Have you thought about incorporating Pinterest ads into your marketing strategy? Cheaper than Facebook and can be even more effective! Babe Mooney has been the CEO of Go2 Digital Marketing for over 20 years, helping businesses grow and expand. Over the last 7 years, she has drilled down to working with two e-com niches, Amazon sellers, and Shopify sellers. Babe owned a successful Amazon store for 5 years, which she sold. She has also built and sold numerous Shopify stores. Babe relates to the needs of these two sellers. Seven years ago, she decided to learn and master Pinterest. She created a women’s fashion Shopify store to use as her beta project. Within 6 months she had traffic AND sales to that store using only organic Pinterest. Find out everything you need to know about Pinterest in this episode!
Norman Ferrar 0:02
Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, aka the beard guy here and welcome to another lunch with Norm, the rise of the micro brands.
Norman Ferrar 0:22
All right, so today we do have a special guest. And we’re going to be talking to you about a topic that you don’t hear a lot about. But it’s an incredible topic. It’s about Pinterest ads, and how to use Pinterest for your business. So there is a technical glitch going on right now. But we’re going to bring on our guest Bade Mooney very shortly, so she’s just rebooting our computer, and then we’ll have her on. But in the meantime, where are you Kels? How are you?There you are, just that little guy.
Norman Ferrar 1:04
there you go. puff out your ..
I’m a big boy.
Kelsey 1:07
So I’m not sure if it’s me or you. But I think I’ve noticed that you’re kind of glitching out too. But you’re okay right now. So I’m not sure. It’s just one of those days where the Internet’s been freaking out everywhere. But anyways, yeah, you’re good now, though. So that might be my internet. Who knows. But Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the show. It’s good to see everyone got a good crowd out already. So this is a cool, really cool topic that I think a lot of Amazon and e-commerce sellers are going to find informative. And yeah, it’s gonna be great. So smash those like buttons. If you’re watching from YouTube, hit that subscribe button. We’re over that 800 hump. And we’re looking for 900 now, so we’re hoping to get there soon. And yeah, we’ve got some exciting stuff. We have some Patreon stuff up. And coming soon, we’re going to be revamping that. And just stick around for the next couple days. And we’ll be announcing some fun stuff around that too. But yeah, let us know how your weekend is. Do you have any plans? What are you doing? And have you used Pinterest before? Put that in the comment section? What are your thoughts on it? Have you used it? Have you thought about using it? Yeah.
Norman Ferrar 2:22
Yeah. And Pinterest ads, by the way. So this is a you know, this is an advertising or a social media platform that Tim Jordan, my partner over at private label, Legion. He worked with Bradley Sutton and came up with a it’s called Project X. So if anybody’s interested Actually, we should probably create a playlist on Project X in our YouTube channel. And just show people how to source products from Pinterest netsy but this is going to be so cool. I used to do a lot on Pinterest because I fit into the Pinterest demographic, the you know, 35 to 55 year old lady. But anyways, you got those cows, they go over your head or Yeah.
Or just yeah, we’re good to go with the baby.
Norman Ferrar
Okay, very good. So, first, before you bring her in, I just wanted to say hi to everybody, Fatia, Mark there, Steven, and Steven, I still got to reach out to you because you’re one of the winners from the other day. Oh, by the way, the winner for the I iPods did reach out to us. So they live in Switzerland and we’re going to be sending that out. So well. Global podcast. How about that? Marsha, how are you Yarrow? Daniel, Tom, there’s just a ton of you here today. Simon. Good old Simon from last week’s podcast. I hope everybody learned a little bit from him. It was a great podcast. Whoever is a Facebook user is rad. So welcome. And now we have a babe here. So sit back, relax. Grab that cup of coffee and enjoy the episode. Hello.
Bade Mooney
Norman Ferrar
Oh, that sounds so much better.
Norman Ferrar 4:14
How are you babe?
Bade Mooney 4:15
I’m great. You know, it’s nine o’clock in the morning. So no lunch for me today. Yeah. Oh, you
Norman Ferrar 4:24
know I kind of heard like you were a little bit choppy when I when I signed on. But I heard you talking about Maine. Are you from Maine?
Bade Mooney 4:32
No, we’re actually going to take a trip this summer with our RV and go out. We’re leaving here. We’re in Arizona. In the summer. We’re supposed to be gone June July, August, September, but we are leaving in August so that we can be in Maine for September and October and see the color changes. Oh nice. Yeah, hurts or thumbs. Round there, and hopefully miss miss the tornadoes. But you know, we’re gonna risk it. Yeah, yeah.
Norman Ferrar 5:09
Knock on wood. Hey, um, for those of us that don’t know about you, can you just tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do?
Bade Mooney 5:19
Sure, sure. Let’s see, I was born. Oh, wait, we don’t go that far back. You know, I’ve, I’ve owned a lot of brick and mortar businesses. And probably about 20 years ago, I switched and went online, and started in the digital marketing space. And my, my first niche was in the fitness industry, because one of the businesses that I had owned was a fitness facility. So I started working with fitness owners, and I did that for about five or six years. And then I just started expanding and expanding and getting other people and, and in my digital business, of course, I did everything, I mean, social media, SEO websites. And then I went through a phase where I was like, ready to retire. I mean, obviously, I’m ready to retire. So I downsized. And about seven years ago, I decided that I needed something that I wanted to focus on. And, and just be almost exclusive. So I started learning Pinterest. And this was before they launch their ads. So I was learning organic, and really focused on that one of the things that I did, so that I could practice is I opened a Shopify store, a women’s fashion and that, and I get decided to use that as my beta test so that I’d have some background in it. And it took me about six months to really get the hang of everything. And I started driving traffic to that store and getting sales. And I thought, whoo, you know. And then it wasn’t long after that, that I started to add ads to my skill set, because I realized that owners probably wouldn’t want to wait six months for sales, right? organic is great. It’s just not fast enough. So I did so I started adding on Pinterest ads, and mastering those. And what I found is that, um, Pinterest ads were, I believe, even better than Facebook ads, they’re less expensive, the click through rate is much higher, and the cost per action is much lower. So that’s where I’ve been niched into now for the last about seven years.
Norman Ferrar 8:08
That’s fantastic. You know, this is where, again, if you’re a small seller, you know, I always let the small sellers know that, hey, check it out, learn about it. You know, get a taste of it. And then you know, if you’re a medium seller, or largest seller, why try to be an expert in everything. Go out and find you know, that Facebook ads expert, the Pinterest ads expert. And you’ll see I see this with optimized listings, and I see this with images, let the expert handle it. At the end of the day, what is and I’m talking about a full optimized listing and everything else, a few 1000 bucks or a couple 1000 bucks or you know 1000 bucks wherever you get where you’re getting these consultants are experts from when you’re going to make hundreds of 1000s of dollars in sales because of it. So it was just something to think about. I don’t like you know, telling people Hey, you got to go with an expert but learn about it. And why is Grammarly popping up on my screen? Okay. I guess I didn’t say something correctly. In his speech, Oh, man. So I can’t wait to talk about this. And anybody who’s listening. This is the first time I’ve talked about Pinterest. I’ve done Pinterest in the past for some of my I sell soap. So it’s a perfect product to sell on Pinterest. But if anybody is interested in you do have questions. I don’t care what the question is. There’s no dumb questions. Ask it, you know, and you know, we’ve got the right person here to answer it. Okay, so with that being said, Where would you like to start? Why don’t we talk about maybe let’s start with the demographic who uses Pinterest.
Bade Mooney 10:01
Okay, good. Well, about 70% of all pinners are women. And it’s it is changing. And we’re starting to see men getting involved in not only in listing but being a painter and shoppers and buyers. And so it’s not exclusive women. And there are certain niches that obviously sell better on Pinterest than others. And you know, the home decor, beauty, fashion jewelry, but also on a lot of the men’s arts, our crafts are doing well. And I’ve got a digital it’s a multimedia, they’re selling electronics. And and they’re doing well. I have an outdoor landscape or outdoor furniture company that has been with me for ages. And Pinterest has been his number one market advertising platform for him. So it’s it’s hard to just say Well, yeah, so it’s all women. It’s not all women, but it is about 70%.
Norman Ferrar 11:23
You know, it’s interesting. Some people probably notice in some of these, well, the the camera angles a little bit different right now. But, you know, I have a couple of tattoos. And the boards that I have on Pinterest, I follow. Like, I used to follow all these really incredible tattoo artists, and landscape. And I mean, there’s so many things that you don’t think of when you think of Pinterest. One of the things, and I mentioned it a bit earlier was what Tim Jordan and Bradley did with Project X. They use Pinterest to find products to sell on Amazon packaging ideas, which is a great idea. And then just items either on Etsy or in Pinterest that, you know are trending. Right. And I don’t know if you can help out with this. But can you add anything to like product opportunity on Pinterest ways that people can find products that might be trending?
Bade Mooney 12:28
Well, Pinterest does put out their trend report almost daily and weekly in so you can you know type in Pinterest stash your wrapper for size trend, and see what are the trends that are happening on Pinterest. You can also go in and and just using keywords type in, you know, less landscaping, and the pins that show up right away at the top are obviously the most popular. And so that’s one way and on Pinterest does very much like all the platforms, their predictive keywords. So you can you know, landscaping and landscaping ideas, landscaping, you know, backyard landscaping pools, you can start to search through those things. And there is a lot that you can do for finding products and finding niches where people are, maybe they’re small, because you when you search and you can search by pin or you can search by person, you can search by boards, and I do a lot of searching by boards, because I want to see how large the niche is. And I’ll you’ll learn a lot because if there’s not very many boards out there about a particular item, then so probably it’s a smaller niche than what you’re maybe looking for.
Norman Ferrar 14:04
Okay, before we get any further. We have a giveaway, which I forgot to talk about, which I always do. Babe, do you want to talk about the giveaway?
Bade Mooney 14:14
Sure. Um, one of the things that I found is that a lot of the people that I interact with online has been asking me how do i do Pinterest? I don’t I don’t even know why I can’t figure it out. And so there’s just not a lot of beginner. I’m trying not, there’s not Yeah. And so finally, finally I said okay, I’m gonna do it. So I put together a bit beginners training. It’s only eight hours. It’s going to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday or Tuesday and a Thursday and then you’re done and it’s going to be where I I’ll actually be doing it, you’ll be watching me, and you’ll be doing it too. I’ll give you homework that you do on Wednesday. So you’re ready for Thursday, that type of thing. So at the end of eight hours, you’re going to know how to do Pinterest, and you’re going to have a lot of your account already done. And so I I say, if you’re willing to pay me $10 an hour, then this is the right class for you. Because it’s only $80. And I think ours. That’s fantastic. So anyways, we’re going to be giving away a training and yes, Tony cigar. Don’t be afraid that we said homework. Okay. Anyway,
Norman Ferrar 15:41
just joking goatee. Anyway, I’d really like to get into. And, guys, if you’re listening, and you’re a bit more advanced to Pinterest, please stick with us. I want to get into the anatomy of Pinterest. Like, what is a board? What is the anatomy of a pin? Let’s just talk about that. So everybody’s talking the same lingo? And then we’re going to go forward.
Bade Mooney 16:05
Okay. Sure. I think that’s one of the things that’s really confusing about Pinterest is trying to figure out how everything all fits together a board, a good way to think of it is it’s a file folder. And pins are pictures or ads. And there’s a pin, you need to have a certain criteria for Pinterest to like you their, their ratio is, um, I just go straight to the size 1000 pixels by 1500. It’s a vertical. And so a lot of times when you’re importing a, an image into Pinterest, it’s it’s it from Facebook, it’s a horizontal, or from Instagram, it’s a square. And so you need to take it into a graphic design and I use Canva. And you can take it in there and in created into the vertical that it needs to be in so that Pinterest will like it. If Pinterest likes it, then they’ll just show it more. And so the pins are the actual image with call to action, your website, an image of your product on it, and then the description. And you’re going to put that on to a bore or in a board. So let’s say landscaping, you might have a board for backyard landscaping ideas, and so you have a lawn mower and that you want to market, then you’re going to do a pin for that. And you’re going to put it in that board. And when you’re setting up your Pinterest account, you want to have multiple boards, so that that pin can be in multiple locations. So maybe it’s some, you know, mowing your lawn ideas or best lawn more or, you know, lawn mower brands. So that one pin could be in four or five different boards. So it’s got more exposure, so that when someone comes to Pinterest, and they’re looking for a lawn more, they might think, Oh man, what’s the best lawn more? And that’s what they would type in. And then your board may pop up. And then of course your parents.
Norman Ferrar 18:32
Very good. Now, by the way, I forgot to mention how do you enter into the giveaway? It’s how hashtag we are. I was gonna say we love Kelsey. It is we’ll have Kelsey Yes, your dad loves you, Kelsey. But it’s we’ll have Kelsey, and if you tag two people, you’ll get an extra entry. Now that I’ve got a question about hashtags, are there hashtags in Pinterest?
Bade Mooney 18:59
Well, you know, it’s interesting, because Pinterest is different. It’s not a social site, although it is trying to move that way you can see that you can use hashtags. And they’ve come out with, you know, suggesting that that you add, you know, up to 20 hashtags, and they’re they’re not saying that it works, and they’re not saying it doesn’t. So what I teach is, you know, add four or five hashtags at the at the end, and let them be, you know, your best keywords that you believe somebody is going to search it for. But Pinterest really is a visual search engine. And so if you approach it like you would, you know, Google search, then you’ll find that Pinterest can work better for you then on thinking of it as it is. social site,
Norman Ferrar 20:01
right? Now your brand. So a lot of eecom sellers, Amazon sellers on the call today, where do you even start your brand? You’re trying to get exposure, you’re trying to get new business organically. So what would you suggest?
Bade Mooney20:19
Well, with Pinterest, it’s, it’s real clear you want to you if you’re if you’re an Amazon seller, you you want to take your your brand your product, and set it up and you have a profile and you have username, you want all of those to be keyword rich. So um, I recommend that when businesses start out, they go into Pinterest, and do keyword research from Pinterest, and for their their product, and they’ll start to see and, and look at other sellers. You know, I’m thinking of Home Depot, for some reason, it just popped up in my head, and you can go and you can look at their on their profile, you can look at their boards, you can look at their pins, you can see their branding, it’s real easy. And that’s what you need to be doing. You want to make your Europeans when they travel out there to be something that are identifiable. And it’s difficult because with Amazon sellers, they don’t have that ability to track how thing goes, you know, they’re they’re at a disadvantage in that regard. So it’s really important that they make sure that their branding is real strong so that when people see them, it comes back to them.
Norman Ferrar 21:51
Can you pixel a pin? Can you can you pixel a pin? You can but not with Amazon. Okay, so that’s the attribution program to Oh, yeah.
Bade Mooney 22:07
I, I’ve tried that program three or four different times with different sellers, they all say the same thing. They’ll they’ll be able to track the clicks, but they can’t track Add To Cart or purchase, we’ll look at pics. So I mean, Pinterest, tracks clicks too. So it really isn’t of any value. And it’s really disappointing, because I was so excited about that when that program came out.
Norman Ferrar 22:40
Okay, and the other thing is about the profile. How there’s an optimized profile in different social media platforms. What about Pinterest? What, what’s the right way to set up your profile? What’s, what’s the do’s and don’ts? How about that?
Bade Mooney 22:57
So yes, again, it’s you wanted to be keyword rich, you have a very limited number of characters that you can put in there. And on each profile, it automatically starts with your website. So you don’t have to say that again, you don’t have to say, you know, ad go to digital marketing, we, you know, you don’t have to say that to leave out that. Start with it short, descriptive, and keyword rich sentences, and you’re only going to get one or two. So sometimes it’s it’s just we offer, and then it’s just keyword keyword of whatever your product is. So that and the user name, the user name, if you’re, if your brand isn’t a username, I’m drawing a blank. But let’s say that it was fitness on product. So you may say, you know, fitness equipment, you know, whatever. But if your brand is yoga, and and you don’t have that in your your name, then you may leave your name out of the user name and use what the keyword is because it’ll be more important for them to be able to find you. Does that make sense?
Norman Ferrar 24:31
Yep. Makes sense. I guess the other thing we should state too, I guess is pretty obvious. But you want to sign up for a business account?
Bade Mooney 24:41
Oh, yes, absolutely. Yeah, a lot of times people will sign up when they’re first trying it out as a personal account. You can go in and switch it to a business account. But I found that it tends to make a layered on login when you do that and I recommend that you just start a business account separate. So you have your business and your and your personal separated. Okay, very good.
Norman Ferrar 25:11
All right, the meat and potatoes, how do you get traffic from to organic Pinterest or from organic Pinterest?
Unknown Speaker 25:20
Okay, well, one, you, you need to really be focused on what you’re doing. And again, remembering that it’s a search engine. So you want all of your pins to be branded, you want them to have keywords in the title in the description, the tags, and a good call to action on your pin. What I recommend is that for every time that you have a product that you want to launch, that you create five pins in those five pins need to look different. About a year ago, Pinterest came out with a change. And they used to allow you to create a pin and and then broadcast it out to all the groups and all the different boards and everything that one pin. Now they they don’t allow that or they frown on it. So you can get penalized or it just won’t be effective. So what I do is I teach that you want to create templates. So you might have a template that has five different variations. And then you can put that product into those five different variations so that it’s totally different looking pins, it can have the same URL, and in that, but so you create those five pins, and you post them out. And you want them to be staggered and random so that they’re not, you know, one right after the other, maybe put about a two week span in between, and you post them out to all the different boards that you have. And you keep doing that for all the different products. Once that you’ve cycled through that you’re starting over, you’re creating five new pins for that same first product, and you keep it going. So there’s a lot of work in pin design. But if you’re using templates, once you get your template done, you’re literally just changing out the image. And so you can pop it in, pop it in and move on. And so it’s it takes a lot of work, you need to continue to create boards to you’re expanding your reach, you’re joining group boards that other people have done, and you’re creating group boards that you’re inviting other contributors to. So it’s a it’s a work that’s constantly going and moving and changing. It just doesn’t. It’s not like it’s not like an ad. So it’s a lot of manual work. But it’s it’s very effective. And, and this is one of the things that I like to point out is Pinterest is different than any other platform out there. When you create a pin, and you repin it into all the different boards, that pin is eternal. I mean, it’s literally out there until you decide to go search down everywhere that it’s located and delete it, which you wouldn’t do. So it’s it’s evergreen that constant pianists out there. One of my clients on when I started with him he had he had run on Pinterest for maybe about two or three months, two years earlier. And I started with him and I saw his one pin or two pins that were at least two years old. They were just incredibly driving traffic to his site. And they were two years old. And they weren’t anything special. It’s just that they had been out there enough times and in enough places that they’ve been repinned everywhere. So he just had a lot of traction with that pin.
Norman Ferrar 29:31
So you can drive traffic back to an Amazon listing and Amazon store, an e commerce storefront pretty much anything correct?
Bade Mooney 29:39
Yes, yes. And I get a lot of clients, they’re their Amazon sellers. And they also have a Shopify store. And they asked me, you know, well, can I run to both of them? And yeah, you can but it’s going to be really diluted and So what I recommend is, I like to find out what their goal is. If they’re wanting to build an email list, then I’ll suggest Yeah, let’s run to your Shopify store, because then we can do a pop up and capture that lead. Or if they’re just trying to make sales, and and they have an established Amazon store, then I say, let’s go to Amazon, because everybody loves Amazon. And you’ll get more sales at your Amazon store than you will at your Shopify store. Most likely.
Norman Ferrar 30:35
Right. Okay, so, Kelsey, are there any questions specifically? geared towards organic and then we’ll move into paid
Kelsey 30:46
specifically for organic? Let me just check. think most of these are for paid? The questions. Tony is asking how much do your services cost, though? Free? For me, yeah, yes. Now for me, I’m free.
Bade Mooney 31:17
I actually have some packages. And you can go to my website and see those. And a lot of times what I’ll do up there, there it is. What a lot of times, what I do is I have to decide what, what what works for you. And if, if that works, then we we can make some different packages and what you need. So I like to do more of a custom when I need it to, you know, with people, but anywhere from my my lowest packages, I think 795
Kelsey 31:57
Okay, great. Yep. So I think that’s, I guess, from red, he’s asking,
Norman Ferrar 32:05
yeah, I get paid. Topic first. And then we can hook back up Kelson and go through these questions, and we have a hard cut off. One o’clock. That’s right for. So let’s talk about paid, what do we need to know about Pinterest paid advertising?
Bade Mooney 32:24
Okay, well, when I take on a client, one of the first things I do is I look at their current account, and most will have some sort of an account. But what I find is that they’ve not created on a credible account. So if they run an ad, one of the things that people want to do is they want to check out this company. And so they’ll go back to the account. And if the account is not credible looking and established on then it hurts their on their click through rate. So what I do is I recommend that they set up, they may not need as much as if they were doing a organic, but they do need at least I like to set up 10 boards, and on how those filled up how the keywords there everything as if they were going to do an organic. So that’s the first thing is make sure that they have a credible account. A lot of times I’ll go in and I’ll look at an account, I’ll click on their ad. And then I go look at their account. And there’s like two words, and there’s nothing in them. And that doesn’t give me a good warm, fuzzy feeling. I’m like Oh, man. Okay. So set up a credible account. And then and then and then start your ads. And so I’m not sure if I answered the question.
Norman Ferrar 34:00
No, I think that’s, you know, one of the things that has to happen is building, we always say you have to build authority to get pressed to get sales, and I don’t care what you’re doing. If you’re not doing it on Pinterest, or if you’re not doing it on Facebook or in your website, or then you’re going to miss out on sales. What kind of discount or what kind of what’s the difference between a Facebook and a Pinterest ad cost wise?
Bade Mooney 34:30
It’s significant. And, you know, when remember back when Facebook before they they went public, you could post and you’d have 1000s of people, you know, see what you posted. And after they went public. You’re like lucky if you I mean if you get 100 now we’re like whoa. So Pinterest is is different in that we’re still getting, I mean, millions of views monthly on Pinterest. And just with organic, so when you add ads to that, so and remember that they’re evergreen, so everything stays out there. The cost on Facebook is really much greater. So if I run an ad on Pinterest, a traffic ad in with Amazon, you can’t run conversion acts because you can’t put a tag on so you can only run traffic and on your traffic ads. I’m kidding. Something like 13 cents a click on on, on Pinterest, and I can’t get that on Facebook. Yeah. And that’s on an ad, click through rates or, you know, anywhere. I always tell my clients that if I get on 60% or 4.6% or better on Pinterest, I’m doing good. I always target for about 2.5 on my Pinterest for click through rate. And and you’re getting that when I’m using ads for my Shopify owners, then I’m you know, focusing on conversion ads and conversion ads are going to be more on probably I vary, depending on the niche somewhere, like 50 cents to $1.50 on a click through. Like, again, I can’t get that on a Facebook ad.
Norman Ferrar 36:48
Very good. With the ads, are there any specific niches that outperform other niches or niches that might you just might you know, just forget about it’s not gonna?
Bade Mooney 37:02
Yeah, I just have a client they I thought they had a cute product. And it was a retro fashion product. And it just didn’t go. It didn’t go It was too small of a niche to niche down and they only had one product. But one of the Shopify stores that I opened was because I had a client who was in the baby niche, and man alive. Baby niche is wonderful for Pinterest. And I know that you know jewelry is and fashion but baby just seems to go and pet. One of the side businesses that I have is I develop Shopify stores, and then I build up their, their Pinterest and their Facebook and social sites and everything. And then I sell those stores. And so I’m always looking for a niche that’s going to do well on Pinterest and and right now I’ve got a baby and a pet store that I’m marketing. So we’re doing hot niches. Good. Okay,
Norman Ferrar 38:19
so when you’re setting it up, so you’ve got Facebook manager where you can go in and you can select specific interests, spas, or you can build out a look alike audience. Do you have those options in Pinterest?
Bade Mooney 38:34
Yes, absolutely. Yeah, they’ve are they’ve been progressing right along. And in the beginning, when we first started, they didn’t. But yes, now you do. You can actually drill down to age you can drill to zip code. Likes and and interests and and devices. So you can really target and you can do
Norman Ferrar 39:00
target. You just were mentioning that you could go right down to a specific location. Yes. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Now and the look alike audience,
Bade Mooney 39:10
build look alike audiences. And we can import customer lists, we can import email list. And that’s really important for local owners, because they don’t want to be targeting to all the countries that interest markets to, they want to be focused right into their local niche. And so when I’m working with a brick and mortar that is really important to be able to niche down and get their demographics or what they’re looking for.
Norman Ferrar 39:46
Okay, so just I know we’re we’ve got a hard stop coming up. So if you want to take part in the giveaway, hashtag we’ll have Kelsey tag two people and get an extra entry. Let’s start with some of the questions. And by the way, babe, you haven’t I don’t think you’ve joined our community yet. But if we have a bunch of questions, would you be able to go back? Because I think we’re going to run out of time. Would you be able to come back into the community and answer those questions for us? Absolutely. Perfect. All right, Kelsey kills. It’s all the pressures on you.
Kelsey 40:23
Alright. I’m Sofia, how are home and kitchen categories on Pinterest?
Bade Mooney 40:28
Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, that’s one of the next stores that I plan to open is a home and kitchen category store.
Norman Ferrar 40:37
What we never touched on is you could take these images, repurpose them on Facebook or repurpose them on Amazon post as well. Can you?
Bade Mooney 40:46
Absolutely Canva is wonderful. You can create a pin on Canva. And then you just click resize, enter in Facebook sighs enter in Instagram sighs boom, it’s done. You just need a little adjustment here and there. And you can send them right off. So you’re telling Kelsey, it’s really easy to do. Oh. All right. Next question.
Kelsey 41:15
Next, I believe this is for Marina. I spent $1,000 on advertising on Pinterest in March, lots of clicks, lots of slaves, lots of hearts. Not a lot of sales to justify spending more money. Where do you drive traffic? Do you product page landing page collection page?
Bade Mooney 41:31
Yes, you’ll drive traffic to all of those. And if you’re not getting conversions, then you need to look at what’s going on and why that’s happening. Because that that shouldn’t be happening. Okay, um, yeah, I agree with that.
Kelsey 41:52
All right, from Santo, how does the seller rank on page one top of the page on Pinterest? So is there any tips to kind of like booster pins to the top?
Bade Mooney 42:02
Right, um, one, it takes some time and two keywords because remember, it’s a search engine. And then I’m also making sure that your pins, your pins are so important because just skin in Facebook when you’re scrolling, if the image isn’t, you know, sharp and and attractive. I mean, I had an Amazon seller, I was working with her on her Facebook ad. And she created an image that was like, shocking. And it was an ape in the tree. And it had nothing to do with her product. But she was able to tie it back in. And I’m like, Oh, well done, you know, because it made you stop. And that’s a lot of people. They are just cranking out image after image and then they’re not looking to see is it eye catching? Is it is it giving the message that they want?
Kelsey 43:05
Right? What about a Pinterest has come out with something similar to tick tock with the shorts. Are you use those at all?
Bade Mooney 43:15
I have not. They recently came out with stories. And again, you can see that Pinterest is trying to move a little bit closer to the social platform. And the problem with the stories is they they don’t link back to your website. They’re not clickable through and you know i’m i’m all about getting the client the click through to the website because that’s where the sales out.
Norman Ferrar 43:47
Right? I think we had Hamner soon Sumner Hobart on the other day, and I was on his podcast, he was telling me about this. And he’s using this to build the brand and to just get exposure on Pinterest. So yeah, yeah, just a nother You know, there’s Tick tock, nother, another set, you know, another video that we have to do Kells? Yeah. Yeah.
Kelsey 44:13
Okay, Simon, we’ve kind of answered this already. What is the main demographic? Searching Pinterest?
Bade Mooney 44:21
Yeah, again, it’s 70% women. But I mean, you’re, you’re seeing brands like Home Depot and, and all of those that are there and they’re marketing to men and women. So I unless the niche is something that just doesn’t make sense. And I’m not finding it in the search engines. I’m telling clients that come to me that, you know, it might take a little more or it might cost a little more than maybe a baby niche does. But if you’re willing to do the the ad spend, then you can Reach your demographics?
Kelsey 45:04
Does Pinterest work with electronic products?
Bade Mooney45:07
Absolutely, absolutely. I have I have a client currently that that’s what their market is, is electronics. They’re doing well.
Kelsey 45:17
Okay. And our I think there’s just one more question. So are there any Tips to Increase Traffic and Pinterest?
Bade Mooney 45:28
Um, I think it’s really all about making sure that you’re doing enough with Pinterest that Pinterest wants consistency, and you need to do the volume. And I mean, if you’ve got 100 products, and you’re doing five pins per product, that’s a lot of volume. And you’re spending that out sending that out there. And you’re going to need to use something like tail when on to do the scheduling of that. So because otherwise, you’re literally going to be spending your day on Pinterest. And that’s not what you want to do. So that would help you have enough volume and making sure that you’re increasing your reach all the time, you’re going to add more, or she’s going to join more groups and just keep expanding.
Norman Ferrar 46:20
So is that similar? You need to build that engagement, go into the groups comment? Do like you would on on Facebook groups?
Bade Mooney 46:29
No, actually not just think of it as a file folder? You just want to put your pin there. Okay. Yeah.
Kelsey 46:36
What kind of frequency would you use for like a brand? Like, would you want to post I guess it’s more organic. But would you want to post once a week, several times a week, several times a day,
Bade Mooney 46:47
every day, every day. And that’s why you need a scheduler. Otherwise, I mean, you can imagine. And I post most for most of my clients, they post five to six times a day. And those are all different pins not the same pin over and over. It’s all different pins. So you’re doing that every single day. That’s a lot of patents, and you have to have the ability to create a lot of pins and schedule it.
Norman Ferrar 47:19
Do you have a board specifically targeting like social proof? The people that provide you Well, it’s the influencers, right, or the brand ambassadors that are holding up your product or using your product? Just to show that you know, people really love using your product.
Bade Mooney 47:37
Yeah, that would be a great board. A lot of times Oh, the clients will have on Instagram boards, and we’ll just create an Instagram board for that. Yes. You mean just the word the Instagram directly into the interest? Oh, yes. Definitely. A bit of time. For me saves a bit of time. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anything you can do to leverage because it’s, it’s a lot of it’s a lot of work. bloggers, a lot of times bloggers are starting out there. They need they want to do it themselves, you know, because they they need to conserve money. And so they spend a lot of time writing and pinning, writing and pinning. But they can build their blog. Audience up that way.
Kelsey 48:26
Okay, okay, great. We are close to the cutoff time. So I think we might have to save the questions, and maybe post them in the Facebook group. And then we’ll invite Dave to our Facebook group and see if we can get some answers. All right. I’ll email you the questions and we can answer it that way. I’d love to get into group thing. All right, fantastic. Okay. All right. So I guess it’s time for the we’ll have Kelsey so just a second. And here we go. Okay, it’s everyone’s favorite time. Oh, really? Okay, so we got lots of entries today. We names go. Okay, babe, you’re popular. Okay, so I believe I got everyone I’ll just double check just super quickly here. But I believe I grabbed everyone’s names. Yeah. Alright, so for the training here we go. 321 is supposed to sing something else. That’s what the song is for. Oh, Marcia,
Norman Ferrar 49:55
she wins again. My God. There’s a magnet On that lady’s name. All right, well, I guess you already know how this is gonna work. But Kelsey, you’re gonna email Marsha.
Kelsey 50:11
Yes. Email me at Caitlin’s with Nora calm, and we’re good to go. Alright.
Norman Ferrar 50:19
Baby bait, we did it. I know. You’re gonna make your one o’clock. Thank you so much for being on. I do want to get you back on to talk about Pinterest even further there. We just touched on it. Maybe in the next time we could talk about some intermediate or more advanced strategies to go through but I think this is a starting point. And if anybody wants to get ahold of you, how do they do that?
Bade Mooney 50:47
Well, um, I either on Facebook and a Cz Bade Mooney messaged me there or at the website, go to digital marketing, COMM And my email, should I give out my email address? vague mooney@gmail.com now You did it. fail me.
Norman Ferrar 51:13
All right, well, thank you so much for coming on. Enjoy your vacation, you know, that you’re gonna have. Alright, so that’s it for today, everybody. I hope you enjoyed the training on Pinterest. Again, we’re going to get back, you know, one of these days and talk about intermediate and advanced strategies. Kelsey, you got anything to say.
Kelsey 51:38
So if you haven’t yet, please like this episode, share it to your friends, if you know anyone that is getting into Pinterest or if you think that’s a good move for their business, paying them in the comment sections. And for anyone new watching. If you’re watching from the Facebook, say all of our episodes do go straight over to YouTube. So we have a full Bank of all of our videos. We’re also making playlists covering all the different topics so definitely check it out. Hit that subscribe button, ring that bell all that good stuff. And thank you everyone. for tuning in. I think it was a lot of fun. It’s a great episode. And yeah, I think that’s about it. I’m also coming on next week. Next week we see if it is working. See easy, huh? We have who do we have? Just a second.
Norman Ferrar 52:34
Okay, I caught up while while Kelsey is doing that, just oh, we have awful lobby. It’s awful lobby. We got a sourcing episode. Yeah. Okay,
Kelsey 52:46
I knew that. That’s Monday.
Norman Ferrar 52:50
Okay, all right. I’m not gonna blame you for anything. But hey, guys, if you want to check out our newsletter, check it out. It comes out every Monday and it comes out every Monday this pretty much just filled with content. It’s on everything. It’s social media, how to become a better online seller, digital marketing, a bit of everything. So you just have to go to lunch with norm or over to Norman Farrar calm and you can do that. So Apple lobby is going to be a Monday. Join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday noon central time. And thank you for watching. We have a we always have a great time here except when I blooper but Kelsey has a good time when I you know make mistakes and blooper usually every episode but anyways, we do have a great time and we love having this community and the amount of people that are supporting us. So enjoy your weekend, everybody.
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