Today’s Lunch with Norm is all about external traffic. On this episode we discuss where Amazon sellers should look first for traffic, and why you should consider Google Ads. With 14 years of e-commerce experience, Tomer David is the owner of 2 Amazon FBA brands. His passion started when he was young, at only 16 years of age, he left school to pursue his e-commerce dreams full-time. Tomer teaches other sellers how to succeed on this platform through his website and Youtube channel Sourcing Monster, where he shares videos about sourcing products from China and running successful online businesses.
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Norman Farrar 0:00
Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, aka the beard guy here and welcome to another lunch with Norm the Amazon FBA and Ecommerce podcast.
Norman Farrar 0:20
Okay, today we’re just before the holidays, just before Christmas and today we got a special show. And we’re going to be talking about how to use external traffic and Google ads. Our guest today is an owner of two Amazon brands with 14 years experience. He started at 14. And when he was 16, this is my type of guy he ended up leaving school to pursue his Ecommerce dreams. Anyway, he’s got a very successful YouTube channel called sourcing monster. And we’re gonna be welcoming Tomer David to the show today. He’s a first time appearing on the podcast. But before we get to that, let’s have a word from our sponsor. Thank you solarize for sponsoring this episode of lunch with dorm solarize is your comprehensive solution for your everyday business needs. Everything you need to grow and scale your Amazon business is just one click away. For more information, contact Dimon and his team over at solarized calm and remember solarize is with one R. Okay, where is the Boy Wonder I know where he is. He’s directly above me today.
Kelsey 1:35
Oh, great. Hello, everyone. Merry Christmas, everyone. Glad to see we’ve got a little family joining us. We’ve got Jessica Rabbit and Andrew. If you’re watching, let us know in the comment sections as well as smash those like buttons. Give us those thumbs up. I’m joined by my little reindeer fellow that I found that came over grandparents place but I hope everyone is doing well. And yeah, if you’re interested in our community, join our Facebook group lunch with Norm Amazon FBA and E commerce collective. And you can also get a little more of the beard with our membership program on our Patreon site. This is to support the podcast. That’s just the norm website lunch with Norm comm click on the membership button. And you’ll be able to see all of our offerings for guests’ lessons, q&a sessions with Norman i and or just if you want to buy us a cup of coffee for the month that would be great. You can just check that out at the lunch website. And yeah, I think that’s it, we can jump right into it. I’m excited for this episode. I think it’s gonna be a good one. I know Tumblr has a great YouTube channel that I think you guys should all check out called sourcing monster. So I’ll put the links in the comment sections as well. But uh, welcome Radd too and yeah, looking forward to it.
Norman Farrar 2:57
Now this is where I should just go silent and watch you as you go into the
Kelsey 3:01
field. This
Norman Farrar 3:06
one guy, okay, then I guess it’s me. Alright, so if you have any questions, just Kelsey, oh my gosh. If you have any questions, throw them over in the comment section. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the episode. Welcome Tomer.
Tomer David 3:23
Thank you very much norm.
Norman Farrar 3:25
Ceiling. He does have all the power, doesn’t he? For sure. Yeah. He can just mess us up as we’re talking. But he won’t I don’t think anyways, usually just doesn’t when I’m talking. So tomorrow, if it says you’re the first person on the first time on the episode, do you want to just talk a little bit more about you know, what you do and how you do it? What you do? A little bit about everything?
Tomer David 3:52
Yeah, so I’m a seller. That’s what I’m focusing on. That’s what I like doing developing products, and seeing how you can take an idea, bring it to market and people can enjoy and obviously, what it can bring us Amazon sellers, beauty of working from home or working from anywhere. That’s something that appeals to me a lot after being in a family business that we were selling jewelry, and it was with a factory in New Jersey and in New York, it was very demanding and you had to be there pretty much 24 736 Five days a year you couldn’t really live obviously a lot of inventory involved and responsibility. And that’s something that I was looking for a lot of time to have that flexibility and business like that. And I find to happen that I really love doing that. I also have the YouTube channel like you guys mentioned, thank you for that sourcing monster. Something I also love doing. I try doing consultation a little bit, not something that I’m you know, it’s not really my strength. I know that I’m not good at this. So I’m not really pushing it that much and Guess I guess there are other people better than this at me, and you should really stick to the strengths and what you’re good at. And recently also partnered with the logistic company to offer free services as well, from China Sea air shipping. And that’s what I’m pretty much up to will about to sell my brand in the next few weeks. Right? Yeah, didn’t just take that money and just grow my other brands and keep doing the same thing. Pretty much.
Norman Farrar 5:29
I really liked the idea. When when I first started reading a little bit more about you, I mean, we ran into each other at white label lead, or white label Expo just before, just before COVID. Right. And it was crazy. It was it, can you imagine, like two weeks after we met, then it would have been this complete crazy lockdown. Anyways, one of the things that I read about you was that you stopped going well, you dropped out of school, basically, to pursue your EComm career. That’s, that’s, you know, one of the things I told our kids is that, you know, universities, and all of our kids went to university, but I said, you know, have you ever thought about being an entrepreneur, you know, what you’re doing, or the amount of time and the amount of debt that goes into university program, and you can go out there and with becoming an expert, you know, having the same expertise, but you could profit so much, I’m not telling people not to go to university. But this time, right now, there’s no better time to actually go out there, in just, you’re in control of your own destiny. And I just find, like, if something were to happen today, I can open up tomorrow and survive. And that’s what I love about this. This E comm world of rz, electronic or digital world. So anyways, I just wanted to give you two thumbs up, I thought that was really cool that you were able to do that. And you’re very successful entrepreneur. So
Tomer David 7:03
thank you, thank you appreciate it. And yeah, I guess we can jump right or yes, we can to external traffic. This is very exciting topic for me, which experiment, I think like for the last two years, you know, whether that’s organic traffic, having your own listing organically are ranked on Google search results for key terms, or Google or Bing Ads, Yahoo ads, or whatever other search engines, obviously, Google is the main channel out there for organic traffic, or more. This strategy is like more long term. So if you’re ever established brand, and product that you know, or thing that will work for really long time, definitely invest in that. And I will touch base on what I did how things work there. And the other thing is, like much more short term like quick traffic that you can get through Google ads, that could help you with ranking, and help you get cells that in my in my account, that would actually profitable a costs. So I pay all day long, whatever traffic I can get, because, you know, I’m still profitable or, or breakeven. So that’s, that’s really cool.
Norman Farrar 8:16
So there is four we get into the door. Can we explain what a link is? Why is it important?
Tomer David 8:22
Yes. So let’s, let’s talk about their organic rankings first thought, what is the link? So back then, when I met you, just before the pandemic started, I talked with you about this, because you probably like experiment that this longer than when I just was, you know, checking things and, and seeing with words, I have experienced with SEO for really many years, but not with Amazon. So you know, I knew the power of it. But you know, at first I when I started my Amazon business, I wanted obviously to focus on on more in the Amazon world PPC optimizing my listings before I do some other stuff. But when they have chance I started to really explore and how you actually get organic rankings on search engines. It’s mainly not not only but mainly through backlinks. So when Google bots, the crawlers go over the internet, they find all these hyperlink between websites. And the more links that you have from authority websites, or like from websites that Google loves, the better chance that you will rank higher for specific terms. Usually, it’s the anchor text, but things changed a little bit, but it’s usually the anchor text that you use. So let’s say you ever you browse And you see, check out this beautiful hairbrush. So most likely if it’s from you you’ll rank very high for her brush. So I was experimenting this and my experience was okay how many backlinks or what is the quality of backlinks that we need in order To rank my listings on Google search results for example, someone right hairbrush. I want them to see my hairbrush listing at the first, preferably the top three or top five results, because that’s what like the same like Amazon that top listings get most of the traffic. The same goes with Google. Right? So if you’re a page one, which is sounds good, gonna report and all of that, but your results in a nine or 10, you’re not gonna get a lot of traffic. So So I wanted to really see how much money what is the return? How can I rank it, and what we can do to really push and have this edge on our competitors, because most likely your competitors are not doing this strategy. The big players, obviously aggregators, now exploring this field, and it’s a master, it’s a really big growth opportunity for them. Because you know, the ROI on that. It’s pretty good. It’s much better than direct traffic that you get. It’s takes time to see the results that takes them to see but they have the time and they have the money. So they’re doing this as well. So at first, I really explored God buying high quality links, links that I paid, I think $150 per link, it was $1,500 package. And I got the 10 links. And I took all the terms that I wanted to rank for I, I have a tool. I’m using ARs for those of you that from the SEO world, and basically, to track my rankings to see okay, what is the effect of it? Was that Atrus? Yeah, yes. So it’s a really great tool, because it
Norman Farrar 11:38
is the show for a while. Yeah, that’s
Tomer David 11:41
great. Okay, so share it, maybe share some coupon with your audience, because it’s an amazing tool. I’m using it every day. It’s not that cheap, but they think it’s worth it. Anyway, I was tracking my rankings and my positions. And before obviously, before doing the links, and then after, and we had great results, we just just so the audience know, it’s relatively easier to rank Amazon listing than your own website, because Amazon have so much authority compared to your own website domain rating. And you’re really waiting that that that is relatively easier to rank listings on Amazon. Of course, it depends on our, our competitiveness search. If you go after a hairbrush, which is hundreds of maybe millions of searches a month, then it’s going to be a little harder, but it’s relatively easier than other links. So I wanted to see okay, what is the amount of links and the quality detaining, I got good results with a 10 quality backlinks. And then I started to explore a low quality, those that you can get on Fiverr or Upwork. They call it spammy links. And to my surprise, it worked good as well, how sustainable it is, I don’t know. But my strategy was to just check if you can still do it with low quality links. And you can still, in my opinion, it’s not going to last I mean, Google will find out about it and, you know, penalize you. So maybe for short term, like before Christmas, or if I don’t know you’re just checking or testing things, and you don’t want to invest a lot of money. Take just a random listing, and you want to see how it works. I suggest you try it with some cheap or low quality links, you can get on Fiverr for like $100 just to see the results get just to get the hang of it. And then later on, if you have like a good product, let’s say make you 510 $15,000 A month profit. You want to take some of those profits reinvest building good portfolio of backlinks. And not just short term just pumping money to PPC, PPC, it’s it’s just that it doesn’t it doesn’t really never ends. With backlinks, it’s really a one time investment that stays there. So I couldn’t go.
Norman Farrar 13:55
Sorry. I want to talk about these better backlinks. So we do this, but I want you to explain how do you find these packages of backlinks that are so awesome.
Tomer David 14:08
Yeah, so you have to know some good people. You can do it yourself. I was doing it through outreach. So you build the own email list, or you scrape you know, you have the skyscraper campaign technique, which is basically, you find the good article in your niche. You look at the top 10 search results, and you come up with a much better version, like you do with Amazon, you come up with a better article longer, more informative with better media files. And what you do is you can ask people to link back to you instead of the competitors. So this is done automatically. I can talk about the technique. And now what are the steps it’s going to take a while, but basically, you outreach to those websites that already link to the pages that are in the top 10 results and you ask them look, we have we see that do you link to this website to this resource? And we came up with a better resource? Would you suggest or consider linking back to us instead to them? And usually it works. Obviously, it’s like, I would say, one to 2% of all the outreach that you will do with actually you will get backlinks. And nowadays, they actually get so many requests like that those website owners is where they start to get Yeah, we’ll do it, but will cost you like $100 or $80. Right? So, so you can do it yourself, it’s gonna take time, or you can do it through agencies. So, you know, it’s not necessarily like buying the link, it’s more for the service or whoever going to do that work for you. Okay. Very good. Yeah. So that’s about it. And it’s definitely a technique that you should consider, because, again, if it’s a new product, you’re just launching, maybe it’s not the right thing, but the product that you have confident in a product that you know, that makes a lot of money, and you just want to keep dominating. And sometimes you see these listings, and you see that they don’t do any PPC, but they still dominate, sometimes you don’t really know what’s happening in the background, right, you don’t really know what kind of external traffic they get. I mean, you can dig in and see, with HRC, you can do it actually, you can see how many backlinks they got, where they’re getting kind of the traffic, it’s a little tricky, because with the canonical URL, and Amazon, you have so many versions of it. So it’s kind of hard to track all of them, I’m still like, trying to find a really a good way to do it, I found that the catarrhalis category link, it’s, it’s the thing that is most linked to. So that’s a good link to take and see like the portfolio of backlinks that are in acnm. But yeah, that’s that’s really great way to dominate and, you know, get results that stick kind of without really be depend on the PPC trends that are going on. And the second thing that I want to touch is about external traffic with Google ads, or Bing Ads, or any I would say search based source for that traffic. You can also get it from Facebook or from Pinterest, but I found it less converting because of the intent, it’s kind of harder to know their intent. And when someone’s searching for a specific keyword, or hairbrush, or buy hairbrush, obviously, you know that the higher chances that they will convert, they will convert much in like words than you know, direct traffic on Amazon. But they still convert. And if you do it right, it could really influence your organic rankings on Amazon as well. That’s what happened to me. So I was experimenting this like the same two years ago, I think I was I don’t know where I was hearing this, you put $5. And you get this great results. And that’s what I did. But obviously, it wasn’t measurable. And I couldn’t really see good results. I stopped I did it again, I tested this Google Ads think for at least three times. But only now it actually worked. So now we have Amazon attribution. Amazon attribution allows you to really track how many sales and whether your app or it’s working or not, before that, you just thought you you had to really check things on the 360 approach to see whether whatever you do really influencing the result or not. But now with attribution, you can actually see, okay, I spent that amount of money. And that’s what I got out of it. It’s still not 100% accurate. And it’s still delayed data. It’s takes time to the data to digest and be available. But but it’s much better. So what I was testing is,
Tomer David 18:50
like, look, I wanted to see, okay, whether that works or not. And it’s first Yeah, it worked a cos was kind of wire on 70 or 80%. But it was still good, because it is concerned on traffic. And I would consider this not just for the directors, my objective not what wasn’t really the directions I’m gonna get out of this. Now it’s more like that. But at the beginning, it was okay. Yeah, inference for organic rankings through Google ads. That was my intention. So what I did, I took a list of 50 keywords that I’m already ranked on Amazon, plug them in into helium 10. And then just started to pump traffic around $50 a day to through Google ads to my listing, then measured after two weeks and immediately like so. So that when I did it like few months ago, that was with organic two step URL. Now we’re not doing it anymore because things have changed. I think two months after I did it, like they announced it’s not allowed. But with the organic or the two step URL that I used. I saw first of all on the direct keyword that I was promoting amazing change like I think it was keywords with very high volume. And I think it was Page five or six and immediately jumped into page one without even giving this search the exact search phrase on the dialer, then I tweaked it even more optimize my listing even more, it jumped me in top five, top five results. And immediately I saw, okay, there is something here, I have to really double down I have to really adjust and do it better. So then I, I rotated like every few days, I rotated the two step URL because you can do it with Amazon as destination link. You can there are some schedule like there is a workaround. But it’s you can put your Google Ads account at risk. So I had to do it manually switch that tribution link each time. So on that tribution link, I would put my two step Google Ads URL, I’m sorry, the organic, two step Google URL. And then I would get an attribution link that I would put inside Google ads for that specific ad. So for the link. Long story short, that would rotate those and seeing great results. My next optimization was okay, how do I know which keywords actually giving me those cells? Because you bid on let’s say, 20 or 30 keywords on Google ads. But it’s one link, you don’t know which keywords drive these cells. So it’s pretty much you you can’t really optimize it well enough. So what my workaround for that is that I created for each keyword, a separate ad group. And for each ad group, I would create a separate that tribution link. That way, I can see okay, that keyword gave me that amount of clicks and sales that keyword me x, and I would be able to pause or decrease bids for that keyword. Now we have a new solution called empty. I don’t know if you guys hear about it. Yeah. But but basically doing this work for you through the API. I think they’re one of the few companies that have access to attribution API. And they’re allowing you to do it. So now you don’t have to do it manually anymore. I don’t have to do it manually anymore. I’m still exploring this tool, but looks very promising and cool. But yeah, it works very well. And we have Sharon here that introduced me to you. Yes. Thank you, Sharon.
Norman Farrar 22:18
So just, I want to make sure it’s clear here because you were using a two step URL. And then we got that message that you know, that’s a slap on the wrist. So where are you driving the traffic to now that it’s a direct you? It’s the direct link? Yeah. Do you ever drive it to the storefront?
Tomer David 22:43
It’s something that I’m going to explore now. Because the MTA actually allowing you to see attribution to the storefront. Right. And with Google ads, you can do that. So now I’m going to test it out for ya.
Norman Farrar 22:53
Oh, very good. And yes, Merry Christmas to you, Sharon. The introduction by the way, that’s great. Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about that. That’s very interesting that you talked about amped and what they’re doing with all this taking the hard work out of it. What are some more tricks that people can look for when they’re putting together the Google ads, you have anything up your sleeve?
Tomer David 23:22
Yeah, so the the important thing here is to understand that results, we write a lot from each product, even on my account, you could see one product works awesome. And then the other end, like there’s a product doesn’t get any traffic. So be patient, tested out, increase bids, don’t think it’s not gonna work. It’s a long term thing. It’s gonna take few months to master few weeks for sure. And get the traffic and train the Google algorithm and Amazon algorithm that this is a good source of traffic. So it’s two algorithms they are working on. First one is Google ads, you want to really train them to send you more traffic show your higher, you do that by optimizing your ads, that’s your main tool of really getting higher CTRs more traffic. So you do image extensions, you create great titles, I forgot his name, I think it’s Tyler for empathy. And he told me that he showed few tricks. And he said, bright in your title, like five plus 1005 star reviews, and free shipping for Prime members or add these things on the title that will help you get you know viewers or people that searching for things, their attention, and you’re going to get higher CTR. Better quality score means better, cheaper clicks, and more traffic. So that’s, that’s one tip really work on your creative. Make sure you have not just two or three options for the headline have seven eight, the same way the description, make sure you have enough variations to rotate and let Google Ads really decide which one is the best and and just be patient and know that it’s Not gonna work for every product,
Norman Farrar 25:02
it’s like a press release, it’s not a one and done, you’ve got to continually do them under percent. And the other thing about this, I’m just kind of curious. So it takes, it’s creative. It’s, it’s about creative, right. So just like in an Amazon listing or any form of copywriting, if you’re not a pro at it, you can give it a shot. But is this something that you would give to an agency or to send out to a professional copywriter to do?
Tomer David 25:31
Of course, if you have the resources, do it, I mean, why not. But I always like to do things myself, master them, and then I can have or I have more confidence outsourcing them, because I know how to check you know, whoever is doing the work, whether they’re doing good job or not. Now, with this kind of tasks, I prefer to give them to myself with marketing with listing optimization, so those kinds of things that really affect your listings and your results. And, you know, but it’s a matter of approach, you can outsource everything. I guess for bigger companies or aggregators, they have specialized team just for that, or Copic. Team or graphics team and things like that. So So yeah, it’s it’s a matter of whatever you feel like for example, if you’re not great with copy, maybe give it to someone, right? But but but easy hack is just to go through a listing, and use your bullets, your does your descriptions that you already have that you invested amount, good amount of money and time, and just use them for your Google ad creative. Any little tweaking
Norman Farrar 26:40
something we were doing just recently, this is something different. But I was showing one of our team members to find some really great. What was it, it was blog titles? Well, there, there are books out there that that I love ones words that sell phrases that sell there’s a bunch of them. But just type in the Google into Google, you know, top 100 phrases are top ways to engage or engagement titles or something like that. And you’ll get a ton of titles or creative, whatever you’re looking for, that you can kind of use to help you out. You know, if you’re not good at this, yeah, 100%.
Tomer David 27:23
And I can share. First of all, I’m not native speaker in English, it’s not my first language. And in my previous job, that’s what I will do all day long with the jewelry, it was very competitive niche, and we will drive a ton of traffic to our own. I think it was like 15 or 20,000, a week that was spent on just Google ads. And because it was so competitive, what I was doing is I would go to other competitive niches, see how the language that they use in their ads, see the way that they actually interact in their F, our their creatives are, I would spy on competitors, and really see what works for others just kind of not really copy but kind of taken inspiration and use it on my own creatives. And and it could really make a big difference. Because the higher CTR the higher engagement that you get the better quality score. So every end, every creative, have a quality score by Google the same I think for Amazon. And the better the quality score that you have, the more they will show you. And the more or in the cheaper clicks that you will get for Google. I don’t know about Amazon, I’m pretty sure that it’s the same there because I saw some behaviors on our account that, you know, I know what that would be lower than our competitors, but we always stopped one. So they consider our listing, maybe better conversion or higher CTR. And they just, we stick there sometimes you see that no matter what you do, no matter how you increase your bid, you can get this guy off from the top three positions or, or headline or brand ads unless you bid like $30. Right? So it’s super important to work on your creative whether it’s a win Amazon, it’s a little different because it’s your image, you know, it’s your title, it can adjust a lot of things. You can do it with display, and you can do it with other stuff they love. We’d love to talk with you about maybe in another time another show that you have, because I have also great results with creatives on Amazon, especially on display. Yeah, so that’s, that’s I think about it as far as that. Okay.
Norman Farrar 29:34
So before we go to the next question, we do have giveaway today. So the wheel of Kelsey is active. What is the giveaway that we were talking about before the show Tomer?
Tomer David 29:47
Yeah, so I would prefer more if I knew but I probably missed that part in the email that we were exchanging. So I would give like 30 minutes consultation call with me. I try For a one hour call, like $200, I tried. I, you know, I prefer to spend my time on my business and focus on that. But that will give 30 minutes for free. Yeah,
Tomer David 30:12
that’s fantastic. So jump on it, it’s it, you’ll have great insight into your listing and into these external traffic benefits, which, if I had a chance to sit down with you, hopefully I do. But to sit down with you and go over external traffic techniques, it is well worth it. So one of the best prizes of the year, check out if you want to get the 30 minute consult. It’s hashtag we’ll have Kelsey and add in just tag us twice, and you’ll get a second entry. The other thing we’re going to be adding into that because it’s the towards the end of the year, we’re going to add a month of centurion and one of the new privately Legion, Tim Jordan, Norman Farrar calendars, which if you are a member, and you’ve seen the images that we put out every week, you’ll know what the candle is going to look like. Anyways. So they’re there, they’re here, I just got them delivered to our house today. I was looking at them. They’re pretty funny. But that’s what we’re gonna do for the the will of Kelsey today. And also, just before we go forward, maybe a word from our sponsor. And how Kelsey just hit the bus just
Kelsey 31:23
a second. I’ll be on that. Shortly that kills.
Norman Farrar 31:26
There we go hit there you go. Thank you Z CO for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Are you looking to take your ecommerce business from local to global, you can with the help of z and their brand new app. That’s right. You can track live shipments with push notifications, get detailed lead times for each stage of your shipment, and store all compliance and VAT reclaim documents in the palm of your hand. All while listening to lunch with Norm. Ready to expand your E commerce empire. And take your Amazon FBA business global. Use the link in the description to learn more about Z’s new app that’s now available on desktop and mobile. That’s z e dot C Oh,
Tomer David 32:17
that’s cool. This z thing? You know, I’m gonna check it for sure.
Norman Farrar 32:20
Yeah, there you go. Oh, they’re great. They’re very, very good. Okay, so a couple of other things. We’re talking about Google ads. Are there certain things? Are there certain ways to set them up? And I know, there’s all sorts of different Google ads. So I guess the first one is, what is the best ad to start with?
Tomer David 32:43
Just you know, I like this, the search, text ads are that what I was testing, I try the little YouTube ads didn’t get a lot of traffic, I guess I have to explore it more tested more, maybe bring a better creative, maybe increase my bids. But yeah, it didn’t work for me. So just text ads on the platform, it’s very important that you Okay, so I have a video about this that I work around so they could check it later. It’s on sourcing monster maybe I’m going to give a link later because it’s a walkthrough on how to set up the ads what kind of settings you need, because you can put the wrong settings and you can get traffic like from you know, from from countries that you’re not interested in getting one convert so make sure that you choose the right settings, you have the option to choose for, like the location you have settings that says people that show interest in the location this is not what you need to choose because you have someone that you know like to watch things that are in English, but he is located in China for example. So they type it in and they will see your ad and most likely they will not gonna buy they’re just doing your research or something. So it’s important to choose the right settings. I like at the beginning I was doing optimized for bids with bad with bid cap. So max bid, so I can really get a lot of clicks but don’t pay for them too much. And let the Google engine work and pretty much give you all this traffic. No, no, you have the new tool.
Kelsey 34:19
Oh, sorry. I was just gonna say do you have the name of the video? I could find the link for you. I think
Norman Farrar 34:25
I’m asking for it six external just right in the in the YouTube channel external and it’s the last it’s the last video I think it was two months ago purchased right external traffic or something like that. No, I’m where we worse. See he doesn’t owe me the bids. With the bids. Now with me the tool allows you to know Okay, which keywords you know, once you switch to manual bidding. And still the objective is optimized for clicks. Don’t get confused and choose an objective of optimized for conversions are optimized for something else. Because those type of campaign objectives are made. If you have a pixel, if you send the traffic to your own property to your own website, which you can put the pixel that can tell Google back, okay, this is these are the metrics, this is engagement on the page, this is how much conversions you got. And it sends this data back to Google. And then they optimize it for you. So you get more sales. But here, since you can’t put a pixel, which is a little piece of code that you put on a website on Amazon, they are not allowing us to do it yet, maybe in the future, then you can’t really send this data back to Obama and Google and train the algorithm. So it’s important that you use only optimize for clicks objectives. That’s about out to set up the actual campaign. And yeah, text, that’s what I did. You can do YouTube ads, I tried it with Pinterest, I tried it. I also have Bing Ads, Bing Ads also work good. But you’re limited with the amount of traffic that you get there. But I do also the Bing ads as well. And it’s important that you create separate attribution links, and you name it the traffic source. So you know, okay, you know, how to our what are the results for each channel? But, yeah, you can test it with your email list. Now, you can test it test anything now, because they allow you to really see the conversions, Amazon.
Norman Farrar 36:27
Yeah, it’s fantastic. And I think most importantly, you can see where you’re wasting money. That’s, I think that’s the biggest key if you were spending a lot of money on a Facebook ad, that was you thought was generating a lot. And it generated nothing now, you know, so and I really do like the way that you’re the approach that you take where you spend the time and create multiple attribution links per keyword per ad set. And rather than just lump them all into one and not know exactly where you’re spending your money, so
Tomer David 37:00
yeah, but it’s it’s continuing the optimization. So it’s first don’t do that. First, just start with the campaign. Don’t try to really optimize everything and really be the best fits just start. It’s always, you know, a lot of people just do, right. Just Just something. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Then later optimize it, you know, further.
Norman Farrar 37:20
Yeah. And I think that’s important. So a lot of it that’s that’s the same with SOPs are like, that’s the same with so many things that we do in every day, you know, with regardless if it’s personal, or if it’s business, but a lot of times it doesn’t get done, because it’s just very complicated. Just take the action that’s needed to get at least one done. You do a lot of split testing.
Tomer David 37:44
Yes, yes. I had that an amazing talk with Sharon, just about this just about split testing things in your Amazon business. I definitely, like it’s packed with with full of gems, like, like, just listen to it. We just talked for like an hour and something about experiments, how you should really split test anything in your Amazon business, and in life, you know, to really get the best results. And sometimes you hear from people, you know, you know what, Nora, maybe PR works great for you. But maybe for my business or not. But maybe for you it didn’t work and he told me I you know, PRs are bad. I know it’s working, but maybe they are working amazing. In and you came from your perspective you shared with me, or there are a lot of inferences. And sometimes myself, you know, I say it didn’t work. But I always say you have to try it. Because maybe they didn’t work for my business over my products. But in my work for you, I only share my experience. But people sometimes don’t really understand this fine line, that whatever other people saying it’s not always true or not always will apply to you. So always test never come up with assumptions never come up with, you know, the idea that you know, everything. A lot of times also, you see experts, and they kind of like know everything, but because they have so much confidence. They sometimes not try new things or things that may be worked for them before didn’t work. They don’t really test it again. So I my approach is always split test. Always try new things. Always experiment, and always come humble with the assumption that you don’t know nothing because the results will surprise you.
Norman Farrar 39:25
The Oh, okay, that was the question I was just going to ask. I was just going to talk to you about the link to Sharon’s episode with you. So because he just put it up there. So if you’re interested in hearing that it will probably be a fantastic episode about split testing. Check it out. Kelsey just posted the link. What mistakes that people make when they’re first getting into Google who using Google ads?
Tomer David 39:52
Yeah, it’s the spent they spent too much money before like, you know, just let it run set higher bid budget. because, you know, their focus is on Sunday, this forget to check the Google Ads account. And then they realize it happened to me as well. I realized, Oh, I forgot about the ad that I was experimenting. And then you see, like, $500 spent, and like, the results are not that great. So start small, with reminders to yourself every few days to take a look at what’s going on and optimize it. Now I have a better system that if you watch the show with Chairman, you will see like my system, how I track every experiment that I do, whether it’s main image, whether it’s bullets, whether it’s external traffic, whatever I’m testing, I’m documenting it, and and, you know, reviewing it, frequent enough. So the biggest mistake that they see is dispense people set it with kind of high budget, and then they kind of spend a lot of money or wasted money. So definitely start small with five to $10 budget with relatively lower bids. 3040 50 cents, you can always raise it a little bit. But you know, if it’s your starting high, it’s hard to, you know, know what, how many clicks you can get, or whether it’s working or not, like like everything, just start small, and scale it once it’s working.
Norman Farrar 41:14
Right. So I just wanted to go back to the external links for just a second. I know, and I hate doing this, but this is something I know that would help people. And I want to be completely transparent, because it’s a company that I am involved with, but PR reach what you were talking about with getting into Huffington Post, or getting into certain magazines or getting a block of links. This is definitely something that Shane does over a PR reach. So if you are interested in these backlinks or higher quality backlinks, give him a shout over at chain SHA and he at pr reached calm. And he also has these distribution packages, which are very good. And what they’ll do is they’ll take a blog article that you might have on your on your ecommerce site, and blast out to two or 300 high authority sites. And you can have within that blog article links back to your Amazon listing. So it works, it works just like you said really well. And one other thing I wanted to talk about, which is just crazy. If you working with Google ads, and you link your Google My Business or Google business profile to the Google AdWords, now, it works extremely well, you have to set what’s called an anchor URL, that’s your URL going back to your Amazon listing, if you want to see some crazy results over a three, four or five month period. Try it again, it’s brand new, it’s called Google business profile, which used to be Google My Business. And we can do it
Tomer David 42:59
there a link, you can put that on the profile a link back to the labs,
Norman Farrar 43:04
and or back to your store. And if you put any social, any anything, any YouTube, any podcast, any anything on it,
Tomer David 43:16
you will join the right side, always
Norman Farrar 43:18
we will get indexed right away. And if you’re being shown on a mobile phone, it’s three swipes. So you take up the first three swipes of the mobile phone, which is fantastic. But all you have
Tomer David 43:31
to question. Yeah, with Google ads, if you have multiple brands on the same account, you can you can set up multiple Google profiles, or it’s only
Norman Farrar 43:42
No, you can have multiple Google profile, you can have each Google profile, it can be a multiple can be one brand. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, I think I’m wrong. I would set it up as one brand, but they haven’t now where you can put up category brand. So you can put up and this is another incredible benefit to Google my businesses. You can go in set your category and then set up pictures. So for me, it might be soap. So all set up soap and within the way I was doing back then. Yep, it’ll it’ll end up going into and being indexed as a Google index with the link going back to your, your your shopping page. And that could be you can set up different brands there. But my recommendation would be have a separate Google My Business Profile per brand.
Tomer David 44:32
So and this is this is really cool. And when you mentioned this, this is something that I didn’t even do, and I’m sure like 99% of sellers don’t do but it connects to my philosophy of really taking massive action. Have you know, sometimes they see people Oh, I don’t have what to do on my listing or I don’t really have what else? What else can I do? You have ton of things that you can do You can do this, you can really just start just do it take action, you have so many things that piles up together and makes the difference. So maybe it’s not this one thing that will make you get ton of sales, but all of them together, these little things will really explode and make you dominate your niche or product.
Norman Farrar 45:19
That’s absolutely right. So you know, maybe it’s just putting up Amazon post Going Live, Facebook at whatever it is, but do something to your competition is not going to sit on their butt and wait. So if if you’re not aggressive, or if you maybe you aren’t, maybe you just are happy with a few extra bucks in your pocket. And that’s fine. But if you really do want to grow your business, you’ve got to look elsewhere. And I look at it as I can’t be the expert everywhere. And so sometimes you have to go and you have to outsource these people. But with Google My Business, again, I love it. With Google My Business, you create your profile, you log in, and it’s something that you can just fill in the blanks all yourself, you spend 10 minutes a day. And that’s what it takes about 10 minutes a day. If you really want to dominate with content, man, it’s so you can take
Tomer David 46:17
your Amazon posts that you already make and just use those images there. Right you don’t know or
Norman Farrar 46:21
any you’ve done on Facebook or anything, any content whatsoever. So any content that we write we put on there, our slideshows we write we put on anything you can, as long as it has the anchor URL that would go back to your listing or to your storefront, then you’re going to benefit from it. So it’s fantastic. But anyway, Kelsey, do we have any questions? Now he doesn’t show
Kelsey 46:51
yeah, we have two questions that came in. We have two questions. Okay. So the first one is from Jessica Rabbit. When you split test, what prep do you do to determine the testers demographics and characteristics?
Tomer David 47:08
Okay, so not sure that they got the question, right. But honestly, I don’t really test demographics. They just let like just all United States. So I don’t really test that their location, like as far as, like, you know, state wise, maybe she was asking about the country. So because I’m doing my Google ads directly to my listings. I only use United States traffic. But I guess if you’re in Europe, it’s gonna be more like UK, you’re gonna choose UK and Germany, you’re going to use Germany location.
Norman Farrar 47:48
Yeah, I think this is more of Okay. Can you pick women between 25 and 45? That have an interest in golf? Yes, something like that. You can,
Tomer David 48:00
but since the traffic there is limited, it’s, you can test anything. But it really depends on on. Okay, that’s the 2080. Right? You want to invest the time on the things that will really impact? Yeah, there is it’s never ends, you can always test and test. But I like to focus on the things that really will influence the bottom line. And you can’t really see without really creating new ads, which I don’t think that it’s even possible to test demographics, or Creatives or creatives you can test. So what I was asking data from em, let me create two ads. And let’s see which ones getting the conversions. Their API is not capable of doing that. So you can do it by your own if you have two separate links for each creative, but even with that, it’s still not there. So with the technology right now, it’s kind of hard to do those deeper tests like you do with your own website. Or if you use Facebook ads, that was their forte, you know, like checking all these interests, all that things that really would find you the right avatar with Google ads. It’s like more send the traffic See, like more the keyword level right now. Okay, good.
Kelsey 49:15
Okay. All right. All right. Last question from Mr. Rabbit. Do you ever use a URL to send to a non Amazon site like Shopify, or your own website and bypass Amazon?
Tomer David 49:29
So that was a weird thing for you know, before doing Amazon, I would send all this traffic into my own website. It’s not an easy, you know, skill to master. But yeah, you should test it out. Like if you have your own Shopify store. That’s where you actually get your traffic right with Amazon. You get it through organic rankings and with Amazon PPC. So if you have your own Shopify website, and you combine it with your Amazon brand, first of all, you use your customers that buy already on Amazon You can put your url of the Shopify store in your packaging, or in your insert with the brand new good branding, and people will search for your website and buy. But if you want new traffic, new acquisition of traffic to buy and purchase, you use Google ads, Facebook ads, all the other channels Facebook would work with. And everything will work much better because you put the pixel on your website and you train the algorithm, which traffic is better and which traffic is worse. So it’s much I would say, easier to determine or test things when it’s on your own on your own website. Yeah.
Norman Farrar 50:35
Okay, very good. And I think that’s it for the questions, Kelsey.
Kelsey 50:39
That’s right. So we come on over to the we’ll
Norman Farrar 50:43
sit back Tomer. Here we go.
Kelsey 50:45
Alright, so here is the wheel of Kelsey. Alright, I’m just gonna double check and make sure I didn’t miss anyone. Oh, we got a last entry from QC. Oh, right. So thank you, everyone who participated. We’re going to shuffle these
Norman Farrar 51:18
Kelsey 51:25
That’s right. Alright. So if you are the winner, please email me Kate at lunch with And the winner is Stephen.
Norman Farrar 51:36
Oh, Mr. Lawson. Fantastic.
Kelsey 51:39
Awesome. Congratulations. So Stephen, you know what to do? You’ve won before. So just email me Caitlin’s with And I’ll connect you with Tomer and we’ll get this all sorted out.
Tomer David 51:52
Yeah, so participate on the next one still, you know, it’s pretty cool.
Norman Farrar 51:56
There we go. So it’s about this time, we’re, Kelsey will dress up as a little elf and read the 12 days before Christmas. So Kelsey, can you join us?
Kelsey 52:11
I misplaced the the OfficeSuite for Christmas and we’re gonna we’re gonna have to postpone that maybe.
Norman Farrar 52:18
Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Bye, guys. But that’s what we guarantee that Kelsey will do that the next time. All right. How do people get ahold of you?
Tomer David 52:28
Check out the channel, its sourcing monster or email me Tomer at sourcing dash And I will be glad to help and assist in any way I can.
Norman Farrar 52:38
Fantastic. So until we meet at the next episode, or at the next event. Thank you so much for being on and we definitely will have you back on in the new year sometime.
Tomer David 52:48
It’s a pleasure. Thank you for having me. All right.
Norman Farrar 52:50
We’ll see you later. Okay, everybody. So I hope you enjoyed the show today. Our next guest Oh, my old business partner very good friend Wilfred. Light hurt is going to be talking to us about how to use social media. And he as he says, the right way. Now before we get to Kelsey, the word from our sponsor. I wanted to give a quick shout out and say thank you to global wired advisors for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Global wired advisors is a leading digital investment bank focused on optimizing the business sales process. For more information, please call Chris shuffling and his team over at global wired Alright, cows, where are you?
Kelsey 53:42
Alright, hello, everyone. Thank you, beer nation for joining us during the holidays. I know it’s busy time for everyone and those talking to Jessica Rabbit in the comment section. She’s been busy with some gift wrapping parties and we just had a gingerbread making competition that got a little too competitive. I’m going to post those photos over at the Facebook group. So check that out. If you want to see the house. Yeah, you’ll know which one I made. And yeah, check that out. Amazon FBA and E commerce collective. Yes, yes, yeah, norm is made some enemies. But um, yeah, other than that, we have our membership program. To help support the podcast, just check out our website length and click on the membership button and you’ll be able to see our little membership program we have where you can get private group lessons from me and normally, we do about three sessions every month, as well as a special guest lesson that is made up of action points. So this you can actually get something out of it and it’s not just a bunch of fluff So we really want to help out everyone and yeah, check it out if you’re interested. And I think that’s it.
Norman Farrar 55:07
Okay, so join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon Eastern Standard Time. I do. And this is on behalf of Kelsey and I want to wish everybody, all our community, our sponsors, everybody, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I really appreciate everybody joining us today. And we really, I say this every time but I mean it we could not do this without you. So thank you so much. And we will see you next week. Right there Christmas everyone. Mantra
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Episode: 237
Title: How to Use External Traffic From Google and What You Need to Know
Subtitle: “How to Use Social Media the RIGHT Way With 7 Free Tools”
Final Show Link:
Back on Lunch with Norm…Today’s show is all about external traffic. In this episode, we discuss where Amazon sellers should look first and if you should consider Google Ads, Starting his first business at the age of 16, Tomer David is the owner of 2 Amazon FBA brands. Tomer teaches other sellers how to succeed on this platform through his website and Youtube channel Sourcing Monster.
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