years ago, not now, I couldn’t even see myself doing a push up. But years ago, I was involved with the martial arts and when I was a white belt, I absorbed, I absorbed. When I was a yellow, orange, green, when I got to green belt, I knew how to punch, I absolutely knew exactly how to punch until I realized that it didn’t. Then if you get to a black belt, that just starts. That first step is understanding you don’t know anything, and just doing it better and you can look at that as business too. You might think you know how to create the perfect Amazon listing or the perfect Facebook ad. But if you don’t continually learn, if you don’t continually get educated, if you don’t go to people who know more than you, then you’re always just going to be thinking you know it all,you know it, and you’ll never be able to get past that hurdle and you’ll see other people pass and you’ll be wondering why I’m not getting to that level and you’ve really got to come in to it with an open mind. That’s what I think. So anyways, I just wanted to say that because we are talking about foundation, and there’s a lot of people on here that are very experienced. But let’s go back and let’s talk about these five principles.
Kenny 17:39
Okay, so let’s take that first step. So we’re looking at these five drivers of profitability and why profits, because if you don’t have profits, you can have passion, but you can run into a brick wall and not be able to grow, right? Money doesn’t drive me, it’s not my number one thing, I’m more into passion. But I realized kind of the hard way, you’ve got to have a plan in order to be profitable. There’s a lot of starving artists, my first passion is music. We were playing basically to pay because all the costs to travel the gear around for the equipment, to put our own merchandise, we were barely being able to feed ourselves. So if we didn’t have the plan, we’d be profitable. So that’s why we’re focusing on profits anyway. Five drivers, right? So the first one is really do you have a plan right now that you’re focused on with clarity, your goals? What is your number one most important action that you’re really focused on achieving? Is it written out? Do you have actions defined in order to achieve the goal? Is there a timeline? Are you communicating with your team? Are you achieving the goal? Are you making progress? Very basic. But Norm, what percentage do you think of people if you ask that question could give themselves a high 10 out of one to 10 score?
Norman 19:13
Very, very few.
Kenny 19:14
Very, very few. I’ve held a lot of masterminds, workshops, doing a lot of speaking engagements and we’ll do that sometimes it’s to get people to just rate and a majority of people are coming in at around a 5 or 4 and let me tell you, these are entrepreneurs and business owners of all different backgrounds. Some are just starting, some have been in business for decades, but they don’t have clear goals defined and it’s not hard to do. But again, there’s a difference between knowing and doing right? So just it’s a self gut check. I’ve got an action planner that I write mine down in every day, every evening. I take a pause to see Am I getting my focus? Am I making progress? So if you do the self assessment on goal setting, from setting and achieving the goals from getting them what you want, on a scale of 1 to 10, think in your mind or write down on paper, how would you currently rate yourself and then think what is one thing that you could do to improve that score even by one or two numbers? Because all those small little changes will lead to big results.
Norman 20:32
Now, that book, the profit planner that you just put up or your goal planner. Okay, so did you just buy that off of Amazon?
Kenny 20:42
This is a Rockstar Professionals 90 Day Action Planner, it is one that I produced with my company and so this is on Amazon and this is something that we will give to people that we’re working with, because we’ve continually, continually defined or continually found, I should say, that it’s not people getting the knowledge. A lot of times people already know these things, but they’re not being consistent enough. They’re letting too many distractions, take them off course, they’re trying to do too many things at the same time. So kind of reining people to stay focused, is really how they’re able to say, Alright, if I’ve really put focus on this, I can move it forward. So that’s what this action planner is and that’s what I would recommend and again, just to give you kind of like a quick glimpse into it. In the beginning of the day, it’s to define what is your plan for the day and at the end of the day, it’s, oops, go backwards. The beginning of the day, and the end of the day, it’s like, what did I get done? How can I improve? What’s the plan for the next day, but really staying focused/
Norman 22:06
That is what my dad’s taught me, when growing up. He ran multiple organizations and one of the things he did, and you see him at night, and we just finished up his list, get ready for the day, so he could go in fresh and know exactly what to do and I do that and Kelsey knows, every night, I make sure that I get my list done, ready, organized for the next day.
Kenny 22:31
So that would be a strategy number one of the five strategies we’re talking about. It’s very simple. It’s very basic, but write out your goal. That would really make an impact in your business, write it down, track it and stick to it.
Norman 22:47
Okay, that’s number one. Drumroll number two.
Kenny 22:52
Alright, number two. All right, so this is gonna seem basic, a lot of these are basic. But again, we’re looking at what are some things you could do to improve it? So even if you’re already doing it, can you improve it even by a small percentage? If you take five actions, and just improve each area by even a small percentage, you’re going to see results. So the second thing we’re talking about, it’s one of the drivers is lead generation and this is the strategy is to always have an offer. Always have an offer and I’m going to share an example of somebody I was talking to the business advisor, a CPA and he’s been on LinkedIn, and he’s been trying to grow his LinkedIn client base and he’s like, Man, I’ve spent so much time on LinkedIn. I’ve got all these blogs that I’ve written. I’ve been doing all these interviews, I post all the time. I’m not getting anything from LinkedIn. I really feel like I’m wasting my time. I’ve even hired different companies to do things and use different software. I said, Alright, Well, what’s your offer? Or what’s the process? He said, Well, I post on people’s pages, and I write my posts, and they can go to my blog posts. I’m like, Well, do you have an offer? He’s like, Yeah, I have my services. If they want a consultation, they can call me. Like, that’s if they’re wanting to hire you, but could you create an offer of value that would get someone to raise their hand? Very simple, very basic, but a lot of people don’t have that.
Norman 24:48
So give us an example.
Kenny 24:50
So for example for him, I was like, Well, you’re posting your blog articles on LinkedIn, and you’re talking about ways that people can save on their taxes, right? Could you create a simple download of something, a checklist that would get people to raise their hand and then say, Hey, did you like that article? Would you like a checklist of some ideas that you could use to save money on your taxes and that will differentiate that becomes, Hey, this person’s actually interested in what I have to say and now, maybe I can guide them seamlessly and steadily to have a conversation on how I’m able to help them with their taxes. Obviously, they have an interest in it but he just was not putting the offer. So if you don’t have offers on your website, if you’re not putting some sort of offer, even in your social media posts, or in your videos, it could prevent people from taking an action and raising your hand.
Norman 25:57
Sorry. Go ahead. I interrupted.
Kenny 26:00
No, that was pretty much it. Like, even if you’re doing a speaking engagement, I’ve seen so many people do speaking engagements, or podcasts, or webinars, and they’ll give a lot of information. But then they don’t give something that gets people to raise their hand and say, Hey, look, I’m kind of interested in what you had to say. I thought it was kind of helpful. Is there something that you can get someone to take the first step?
Norman 26:26
I’m horrible at that. But anyway, about LinkedIn though, for example, you can put a post there, but messaging, and we get a lot of messages about Oh, lead generation. One of the things that I find reaching out, if you’re just gonna go and click that button, make a connection, make a connection. We look at it, and we just either yes or no, if it catches our eye, yes connect. If not, no. If somebody messages us, and just takes the time to say, Hey, I checked out the profile, wondering if you could either help me out with this question. Or just something could be a statement, but at least it’s a message and you go, Wow, this person, and it’s not an automated message, but you took two seconds, showing that you want to connect. Man, I’ve made more connections, and we answer every single person that sends us a message and Oh yeah, that would be great. Let’s connect, let’s set up a meeting and it’s such a small thing.
Kenny 27:34
Right? You bring up a good point. So how many times have you gotten a connection? Someone wants to connect with you and then you never hear from them ever again. They didn’t put any sort of message of why they want to connect in the first place. Yeah and then you connect, and you never hear from them again and there’s a lot of people kind of misusing the platforms and that’s one thing is to really think you’re really making a good segue, by the way into the next step. So this is the number two, alright, lead generation, always have an offer. It doesn’t need to be a service offer, or you’ve got to buy something offer, just have something of value, whether it be a conversation, or something that you could provide somebody or a download, just getting somebody to maybe take a small little step show a small little action, so that you know that they’re a little bit interested in what you have to offer. Right? Segue number three. Number three is really have the follow up conversation. You’ve got to be able to continue the conversation. Yep. So if you’re beginning with the end in mind, kind of like where you want to guide people to whether that’s to do business with or to build a relationship with, strategic partner of sorts, or to create an audience member. You’ve got to be able to think ahead, reverse engineer, reverse engineer your plan, and then put it into action. There’s so much noise out there driving for people’s attention. If you don’t have a plan that’s mapped out that’s guiding people to the next step, chances are, they’re not going to just find it. So thinking about what is the next step and the third of the pillars, by the way is sales conversions. Right? So this is a bottleneck that I see a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs have where they have leads, they’re like, I’ve got all these leads coming in, but their leads are not turning into customers. So we got to think of a way to increase the likelihood of getting a lead to become a customer. Simple strategy. You’ve probably heard of it, maybe even do it. But could you get better at it? Is offer a down sell offer? Are you familiar with the term?
Norman 30:18
Oh yeah.
Kenny 30:19
All right. I would almost bet I would bet money on it. I’m sure. So, when you hear the term downsale, how do you interpret it?
Norman 30:32
Well, I look at it as if somebody is coming into my eCommerce site, they’re buying a product and I try to upsell, so I’ll say, Hey, you since you bought this, you want to save shipping, buy one more or if they do that and they like it. Well, why don’t you get into the subscription model? If they say no, then you can bring them back down and say, Well, how about this, and then you can cross promote as well. So it’s up, down and cross.
Kenny 31:03
Right. So there’s upsales, down sales and cross sales. But a lot of people haven’t taken the time to really craft a down sell offer and implement it, and test it. So I’ll give you an example. I was talking with an attorney and he had been having all these consultations with people and he was trying to sell his my big package of his business attorney, a big package of you’re gonna do all these different services with me and that’s what he was trying to make his offer, right and it’s great because he doesn’t want to have a lot of a bunch of smaller clients. So I understand that that’s one of his goals. But at the same time, people weren’t taking him up on the offer. So I said, What if you created a down sale, offer a lighter version, just to get someone from being interested into action, and turn them from being a prospect into a customer. If you got them to take even a small step, He’s like, Well, I don’t want to have a whole bunch of small clients. Like you aren’t necessarily getting them to do that. We’re just getting them to take this first step, which then opens up the possibility of them continuing that journey and you can decide if you want to continue the journey with them. Right? You can still make sure that the next step is your offer. But if you can’t get them to take the first step, then it’s not going to matter.
Norman 32:52
I can give you an eCommerce example. Now, I’ll give you another example as well, but eCom. So for me, I sell soap, I sell it by subscription. So how do I get people to do it? First of all, if I’m advertising, I’ll go up to the cost of the soap to get that first subscriber, because once they buy it once, hopefully they’re going to come back and buy it again. The down sale for us is, it’s a no brainer and we get the customer’s email address, get a free bar, it’s a sample bar, pick your scent and we’ll send it out to you. I mean, it’s our cost, there’s no shipping, we’re gonna take the hit and then when they try it out, now we know they’re coming back. Now, on another basis, on social media. Let’s say you’re trying to grow your network, right? Not a service or not a product. So here’s something else that we do, and we’ve done it for years is that if somebody comes over to us, we’ll engage in conversation. But if we don’t know, we’ll try to help the person out. Hey, Oh, you know what, we can’t do this. We don’t specialize. But I’m going to make it, I did this last night, I’m going to make you an introduction to the person that I know. Well, all of a sudden, this person becomes either in your network, you’ve just done them a favor, you’ve not asked for any money and guess what? They’re going to add you to their network, they’re going to remember this and they’re most likely going to be a fan or an influencer or a brand ambassador or whatever it is, because you’ve helped them out and this has actually happened and I know one of the people probably are listening on this podcast right now. But they got a message from me introducing a buddy of mine that has a new technology to help them out.
Kenny 34:51
That is taking an action to turn prospects and getting them to move along further in the relationship with you and their journey. Easier to know something and then it’s another thing to do it. So just like we’ve done with the foundations, on a scale of 1 to 10 I think right now how would you rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 when it comes to turning leads into customers, and just give yourself an honest grade, and then think what’s one action that you could take to improve that score, even by a small percentage, even by 1 point, one thing that you could do. So if you don’t have an offer, you can create one. If you have one, what’s a way that you can improve it? Are there different downsells that you might want to look at, at different points in different areas of your business, because you might have it for one place, but it may not be in another, right?
Norman 36:00
What I was gonna say, and I guess this is probably one of the major factors. But you can give all the advice that you want, you go in and sit down across the table with your clients, you could tell them all of these, so we’re number three right now. But if the person has great intentions, that’s all they’ll ever have. Great intentions, they have to put things into action. If you learn out of these five steps right now, we’re at number three. But if you put one up, just just get one going, that’s gonna get you to places where 90% of your competition are not going to do, they’re not gonna do anything action oriented and by the way, just on that note, because I like to hear myself talk. No, I’m joking. But when I do go to events, and especially when you’re getting bombarded with a ton of information, like, if you go to trade shows, or if you go to just live events, virtual summit, you got like 20 people talking to you and the first person you go, Wow, this is really great. You start writing all this stuff down. At the end of every night, I do this religiously, is I’ll take the three action points while the person’s done, like so we’re waiting, we’re going on break, I’ll go, Okay, here’s action, step one, two, and three, boom, that’s that for that speaker next, then I’ll just summarize it at the end and I’ll take three of all of the speakers, three points and I’ll make sure that I’ll send it over to Vandana, who’s my assistant. Vandana, you gotta check this out, boom, boo, boo, boo, boom, these three things, and she’ll get the plans going into action. But if you don’t do it, I mean, there’s a bunch of people on the call right now, how many people have listened to a virtual summit or gone to an event, said, Wow, this is great information and then because there’s so much information, thank you. You never put it into action.
Kenny 38:12
You’re hitting the nail on the head and that’s why some of these foundations are actually the most important things, that we’re looking for silver bullets, and magic little systems to do these amazing things and they haven’t checked the box and some of the basics and so before you go and invest and put a lot of time and energy into things that could be more involved, look at these basic things, make sure that you’re doing them, and then you can work on slowly but surely, adding one new idea at a time moving it forward. Right? I do like that, because at the end, these are five things. I typically say what’s out of those five different things. If you graded yourself from 1 to 10, what’s the weakest area? What’s the place that needs the most attention and then start there first.
Norman 39:09
Great. So Kelsey, do we have any questions? Comments?
Norman 39:17
Sorry. You’re technically challenged.
Kenny 39:30
He’s just there for the young crowd.
Norman 39:35
No. Alright. So I’m going to curl up in the fetal position any second now. So Kels, try that and come back. But anyways, I guess we’ll get to the questions a bit later. So we’ve talked a bit about sales. Let’s talk about number four.
Kenny 39:57
Alright, number four. This is a no brainer. Again, we’re trying to make it easy today, five things. Not anything complicated, not anything you gotta to buy, a lot of things for just five little ideas and this is transactions and it’s really thinking about how can you increase the number of transactions per customer? Subscriptions are obviously a great thing. I like we talked about it just a moment ago, but it can come into play here by having an upsell offer. So easy. But again, there’s a lot of people that just don’t have it in their business and other people think, Well, it doesn’t really apply to my business, but everyone can apply a different strategy to upsell. Right and here’s another thing too that I’ve discovered, is sometimes it’s not that people don’t know, it’s that they feel like they don’t want to sell somebody something or be too assertive or push people away.
Norman 40:57
It’s annoying.
Kenny 40:59
Isn’t it? Yeah. I don’t want to be that person. Yeah and that can be very limiting. I was talking to one of my clients who’s in the health and wellness arena and they’re like, We just don’t do that with our sales. In my coaching background, I’m like, Oh, why not? Tell me why that is. Just like, well, we don’t want to come across being too salesy or too pushy, or too assertive. Like interesting. Like you do really believe that the people love your service and what you offer, right? She said, Oh,yeah, people just, they love and rave, we got plenty of reviews and they come to you asking for these things, right? Oh, yeah, they come in. Well, if you have something that you believe that they would appreciate in value, do you think they’d be offended if you ask them if they’d want it? No, no, I think that would be fine. Well, that’s what you’re looking to do here. Paradigm shift. Small paradigm shift and so just being able to put out the offer and say, Hey, this is something that you said you liked. Would you like to supersize?
Norman 42:18
McDonald’s does that all the time.
Norman 42:20
If they say, No, thank you. That’s okay. But if they say, you know what? Yes. Studies have shown that a majority of people are a good percentage, I think more of a third will take an upsell offer and when asked at that point of transaction. I know I do it too. Especially in symptoms, even with big purchases, I bought a roof recently. I’m spending over $10,000 on a goofy roof and now when they’re doing their upsells, like here’s another little thing you could do that might help your roof last a little bit longer. It’s another $1,000. Yeah, like whatever. Sure. Let’s do it. Plus, I want to go cheap now and some people want the VIP right? People want the higher level of things. So think about that scale 1 to 10. You’re thinking about the number of transactions, with something that you could do? Well, how would you rate yourself focusing on increasing the number of transactions per customer? Do you offer an upsell? Do you market to your existing customers? Give yourself a score. One being, I don’t pay attention to it. 10 is like I’m the master and 5 being about average, and then think was just one thing you could potentially do to prove that score, even by a percentage.
Norman 43:50
If you are worried about that, because that was a challenge of mine, too when I started into eCommerce, these annoying pop ups will come up. So one of the things you can do is you get an app, let’s say it’s in Shopify. So you’ve got the data, yep, that annoying up down cross app, and then you’ve got your abandoned cart app. So see if your abandoned carts go up and you’ll be surprised they’re not going to be any difference, maybe very, very few differences and then like I was talking to, I think it was Charles Livingston, who is a master at this stuff and he was talking to me about his upsell, the funnel that they have, and he takes a product at the time. This goes back a couple years. I think it was 50 or $60. He triples the average order value. By the time somebody rings out. It’s triple. It’s crazy. Just by asking
Kenny 44:58
Just by asking
Norman 45:00
Yep. So Kels, you there?
Kelsey 45:02
Alright. Okay, so I’m just using the laptop audio. Now I’m not sure what’s going on. I think my audio port, I don’t know. But we do have some questions. So let’s see from Darwin.
Kenny 45:20
I can’t hear you. Joking.
Kelsey 45:23
Alright, so what is good practice when a person visits your Shopify store as far as ad pop up coupon or action on the main page? Do you have any recommendations?
Norman 45:33
Don’t give out stuff that’s crap. So if you want this to work, just from my experience, is that if I have clients that say, it’s not working. Well yeah, why would somebody want a PDF on this crap? People are, especially if they’re going to give their email, you have to think of why would you give your email out? People are guarded with their emails right now. You have to really make that offer. That’s something that they want. So for me, people like free, they don’t like PDFs. Well yeah, I shouldn’t say that. I mean, they do. But that could be something that you deliver as a value added, that shows up later on and Hey, thank you so much for buying our products, oh, here are 10 of the key recipes, or whatever it is about our product that you might like, To learn more, visit our blog. But if you’re giving away just a PDF, people are just gonna, if you’re giving away a product, or it could be a service of some sort. But if you’re if I’m giving away a product, they get it, I get their email address. If I get them as a client, this is the rinse and repeat and I just saw something from I think, Simon, but if you get that client, so now you’ve got them, you’re gonna have them for a long time until you screw up, or until they find something way better until they stop using it. So it’s so easy to retain a client and what I found I don’t know about you, but people have lists. People get these great lists and so many people never ever target their clients for repeat business. Crazy.
Kenny 47:28
Crazy. I even was talking to, it’s a completely unrelated industry, but talking to a plumber as a how’s business going?
Norman 47:41
Down the drain.
Kenny 47:42
Down the drain. He said it was a little bit challenging and I just asked him some basic questions. Do you market to your current customers? He’s like, No, I don’t need to. If they have a clog, then they’ll come and find me. Like, Well that’s one way of looking at it. But do you think other people, other plumbers are marketing to those same people? You’re not staying top of mind. Right? So even just stands out mine. But Norm, I want to go back to what you mentioned just a moment ago, in regards to like a pop up, right? So something to get people excited. I think that’s a great example, you want an amplified offer, right? Something that’s just not Whoa, here’s something that you can get that you probably wouldn’t want anyway, right? What’s something that’s exciting? Can you get them to take an action, maybe they’ve got to fill out a certain form or watch a certain video before they get the freebie so that they’re showing they’re a little bit more qualified. But investing in getting a new customer is worth it. If you know the lifetime value of a customer and you could say Hey, look, I could continue to build this customer in their relationship through time. But the other thing that goes along with that is the people who are marketing to their existing customers with newsletters, right. Would you read your own newsletter? Honestly?
Norman 49:08
I will mine Yeah, mine doesn’t suck.
Kenny 49:12
You got personality. I don’t know how many newsletters I’ve seen through my days, but a majority of them are just like, Oh my Gosh and I’ve been guilty of in the past where I’m like, I’m just kind of like falling wood. I think I should be putting in. They’re not making it entertaining, not making it interesting, not making it viable. People don’t want to see that, right? So whether it’s a pop up offer or remarketing newsletter, it’s got to be interesting, entertaining and provide value.
Norman 49:42
Right. Yeah, just looking at some of these comments. But the other thing too, I mean, one of the things that we found let’s say that we want to build traffic or get people to buy the product, like you can suddenly put it in the back of their heads like create a contest and have that contest where it’s a $500 gift certificate is drawn once a month, bla bla bla bla. People buy the product, all you need to do is tag us in your Instagram account. Now you’re building up that social proof, you’re getting people to buy in, they’re probably brought like to enter it, you’ve had to buy the product and there’s value there without really giving that much value. If all these people are going to be going out and tagging you and you’re getting all this proof, guess how much like $500 is nothing when you get $5,000 worth of social proof and sales back.
Kenny 50:40
Right? It’s about the excitement, it’s about making it interesting.
Norman 50:44
Right? So Kelsey, more questions?
Kelsey 50:48
Yeah, so for this one, I’m gonna have to bleep one word, but it’s about a year goal setting. So goal sharing, not doing too much. Sure. What do you do when poop happens in an instant pile of more to do a national lockdown homeschooling to teenagers stock limits, or lead times, like what do you do in this time?
Kenny 51:12
I like taking a step back, right and this was coming up on what, nine months ago, when things hit the fan for the pandemic. I’m a father of two boys, who’s six and nine and one week old. I’m down in Orlando going to a podfest, great convention on podcasting.
Norman 51:36
I never heard of it. I gotta go there next time.
Kenny 51:38
Yeah, I think they’re doing it virtual here in March again, they just broke the Guinness Book of World Records for attendance of a virtual summit in the fall anyway.
Norman 51:51
Thanks for the bug.
Kenny 51:53
I was down there and then I came back thinking my kids are gonna go to school the next week, because they’re on spring break. Yeah and then, I’m home, being the parent and trying to homeschool, running my business and trying to homeschool two kids with online things that weren’t working when the teachers didn’t know what they were doing. All my clients, my business coach and marketing advisor, all my clients are scrambling around not knowing what they’re doing and they’re calling me freaking out. I’m freaking out, everyone’s freaking out. Long story short, I’m just saying I can relate. Poop does happen and when that happens, you’ve got to find a way to take a step back. Get things in perspective, and really prioritize what is the most important thing to focus on right now. There’s a to do list. But is it all high priority, chances are not. I like a little system that I’ve learned where you grade things like A, B, C, D, and E. So A is like absolute, absolute, we got to do this. It’s a key priority, mission critical. B, you better do it but it’s not mission critical. It can get done a little bit later. C, something you could do but you could also not do, it wouldn’t be the end of the world and chances are, there’s a lot of C’s in a lot of peoples to do lists. D, something should delegate like this needs to be done but I don’t necessarily need to do it. I could find a virtual assistant, I could hire someone, somebody to help me out to do this. It needs to be done but maybe I don’t need to do it with my time and then E, eliminate. Maybe it was on my to do list and I just moved past it. Things are different now and I no longer need to do it. So take a moment to really prioritize and then once you have ABCD and E, right? You can get rid of the E, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Delegate the D. So now you just have A, B and C. Focus on the A’s. But then put A1, A2, A3, prioritize them and then just focus. Keep focused. Right? So it’s easier said than done. It’s simple. But if you did that, you’d feel like you’re in control. You’re focusing on the most important things and you’re really going to take the actions you need to move the most important things for it.
Norman 54:34
Yeah, I like it. Okay, Kels.
Kelsey 54:38
So that’s it for the questions, I believe. There are plumber puns from Simon
Norman 54:45
Yeah, I saw Simon.
Kelsey 54:48
One just came from Darwin again. What is your opinion and staying focused on moving one idea at a time, not spreading too much, but also not falling behind? Keeping your eye on new opportunities.
Kenny 55:00
That’s a good question.
Norman 55:03
I’d say if you’re asking for me, you’re asking the wrong guy.
Kenny 55:07
No, I think one of the biggest challenges that I see is people trying to do too many things at the same time and that’s been my journey as Achilles heel. I’m a visionary. I’m a creative person, I’m an amplifier, getting in doing a lot of new things. I like having fun, excitement, varieties the thing. But it comes at a cost and if you’re trying to do too many things at the same time, you’re going to spread yourself too thin, it’s not going to be effective. So how do you handle that? One technique that I like is to step back again, prioritize and then you’ve got to get the most important things up and running, and effective and efficient and then this is really hard, harder to do is keep the integrity of your commitment to that one thing until that is solid. Once it’s landed, it’s solid, you could then work on adding the next thing and I know there’s people that are like, Oh, you need to do all these different things to get a lot of traction. But if you can’t get them all working, and you can’t get traction with them all at same time, then it may not be to your benefit. But if you did one thing really well get that rockin, then you can move to the next thing.
Norman 56:35
We see that with too many shiny objects, right? So there’s always something new, there’s all 10 different virtual summits, there’s 1000 different podcasts, and what you need to do like for us, is I tell people, find a person, if you’re listening to somebody, if you’re joining a course, or if you’re going into a mastermind, find somebody that suits your personality. Don’t go to 10, you don’t have to go to 10. Especially if you’re starting out, you’re just gonna get killed. Pick a podcast or two, don’t pick 1000. Just find something that suits you and then move forward. Now, I want to go back to something Simon was talking about and the beauty of what we have everybody on this podcast, they’re entrepreneurs, different levels of entrepreneurs and that’s my Skype going off, which I thought was turned off. Boy, that’s unprofessional. You didn’t hear it? Maybe it was in my head.
Kenny 57:45
It didn’t happen.
Norman 57:47
Okay guys, what I just said. But anyways, we are all entrepreneurs, and the beauty from that is everybody else and it is going off again, just a sec and you can’t hear it right? So, being able to turn on a dime, to be able to look at an opportunity and say whether you want to move forward with it and then if you do want to move forward, let’s say it’s an Amazon store, understanding it, get a good course, or join a good mastermind, and understand it, become an expert and then what you can do is if you do see these, like let’s say it’s an Amazon listing opportunity, PPC opportunity, external traffic driving some extra sales or doing an eCommerce instead or with your Amazon listing, you can delegate that you can run multiple brands but the key is that you have a plan, just like what you’re saying, and having that plan, finding a good person or a good VA or multiple VAs that have expertise in different areas and work with those people. Your brand is only as if you’re trying to go get somebody for a buck an hour and you want to sell your company later on, you’re gonna get a buck an hour performance. I’d rather pay a much higher dollar, get somebody that’s very good at what they do, and grow with them. But come just coming back. I’m really long winded with this, but we are entrepreneurs, we can turn on a dime, we can cut that listing at any time if it sucks. If we’re not getting sales, cut it, get something else up there, it doesn’t take long and always have that plan B. Find that other product and know if that product isn’t going to work, cut it and get this other one up.
Kenny 59:51
I love it.
Norman 59:52
Yeah, we haven’t talked about your number five though, which I think is pretty important.
Kenny 59:57
Yeah, so number five. So we’ve talked about the four other items. Number five is really about profits and it’s an important part. If you don’t know the profit margins in your business, you can work yourself really hard and not get nearly as far as you want to. But the strategy, the tip, is to stop discounting and raise prices. Stop discounting, people would sometimes look, if I’m doing a 10% discount, you could be cutting your profits in half and you wouldn’t know it if you don’t know your real profits. If you’re not looking at the cost of goods sold, if you haven’t really done the math, like, Oh, it’s only 10%. It’s like, that was all the profits you had to offer. I knew a lady that had an eCommerce store and she just liked to do the discounts because it gets people to buy, but she was wondering why she just wasn’t being able to generate a lot of money from her store and we looked at what she was offering, it’s like, Well, you’re discounting away all your profits. I mean, you’ve got to realize that and she’s like, Well, but then I’m getting them as customers I’m like, but then you still offer continued discounts. She’s like, Well, it gets them to buy, but at what profit? You’re not making money. So then what do we do? So we need to raise the prices by adding more value with things that don’t cost money. Perceived value, it can be experience, it could be different things that you offer that complement your product, but doesn’t come at the cost and take away your profitability. Again, if you didn’t see it earlier, I’m not all about just profits, I’m about the experience. I’m about relationships, but we’ve got to pay attention to the bottom line is if you don’t have the profits, you’re not going to be able to really bring your passion to more people. So that’s the fifth step there and if you’ve been doing the assessments, think on a scale of 1 to 10 right now, when it comes to your profit margins, do you look at them? Do you know what they are? Do you know where your margins are, and then give yourself a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 and think what’s just one thing that I could do, that might be able to move that just one digit higher, just make a small minor improvement and that can make a big difference on the results that you see from your business. You get more money in, you invest back in your business, you can provide a better experience, everything becomes better.
Norman 1:02:32
You talked about discounting and if we take a look at an Amazon product listing, a lot of people use the coupon stack, right, and so you’ll give away 3, 5,10, 25 and if you take a look at a lot of listings, you’ll see that people are killing themselves. If you buy multiple, so if you buy three, you get 5% off. If you buy five, you get 10% off. If you buy, I don’t know 15, you get 15% off. 25, you get 25% off, and at what cost? I always look at those and again, going back to my clients, I’ll say, Look, give 3 at two and a half percent off or 2% off. Give 5 at 3, give 10 at 4, you don’t have to like I don’t want to go up past 10% and that’s if they buy 25 or something. People will buy it because they’re getting something at a lower rate. That’s it. It doesn’t have to be 10, 20, 25 and I have seen 25% off and going Oh my God, how are they doing this and the other thing, like I love perception, you can create perception without increasing the price of your product. You could change the bottle, you can change the color, you can change the material, you can change a package and just make it instead of a tuck box or a cardstock make it into a micro corner get and for about a nickel more, you can probably put another, Well let’s say if your product selling at $20, you can get it up to $30 because you spent an extra nickel or quarter. Sometimes it’s free. So some product cannibalization sucks and if you’re just trying to get sales, and you’re getting a penny of sale, that sucks, you got to sell so much. Why not stand out from the crowd, take a chance. It takes about two weeks to really notice the difference. But all of a sudden if you’re listing your images, the quality of the copy, your A plus pages and this is for Shopify as well. If it meets and people think it’s got high perceived value, Man, the world’s your oyster because you can get a ton of extra cash in your pocket.
Kenny 1:05:04
It’s not gonna work for everyone, but for those that may have a kind, like a focus of what they’re selling, is trying to build a community around it and really working to elevate the brand perception. One of the presentations that I’ve done in the past is on branding and I typically will have like these two pictures of jeans up on the screen and like, can you tell the difference between these two pairs of jeans and then people are like, one’s a little bit bluer, one’s has wrinkles on. One sells for $20. One sells for 1000. Now, here’s the interesting thing, if someone took that $1,000 pair of jeans and discounted at 220 dollars with the same people want it? Probably not. So there’s a lot to be said for really putting some time behind cultivating a brand the community, and what you can do when you’re working to do that and if you’re getting into like really building your business, then that’s something that you can work towards through time, it’s not a quick strategy. But it’s something that you can work through in time, and really attract the right type of buyers. Because you mentioned something just a moment ago that made me think that you can sell a lot, but if you don’t have the right buyers, then you could be selling a lot just to be churning. Someone else can have just a few buyers, but they have the right ones and they’re making out.
Norman 1:06:44
That’s right and it’s funny, because if you think of retail, if you put that $1,000 pair of jeans in the front of the store, psychology, like this is just the sales psychology is that you put the most expensive at the front of the store, and you put the least expensive at the back. So people think Wow, these look as good as those.I’ll buy these and we do that. So we’ve got like these cooking utensils that are $224 on the same first page listing, it’s the same company that sells it for $127 and then we have the exact same knife that’s 34.97. So you can get either one. They’re all basically the same knife. But the 224 is, Oh I want the one with the wooden case. Oh, I want this one that’s in the clamshell, or whatever. But sales psychology, they’re entering your store, they’re entering your Amazon store, put your first one up top, Oh, I can’t afford that. Oh, but I can afford this.
Kenny 1:07:57
It’s a great, great strategy. So there’s the five drivers, again, looking to do what you could do to increase leads, turn those leads into customers with your sales conversion, the number of transactions per customer, the average dollar per transaction per customer, and the profit margin, increasing the profit margins, being able to assess where you’re at now, right? We did this scale of 1 to 10 and then determine where’s the weakest link? If I just improved one area, what would that do for my business? You can calculate that. In fact, that’s one of the things I have in my offers is that I’ve got a profit growth calculator that helps kind of calculate that and just kind of run numbers for people so they could see what if I made some changes in these areas, what would that do to my bottom line and then, as you mentioned, you got to put it into action. If all you did by listening in was just to get an idea of either something new that you hadn’t heard of before considered or be something that you already know but you could still improve because everyone can continue to improve, then define what that is and then commit to yourself. You’re going to make the time that you’ve spent here tuning in to put it into action, and then get the result from it.
Norman 1:09:17
Alright. That’s fantastic and Kelsey, just following up any other questions?
Kelsey 1:09:22
One question from Radd. How do we get in contact with you, Kenny?
Kenny 1:09:26
Oh, thank you so much for asking. Well, there’s two websites that I would like to promote.
Norman 1:09:34
Go ahead.
Kenny 1:09:35
The first one is Growth Amplifiers. You can see it that way, Growth Amplifiers. That’s my podcast and I connect with business owners who are looking to amplify their business and they share some things that they learned on their journey and Norm’s definitely gonna have to be on the podcast in the relatively near future. So maybe you’ll check him out there. So that’s Now, I do have an offer, it’s a free offer by the way. Remember I talked about free offers, if people are interested in what you have to say they can raise their hand. You go to, you go there and if you put in your information, you can get a free copy of my book, Amplify Business Breakthroughs in 45 minutes and this contains some of the ideas, some strategies to increase the five profit drivers we talked about today. My goal is to build relationships with other Rockstar professionals who are serving a higher purpose following the passion, so it’s
Norman 1:10:42
Very good. That’s a great value. So check it out. Anybody listening right now on the podcast can get a free copy of the book. So Kelsey, there we go, find my profits
Norman 1:10:59
There we go. Yep.
Norman 1:11:03
Alright. So Kenny, thank you so much. We’ve got your contact information. We’ll have you on again and who knows? Maybe you’ll see me on your podcast. That would be great.
Kenny 1:11:15
Norman 1:11:16
Alright, sir. So stick around for a bit and we’ll talk to you after I sign off.
Kenny 1:11:21
Alright. Sounds good.
Norman 1:11:22
Okay, I’ll see you later. Alright, everybody. So I hope you enjoyed the podcast today. Kelsey, where are you sir?
Kelsey 1:11:31
Alright. I’m right here.
Norman 1:11:34
It’s working. There we go. Okay, perfect.
Kelsey 1:11:36
Alright. Let’s see Simon. Simon’s got to go. Thank you for watching Simon. So you might have noticed for our Facebook page, not the group, we changed it to The Lunch with Norm Podcast. So if you’re looking for the Norman Farrar a.k.a The Beard Guy, Lunch with Norm, shortened it a little bit to Lunch with Norm Podcast, make it nice and easy for people to see. Let’s see. So if you guys can write a review, if you post a review for us, we’ll read the review on here. So we’ve got today’s review. Let’s see. This is going to be from Evelyn Lumi. Highly recommended. Thanks to Norm’s podcast, I’ve discovered so many useful people and information on my journey building eCommerce, especially Amazon, but not only also what I like about the podcast is that Norman is active himself on Amazon, and he shares very valuable tips using his own experiences. It feels most like one on one coaching.
Norman 1:12:40
Oh, very good. Thanks Evelyn.
Kelsey 1:12:42
Thank you, Evelyn. So again, if you guys write a review for us on Apple or our Facebook page, we’re gonna go ahead and read it for you guys and we’ve got really big things planned for the Lunch with Norm podcast. We got monthly contests happening. We’ve got a big, big, big contest, starting Friday, which is super exciting.
Norman 1:13:06
you don’t have to pay for it.
Kelsey 1;13:07
That’s right. I might even enter. I would go through the Facebook group and please, if you’re joining our Facebook group, please answer the questions. There’s three questions. They’re very simple questions. If you don’t answer the questions you’re not going to get in. It’s like, where do you sell? How long have you sold? It’s a very simple question. But we’re just trying to filter out
Norman 1:13:31
This is really cool that I know everybody’s probably dropping off right now. But it’s like my coffee policy, Hey Sharon. I’m gonna turn red.
Norman 1:13:43
It’s like my coffee policy. So I have a five page coffee policy, how to make a cup of coffee. Why is it important getting the buy in and everybody, like there’s a group of 23 of us that came in, sat around a table and tried to figure out why we should write this coffee policy and at the end of the day, if you can’t follow a coffee policy, then you can’t follow these more important policies. We want engagement, we want people to engage in our group, we have no use for people that just want to be in there and click that you’re in a group. We want to talk, we want to learn, we want you to help, answering questions. That’s what it’s all about. So that’s why if you can’t answer the three questions that are pretty easy, then you’re not going to engage with anybody and that’s so important for us.
Kelsey 1:14:36
Yeah, so answer the questions, get in the group and yeah, we’ve got some people asking about influencers and one of the best social media platforms. So that’s something if anyone has the answer to you can go ahead and answer that. I believe Yelchin is asking that in the group right now and also what was I going to say?
Norman 1:14:56
Sharon saw the okay, I was wondering about the Viking hat.
Kelsey 1:15:03
If you guys fill the survey up right now, checking who’s on Clubhouse, we wi;ll be doing like an extra bonus episode too with that in the future as well. So that’s something to look forward to. But that’s it for now.
Norman 1:15:17
You’re done.
Kelsey 1:15:18
I’m done.
Norman 1:15:19
Okay. Very good. So, this Friday, we have a really great guest. It is incredible. I saw her I think on the Illuminati, that’s the Helium 10s Elite program. She was talking with Manny about copywriting. Diane Boerstler and I hope I’m saying Diane’s last name right. But anyway, she’s going to be on. She’s going to be talking about some really cool copywriting tips, and how to implement them in your Amazon or eCom store. Alright everybody, so thanks for joining and we look forward to seeing you every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Eastern Standard Time at noon and have a great day.
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