We are welcoming back Sharon Even from Amazon Alpha Coaching! You may also recognize Sharon from Seller Sessions where she co-hosts with Danny McMillan and Izabela Hamilton. In today’s show we dive into everything you need to know about ways to position your products on Amazon and identifying your buying intent. Sharon Even started her eCommerce journey 15 years ago selling on trademe.co.nz, she quickly discovered eBay and then had her own Private Label e-commerce store by age 22. In 2016 she discovered Amazon and has since built multiple 6 Figure successful Brands on and off Amazon. Today Sharon not only sells on & off Amazon but she also coaches other Amazon Sellers and Businesses how to Find, Source, Launch, and Scale Products on Amazon too. She has spoken in countless Ecommerce Summits and Podcasts and is the Founder of Amazon Alpha Coaching, Amazon FBA Alphas Community, and the Sharon Even Youtube Channel.
Norman Ferrar 0:02
Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, aka the beard guy here and welcome to another lunch with Norm the FB. Let’s try that again. The Amazon FBA and e-commerce podcast.
Norman Ferrar 0:24
Okay, today we’re gonna have an awesome show. We have a returning guest, Sharon Evan, founder of Amazon alpha coaching. You may also recognize her from her popular YouTube channel, and she’s a busy lady. She’s also the co-host of cellar sessions with Isabella Hamilton and Danny McMillan. But before we get to Sharon, where are you Kells?
Norman Ferrar
Well, happy Victoria Day.
Kelsey 0:54
Yeah, happy Victoria Day to all Canadians. Yeah, that’s right. We’re trying out a new view on the stream yard. And we’re gonna take a poll at the end of this and see which our audience prefers because Sharon is convinced that this is better, but I kind of like the other one. So we’ll see. But yes, welcome everybody. Welcome to the show. If you are catching us this episode, you can always find the full episodes and any highlights on our YouTube channel. That’s Norman Farrar. We’ve got everything. I think this is Episode 145. I think so. Got the whole catalogue over there. As well join our Facebook group. That’s lunch with Norm Amazon FBA and e-commerce collective. Also want to shout out to Dr. Caz,and we have Daniel from Brazil. Joining us welcome Simon, and Nir, this is awesome. Can’t wait for this episode. And I think that’s about it. Okay, and remember this?
Norman Ferrar 1:53
It’s Monday I think, but yes, it’s Monday. So we are publishing our newsletter that doesn’t suck. So if you’d like to sign up for that, you can always go to our website, and it’s filled with just pure content. So anyways, I think that’s probably it from my end. If you do have questions, throw them over into the right hand side, and we will get back to them. Yes, Kelsey?
Kelsey 2:17
And we do have two giveaways. So yeah, I’ll let you know about that later in the episode. But yeah, okay.
Norman Ferrar 2:26
All right. Let’s interrupt me any more during the thing? I’m good. Okay, then. There, he’s off. Alright. So sit back, relax and grab a cup of coffee. Enjoy the show. Welcome, Sharon.
Sharon Even 2:40
Hey, how are you?
Sharon Even 2:44
I love that you guys have a newsletter. That doesn’t suck. It’s very important.
Norman Ferrar 2:48
You know what? Yeah, it is important because a lot of newsletters really suck. moster. I agree. It’s great that yours doesn’t know how he’s gonna start this. But anyways, for those of us who don’t know you, and I think most people do, but for those of us who don’t, can you just give us a little bit of information.
Sharon Even 3:14
So my name is Sharon, or Sharon, however you decide to call me but my real name is pronounced Iran. And I am an Amazon seller, and I am what am I am I I’m a YouTuber. I’m a college for Amazon sellers. You can see I’m doing something in the meantime, trying to set up the LED light. Okay, it will work in a second. Um, and I also am a co host on solo sessions with Danny, like you said, and Isabella. Um, that’s about it. I do way too many things for a human. But you know, it works out somehow. Oh, and also, I’m a mom, which is, you know, job in itself, as well, to an amazing little four year old boy, sir. Yes.
Norman Ferrar 3:59
That’s great. I’m curious. What was it like getting becoming a host to a podcast?
Sharon Even 4:08
It’s really difficult. It’s not difficult, but it’s very different from YouTube. Because when it’s YouTube, the show, like it’s all about you. And then suddenly, when it’s a podcast, you’re becoming an IT. Like, it’s kind of like you’re interviewing people, you know, and it’s, it’s different. And you have to learn to not take over, you know, which I’m used to on my on my YouTube channel. It’s really just me. So it was it took me time to understand, you know, talk less, let them talk more, ask more questions. And then there’s the thing of finding the right person to bring on that Danny hasn’t had on that Isabella hasn’t had on and that isn’t like the same material. I didn’t want to come on and just talk about The same type of stuff will bring the same type of people on, you know, I wanted to bring fresh people that are new maybe to the industry. So yeah, it’s, it’s not always easy. finding people that, you know, are again, because Danny’s been during the show for what, like four years? How can you not talk about the same things that he spoke about? You know, it’s so tough 600 over 600 episodes, I think they were like, get some stage certain will be at 700. That’s crazy. Or it’s Yeah. And and Danny is very, you know, he’s very strict of how he wants things to be. And that’s why it’s such a good podcast as well. But
Norman Ferrar 5:43
so different from this podcast? Because like when I’m on the seller side sessions of Yes, it is to the second All right, guys, we’re going live boom. laughing or whatever, girls, oh, it’s about 1205 We better go.
Sharon Even 6:04
It’s true, though. It is daddy’s very, you know, it’s very professional. And I think that everything, you know, just go with the flow type of situation, I think that each person just needs to, if I had my own podcast, I’d be like, 20 minutes late, it would be missing all over the place. So yeah,
Norman Ferrar 6:24
you know, what’s really great, this is similar to Amazon sellers. A lot of people and we’re gonna be talking about PPC today and by buying intent. But a lot of people talk about PPC, and a lot of, there’s a variety of ways to get to the same, you know, your same goal. And that’s like podcasting, like the different styles as well, you can get to the same goal, you know, the the same day, same end game, it might just be a little bit different. So anyways, yeah, I love cellar sessions. This is a great podcast. And by the way, it is a half hour, it’s an hour before, it’s at 11 o’clock, St. If you ever want to check it out into Checkout, Sharon, so let’s get into it. today. We’re gonna be talking about buyer intent. I love it. You know, where do we where do we even start with something like that? You know, what?
Sharon Even 7:21
i? Well, let’s be honest, Kelsey sent me a message. And he was like, so what are we going to talk about today? And I was like, let’s just go with the floor. But you know, I recently did a presentation about PPC with buying intent. But I’ve been using the word buying intent from day one. So let’s just go with the flow. And he was like, Okay, we’ll go with that. But it’s probably one of the things that I’m most passionate about more than anything else, really, especially on a PPC level. So buying intent for me, right for me, is, when it comes to PPC and launching, I have my own methods that I have come up with, that are very different from pre coaching. So I’ll lead up to answering you, but I have to give it a backstory, right? Because the way that I am, and I know I talk a lot, but I promise that there’s a punch, there’s a point here. So before I started coaching, I lived in the bubbles of my products, I lived in the bubbles of what I knew, and which is the beauty niche and the baby niche. And that’s all I knew. And then I started YouTube. And I thought I was a no at all and you know, and made all these videos. And then I started coaching. And then suddenly somebody comes with to you with a super niche decor product. And then somebody comes to you with a super niche camping product. And then somebody comes to you with a frickin insect product and so many different products. And then I was like, wait a minute, but my PPC method doesn’t work for this. And it doesn’t work for that. And wait, hold on, this is different from this and wait, but the buying intent is different. And I learned so much more through coaching and realized how diverse Amazon really is. And I think that’s also the difference between doing like the like when you’re doing one on one coaching and you’re getting in and seeing I don’t do any management or anything like that. And you see the actual search term reports and I spent hours looking at them with with the person. And then I realized that some of my PPC methods don’t make sense for every single product. And then I had to try and find a system for what does work for every product. And what I found, which was really the only one thing that works for every product is when you target keywords that are 100% backed up with buying intent, meaning if somebody has typed in the keyword, the buying intent is exactly to buy what your product is. So if I’m selling let’s just say an example a product that is an anchor decor product. So it has an anchor, and it’s a wall hanging anchor product, okay? Initially, I would probably not go after the big keywords like, for example, I’m just making up now, nautical decor or something like that I’d get way more specific. So for example, nautical decor for bathroom, or anchor wall hanging decor, because it explains my product a lot more. So when I talk about buying intent, I mean that the person that’s typing in the keyword, right, the keyword explains exactly what my product is. Does that make sense? Now?
Norman Ferrar 10:38
Yes, and you know, if I can go one step even further, so I use this example, for browsing and buying keywords. In the I have a pet product. So you can have somebody typing in pet you. They don’t know what they’re looking for dog. They don’t know what they’re looking for bully stick, they know what they’re looking for, but it’s just too much search volume. So you have to go even further. So knowing the difference between a browsing keyword and a buying keyword, like you said, I mean, it’s buying intent. And once you understand that, and we’re going to get into that today, then you’re going to be a lot more successful.
Sharon Even 11:19
Yeah, I agree with that. 100%. Now, I have like this thing that I call, I’m trying to bring it up. Well, I’m a different computer, but I’m gonna bring it up here is that can I share my screen here? You can. We can explain to the people listening on the podcast what they’re about to see. Bring it up one second, what I want to show you is I have like this three tier process that I go through what for my for the way that I launch, it would be great if I could see up bring it up in a second. I’m just still looking for it. But anyway, I have this three tier imagine a pyramid, right? So when I say a pyramid, what I mean is, I’ve got three types of keywords. When it comes to PPC. Here it is I found it share screen, share screen share screen a million times current tab, and I want this one. Can you guys see it’s in Canvas? So I just want to
Sharon Even 12:22
do it quickly right now. See, can you see? Yes.
Sharon Even 12:28
Well enough? No,
Norman Ferrar 12:32
I you know what, I can’t see anything. I can’t read questions. I’m an old man with old bad glasses. So can you see it? Yeah, I think it’s good enough. I think you’re right.
Sharon Even 12:47
So this is my three tier for PPC of what I do. So you can see I’ve got three tiers of keywords that I’ll decide what I go after, at what stage. So this is specifically for launch when we’re launching a product. Okay, so my tier one are keywords that I will go after from day one. And they’re the keywords that describe exactly what my product is. So for example, if I’m selling a water bottle that is pink, and it has a motivational quote on it, it may be keywords along the line is of what fitness waterbottle, fitness, motivational waterbottle for women, okay, and if it’s pink, maybe I’ll add the word pink in there and other keywords like that. And then my tier two are slightly less restricted keywords, so meaning keywords that are not as specific, they’re still backed up with buying intent, but not as specific. For example, maybe I wouldn’t have motivational in there or something along those lines. And then my tier three are the main keywords that are a lot broader. So it could be just water bottle, or any keywords along those lines or you know, fitness accessories or whatever it may be. And I decide what types of keywords I go after on a PPC level, it depends on I’m just going to stop sharing my screen for a second in order to decide what I’m going to go after it depends on the product, right and how Nishi the product is and and how the actual market of that product is. But usually when I’m launching, I’m launching with buying intent keywords because if people are typing in those keywords, and I’ve done my homework, I did the right I bought the right product for the right person, meaning I understood my buyer avatar I understood exactly what the listing needs to look like I made an amazing listing a high quality product, I did all that I checked the box. On a PPC level if they’re typing in a keyword that describes exactly my product. Those are the types of keywords that I’m going to go after first. And then I’ll create my way up the pyramid, right of the keywords because and this isn’t right for every Products some products you can compete against the main keyword from day one, but many products you can’t compete against the main keyword from day one. So I’ll decide on that pyramid what kind of keywords I’m going to go after. In the beginning. That was a lot of talking.
Norman Ferrar 15:17
No, no it was and hopefully we can add that slide to our show notes. So for people that have weren’t able to look at the slide, but we have a giveaway today so yeah, yeah it Kelsey didn’t do his job again. But he was supposed to tell people to smash likes and followers and you know if you like what you hear subscribe to our channel, ring a bell all that good stuff Kells come on down. We just did it. So I think that’s getting better at that. You tell me to do it five times in episode, but I think that’s a little excessive. Anyways, we have a giveaway. Should we actually ask you to do giveaways. Oh, yeah. So Ron, what are what is your giveaway?
Sharon Even 16:02
I my giveaways 30 minutes a 30 minute consultation call with me. coaching call with me. That’s what it is.
Norman Ferrar 16:09
Very good. That’s great. And you could talk basically about anything correct?
Sharon Even 16:15
Anything, anything to do with Amazon? Anything to do? I mean, I mean, I’m not gonna sit there and counsel you on your life. So if it’s about Amazon, I’m here. I’m here for you.
Norman Ferrar 16:24
I thought that it was up for grabs, too, but I guess it’s just Amazon. Alright, so ELLs and we have a giveaway from one of our listeners.
Kelsey 16:35
Yes. It’s a fantastic giveaway. I think it’s a great idea. So this is something that we’re going to do every Monday for I think about two months. But um, yeah, this is from archery. So beer nation, it’s time to get germ free. Your phone is the germiest thing you can touch constantly stable, copper kills 99% of germs on contact. So our friend Marsha Reese is giving away one of her copper phone patches that you stick to the back of your phone kind of like this. And yeah, it is a staywell copper product that exactly. So to enter with this, you just need to put in the hashtag. Hashtag, I want to stay well, and you’ll be entered. And I believe that the US and Canada only for that. Alright,
Norman Ferrar 17:19
so it’s hashtag we’ll have Kelsey Sharon, you’ve never experienced that before? I don’t think the new we’ll have Kelvin. Alright, you got a new song? And also, what was the other hashtag Kells hashtag? I want to stay well, fantastic. And hello, Marcia. Glad you could join. Okay, let’s move on with this. When do you move? Or how do you decipher the information? So you can move forward with this PPC campaign that you just outlined?
Sharon Even 17:53
Do you mean how do I decide to move to the next stage? Correct? I want to make it clear, sometimes I’ll go after all three from day one. Okay, like all three tiers, right? And how do you make that decision? My six cents I look at it depends because sometimes someone could come to me with the same product. Two different products are two separate products that are in the exact same product. But one’s differentiated really, really well and focuses on a very specific buyer avatar, and the other one’s just a copycat of everything else. And then one, I may be able to find keywords that I wouldn’t even be able to target here. So it depends. But I make my decision on data. So I see how the campaigns are performing. And I look physically on an Amazon page, I don’t just read the search term reports. I’ll actually will take a copy of keyword and paste it into Amazon and look on page one. And I’ll ask myself, okay, why are you not getting a click? Why are people or why are people not buying from you? Or why are people seeing this product and not clicking on yours, I’ll actually analyze the page. In order to to make those types of decisions. It’s a little bit more hands on work, especially if someone comes with a lot of keywords. And then there’s a lot of it’s not that I copy and paste everything. I choose what kind of keywords I copy and paste in order to check on Amazon to try and understand why the product isn’t converting well on that keyword, according to impressions and click through rate and then the click to orders ratio as well. And how do I choose to go into that next stage? It’s really as your PPC campaigns you know, the more data you get also usually the more sales you get your products going to improve on a review, like level as well. You’ll get more reviews, you’ll understand more about the product. You may change an image here or there because you learn a little bit more from the feedback that you got. And as your listing improves, slowly start going after the bigger keywords, right? To be honest, I approach it like this, when you’re going into a battle, right, if you’re one person, you’re not going to go after, you know, you’re not gonna go into a battle against 100 people, right? You may go, you may be Hulk and be able to kick 10 peoples. But if you’re one person, same thing with Amazon, when you’re coming into Amazon, and you’re trying to go after these really huge keywords, where everyone on page one has, I don’t know, 10,000 reviews, and you’re just this one little tiny product that’s only just come out with no social proof. And you know, you can’t even compete against that keyword. So I’m trying to go after keywords that I think I believe that I can compete against, right? And how do I know I can compete against Well, I already know the market, if I’m bringing a product out to market, I should already have analyzed, you know, the competition to the tee that I already predicting who I can compete against and who not. Now, the reason I also start with buying intent keywords is a lot of people just turn on an automatic campaign, right. And a lot of people don’t know this, but many times you’ll see in your dashboard, your automatic campaign may show, for example, 1 million impressions in the last two weeks. And then when you actually download the search term report, or if you click on that specific, that specific campaign, suddenly, you’ll also you only see 10,000 impressions, and you’ll see that and that’s because Amazon only gives you data for keywords that had at least one click for does didn’t have one click, you’re not going to know what the exact search term was. Right? So if I see that someone has a million or many, many, many, many impressions, right, and hardly any clicks, I don’t know what
Sharon Even 22:02
it’s went towards. Usually, you see that in an automatic campaign, where the algorithm is using, obviously, the listing right as its foundation for how it decides where to put your product, and usually would mean that your product has been shown to the wrong buyer, right? Because what do we want, we want a product to be shown to the right person at the right time, the right product to the right person at the right time. And in the automatic campaign. If your listing has way too many keywords that can trick the algorithm, it can sometimes show you too, let’s just say if I’m selling that anchor product that I used as an example, I don’t want my listing to be shown right now on bathroom decor. It’s way too broad. Right now, it’s a huge keyword. There’s many, many big players on that. I totally made that up. I don’t even know what comes up on bathroom decor, but I’m just giving an example of how broad it is. Instead of going after keywords like you know, nautical bathroom decor, anchor wallhanging product, whatever, you know, those types of keywords that are actually to do with the anchor, for example. So, um, yeah, the doctor that I see in the search term report will tell me a lot about how to move forward with the PPC campaign. Um, yeah, I feel like I went on and on. Nope,
Norman Ferrar 23:23
perfect. Yeah. So when you’re, when you’re looking at your data, are you to achieve the results that you want? Are you over bidding?
Sharon Even 23:36
No. Stretch industry? It depends. It depends on at what stage of PPC I’m in. So if I’m at launch with launch, yeah, okay. If I’m at launch and I’m a new person, new seller, okay, if I’m not me and I’m not you I’m a new seller first product. I don’t haven’t got a whole brand of product. So I’m not cross selling my products or anything like that first product just launched on Amazon. And I, I was I was reading them the the thing so I forgot what you asked Hold on, what did you I was reading out someone said or one of the most accurate. Thank you whoever that was? I appreciate it. What was the question? Okay, it was a boat. Do you overbid? Do I have it? Okay, so at launch. So at launch, I will only bid with placement on my ranking keyword. So I have a few different campaigns. My campaign structure looks something like this. Right? Usually it’ll have a broad campaign instead of an otter. I’ll have a broad campaign with root keywords. Okay, root keywords or seed keywords, whatever you want to call them. And so for example, in the anchor product that I used, I wish I would have used a different product but anyway, an anchor wallhanging product that looks like an anchor on the wall. I may have put in anchor decor, for sample and nautical bathroom decor and anchor wallhanging, for example, and they’re my seed or root keywords and abroad campaign. Okay, that’s one, my next campaign would be an exact ran campaign. So those are between five to seven keywords that I want to rank on. Okay, I’ve looked at them, I’ve hand picked them in advance, I’ve looked at what comes up on page one for those keywords. And I believe that my product is good enough to compete against those keywords. Right. Those specific that specific campaign, the purpose of that campaign is to rank, if I want to rank, I have to be seen, if I want to be seen, I need to be at the top, right. So I will usually place my bid somewhere in the middle, right, we’ve got the lowest suggested the highest suggested and then the middle suggested, and then I’ll add placement to it. And it can be anywhere between 100 to 200%. It just depends on the bid on on, you know the product. And that obviously means that I’m willing to pay up to 100 or 200%. More just for that top place, right on page one. That is a campaign that I will over bid on or that I want to be at the very top and I’ll kick everyone’s butt until I’m at the very top on a PPC level, right. The broad campaign, nor another campaign that I will have will be an ace and targeted campaign, I usually have two different types of acent targeting campaigns. One are just like my ranking campaign, they’re a sense that I’ve hand picked that I believe that I can compete against from day one, those I don’t mind bidding more on because I believe I’ve seen their product have seen my offer their offer what I the listing, I have the listing, they have my differentiation point, I’ve hand picked them. And I believe that if you see my product on their listing, I will be able to steal sales from them. For those willing to say for sure I’m
Norman Ferrar 27:05
gonna cough this too many cigars. But when you’re when you are targeting when you’re hand picking those Asians? Is it a better product? Then like, Are you talking about a name brand product or something that might have a three and a half star compared to your four and a half star.
Sharon Even 27:26
I don’t like putting parameters on it. Because I may have zero reviews. And they may have 150 reviews, all five stars. But my differentiation point is a million times better than theirs. Right. And I believe that my differentiation point is so kickoff that I can still see steel sales from them, even though I have zero reviews. And they have a lot more than me. So it depends. I don’t mind going after. I mean when we say a name brand, like I’m not going to go after like Eddie das and L’Oreal and things like that. But I will go after anyone I believe I can compete against, right, so I don’t like giving it an exact name because someone could be listening. And they can go after a big kick aspirin because their offers just a million times better than anyone elses. And then someone else could be hearing it and they should not go after the big guys, they will lose from day one. And it’s not a good idea. Right? So it depends. I use a tool to help me understand the market before helium 10 bought out this tool I used to use a tool called to tell the ticks and it’s basically market analysis understanding the market cap understanding who has the what market share, what are the the Acehnese getting more so the majority of the sales. Um, anyway, helium 10 came out with a very similar tool called Mark market tracker, right? I will use market tracker to also help me decide what kind of aces I’m going to have picked. And by the way, there are a maximum of 10 for the ones that I’ve had picked from day one. So the answer to that is I handpick a license that I believe that I can kick back on from looking at their offer looking at their listing and then looking at mine. So also another example would be if we look up the keyword yoga mat for kids, right. Half of the yoga mats for kids that show up are yoga mats for adults, because maybe not now. But six months ago, it was mostly yoga mats for adults, but not yoga mats specifically for kids, because they weren’t any arguments for kids. So people were being forced to buy arguments that are adult ones in pink or purple or blue or whatever it may be. If I see that there is a lot of yoga mats for adults, right, specifically, that are ranking really high for yoga mats for kids, even if they’re, even if they have a lot of reviews, I may have even gone after them, because they’re ranking so high on the yoga mat for kids products. And because I believe that if someone was to see mine that has a cute little unicorn on it, for example, that I’m giving the buyer something that they don’t have, if that makes sense, right? I don’t know if that was the best example. But you get what I mean. Yeah, right. Yep. Yeah. So those are the that’s the aces that I had picked. But then I also have an ace and discovery campaign. So then is when you are the question you asked is very, like, what kind of Ace insert for asen? discovery? This is gonna sound complicated, I promise it’s not. It’s either an automatic campaign with only substitutes and complements, or a product targeting campaign that goes after specifically, the category, like whatever sub category I’m going after, because it’s a asen discovery campaign, right? And I’m discovering different reasons that I may compete against. How do I make that decision, which asen discovery, it’s gonna be an order or a product targeting category one depends on the niche. If it’s way too broad, where I’m selling a unicorn product that it can a unicorn, I don’t know maga. And it could turn to a unicorn muck, but you get my point. And it can trigger way too many non related products, I will probably then do a specific category product targeting. And there, you can click on refine, right? And then refine, you can choose only up to a minimum of $20 or only target anyone that has up to four star reviews, or whatever it may be.
Sharon Even 32:16
I feel like I’ve complicated the the answer. But that’s where I will use the Refine button that you have on on there to refine my search of what kind of basins I’m trying to go after. By the way. This is a lot of trial and error. Sometimes I may have thought I could compete against the basin, and then Amazon will give me a bit slap and be like, No, you can’t. So then I have to I have to, you know, either not necessarily pause the asen but probably put the bid down to like seven cents or something really, really low and then replace it with another another asen that I believe that I can compete against or that I have already competed, like converted on.
Norman Ferrar 33:02
Okay, got it now a common denominator. Yes. And I don’t know if he just left it out or not. But yeah, we’ve had a couple of PPC experts on and they’ve said they don’t use phrase match at all. Okay, here’s
Sharon Even 33:19
the thing. Here’s the thing. I used to if you watch my PPC videos before coaching, I used to use phrase match instead of broad I used to hate broad. I used to like phrase phrase was like my thing. And then I started coaching. And then I realized how much phrases so stupid and you shouldn’t use phrases you shouldn’t but it’s not true. Sometimes. Sometimes I may use phrase, if there is a keywords where I don’t if the broad campaign can stuff without too much. Meaning if it plays around with the order of the keywords too much. It’s totally different buying intent. That is only one I would usually use a phrase. Okay.
Norman Ferrar 34:05
All right. And if anybody has questions, don’t hold back sometimes, Oh, you know what, this might be a silly question or whatever. If you’re new to this, and you have a question or if you’re, you know, an advanced seller, just make sure you post it in there. It’s so important that you understand what Sharon is talking to. I’m gonna call you Sharon and Sharon.
Sharon Even 34:29
I call myself Sharon most of the time it was in the from marketing by Emma that told people my real how you actually pronounce my name. It’s all her fault. Now people don’t want to call me.
Norman Ferrar 34:43
So anyways, so ask questions if you’d like. We will try to get to them in a few minutes. But the other thing that Kelsey is forcing me to do is hey, if you liked the information, make sure you hit the like, smash the subscribe button. However, it might be in reverse ring a bell. But anyways, if you like what you’re hearing, please take a couple people to continue, we’ve got another half hour, you know to go. And also just talking about the wheel of Kelsey today, it’s a 30 minute consult with Sharon. And as you can see so far, that will be priceless. So, you know, please make sure you join hash. That hashtag will have Kelsey, if you like, tag two people, and you get an extra entry, and also from Marsha. She has given us a staywell copper antibacterial shield that you put on the back of your phone. I have one Kelsey has one. They’re really cool. And thank you very much for the donation. Marsha. Okay, so, Kelsey, we have questions. By the way, I saw that there were questions. Oh, yeah, we got lots of questions. But we okay. Yeah, I’m here to answer the question. Because Because Kelsey wouldn’t ask the questions. Anyways, we’d have to find them.
Sharon Even 36:09
But they go, Wow. I just found where you click to see all of the all of the questions. There are a few there are a lot
Kelsey 36:18
so we can dive into them whenever you guys are ready.
Norman Ferrar 36:21
I just wanted to ask a couple more questions. Okay. That’s right, go. I’m here. Alright, one thing that I’m interested in with all everything that you’re doing when you’re doing this launch strategy? Are these keywords in your title?
Sharon Even 36:38
Yeah, I mean, maybe not all, but the keywords, the most important keywords are in the title. So I will say that in my time of courting, and I don’t say this to pinch myself, I say this, because there’s so many rumors that I found that go on in the Amazon industry. And I’ve touched or being a part of sarmad. Like, I’m talking almost over 700 different people that I’ve coached. And some of them are multiple products have been a part of so many, that I’ve seen many different things, right? it’s debatable of where a keyword has to be, in order to make sure that you kick butt on that keyword. I have seen people that maybe didn’t have a specific keyword in their title, but they did have it, for example, in their back end, and they’ve still been able to kick butt on that keyword. Right. Do you think this is me asking you back a question? Do you think that having a keyword in the title is a lot more helpful than having it for example, in the back end search terms?
Norman Ferrar 37:57
You know what, I probably have to say, No, you could probably have quality keywords in your title and quality keywords in your back end search terms, I think but I wouldn’t put them so far back, that they’re not getting recognized. I put them towards the front of the search terms.
Sharon Even 38:20
Second question cuz I’m loving I love having these conversations if it’s okay.
Norman Ferrar 38:25
Just don’t ask me about my you know, relationship with my mother or
Sharon Even 38:34
your what’s funny, not related to this. My dad has a really long beard now any and we did a video call the other day. And I was showing him a photo of yours like looked at here’s someone else that has a really long beard like longer than yours. Because Yeah, anyway. And then I showed him a photo of yours before your head a beard and you’re like a totally different person that would have never recognized you down the street. How do I have it from your Facebook anyway? regarding what you just said? Do you think that it meant like, why do you think it matters where the keyword is in your search terms? As long as you’re indexed for it, right? Because here’s what we know, are when we put keywords into a listing, it gets indexed, it can help us with ranking, obviously, especially at when we’re in the honeymoon period. But if your product doesn’t convert for that keyword, you’re indexed for it, you’re not going to be ranked for it you need to convert, right? So if I put a keyword and it’s the last keyword in my search terms at the back end, okay, for example, I don’t know I can’t think of a keyword right now but a keyword nautical, okay, nautical, okay, you would have nautical in your title, but you get what I mean bathroom, okay, let’s say bathroom, for example. And I’m indexed for that keyword. And I’m targeting it now in PPC. Why does it even matter where the keyword is whether it’s the last keyword in my I’m indexed for does Why does that matter to you then believe that it gives you more ranking juice, the closer it is to the front.
Norman Ferrar 40:06
So if I’m ranking on a keyword, or if I’m not ranking on a keyword, what we’ll do is we’ll try to position the keyword differently. So, for example, let’s say that somebody just has it in a bullet. Okay, so that’s probably way down on the algorithm scale. So bullet is not working there, we’ll bring it up into the search terms, we would have Next go into subject matter but doesn’t really exist. search terms. If it doesn’t work there, we’ll try to put it into the title. And what we’ve seen, and I don’t know if this is magic or not, but if not all, indexing is created equal. Have you seen that?
Sharon Even 40:55
Um, I don’t, I don’t know. What I mean is, if a keyword is important, if it’s an important keyword, right, remember how I initially said, I will go after root keywords in the broad campaign, if it’s a root keyword, so for example, with the anchor product, if there’s keywords around it like nautical beach, I don’t know, anchor bathroom because you know, nautical decor is a lot in the bathroom. I don’t know, like a few other keywords on a decor level and an anchor and things like that. The very important keywords, they will be in my title and in the back end, no matter what. Right? Okay. The rest of the keywords where it may be, I can’t think of something like right now, but the rest of the keywords if I’m indexed for them, and it’s important for me to get ranked for them. I’m out target them and PPC. And if it’s the right keyword, I will stay eventually organically ranked because I’m getting sales through that keyword because organic ranking, eventually it comes up with sales, you sell well for that keyword, you’re going to rank for that keyword at some stage playing around with all the keywords everywhere you kind of continue doing that all the time. Right? You can’t because you kind of continue changing a listing all the time, it can have terrible effects on from my experience, right? And I’ve learned this from making mistakes in the past of Oh, okay, well, this bullet is not working anymore, I changed the product, let’s change the entire bullet. And then boom, I got deindexed and everything and had to get near our friend to come in and help and be like, well, what’s the problem? Right? I don’t believe in changing your listing too many times. I think it’s not a good idea simply from just disasters that I’ve seen happen to people and suddenly waking up the next morning and their index is completely if I’m trying not to swear on your on my on my podcast, I swear all the time. But you know. So I think that if it’s an important keyword no matter what, you should have it in your title and in your back end. But on an indexing level, if you’re trying to get ranked in my opinion, I only use PPC for ranking. I don’t use other things for that. Yeah, I I only use peep and I’ve launched 1000s of products. No, my own only is what I’m saying. And no, I don’t live in my bubble many, many, many other people’s products as well, using buying intent keywords. Right. And this is the thing about buying intent if they’re typing in a keyword and it means exactly what your product is. And your product, you’ve done your homework and it fits the buyer avatar completely you will convert. Right? You will if you’ve done your homework properly. And I mean it’s proven itself over and over again. I don’t use any search find buy I don’t do any giveaways I never have.
Norman Ferrar 44:05
And and I know you’ve never bought any of my press releases. So I won’t ask you why but
Sharon Even 44:11
I don’t. Here’s the thing. I’m sorry, I’m joking. I don’t know I actually have sent clients for your press releases. And I’m working and I’m working with a client now that’s gonna come through for your press release. But I don’t do for my like, I’m just I feel like I’ve got PPC so hone down. Yeah, that I’m just like on a keyword level and choosing my keywords. I’ve just become so good at not only that, sometimes I don’t use the right keywords. I thought I had the right keywords and I didn’t but I’ll learn about it really quickly. I’ll read the data quickly and understand Okay, maybe I thought that I could go after this type of keyword but like my product doesn’t fit in that niche and I should bring it back to what I’m actually selling so
Norman Ferrar 45:00
I’ve got two questions before we get to questions. Yes. And one of them is about the Gosh, what was I just gonna say I lost I lost my train of thought. But one of the one of the questions was about moving to the next to the next products, next cycle of life it with your Ace and you’ve gone from your launch. Now, are you changing your listing at all? As you grow? Or are you sticking to I don’t change, I don’t want to change my listing.
Sharon Even 45:40
Images. I will change Okay, as I learned more about the niche keywords, the only keywords I will because keywords change keyword demand changes, right and we can see it also when you look on brand analytics, for example. And you can see a demand of a keyword can be totally different. from one year to the next year or six months to the next month. I will go in and make changes to my back end. Sometimes, I will never touch my title. And I will never touch my title. I’m not as ballsy as other people and never changed by changing my title. I have a really good title from day one. My copywriter is Sasha gullick don’t know if you know Sasha mazing copywriter?
Norman Ferrar 46:30
No Sasha maybe after the podcast, you could send me her
Sharon Even 46:34
sashes, sorry. Here’s the thing about Sasha, she writes the listings herself, she doesn’t outsource it. And she can make the most boring freakin product in the world, just the sexiest product ever. Like she just has this gift of writing. But she understands Amazon, so she understands not to have bullets that are way too long, and things like that. And because, you know, it’s me, I’ll just go over the keywords making sure that you know, the right keywords are in the right place. I have changed titles in the past, I just don’t recommend that people do it just out of you know, the risk involved that I’ve seen with with ranking issues and DNS indexing and things like that. I once told people in the past to make changes, and then I stopped doing it the day after someone came back to me and said it stuffed up my entire indexing and I was like shit you know, sir, yeah.
Norman Ferrar 47:42
And I have seen that happen with my soap and went from like, top seller down to like couldn’t even find it
Sharon Even 47:51
for so one of the products that we sell and I don’t usually talk about my products with people like you because you may be one of my competitors. But anyway. Enjoy competition. What am I What am I the products that we sell is a face mask? Not a face mask Coronavirus? One. It’s like a face sheet mask, right? Do you sell a face? sheet mask? No, possibly. But no Anyway, you if you do then you will know this that last year facemask meant a totally different thing than what face mask usually means. Yeah, right. So suddenly, I had to discover a whole new on a PVC label whole new keywords to target because face masks no longer meant what facemask usually meant. Until 2020. Right. So then I did play around with with our without listing. And I did make changes, dramatic changes. But it’s because I had to because the keyword now meant like face masks no longer made face mask. So face sheet mask and Korean sheet mask and those types of keywords, were suddenly a lot more popular for the buying intent. Right then face masks because if someone was typing in face masks last year, they meant the COVID face mask, they did not mean the sheet mask. So those are like that was very dramatic changes that I made to a listing. But apart from that I don’t do a lot of dramatic changes.
Norman Ferrar 49:25
The last comment question? Yes, is what I’ve seen with a lot of people that come to us and say how can I you know, how can I improve my listing? How can I improve PPC, we’ll come back to them. And we’ll go back to the old you know, the same old, same old, improve your listing, your images suck, you know you have because you can get PPC you can drive traffic. And if you’re on page one, great but if your images are terrible if your copy is terrible, you’re not going to get the conversions. And what we be found? Probably 2030 40% won’t listen, they just won’t change. And then they wonder why their listings, you know, are not converting. And of course, it’s your fault. Because, you know, it’s not converting. But you know, if the question is, you know, how important is it to you, when you’re looking at your client? I’m kind of curious. Sorry, there you go.
Sharon Even 50:28
I’m gonna share my screen on what you’re saying. Because this is one of the main things that I say in my everywhere.
Norman Ferrar 50:34
This is I was gonna ask, like with these 700 people that you’ve helped, how many people take action and, you know, try to improve their listing prior to running their PPC campaign?
Sharon Even 50:52
Wow, what was sorry, I was just wondering why you can’t see my screen. I think I okay. I just want to say just answered Kelsey. It’s Kelsey, this is it says you can have the best PPC structure in the world. But if your product and listing is not top notch from the beginning, you will not convert not even the most advanced PPC expert can help a bad product in the long term. But I also say if your product and listing is not top notch, like you said, if the product you could have the bit like you could have me and all the other PPC people that are way bigger than me, right? Through make the best for construction in the world. But if your listing sucks, and if your product sucks, it’s not going to help, right? I don’t know how many people watching us I’ve coached but the amount of people have come and said dude, your listing is so bad. You don’t even understand your buyer avatar. You’re not even showing you don’t even have lifestyle images. You don’t have this you don’t have that is dramatic. There’s so many people that will come to me 99% of the people I do think Listen to me. In my experience. I’ve had people cry on a coaching call with me. Because I’ve come and said this is bad. This is bad. Because why are you hiring me? You want me to tell you what you want to hear you want me to tell you? What’s gonna help you? This is this is refreshing. Thank you. Because it’s I say this. I say this all the time. And sometimes, you know, people know that if you come to me, you’re going to get what I believe that you need to do. And if you decide not to do it, I can’t help you. I can’t there’s no point. There’s no point of us continuing. I said there was some stage last year I said to people, if you sell a beeswax food rep, please don’t book a call with me. I said it last year, because I had literally I don’t know, it must have been like a helium 10 thing. And there was literally probably 100 people in a like three month period that were booking calls with me and everyone was selling the same for like same product, just the same freakin product. And it was all the same. Just everything looked the same. And I was like what’s going on? Anyway, so you got to get the product, right? You got to get the listing, right. And you have to understand who you’re selling to, in order to understand what kind of images to have. Right? If you’re selling a boxing bag, that is I’m like did Muay Thai for many many years and somebody wants came to me ages ago, he no longer sells it see on the reason I will say what the product is. And it came to me with a blow up boxing bag. Okay. Anyone that does boxing will learn that this specific blow up boxing bag is a piece of crap. But good for adults. It should be for kids. And all of his reviews, were telling him that as well. But all of his images was just with adults. All of his keywords were with adults. And I was like, dude, you don’t even understand your product. Like what are you doing? This is a product for kids. It’s a toy. It’s not a toy. But you know what, it’s for children. We redid his entire when I say we it’s not me, I sent him to a photographer I work with and I said, you know, he redid it his entire images. We did images with a dad and a son and a dad and a daughter together we did different places. We showed different places where you can use the product. We showed lifestyle images we showed, you know all the different images with the right buying it like the right buyer avatar in mind, which was children, but who buys the product, not the child, the parent. So we made sure we had parents in there as well so they could visualize their children and visualize himself with a kid. So a lot of people come with terrible images or listings, but I do believe that 99% Listen to me specifically, right. Um, but i i think that if you’re not willing to listen to a pro who knows a thing or two, then don’t bother going to them right away. And people get really emotionally attached to their products, which is a big issue. Um, but yeah, I don’t know if I answered your question or
Norman Ferrar 55:10
you did. And what’s interesting, as soon as you started talking about this, my, my business partner over at the chat agency popped on, I know, you know, Paul, Paul Barron, Paul Baran. Anyways, we have this problem. People come to us, and they’re saying, okay, you know, how do you get influencers? How do you get brand ambassadors, and you go back and and, Paul, I mean, you can chat in here, there are people that come to us, we say, the listing has to change. It’s no good, and people just won’t. And we’ve, we’ve come to a conclusion now, that if you’re not willing to listen to the listing audit that we have, we really just can’t help you as a client, because we’re wasting our time and your time. And it’s just incredible. The people that you know, that one advice it like they, they’re open to it. But then the words, Yes, I understand. But.
Sharon Even 56:15
So, it’s, it’s a problem. And to solve that problem, my advice to people that are in the middle of doing their listing, would be understand who your buyer avatar is. Because when you understand who your buyer avatar is, you will know what kind of images to make for them. Because most of the people just don’t want to spend more money on images. If it’s to change listings, many people will just do it. Images are expensive, if you want to do them properly, most of the time, right. So most people are just like, Oh crap, she’s telling me to go or he’s telling me to go and redo my images after I just spent $1,000. I had somebody else totally change the scenario, just because somebody well known in the industry, introduced me to one of their clients, that that they did their images and their videos for the client. And they just weren’t converting. And then the client came to me did a coaching call with me, the person was a photographer, and not the person, the person that sent them the intro form, it was a photographer. And the guy came to me to look at his PPC, and I was like, wait a minute, what’s up with these images, so the product for the sake of not exposing anyone or the type of product will change the scenario, we’ll stick to the anchor product, okay. So if you’re selling an anchor product, or a nautical product, the theme is usually whites and blues, right? Because it’s beachy products. So that those are usually the types of colors that you’d have in the background and the decor in the background. You’re not gonna have bright orange like you have here and the norm, right? What you probably pick those colors, because it’s also to do with Amazon, you got to understand when it comes to branding, for example, colors are everything. Right? The guy’s entire listing looked like an Amazon logo. Instead of, for example, the actual buyer avatar, which was blues and whites and things like that. We just it was simple reader the entire images, right after they paid a lot of money to a well known person in the industry redid the entire images and like it’s not me or does it totally different photographer I don’t benefit from you going to them. It’s just I know that’s the best person that I’ve worked with. And the the backgrounds looked very, very, like buying intent. If it’s if it’s, for example, an anchor, right, then it’s a decor product, like a nautical decor product, and the background needs to look like like beachy themed or whites and blues and things like that. We just changed the way that the listing looked. Right. And it already made a difference in sales. Well, it wasn’t even I mean, there was PPC stuff to do. But from day one, it already made a difference. Because Same thing with the guy with with the boxing back. Right. So understand your product, understand your buyer Avatar and make the right images and the right listing for that buyer avatar. And then the keywords. If you’ve done your homework, it’ll work. I mean, it’s not that easy, but I’m making it sound easy. But what I mean is there’s got to be a connection with the to PPC is connected to your listing and like every single way possible.
Norman Ferrar 59:45
Very good. So we are going to get into questions now. We are going to run a little bit late. We checked with Sharon. Yeah, to make sure it was okay. So we do have time we’re going to get into questions right now. Wow,
Kelsey 1:00:03
quite a few questions so we can try and just fire off these ones. So first, Paul, I think we mentioned this before, but who do you use for photos?
Sharon Even 1:00:13
pixel nuts Studio milaana is her name. And it’s there’s a story behind it, but I’ll make it a 32nd story so that we don’t waste time. But Mulana was one of my early coaching students, she was selling a product on Amazon. And then I realized that she did the images of her entire listing shed one of the most beautiful listings I’ve ever seen. And Amazon just wasn’t really for her. There’s just some people that Amazon’s not the right thing for you. But there’s other e commerce things that are for you. And I pushed her to start her own agency. And she’s just like been kicking ass for the last few years. She’s done so many. But the thing is, she comes from a buyer, an X buyer background, so she understands how to do graphics and photography, specifically for Amazon sellers, which I think is so important, because a wedding photographer is not going to do the same work. Yes, pixel net studio. Okay.
Kelsey 1:01:10
All right. Ryan, our product is for all ages, but it is safe to put images for kids and our main photos, or does marketing material with kids require a children’s product certificates?
Sharon Even 1:01:23
And an image level? I don’t think you should have a problem. I mean, compliance wise. If your product is intended for children, Okay, first of all, disclaimer, this is not legal advice. Right? And then normal put his two cents on it after me. But in my experience of compliance, if Amazon did not ask you for CPC child, yeah. CPC, right. And or? Yes, if they didn’t ask you for a certificate, then you’re probably fine. Um, but from what I know, are on an image level, they shouldn’t be scared to put children in there, right. No, no, I, I agree. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz it’s keywords. I mean, in general, though, if you have a product that’s for kids, you got to make sure it’s safe just for being a responsible business owner. And you should have certificates in place and compliance done correctly. Y’all can Billy takes care of compliance, or you can go to compliance, gate calm. That’s what I use to help me. That wasn’t a plug, there’s no, I have no affiliation there. It was just things I legitimately use.
Kelsey 1:02:41
Alright, this is from Catherine is changing images just as risky.
Sharon Even 1:02:48
I mean, if you’re going from a sucky image to a good image, then no, I do a lot of trial and errors with images. You can also do split testing if you’re brand registered, but if you’re not brand registered, and nor I look, this is near who’s near Riva, who’s a friend of mine and norms, as well said to me, I had him on the podcast a month ago. And he said to me, I can’t remember what he said. But he said something about changing an image got one of his clients, suppressed or suspended. I just can’t remember the reason why. And it was the only time I’ve ever heard anyone going through that. But in my experience, if you’ve changed an image that’s taking your product from being shitty to taking it to looking exactly the way it should, for your buyer avatar nor and if you mean risk involved on an algorithm level, as long as you’re within Terms of Service, your main images and being changed from white background to an actual non to his background, you should be fine. Right now, um, do you agree with that?
Norman Ferrar 1:04:02
No split test, split test, split test. And, you know, you can also get a really quick by using pickfu or usability hub, just you know, get insight which is better. But if a photograph is better, and it’s your primary image, and everything is compliant, I can’t see how that would hurt. Yeah, I can’t either. Okay. What exactly is the back end of this thing?
Sharon Even 1:04:35
So what I was saying back in I was meaning your search terms, but bullet points and description would be considered back end as well. Subject Matter and attributes and all of that isn’t really what Well, I mean, it’s category dependent now, isn’t it but it’s still it can still help give you some juice. Um, but I was It’s referring to search terms and your back end, which so many people, I don’t know if you guys ever have this norm, but so many people don’t understand how to use search terms correctly in the back end. So don’t take it from me, go to amazon seller central in the top right hand corner, you will have a search field type in search terms, this little thing pop up will come out. And then it’ll say using search terms effectively, I think something like that, click on it, and read how to use search shows. You should not be repeating words, you don’t put in an actual phrase you put in just words, you don’t use commerce. There’s so many things that people don’t know that it like, and they do it. And I don’t know why, Sir, don’t listen to me, the person that works with listings all day long, listen to Amazon, type in search terms on Amazon and look and see what Amazon says.
Norman Ferrar 1:05:53
I think people are nervous about not repeating keywords. I don’t know why, but they can test it. But
Sharon Even 1:06:05
But here’s the thing. When Amazon added a few brand registered, then Amazon added search term optimizer, right where it shows you in pink, any keywords that you’re using, that are not low value, and they’re not using it anyway. Right? That was just a reassurance for anyone that wanted to debate the fact that you shouldn’t be repeating your search terms in the back end. So I don’t repeat search terms in the back end. And I don’t think that people should repeat search terms in the back end. And Amazon tells you not to do it. And then when they added the search term optimizer, they show you in pink, don’t use this, don’t use this, don’t use this, sir, I think you’d over the nervousness and just do what Amazon tells you, which you should not do if you’re listening to Amazon PPC advice. But if it’s listing optimization advice, I think you should.
Norman Ferrar 1:07:02
And Laurie, just in case, if you’re really new to Amazon, what we’re talking about is inside Seller Central, you can go to your inventory, you can select whatever your product is, go to the far, the far right, hit edit, and then you’ll see four or five tabs. And in those tabs. That’s what we’re talking about your back end. There’s all sorts of different fields in there that you can fill. And your search terms will be in the keywords correct. Yep.
Kelsey 1:07:32
Okay, great. Another question from Daniel, congrats for your PPC summit presentation, the best presentation ever. You always talk about repurpose, what if I have a product that can be targeted as a bathroom accessories, and also in office decor?
Sharon Even 1:07:50
Okay, so if you’re selling a product that can be sold to two different types of niches, or two different buyer avatars, there’s two answers to this in my experience, one is try and focus on the one that makes more sense. But if it makes more sense to Bharath, I personally am extremely efficient with my PPC. First of all, in your listing, I would have images of both I would have for example a collage showing the product in the bathroom and also in the office, for example. Just because that’s what the question was, in my PPC, I split the campaigns with different buying intent, just for efficiency. So my office keywords are going to be in their own campaign, and they’re not going to be mixed with the bathroom keyword campaigns. And then the more you understand PPC, you sort of get a bird’s eye view very quickly of which one converts better and you know where to focus most of your money, for example, more so than the bathroom or it could be both, but I don’t mix them up. They each have their own campaigns for different buying intent. That makes sense. That made sense in my brain. Okay, cool.
Kelsey 1:09:05
Okay, and I’m not sure if it’s a one time right now, but we can start wrapping up a couple more. I like concert I love Alright, well, let me see is my life. Okay. All right. From Benedict to keywords at the back of EBC content pics relevant and do they rank?
Sharon Even 1:09:28
I just had this debate with someone the other day, sir. From what I know, okay. A plus content. As in the text is not indexed, your description will be indexed. The images what’s called alt a Oh yeah, the old tags. The old tags in my own experience of checking do help with index but Amazon tells They use the those keywords for Google and outside of Amazon ranking. And I don’t know if they help rank, but I know that they do help with index. And I know that by going in and putting the word dog into one of those images, when I don’t sell any product for dog, and then suddenly my product was indexed for the type of keyword that I’d put in. That’s how I did it. And that’s how I know that. But when you’ve got a plus content, your description is what gets
Norman Ferrar 1:10:29
Do you usually put the asen? And then dog or is it just dog? In that alt? In the filename? So when we’re uploading, yep, we’ve done it both ways. We put the asen in front, and then added keywords. Yeah, and then added and then just added keywords.
Sharon Even 1:10:54
I don’t think that I’ve put in the asen. I don’t think I have. So what does that help with?
Norman Ferrar 1:11:03
Well, this goes back to the style guide, the style guide, back not not the newer style guide, but the other style guides, were saying that for files, put the asen and then keyword and even right now for your primary, your primary image should be erasing your primary image primary image should be the name of your Ace and dot jpg.
Sharon Even 1:11:28
Ah, my, all of my images are named by my asen. But in the Ulta is in the image name is my Ace a number? Right? Right. But I don’t put it in the alt text.
Norman Ferrar 1:11:41
Okay, then just miscommunication. So in the alt tag, you don’t have to do that. No.
Sharon Even 1:11:46
Okay. That’s what I was talking about. But not the name. The file name is My my, Jason’s Yep. I think I actually do the asen. And then one asen. Two, I think that’s what I’ve done. I don’t know if you’re supposed to do that. But I feel like that’s what I do, because that’s how they’re saved on my computer. So it could be wrong. But anyway, all ticks I don’t put my acent No, that’s perfect. Okay, next.
Kelsey 1:12:12
Next, Adriana. So if a keyword or a sin is not converting, would you just lower the bid or posit I paused keywords before and lost organic traffic on them? Not sure if lowering the bid is better?
Sharon Even1:12:25
Hold on, I have to read the queue that thing myself. So if the keyword or asen is not converting when you just lower the bid or pause it? Well, the question is, why isn’t it converting is the first question that I would take that keyword, the actual search term that is showing, like the search term, not the targeted keywords, the search term, and I would physically put it into Amazon. And I would look at what the offers are and my offer. And I would try to understand why people aren’t clicking on me. And if they are clicking on me, and I’m not converting, then there’s a problem with either the keyword doesn’t fit my product, or there’s a problem with your listing, something’s not right with your listing. And so it depends. I don’t pause keywords that quickly if they’re important. I play around with the bids, and I prefer to play around with a bid. A lot of people forget, for example, I can sometimes have someone that sells a $13 product. And they’ve got $2 bids. And they convert for every four clicks. I have a conversion. But they’ve always got really high costs. And it’s not profitable because their products way too cheap. And the clicks are way too high. And it’s a problem with that with that specific niche, for example, but then they tell me I’m not converting and I’m like you are converting. You’re converting really well, converting. You know, one sale for every five clicks is amazing. Right? The problem is you’ve got a high a cost or you’re not in your brain it doesn’t you don’t think you’re converting well as simply because your product is too cheap for how expensive the so you also need to ask yourself, What do you mean by is it not converting? Is it actually that you’re getting many clicks? Or did you get 10 clicks and you expect to sale? Like people sometimes come to me like I’m not converting? And I’m like, yeah, you are your bids are just too expensive, you know, or your your price is too low, or it’s not the right keyword. So I hate answering these types of questions because I don’t know what you sell. And then I may have seen your your search term report and your listing and give you totally different advice. So I would say look at the buying intent behind that keyword and understand if it fits exactly your product. People have clicked on your repeatedly and you’re not getting the sale. What’s wrong with your listing? What’s wrong with your offer? Is there a reason for it, maybe it’s not a matter of changing the bid. It’s just a matter of changing, adding a coupon at changing the price, changing your image, etc. Maybe it’s too broad of a keyword and has nothing maybe it’s boyhood. Core when you sell a very specific, I don’t know blanket that you put on your couch. And that keywords way too broad for you right now. Right? And in that case, I would probably lower the bid dramatically or not go after that keyword right now because it’s in tier three. Remember how I had tier one? tier two? tier three? That’s what I would answer on that very broad answer, because I can’t answer it specifically. Okay, how long right, we’ll
Kelsey 1:15:28
give you a drink. We’ll give you an easy one. This time from Benedict is Sharon based in the UK,
Sharon Even 1:15:34
nor I come from New Zealand and I live in Israel. How can I sell and sell on the US market? international? I so I’m, yeah, I’m a product of all countries in the world. What campaigns do you do for a new product launch? I think I think we covered that. We covered that. And also, I have a YouTube video on how I launch products. Like it’s specifically launching 2021.
Norman Ferrar 1:16:07
Okay, we’re gonna go. I see one from Tom Tom Norton, which is interesting. Here, close my eyes again.
Kelsey 1:16:16
Do you put a high priority on video ads campaign?
Sharon Even 1:16:21
Well, we didn’t even talk about videos. That’s why I wanted to get to that we didn’t even touch brand ads at all. Do you put high priority on video ad campaigns? When you said what do you mean tell by what do you mean by high priority? like do I use video ads? Yes, I guess I use video ads. I think video ads are like one of the most amazing things that anyone could use. Video Ads do not have to be in my experience over the top, they can literally be a slideshow and still convert. Um, but I do believe that there should also be buying intent keywords. What I mean is understanding what kind of keywords you’re going after at what stage, including for video ads as well. So yes, I think the video ads, I mean, are probably, in my experience, one of the most like the campaigns that convert with the best conversion probably I’ve ever had. That’s not true. Do you know what actually has the best conversion I’ve ever had on my products? What’s on my cosmetics products, specifically, you probably may have a similar one is, um, display ads with a forgot the exact name of it right now. But people that have purchased your products in the past, because a lot of my cosmetics products are products that you have to keep buying every month, otherwise they don’t work. And there’s like, I’ve got a cost of like two or 3%. And with a lot of sales on my display ads. So anyway, but the answer about video ads, I think video ads are important. I think that if you’re not using them, and you have the ability to use them, you’re an idiot. And you should, I think that you can try different types of video ads over time. From the very beginning, a lot of people are money conscious, they don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars. So make a really good slideshow ad on your arm on Canva. But just know that and better video ad have really professional one may convert a lot better than your simple Canva video ad. But I think that they’re great, and they’re important. And we didn’t even talk about sponsored brand ads and display ads. But we’ll probably have to leave that for another time. Maybe next time. Yeah, but they’re they’re important too. When you have when
Norman Ferrar 1:18:52
you’re brand registered, kills one more question and then we’ll get into we’ll have Kelsey.
Kelsey 1:18:58
Okay, from Daniel for the exact drinking campaign, what is the minimum combined SV that lets you confident keeps you confident to launch the product as well as the max level of competition? The red light to give up?
Sharon Even 1:19:14
What is the moon combined search volume that lets you confident to launch the product as well as the max level of competition? that product research
Norman Ferrar 1:19:25
question well, I think that is a How long is a piece of string? You know it really it depends on what you’re launching competitiveness. The price point.
Sharon Even 1:19:38
I don’t have parameters. I’m probably one of the people in the industry. That’s like the opposite of what everyone else is. I hate parameters, search volume. I’ve seen people launch products and make a lot of money from keywords that only have 1000 search volume and the market cap is very, very small. But the reason they’re kicking bed is because you’re the only one because no one You know, went into that specific niche. I’m anti parameters, and all about making the right product for the right type of buyer Avatar and choosing the right keywords that are going to get conversion because I made the right product for the right buyer avatar with with in depth market analysis, so I’m very precise with my market analysis. And like I said, I used to use to tell the tics today I use market tracker, probably one of the most underrated tools that helium 10 has market tracker, it’s it can tell you so much about the potential of a niche, and the potential market share in a niche. And it’s things that people don’t think about, is there actually potential to grab a piece of the pie? Um, but that will have to probably be for another time because I could I literally could talk about that for the next 20 minutes and not shut up. So yeah.
Norman Ferrar 1:20:58
And I know you want to put your child to bed, so
Sharon Even 1:21:03
I’m okay to continue. But if you guys want to end it’s it’s all good to what have you guys decided?
Kelsey 1:21:09
Yeah, I think we have maybe like one or two questions if you Okay, well, we’re good with it, then then I’m good with it. I’m good. Okay. All right. Got a couple questions about atomic from each. So what are your thoughts on it? This one’s from Anna but rad also asked about it too.
Sharon Even 1:21:31
Okay, I’m the type of person that doesn’t care about what software people think about me. So I’m going to be extremely honest. I love helium 10. It’s the only tool that I think that you need as a seller. However, I am anti PPC automation in general. Um, so I do not use atomic I it’s not true. I have it because I’m an affiliate of helium 10. So I do have atomic and I don’t look at it a lot. But I don’t use it to create my campaigns I create my campaigns myself. And I use the tool to read data. You can make changes within when you go into ad Tomic, you can make changes. And just Same way, when you’re looking at the search term, like a report that it’s not a report, it’s like, I don’t know what you call it. But you can actually make a big change on a keyword when you’re looking at it add an atomic and you can actually change like negative exact keyword from within that. That’s what I love about it. But I would never use it to start my campaigns or to choose keywords for me ever or any automated PPC thing because they don’t understand my buyer avatar. My keywords like I do. Very good.
Kelsey 1:22:54
But they’re just they’re a little too broad, I think. Yeah, I think I think we probably get Oh, from Simon, is it necessary to own every ad position such as display ads on product pages? Inside these real names? Simon? Yeah, yeah. Simon? Yeah. He’s been on the podcast. You’ve had him on the podcast. Yeah. Yeah.
Norman Ferrar 1:23:21
This guy rules. He’s got a great brand. His brand is used by the royal family. It’s used by David Beckham. I mean, really cool. We’ve got some really incredible people that I know. And there’s a lot of people I don’t know, but there’s a lot of people here that are just incredible sellers like Marsha. Marsha has had over a billion dollars worth of sales.
Sharon Even 1:23:45
Holy crap, that’s more than me by so we got great listeners. So from beginners right on up
Sharon Even 1:23:52
I love that I always say these on like, every week he’s on he wants to sell the session. So hi, Simon. I didn’t know your name is Simon and I’m gonna find your I thought he was just loyal to this podcast. Okay, everything I said about Simon exit watchings tele sessions support. I think yours. If not, but But anyway, isn’t necessary to earn every ad position such as display ads on product pages.
Sharon Even 1:24:20
Sharon Even 1:24:22
I want to have as much real estate as possible for my products that are established. Meaning I will have a brand and at the very top showing three of my other products. Well my product and two other products. I will have the first place at the top, I will have a display ad on the left, I will have another brand and at the bottom. I will have every single position. I can have unimportant keywords for the sake of somebody else not being there. Right? Because if I’m there, it means my competition isn’t there. So that is why does everyone need to do this at At launch, nor I don’t think everyone needs to do this at launch. But if your site savvy or now Simon, cuz I didn’t know that design assignment, if your assignment, then probably is if you’ve got such an established brand, you won’t have as much real estate as possible because if you were there, the competition isn’t. And that’s what I care about. That’s why, you know, we’ll also we’ll target our own essence, when we’re doing a scent targeting as well. So it’s about real estate, it’s about brand awareness, but it’s also about defense and making sure that somebody else ain’t there.
Norman Ferrar 1:25:36
I love that. It’s about defense. And, yeah, that and it product awareness or brand awareness. Okay, so I think that does it for the questions, if you’d like just, if you’d like to try to get a 30 minute session with Sharon. Just hashtag. We’ll have Kelsey and we’re also giving away one of the Stillwell copper products today. And that is I forget, I want stay well, is that what it is? I want to stay well, stay well, and, okay, so that’s it. We got one quick thing that we have to do a toast and the screenshot is
Kelsey 1:26:22
2300 we can use generic Okay, we’ll do well, we have to redo it after the show as well. A little easier. But okay, it’s time for the we’ll have Kelsey and Sharon, you’re going to be excited for the sun.
Kelsey 1:26:52
Okay, so this is for the stable. One, this is for one of these bad boys here. It’s a copper plate that helps kill the germs. This is from stables coppers. So here we go. 321
Kelsey 1:27:16
Daniel is the winner. All right, Daniel. Daniel. And next for the big consultation prize. Alright, shuffle up all the names and here we go. 321 This is a great prize. Okay, Tom? Is that Tom Norton or different? I think I think it’s time Norton. Yeah. Tom Norton. All right, Tom. All right. So yeah, just contact me at K at lunch with norm calm. And I will connect you with Sharon. As well as Daniel, I believe to have your address already. But just we can email him back and forth and figure that out. But yeah, thank you, everyone.
Norman Ferrar 1:28:11
Alright, so that is it. We went I think this is a record today. almost an hour and a half.
Kelsey 1:28:17
We said we’re going to be short and wrap this up. But uh, ended up being our longest podcast.
Sharon Even 1:28:21
Yeah. What the heck, when and whenever anyone invites me. They should just know that I talk so much. It’s just a thing. Sorry. Well,
Norman Ferrar 1:28:32
Kelsey will be sending out an email the book, The next podcast, right?
Sharon Even 1:28:38
Short podcast started exist with what I want. I don’t want to say this is now I am plugging myself here. But I did want to say that I do do one on one coaching. So for anyone that didn’t win the 30 minutes, I do do one on one. Or when they come to me prepared. If you come to me, meaning we go know your stuff. Yeah, that’s it. And you’ve got a Facebook group, of course, as well. Yep. My own Facebook group and the Sharon Evan YouTube channel. And you can catch me on Thursdays on sell the sessions, nor am I going to have you on once as my guest. not nervous with all your questions. I feel like coming on the podcast with me. It’s fun. I’m pretty fun on
Norman Ferrar 1:29:27
your fun one. I get to ask the questions. But I got to go onto your podcast with Kelsey. And also do a podcast with your dad.
Kelsey 1:29:39
I’ve been on one podcast on the am pm podcast. And that was like my little podcast debut. So
Sharon Even 1:29:46
that you should you should actually bring you both on that would be funny. It would be interesting to see how does dad and a son work together? How does that work?
Norman Ferrar 1:29:54
Oh, when he works, that’s no work or he works. He He’s an awesome kid. He is. Although I never really admit that, but Yes, he is. You shouldn’t tell. Your dad appreciates you a lot. He does. There we go. He will tell tell him that I say thank you, everybody. So I think that’s it for today’s podcast. Sharon, thank you so much for being on. Can’t wait to have you on again.
Kelsey 1:30:29
Just stick around when we disconnect. Just. Yeah, don’t go anywhere. All right, thanks.
Norman Ferrar 1:30:37
So let’s winding down today’s podcast. That was about an hour and a half. It was a long one. hope you got some really great nuggets. nuggets. Yeah. Okay. I’ll say it. Yeah, we gave away some nuggets today. I’ve got to figure out a different word for that. Anybody have any suggestions on what’s better than a nugget? I’d love to hear it. But anyway, if you liked what you heard, please like and follow us. Kelsey, what do you got to say?
Kelsey 1:31:03
Well, first off, our Patreon is starting up in June. So you can start looking at that now I’ll put the link in the comment section. So definitely check it out. We have two awesome subscribers right now. And I’ll just do a little shout out. I’m going to give them another one when we started officially. But Mark and Simon, thank you so much for your donations. And that’s just a place where you can get bonus content with a monthly subscription service. So that starts in June, as well. If you missed any of the podcast today, you can always go over to our YouTube channel. Norman Farrar. We’re at like 904 subscribers. It’s the race to 1000. So we really appreciate if you go over and hit that subscribe button and ring that little bell. It lets you know, whenever we’re live, you’ll get a notification and then our Facebook group lunch with norm Amazon FBA and e commerce collective. That’s where all the good stuff happens. And yeah, we got our beer nation community over there. So and we really appreciate you guys. And I think that’s everything.
Norman Ferrar 1:32:06
So thank you, everyone. Thank you so much for being part of this community. And join us Monday, Wednesday, Friday at noon, Eastern Standard Time. Have a great day. entrepreneur.
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