Episode: 95
Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Paul Baron, a Million-dollar Amazon seller and an expert consultant on Chatbot Marketing Automation and Colin Campbell, an Internet pioneer, serial entrepreneur, and the founder and current CEO of .CLUB Domains LLC.
Subtitle: “Conversation is the Currency on Clubhouse.”
Final Show Link: https://lunchwithnorm.com/episodes/episode-95-clubhouse-101-w-colin-campbell-paul-baron/
In this episode of Lunch With Norm…, Norman Farrar introduces Paul Baron, a Million-dollar Amazon seller and an expert consultant on Chatbot Marketing Automation and Colin Campbell, an Internet pioneer, serial entrepreneur, and the founder and current CEO of .CLUB Domains LLC.
Clubhouse has been the talk of town for the past few months. In this episode, Paul and Colin will share their insights with Clubhouse and the potential it has for businesses.
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Norman 0:01
Hey everyone, it’s Norman Farrar, a.k.a The Beard Guy here and welcome to another Lunch with Norm, The Rise of the Micro Brands.
Norman 0:18
Okay, today we have two special guests with us and we’re going to be discussing the social media phenomena Clubhouse. So first of all, serial entrepreneur and super friend, Colin Campbell will be joining us as well as my partner over at the chat agency Paul Baron, also a super friend is going to be joining us. So we’re going to be talking about Clubhouse. How to get on it, how to use it, even how to monetize it. There’s some really cool things that we got to talk about and it’s happening fast and if you’re starting at this is the start of something big I think. So wanted to get this out to you guys ASAP. So Kelsey, where are you?
Kelsey 1:02
Hello, Welcome. Welcome.
Norman 1:04
Hey, how are you sir?
Kelsey 1:06
I’m fantastic. How are you?
Norman 1:08
Good. We’re gonna have to have a poll.
Kelsey 1:12
A poll. Okay.
Norman 1:13
Yeah. Because Colin on the call has come up with a very good point. We talked about a bunch of things at the beginning, usually a lot of household stuff. So I just wanted to see from the group that listens. What are your thoughts on that? Do you like to keep this nice and short get right into the podcast? Or do you like going back and forth talking a little bit about other events that are coming up in the housekeeping? Anyways, let’s get that. We want to make this community right. So we’re building this podcast for you and we want to make sure that you’re getting all the right information. So anyways, before we do anything, we got a whack of people that we got to give shout outs to Fatiha, Doctor Koz, Tom, Mark, Facebook user, Radd. How’s everybody doing?
Kelsey 2:08
Thank you. Oh, we got a bunch of people already. This is fantastic. Yeah. So let us know. Would you prefer having a super short, succinct kind of intro? Or are you okay with how it’s going right now?
Norman 2:21
Well, all I mean, is getting rid of Kels.
Kelsey 2:24
Yeah, exactly. Okay, but before we get started, like and share the video, take any friends that are using Clubhouse and not sure what to do or maybe they’re interested in using Clubhouse. Yeah, and our Facebook group is available. Just search Lunch with Norm Amazon FBA eCommerce Collective and I think that’s it. Yeah, like that. Smash it. Do whatever. Just do something with that like button.
Norman 2:51
Yeah. #keepKelsey. There we go.
Kelsey 2:55
Let’s keep that going.
Norman 2:57
Alright. Okay everybody. Oh, we got a bunch more coming on. Hey, Barb, Marina, Yarrow, Simon, and a bunch of Facebook users as well. So good to see on the call. Let’s get right to it. Guys. If you have any questions, just throw them over in the comment section. This is going to be really interesting. I can’t wait to talk about it and get two experts on the call with us. So sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show. Where are you guys? Oh my gosh. Oh, you change Paul. You changed your spinny hat. So you guys gotta have seen it before we started. He looked like at one of those propeller hats on. Looks good.
Paul 3:48
Yeah, I was using a different mic. So I’m on vacation in Orlando right now.
Norman 3:53
He brought his podcast studio with him too. I can’t believe it.
Colin 4:00
He does that.
Paul 4:02
We came here to shoot some video for our other company or our baby reusable swim diaper brand and so you should see all the crap that I brought. It’s like light kits, tripods. Yeah.
Norman 4:16
That’s no pun intended about the diaper and crap, right? So yeah, there we go. Hey Paul, why don’t we start with you. If you could give us a little bit of background about yourself and what you’re doing?
Paul 4:31
Yep, I think you said Paul. It’s a little bit choppy.
Norman 4:34
I did say Paul.
Paul 4:36
Okay. So my background is I have been in business for myself, I say successfully and success is a weird thing because it’s a mindset in my opinion, but monetary successfully for the past five years. I’ve been working for myself to one degree or another for decades. But I got my start in digital marketing back in 2008, and transitioned over to the Amazon world.
Norman 5:04
Oh Hey, we got some people saying we can’t hear you. Can you turn up your mic volume?
Paul 5:10
Yep. Alright. Is that better?
Norman 5:12
There we go. That’s a lot better.
Paul 5:16
Yeah. So I have been in the Amazon space since 2015 with my wife, and selling an eCom since then, and then kind of transitioned into also doing online courses, teaching people how to use chatbots to market their products, ranked products on Amazon, get reviews, that sort of stuff and most recently started the chat agency with you, Norm. We started talking last year in March, I think.
Norman 5:45
Around that time. Yeah, it was during Corona.
Paul 5:49
Yep. right at the start. We had spoken at the same event in February and that’s where we had reconnected because you and I have known each other for a few years. But we reconnected in February, kicked off the chat agency starting in late June, and started taking clients in September and now we’re up to I think about 25, 26, 27 clients, something like that. Now, it’s growing incredibly quickly. A little bit stressful, some conflict going on. We had some fun conversations, and then all the things that you deal with in a new, fast growing company, it’s exciting.
Norman 6:24
That’s a podcast in itself by the way, because conflict does come up in companies, doesn’t it? Especially if they’re fast growing companies and I think that’s an excellent podcast that we should talk about. But okay, thanks for that Paul. Now, drumroll. Colin Campbell, returning guest How are you sir?
Colin 6:47
Well, thanks for having me back on Norm. I had a real pleasure a few weeks ago and then I got a call like three or four days ago, calling you gotta come on the show. You’re all about Clubhouse. Everything that’s happening with the Clubhouse, all the implications that this particular application or social network is causing in the world and I’m happy to be here to talk about it.
Norman 7:13
Well, very good. So why don’t we go back and introduce yourself? You’re just on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, but for those who don’t know you, can you just give us a bit of insight?
Colin 7:23
Yeah, I’m a serial tech entrepreneur and was one of the co-founders of the largest ISP in Canada, called Internet Direct. I was one of the co-founders of Tucows, which is a big domain and at the time was a software download site. Paul, you may remember that one. Ah, and then after that, in the 2000s, we launched a company called Hostopia, it became the largest hosting and email service provider in the world. That’s sort of the telecom market. So we have customers like British Telecom, Vodafone, AT&T, Bell Canada, all the telecoms use us as their cloud for email services and website services. In 2012, I applied for a domain extension called .club and ever since then, I’ve continued to work on that company and still own it today and then in 2019, I got involved with a company called paw.com and another company called Meowingtons. Both are eCommerce sites and we’ll talk a little bit about how I was able to position myself in those companies, because each of them were due to a paradigm shift that occurred in technology and regulation and I know we touched upon that in the last podcast, but I truly believe that Clubhouse is a paradigm shift. We are seeing user growth, astronomical user growth. When I joined only a week and a half ago, we’re at 1.3 million, now it’s over 2 million active subscribers weekly, and I am convinced it will have well over 100 million by the end of the year, they have not even launched the Android device yet. This thing is exploding and it’s disrupting industries.
Norman 9:10
I know people that have actually gone out and bought iPhones just to have the iPhone to be on Clubhouse.
Paul 9:17
Tim Jordan.
Norman 9:19
Tim did. Yeah.
Paul 9:20
He got a burner phone. It’s funny cuz like his assistant went out to Walmart or something and I was joking with him. I was like, so what are you gonna like, take the SIM card out and break it when you’re done? Yeah, I’ve got to like re-up it. It’s like a drug dealer phone. It’s so funny.
Norman 9:37
Oh, so first of all, what’s the best way? Paul, why don’t you take this question? Describe Clubhouse for me.
Paul 9:46
Man. It’s like sitting around at the dinner table with everyone. It’s like a mixture of your friends and people that you look up to and being able to listen in but also contribute and have the opportunity to talk to people like Daymond John or Grant Cardone, right. I can’t say that I’m not a big fan of Grant Cardone, I just don’t really know him, I don’t follow him. But apparently he’s a big deal and I don’t know, I know who he is. But he was, like, for example, there’s been this room that I was moderating in since, I don’t know, the start of the year, and I met a whole bunch of like, a community online of just like minded entrepreneurs. It’s amazing, because you can hang out in rooms. Norm, you and I have the Amazon connection. The three of us here share the entrepreneur, the serial entrepreneur connection and that’s it. That’s such a cool thing. Because you can sort of get insular on your headspace. We got COVID going on, which is isolating people, right? So that’s a big deal. Plus, being an entrepreneur is a little bit isolating anyway, so compound that fact with COVID and I think that it just came about at the right time. It was the right app at the right time and it just provides this sense of community that you just can’t get that like there’s live actual real conversations, where you have random famous people popping into the rooms, giving their two cents. I mean, I felt like changing, adding this to my bio that grant said I was a smart guy. I was like, Alright cool.
Norman 11:32
Oh my God. Obviously, he does not know.
Paul 11:39
He hasn’t talked to my wife. That’s for sure.
Norman 11:40
Okay, there we go. You said something that was very important. So it’s audio, by the way, so there’s no posting, there is no liking but it’s audio and it’s a community and I think that the paradigm shift is that you are really, truly building a community in Clubhouse and I’m curious, the more that you put into it, the more you get out of it. Just the short period of time you’ve been involved Paul, like at Christmas time, there were about four Amazon sellers or Amazon people on Clubhouse, you, me, Isabella and Rich.
Paul 12:26
Well Rich, and also Mina. So yeah, I feel like I was the first. I have to go look at the accounts, but I was like December 2nd or something like that and then Isabella got on and Mina got on. I got you in, and Rich was in. Rich and I had been co modding a lot of the same rooms. I mean, there’s other people like Jamie Davidson and Akemi Sue Fisher, but they’re kind of focusing on others, not just Amazon, right? They’re like, broader. But it’s amazing. Like I have grown. I have 5100 followers and I don’t really think of myself as a social media. It’s funny because we own a company that deals with social media and I personally don’t do a ton, right? But this is something that I can get behind and it really, really excites me because it’s such a conversational medium. I love having conversations. I love talking to people of diverse beliefs and backgrounds and man, it’s so hard to describe in just a little. It’s like one word, it’s the best thing is, I just say is if you haven’t tried it, you got to try it. We can start off another invite chain. I’ve probably got like seven invites still.
Norman 13:37
Well, actually we don’t have a giveaway for today. Why don’t we do that? We’ll start it right now, if you don’t have an invite for Clubhouse, put in # Clubhouse, we’ll make it real easy and we’ll get to the Wheel of Kelsey at the end and we’ll drop whoever gets it, we can send them out. I’ve got a few as well. So let’s just get the people that need them on them. You need an iPhone, by the way. I saw Fatiha bought one. Alright Colin, over to you while you’re checking your e-messages.
Colin 14:17
No. I’m checking to see if I have any invites. I have no invites left.
Kelsey 14:22
For the Clubhouse chain, one person gets it and then they can just keep adding everyone else right? It’s not just one person.
Paul 14:32
Yeah, let’s do that. Because I did that in one of the groups that I run on Facebook and we got about 10 or 15 people in. So the easiest way to do it is we’ll just create a Messenger group. So Kelsey, could you do that like anybody that says Clubhouse, we’ll create a messenger group, how it works is you have to be saved as a contact in the person’s phone. So you’ve got to give them your real cell phone number and then inside the app, they can go and then select to add you so they have to save you as contact first. Yeah. So the way that it’ll work is I’ll give mine to the first person in the chain, that person gives it to the second person and if we can get it all, like on a day, like in one day, it’s really smooth. Like we got like 10 or 15 people in like an hour.
Norman 15:15
Great. So we will add a few here, we’ll create the Facebook group, if we can create the chain, that would be great. One of the things that’s a little bit different than any other social media platform, some people like to have a lot of people look at their social media account, have tons of followers, but follow very few. It’s completely the opposite here. You can follow as many people as you want, as long as it’s let’s say it’s in Amazon, or if you like puppies or garden gnomes if you like that, then you’re gonna start seeing the invites or not the invites, but the rooms start to fill up. Before we get into rooms, before we get into the clubs within Clubhouse. Let’s talk to Colin about the paradigm shift. Wow, I’ve never seen you so quiet my friend.
Colin 16:03
Oh, thank you. I’m actually very excited. If you heard about my past and it’s just very interesting since 1993, every one of my businesses that have been successful, two of them were public companies and a number of them were sold off. Every one of those businesses was wrapped around a shift in technology or regulation. In the case of the ISP, it was dial up access, just getting people onto the internet. In the case of Hostopia, the hosting company, it was broadband. In the case of .club, it was a regulatory shift with the ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, who opened up the market for new domain extensions and with paw.com, and with Meowingtons, both of those companies we’re really taking advantage of a shift in the way people purchase products and Amazon started that shift years ago and we really saw the pandemic accelerate that shift and we talked a lot about that in the last podcast, I won’t go on as to why eCommerce sites are really taking advantage of a shift. But one thing I will say is that there’s never been a better time in history to start an eCommerce site. Clubhouse, in my opinion, is a paradigm shift. What is so exciting right now is that if you understand that, and you see where it’s going, you can position yourself to benefit from that. It’s not just about education. But there are other ways that you can use Clubhouse to help your business transform or even start a new business. The amount of disruption that Clubhouse will cause in the marketplace is massive and I’m talking about trade shows. Blogs, podcasts, sorry Norm. I belong to an organization called Entrepreneurs Organization that’s getting sucked into this application. Radio stations, you can just imagine, just on Sunday, they got valued at a billion dollars, this company, and they were valued at about 100 million when they launched in April. It’s what you see in a paradigm shift are often the winners and the losers and the smart companies adapt very quickly. Norm, it’s really important for podcasters to get into Clubhouse, set up, get a lot of followers on Clubhouse and set up new clubs and establish themselves in that environment, because that’s quickly becoming a standard and if you don’t adapt, you’re going to die.
Norman 18:52
Yep, I agree 100%. Colin, one of the things that we are doing to adapt with the podcast is our guests that we have throughout the week, we’re announcing this, we are going to announce this a bit later on. But what the heck, we are going to have a time slot where the guests come back from the week in Clubhouse to answer and bring up people to answer questions and to form even a better community than what we have right now. So everybody that’s in our Facebook group will have that opportunity. Anybody that watches this live will have the opportunity to tune in, we just have to figure out the best time slot. So that’s how we’re adapting. The other thing is, let’s talk about a .club. Okay, and why that’s important right now, why are people buying .club? We haven’t touched on this. But for me, when I contacted Colin, I said, Are you seeing the same thing I’m seeing? We’re seeing a social media network change the way people are thinking about domain names and what I was looking at, I saw your post or tweet that you had about two weeks ago saying, What’s going on or something like this, we just had a record day. Then the next day, you said you had a record day and another day, you had a record day of sales, because of a social media network .club. So let’s talk about why people should get or look at clubs, why they need to do it now? This is not a sales pitch and absolutely not a sales pitch. This is just look, we’re seeing a trend in something, take a look at why you should get a .club, go ahead Col.
Colin 20:41
Absolutely. The fact that it’s audio only and when you do start a club, it makes a lot of sense for people to create a website to compliment that club. You can see that as an example on a website that I just launched a few days ago, you’d have to type it in the browser bar. But it’s serialentrepreneur.club and every week we’re doing a session for serialentrepreneur.club, Friday at 2 o’clock and if you want to join us, you can join us for that and it’s all about entrepreneurs coming together to ideate and understand how Clubhouse can help transform their business or start new businesses. You can see on that site that we have a blog, we literally had the first session last week and over 80 people showed up to it. I thought it would be 10, 20 people show up to our session and we had over 80 and for one hour, we sat there and we ideated and came up with different ways we can help transform our businesses and then Rachel who is my co-host on that, she actually published a blog from the material that she got from that. Now it’s very important to have a website, if you want to have a life at Site of Clubhouse, and there is something called the rest of the internet and if you want to be indexed on Google, you need a website like .org is not for profits, .club is for communities and for some, for obvious reason people have been drawn to getting a .club name, they may have a .com for their main eCommerce site. With paw.com, we have the eCommerce site and we’re also working on something with paw.club. I won’t mention it here, which can probably guess and with Meowingtons, we have another site Miltonthecat.club. So what we’re doing with these communities on these eCommerce sites is we’re building the community and they’re cross selling our products into that community. So this is a four profits initiative that you can use by going into Clubhouse and setting up a Clubhouse. But it can also provide a social good, and a different side of the company and where you can really communicate directly with your customers. Having a website compliment your club on Clubhouse makes total sense. You can put speaker bios up, you can put your schedule up, you can do recordings of the show, and I know they’re just starting to tinker and begin doing some recordings of shows. It’s a new feature and again, probably the most important thing is you get indexed in Google. Now remember this, like any business, it’s all about the content. Stupid. Yes, having a great domain name is great. Like a paw.com, or a meow.club or whatever. That is great. But if you don’t have great content, it’s still not going to work. We’ve seen companies like hotels reservations network change their name to hotels.com in 2000, 2001. They had a good method of booking hotels, they applied that to a new domain name and we saw that business, that business literally went from $50 million a year to billions and billions of dollars a year following and getting a domain name. So I’m not suggesting the domain name is not important, it’s very important. In fact, I think it’s an accelerant to the content, or the services you have on the internet.
Paul 24:19
I have to say that to that point too, one of the things and the cool thing about Clubhouse is that it is still in its infancy. Think about it in terms of you had said Colin, like any of these like inflection points and revolutionary, innovative things like YouTube, right? It would be like being one of the first creators on YouTube back when I was mean, I think when I joined was like 150,000, 200,000 people, now there’s 2 million still. That’s insane and there’s so much ways that you can either just come in and get value, but if you’re in a position where like we’re in, we’re giving value and the thing that I keep saying over and over and over again is just the people that are rising to the top are the ones that just generally just want to help people and they understand that the law of reciprocity is going to kick into effect at some point in time and it’s going to come back and you’re going to see people. The other thing about it is that community is so strong, that when you have those douchey sales types that come in and just pitch themselves, it gets around, word gets around, and then those people don’t get invited to the stage to talk or they don’t, you’re gonna have people that are just generally helping people and I really believe that you’re gonna see millionaires come out of this stuff. People that you’ve never heard of before. People that may not have very big followings and other platforms, and then you have the other people that are pivoting, like I’ve been able to connect with people that I would have never, like I said never connected with there’s a guy named Joe Vargas from Vegas. His name is hustler on Instagram and he’s got like, hundreds of 1000s or millions of followers, but he owns I think CBDoil.com and he’s been billed as like the CBD King in the industry. Like what in my normal life am I going to talk to a person like that, but I’ve connected with him. We’re like having texting conversations and it’s amazing, because I’m seeing what he’s doing on Instagram and I’ve seen what he’s doing on Clubhouse and for me, like you’d said content Colin. I think that this is the first social media platform that I genuinely like. I get it, I get it. Like I don’t understand Instagram very much. I’m not always out there taking pictures and putting that out, that’s just not me. But this is great, because you can just pop in, like your thing on Friday, I’m planning on showing up at the start just to help kick the room off. I’ll be at Disney World, but I’m gonna be there to help kick it off. But the cool thing is that like, because of Clubhouse, you and I know that Norm has talked about you a ton. But now we’re connecting and I don’t know, I really think that there’s ways that people can make millions off of this and with the .club thing, one of the things that I’m planning on doing all of this stuff, I mean, we spent like 140 bucks buying .clubs last week. So we’ve got about 10 of them. There’s two premiums that I want to get that are about seven grand each and anyway, what I’m planning on doing is already I refer people to dozens of places, and I just don’t do a very good job with affiliate commissions. Like I refer people to Helium 10 all the time I refer people to seller.tools, I refer people to all of these things. But my plan is okay, our clubs, we’ve been recording. Now this will be the second week that no third week that we’re recording and we let people know that, Hey, we’re recording this, we’re not selling this, we’re just making this available so that you can download it and one of my plans is I’m just going to keep giving away all this amazing info and then monetize on the affiliate side and I’m just going to tell people, Hey, anything that I refer or things that I believe in, you can use my affiliate link if you want to, I’ll get a little bit of money. If you don’t want to give me money. You don’t have to use it but that’s what my .club is basically going to be the I don’t know, where I where I put all of the show notes, where I put all the all the info and stuff we talked about because as you know, you’ll be in a room and a lot of the rooms that I’m in are like AMA, like Ask me anything type rooms where you’re giving advice.
Norman 28:40
Guess who owns ama.club?
Paul 28:42
Well, you?
Norman 28:45
I was the guy.
Paul 28:50
Did you buy amz?
Norman 28:54
Yeah, I did that one too.
Paul 28:55
That was Yeah, cuz we were talking about that. That’s basically the type of club that we run is AMZ, Amazon ask me anything.
Norman 29:03
So call me AMA.
Paul 29:05
I just see this as like a massive FAQ type thing where people can go in there and find any answer to the question. What I am thinking through now is what’s this going to do to the course world? What’s this going to do to the mastermind world? Is it gonna blow the mastermind world up where people are gonna want to be in the same room with people or people are gonna say, I don’t know if I need to pay for the mastermind. I can just join a Clubhouse room for free every Friday.
Norman 29:30
That is something huge because even now, like virtual summits, events, right? Everything you see, like I saw Radd, was talking about having experts and being able to go to Clubhouse and listen to people that you normally have to pay for. It’s free now. Now, how are these people going to monetize later on? I don’t know. It might be through sponsorships of the club or the room. I’m not sure. By the way, Paul. Can you ask Colin Campbell if maybe he’ll send me an invite to his thing on Friday? I’d love to take part in it. But I haven’t gotten my invite yet.
Paul 30:12
You invited me. You sent me an invite yesterday, you asked me yesterday in text if I could. Colin, be sure to invite Norm so his feelings don’t hurt.
Norman 30:22
Great. Thanks.
Colin 30:26
I will definitely invite him. It will be our second session and I’m looking forward to it. Any of your listeners are obviously invited as well. If you follow me on Clubhouse, it’s @colin.club. If you follow me on Twitter, it’s @colindotclub but d o t in the middle there and you can see the invite there. Maybe we can put the invite in the show notes as well Norm. I think what you said Paul is great and I want to summarize it in three words, give to get. That’s what it’s all about on Clubhouse, right and I think that if you think you’re just going to go in there and make money and start hawking your goods and selling, no one’s gonna watch you on stage, no one’s gonna want to listen to that. People want to get value for what the time that the spending in those rooms, we’re very careful to keep our second way doing it, but to keep it to one hour, and make certain that we provide value and that we take notes and we acknowledge who actually came up with the idea and we post that on our blog at serialentrepreneur.club.
Paul 31:31
I love that. Sorry. You go Norm.
Norman 31:33
Oh, okay. All I was gonna say is that they’re gonna become savvy listeners. They’re savvy listeners now. When you go on to .club, there’s quite a few people that at least I noticed, you could read between the lines, it was about a course. They talk about a course and that’s not what it’s about. I mean, I’m sure they’re gonna be able to do that. I’m sure people are gonna be able to buy and sell lots of courses there. It’s about giving, it’s about the community and what you just said Colin, those three words, it comes back tenfold. So not only by giving, it will come back, your audience. Those communities like building a corporate culture, right? If you’ve got that you can have these incredible companies. You wonder how the hell do they do it? You go to Canada, Tim Hortons, every bloody Tim Hortons, just running incredible. M&M meat shops, same way. You go to some, and it’s just Oh my God, why can’t they get their stuff together? Why are their employees like this and it comes down to corporate culture. Each room has its own culture.
Paul 32:50
And each moderator.
Norman 32:53
Yeah and I think that’s important. Well, it’s going to take a bit of time to figure this out. But as long as it’s all about content, even right now, when we talk about Amazon, eCom, ranking on Google, it’s about content. But this community is even further. Now Colin, we talked about the primary domain. Paul, you wanted to buy a primary domain. Well, when we talk about a primary .club, a premium or a premium .club. They cost a bit more money and so like when I bought ama.club, ask me anything, it cost a bit more than if you were to go to GoDaddy and get a longer type long tail keywords, let’s say and Oh, by the way, Colin look who’s here.
Connie 33:49
I already talked to him.
Norman 33;50
Oh, you did?
Colin 33:52
We already had a chat before.
Norman 33:54
Thank you, Connie.
Colin 33:57
She complained it was too cold in Canada.
Norman 33:59
We gotta get down to Florida.
Paul 34:03
It’s terrible. We were out. It’s just it’s sunny and we were swimming earlier.
Norman 34:10
You’re there right now, Paul.
Paul 34:12
I am. It’s so hard being here right now. I just don’t know what to do.
Norman 34:19
I just want to talk about the premium domains. So if you’re looking at premium domains, they could be $100, they can be $1,000. They can be all, it can be very expensive. So one of the things that I love about what I’m going to say here is that there is a way to get some financing and we do have a code and don’t worry about it. It’s going to save you money. If you are looking at buying a premium .club, so if you go there and you want to buy I don’t know let’s say it’s soap.club too late, I own it. But if you wanted to, let’s say that was 5 or $10,000, there is a plan there that you can use, you can put in a code, you can save, I think it’s 10% and you can finance it over 60 months. Now, here’s the reason why I like it. I own a lot of domains and through this way of doing it, it’s zero financing and let’s say you don’t like it, let’s say soap.club fails in a year or two or three, I can just drop it and it goes back into the database. So I can own for $100 a month or for 75 bucks a month, I don’t know whether it works out to 60 months. But you can own a premium domain and there’s so many things that you can do with the premium domain. We’ll get into that a bit later. But if you do want that, you just have to go to names.club, and put in the word Clubhouse, just put the word Clubhouse, you’ll see a little badge that comes up that says you’ve got a 10% discount, and that is courtesy of Colin Campbell. So thank you, Colin.
Colin 36:08
Norm, I’d like to just add a few things about premium names and .club premium names. The fact of the matter is our zone file, we have over a million .clubs registered, and .com has about 150 million. The fact is .club premium names sell for about one to 2% of the value of a .com and again, we’re not talking about you need to replace your .com. Or you need to change your website to a .com. We’re talking about using .com .club in parallel with your .com to represent your club on Clubhouse, or other club concepts as well. We’ve also seen people trying to become influencers on Clubhouse use their name like gary.club is a good example of that and then you use that name to try to promote his website and he gets people to that and he sells I guess the masterclass he does other things as well.
Norman 37:07
That’s brilliant, by the way.
Colin 37:09
So it will adjust if you own a club but also if you’re an individual on Clubhouse as well.
Paul 37:15
Gary’s a cool guy. I met him on Clubhouse. But he knows a lot of the same people that we know Norm. He worked with Jason and Matt on ASM5 launch and he brought in, he works with all these big huge name people in info products and he’s sort of struck me the conversations that I’ve had with him, he’s sort of struck me as like the wizard behind you’re the Wizard of Oz, like he’s the man behind the curtain and the cool thing that I’m seeing, like, he doesn’t have a massive amount of followers on Instagram, not like Joe Vargas or these other random people that again, it’s like, blue check people that have like hundreds of 1000s of followers. I’m like talking just weird, like I never thought of that. But Gary’s a super, he’s a good use case like that and he’s a super cool guy, very down to earth, very smart. One thing that I wanted to hit on, you brought this up a few times, is there a lot of people that are “gurus” right? That is just really good at marketing. They’re really good at core sales, but they don’t have much track record to prove like this has been an issue in the info product space for decades. There’s a lot of those types of people that are not gonna fly on Clubhouse, because it is a completely unscripted in the moment live conversation that you could write if you’re a brilliant marketer and your ethics are not super sound, you could get a great video sales letter and get a millions of dollars, right in core sales and you don’t really have much proof behind it. But you’re just good at marketing. You’re good at retargeting ads, and all those sorts of things. This is different. Because this is like what’s in your brain, your ability to speak, your ability to convey your thoughts through conversation is the currency. Conversation is the currency on Clubhouse. If you cannot compose thoughts in a manner that is compelling and helpful to the audience, you will not succeed. Period.
Norman 39:29
Well put. Now I’m just noticing, Tom Beekman. I don’t know if you can clarify this. Are you saying that you can stream Clubhouse over Facebook and YouTube? I’m really curious about that.
Kelsey 39:45
No, he’s just asking about this live stream.
Norman 39:52
Yeah. Okay, because I would be very interested in that, by the way. All right. So let’s just get back to the contest or the giveaway. If you are interested in getting some invites, just put in #Clubhouse, you’ll be entered in to win, we’ve got a bunch of invites that we’re going to be giving away. Plus, we’re going to be creating something on Messenger where we can create this chain for people to join Clubhouse if you’re not already there. So, okay, let’s talk about another area here.
Paul 40:28
Can I really quickly just say, I’m going to shout out I got a club that I am running, a little room rather in 16 minutes. So I’ll put that in the comments and you guys can join. Stick around for the end of the podcast, don’t join right away. But I’ll be heading out about five minutes prior because I am recording and I need to make sure that everything is set up. But I just wanted to give that a quick shout out. This is a thing that Norm and I have been doing, this is our fifth week. Yeah, fifth or sixth week now. So make sure that you join us there. I’m gonna put it in the private chat and then Kelsey, you could probably put this in the comments.
Norman 41:10
Oh my gosh, Julie Tolmin.
Paul 41:17
Yeah. Julie, I’ll message you on slack. So Julie’s one of our partner clients with a chat agency, also Norm, I didn’t tell you this. We had our first official sale because of Clubhouse. The chat agency.
Norman 41:30
Really? Talking about monetizing. There you go. Yeah. Okay, so the club or the room after this, if people want to continue hearing about it, Well, this is more about eCommerce and Amazon. I want to talk a bit about monetizing now. Okay and there’s a lot of Amazon and e commerce sellers here. How do they monetize? So one of the things Colin you were talking about. Not so much monetizing, but putting up an event, excuse me, putting up a very simple web page, and driving, just letting people know that the events are happening, the rooms are happening, the clubs are happening, here’s the time, here you go. You could promote it on Facebook and just let people know on your social media that you’re having an event. But what I like, especially with eCom, I’d like to get your opinions on this. .club is something that you never mentioned Colin, the reason I bought soap.club, Bill Mccullar with coffee.club, beard.club, all these, because you can get them to rank very quickly on Google, you have to do very little effort to rank like a single like soap or candle or whatever, it’s very easy to do. That’s why I buy the premiums, then from that, and this is a brand new two weeks ago, I wouldn’t have said this. But what I’m doing now is let’s say for me, I like bully sticks, bullysticks.club. Now, I have all the keywords that I’ve created, grass fed bully sticks, organic bully sticks, odorless bully sticks, .clubs, all .clubs, and I point them over to my main site, like bullystick.club, or whatever that would be. So now I’m owning the keywords. They’re ranking quickly on Google and when people see it, they’re pointed directly over to my website giving me traffic. What do you guys think about that?
Colin 43:36
Yeah, I think that that is an advantage of a premium name. Because it can sometimes be a toured name as well. When you set up your community on Clubhouse, you really want to be careful. First of all, you can only set up one club and apply for one class, and you need to do that through the FAQ on Clubhouse and you really need to think about what would be the name of your community and what would be the corresponding domain name that would rest on the rest of the internet. Again, that would be indexed by Google. So Google looks at domain names very interestingly, and they look at the left and the right of the dot, which is why when you have soap.club, and I just tested a minute ago, you’re number one on Google. Number one for SEO on Google. How much is that worth to your business being number one? Now, you wouldn’t have gotten that unless you also provided content and eCommerce. Again, it’s all about content stupid, right? So you have to combine both the domain name with the content, index it and it should match your name on Clubhouse. That’s why the premiums are doing well and quite frankly, we’ve seen an 800% increase in premium named sales over the last 30 days prior to last year January.
Norman 45:02
By the way, Kelsey, can you put in Colin’s names.club. Put that in there and can you put the code name in there as well. Now for people if they’re looking at now, if you’re looking at a $10 domain, if it comes back, let’s say that you’re looking at the very best bully sticks and .club is going to say it’s $10. Go over to Namecheap or GoDaddy. Buy it there and you don’t need to do it. I don’t even think it’ll allow you to do it at names.club. But once you start to see I think it’s $100 or more, you can buy it through there. You won’t be able to put it on a 60 month finance plan. I think that’s around $5,000 to put it on the finance plan. But anyways, check it out.
Paul 45:53
I just have $400 more domains by the way.
Norman 45:55
Slow down. Multitasker.
Colin 46:01
Give people a chance Paul.
Paul 46:03
Your soap.club, so Norm knows that I’m going to be starting a better soap company that I mean, it’s gonna be better. I would buy it’s better soap than yours.club.
Norman 46:22
We were talking about having a podcast about disagreements. We’ll talk. Alright.
Kelsey 46:29
What’s the discount code again?
Norman 46:32
It’s just Clubhouse.
Kelsey 46:34
Is it all caps?
Norman 46:37
Just Clubhouse. Alright and let me see. Alright, so going back to monetizing. Do you guys see any other ways of monetizing Clubhouse right now for the eCommerce space? Or is it just getting people into the club to hear you?
Paul 46:53
So they had on the town halls, the founders of Clubhouse,
Norman 47:01
Oh, Hold it. Hold it. Sorry Paul, for the interruption before anybody does this? No Kelsey, it’s just names.club and then they enter the discount code Clubhouse just in case it looks like maybe it’s my eyes, but you put a forward slash in there.
Kelsey 47:23
Okay, so just names.club?
Norman 47:28
Paul 47:29
They run town halls every Sunday. It’s around noon, or like 10am Pacific. I’m not exactly sure. But this last town hall that they were running, and don’t quote me on the time, just google it because you’ll find more information there. But it’s run by the founders, Rohan Paul, and Stephanie, I think is her name and this last one, they were talking about monetization, they’re going to be experimenting with tipping. So I love this concept. I love that concept, right? Because the idea that if somebody is really giving amazing advice, you can tip them. Yeah and so you could say, Hey, just think of it like this goes back to my days of playing music in bars, you have to be a good musician to make money on a bar. Because literally your background noise, like most people aren’t there to listen to you. Unless you’re actually a real band. Right? But if you’re trying to get started, and this is where most musicians started, they start at the local bar and they play in the background and they’ve got the money out, like to get money, you’ve got to be good and I think that that’s going to be you’re gonna see that they’re implementing that. They’re trying to figure out how they’re going to do it because they want it to be native inside the app. So you don’t have to leave the app to go to like Venmo or something. Anyway, so that’s one way. But what are some other ways that you think Colin or Norm?
Colin 48:56
Well, that’s interesting. It’s actually the conversation that we talked about at the last Friday session that we had in the room versus the club and I think maybe Paul, you could explain the difference between the two. But we asked the group to say what are the ways we can monetize or make money from this and a few things came back. One obviously, is networking meeting people, that’s pretty obvious. Another one is starting a new club, becoming an influencer. You could literally hire people on this application, because you really can get to know people, people who are the experts in the industry. One person mentioned collaboration and if you think about what we did on Friday was really all about collaborating on an idea or on how to monetize. There are so many different ways. I think that starting a club is something that if you want to create a community, it is important to do and I’ll mention a few things here. Paul had mentioned room versus a club and I was very confused about this, and it took me a while to figure this out. But you have to apply for the club. I mentioned that through the FAQ. But you don’t have to wait to start a club, you can do that by just opening a room and we do that every Friday at 2 o’clock. We open the serial entrepreneur club room and we’ll continue to do that. So Paul, can you talk a little bit more about how to start a club on Clubhouse?
Paul 50:24
This is funny, right? I’ve been using the app since December and it’s weird because I’m a rule follower. But I’m also like, in some ways, I follow rules, other ways I break them all the time. But one of the things that they had said was you needed to run a room, a show they call it consistently, same time, same name, for three weeks in a row and I have been, again, really active in a lot of the asking the business advice entrepreneur type rooms. So I started these rooms, AMA for eCom brands, it was an AMA 7,8,9 figure eCon Brands on Amazon and so the thing that our whole focus is eCom, Amazon specifically. We’ve been running this now for five weeks, I applied two weeks ago and I still haven’t heard back. Meanwhile, there were people that I can guarantee you they’ve only been on the app for like a week, and they’ve gotten clubs already. So they have in the rules that you have to run it, you have to run the same room, they call the show for three weeks in a row before they want you to apply. I did that and I still haven’t been approved. Meanwhile, there’s other people that are in the Amazon space that aren’t even using Clubhouse, and they started some clubs. So a club is think of it like a Facebook group and it’s basically around whatever it is that you are talking about, right. So I want to start a scotch club, because I like scotch. Norm, obviously cigars club. Like those are great things that people would love to talk about. Sit around and come to Clubhouse and smoke a cigar and let’s just talk about life. Right? So that would be like their interest based, generally speaking right there. They’re some sort of unifying factor where people can come together and talk about general topics. So that’s a club and it’s kind of a housing place where everybody that’s interested in that is a part of the club. Now you have members, admin, and followers. Anyone can follow any club and by following a club, you’re going to get alerts when that club does things live when they start a room. Okay, so in order to start a room in the club, you have to be a member or an admin. Now members, you can start a room in the club, like I’m in several Amazon seller clubs, I could start a room in those clubs and a room again, like what we’ve been doing for five weeks. So you’re doing now coming up on two weeks, where it’s the same. It’s just an open conversation, it can be about anything, the rooms can be about anything. Like, I want to start a few fun rooms with my CMO just joking about, I love playing this game with her when we’re out in public. Whenever I introduce her, I say how we met and it’s a fake story every time and we’re always trying to one up each other to see who can come up with the best story. So I want to start a room called Making up stories on how we met and I think it just be hilarious and the whole room would just be I’m going to be introducing people and making up a story about how we met. I think that’d be hilarious. So that’s a room right? Rooms are transient, sometimes they run like mega marathons like 20 days straight. Sometimes they run for two minutes. Most of the time rooms that I see, they kind of have a way of taking on a life of its own like this one that I’m going to be starting here pretty soon in three minutes. I’m going to start it, I’ll have moderators running it. They can keep the room running when I’m gone. I’m only going to be in it for two hours though. So that’s room, we don’t have a club yet. We applied for that. I’m not sure why it’s taking so long. Maybe I applied wrong. But yeah, I did that succinctly.
Norman 54:04
How do you apply for a club? What’s the URL or how do one do that?
Paul 54:08
You gotta go to Clubhouse, click on your bio, which is your little up here. I’m gonna hold my screen so you can see it’s like up here, in this corner. You tap the bio. Oh, okay, and then you’re in your little bio there and apparently I grew 100 followers during this, which is insane.
Colin 54:30
I just followed you.
Norman 54:31
Oh, there we go. 100.
Paul 54:36
So then you see this screen which it’s not focusing and you go to FAQs, contact us, which is right here and then it’s gonna open up in whatever browser you select and then you have Clubhouse Knowledge Center, and then it says like, how can I start a club? So you tap that and it explains how you can start a club, how you can change your username, how you can change your display name, all that stuff and on that, I have two minutes. So I’m gonna go, head over to Clubhouse. We can continue this conversation over there and again, I will be recording for the next two hours.
Colin 55:14
What’s the name of your room?
Paul 55:17
It’s called AMA. Let me pull it up. Yeah, AMA Running 7,8,9 Figure eCom brands on Amazon and I’ll put the name of the club too. So you guys can all look for it. Kelsey’s gonna put this in the comments here, Kelsey you can get that. So I’m gonna head over, I gotta make sure that all my stuff is connected correctly and then I’ll see you guys in there.
Norman 55:48
Alright. Thanks for coming on
Colin 55:50
Nice meeting you, man.
Paul 55:52
Yeah, of course. Likewise.
Colin 55:55
I would like to add Norm, two things I would like to add about starting a club. Because it does take a lot of time and a lot of effort. One is you have to have a passion for it or you’re an expert in that field. Because if you go into something, you really don’t really have a passion for it, you won’t spend the time on it, you won’t spend the energy, it just doesn’t flow as natural and as Paul mentioned, a lot of this is just ad hoc conversations and it’s not well scripted and it’s just, the information just has to flow from you and if you’re passionate about the topic, like I am with serial entrepreneur club, I’m very passionate, it can actually make it a lot easier and be a little more fun. It’s like anything in life. This idea though of positioning yourself as an expert in the industry, it doesn’t mean you need to actually start a club, you can actually move around to different clubs and be a speaker in different rooms around that particular expertise. So that’s another approach to look at and Clubhouse as well.
Norman 56:57
Right. What was one of the other, I just had it. I wanted to talk. I saw a question here. I think it was from Fatiha about something. Oh, events. Okay, so two things. First thing is, I just saw that you can put or create a club from a desktop by going to clubhouseguidelines.com and you’ll have all that information, just like Paul said, it’ll say how do you start a club or want to start a club click it, you have to add some information there. The other part of this was events. Fatiha was asking about how do I find events, I believe that’s what you’re asking Fatiha and when you go into your app, you’re going to see in the middle, it’ll say events, you can click on it, or calendar, you click on it, and you can scroll down to my events will show you events that are coming up. Or you can just go and take a look at any events that are coming up. Also I think it’s the Discover button, you can click the Discover button and you can see a bunch of different events that are there. One of the things that’s very important when you’re setting up your profile, is to make sure that you put the information in your profile that you’re passionate about. So for me, I’ve put on Amazon, eCom, a variety of different things, sourcing, and what that’ll do is the algorithm will pick it up and start sending you information about Amazon rooms or eCom rooms or sourcing rooms, stuff like that. So just kind of keep that in mind.
Colin 58:37
Yeah, the other thing you can do Norm is just go to Norman Farrar on Clubhouse, or Colin Campbell or Paul Baron. Click on follow, definitely follow us and then also when you click on follow, there’s a bell beside it. If you click on the bell, it’ll ask, do you want to be informed when any of these speakers speak as well? So if you click on the bell, when we go and speak, you’ll automatically be made aware of that.
Norman 59:05
Now I know to ring the bell. Kelsey always tells me to ring the bell. Okay, there’s another bell that everybody can ring. Alright, so Kelsey, do we have any questions that we need to follow up on?
Kelsey 59:18
So Fatiha’ squestion, let me see. It was about a direct message or something like that.
Norman 59:26
Oh, there is no messaging. However, when you fill out your profile, you’ll be asked if you have a Twitter account, or an Instagram account and what you’ll find, Kelsey and I were trying to figure out why we were getting so many followers and it came from Clubhouse. People saw maybe you’re speaking on Clubhouse, you’re on the stage, they call it and all of a sudden you start getting a bunch of followers on your other social media platforms.
Kelsey 59:55
Yeah, so make sure you connect your Instagram to your Clubhouse.
Kelsey 1:00:02
But also, it also connects with your contacts in your phone. So if somebody on your contact on your phone goes in, it’ll let them know that they came in so you can follow them as well or they can follow you.
Norman 1:00:12
I was sending some, this happened twice, I couldn’t send a person an invite. I was trying to figure out why it worked with some and why it didn’t work with others. Plus one for North America. I’m in Canada, I’m not sure that’s the same in the US. But if you’re International, make sure you put the area code like the country code plus one or plus three or whatever it is and then it’ll go through. Okay, any other questions?
Kelsey 1:00:44
There is one from Ryan. Will Clubhouse affect Amazon events moving forward?
Norman 1:00:49
100%. If you can go on to Clubhouse right now, no matter what type of virtual event it was, or virtual summit, I think that a lot of those will be deeply affected by Clubhouse. If you can go and see experts in eCom or in Amazon, and they’re giving away information for free. Why are people paying?
It’s interesting, though. I can tell you though, that I’ve seen a number of people launching master classes like gary.club. I’ve seen another one in the domain industry. If you’re at all interested in domain investing, there’s one called dre.academy and he’s just a room right now as well. But he’s got hundreds. Actually, he’s got over 10,000 followers on Clubhouse, he’s on Instagram and is a bit of an influencer and actually I’ve actually mentioned to you that tomorrow night’s when he opens his channel. He’s doing a channel tomorrow night at 8:30 talking about domain names, domain investing and so if you follow myself or Norm, we’ve been asked to join on stage at that time for that channel as well. Tomorrow, Thursday at 8:30 as well.
Norman 1:02:10
I think our friend George Judo is going to be on, isn’t he?
Colin 1:02:15
Oh yeah. He’s quite a character. He’s a great guy. But there’s a model. I mean, if you have expertise, so their idea is to have the free sessions. But then if you really want to get in depth go into the masterclass, and they have that outside of Clubhouse as well, where it’s in a Zoom format. So I don’t think it’s going to go away. I think it’s more of a funnel for people to learn where to find that information, get some information and then if they really want to go in deep, it really doesn’t cost you a lot of money for education when it comes to these kinds of things. Whether it’s a masterclass for Amazon for micro brands, learning how to position themselves on Shopify, or whether it’s for investing in domain names. The costs are not a lot to the benefit that you can get.
Norman 1:03:01
Right. I think when you start to focus in like you said funnel, so a lot of overall free information. But like similar to, I see a bunch of people who are involved with Centurion on this, if you want to focus down and get involved with either mentoring or private coaching or whatever it would be. Yeah, I can see that happening Colin, for sure. Okay Kels, any more questions?
Kelsey 1:03:29
Okay, just let me check,
Norman 1:03:31
Then we’ll get on to the Wheel of Kelsey for the invites.
Kelsey 1:03:34
Oh, no. So there’s no Wheel of Kelsey, we’re making a messenger group.
Kelsey 1:03:41
Let me see and for anyone asking about the Clubhouse Messenger group, it is going to happen after the call. So we had a couple of questions about that. Let me see.
Kelsey 1:04:03
So Simon was asking, so this isn’t just an adult version of a fidget spinner? It’s not going to just come and go. You think this Clubhouse has some legitimate longevity to it?
Colin 1:04:16
Like a MySpace.
Norman 1:04:17
Colin 1:04:18
Remember that one? MySpace, Friendster, Facebook. So I mean, social networking obviously, did take off. There was a huge paradigm shift around adopting by a lot of people adopting social networking on Facebook. I know many individuals who’ve made millions including business partners with myself on using Facebook ads and generating a lot of business. Paw.com and Meowingtons have used that as their primary channel for generating income and the fact of the matter is, Clubhouse is a paradigm shift in it is because it’s transforming industries and we’re seeing massive disruption. I’ve seen it just in the domain industry. Honestly, I’ve seen fights on Clubhouse from old time podcasters and domain investors and then the new millennial domain investors and people using Clubhouse, it is absolutely taking up every person who logs in is almost addicted to it and Facebook needs to be very fearful of this because a lot of their value is based on time spent on Facebook. I’m telling you when you get in this, even if you do nothing but listen, you’re gonna learn so much and be exposed to so many different people. It is a game changer and we are so lucky to be there at the beginning. Thank you Norm for having me on.
Norman 1:05:46
Hey, no problem.
Colin 1:05:47
See you everybody on Clubhouse. Again, follow colindotclub on Twitter and Clubhouse.
Norman 1:05:58
Okay, very good. Hey, thanks a lot Colin. Alright, everybody. So I hope you enjoyed the podcast today. Like Colin said, we’ll see everybody on Clubhouse. If you want more information about it. Just let us know in the comment section, you can follow us in our group. Kelsey, do you want to join us to close up?
Kelsey 1:06:20
Yep. So a couple of people are asking about where they find the group. I’m putting the links in the chats so you can follow if you’re going through your phone, you’ll be able to find the link.
Norman 1:06:36
I saw something. Marcia said that she couldn’t find it or something. But anyways, the links are there. Now, you just have to click on them to get over there. You can find it in your calendar once you click on it, or once you start to follow Paul, you can just ring the bell and then you should be getting notifications.
Kelsey 1:06:55
Yep. So I’m trying to add it everywhere. Okay, so you can also search the room. It is AMA Running 7,8,9 Figure eCommerce Brands on Amazon. I’m not sure if it just hasn’t started yet, that might be a thing.
Norman 1:07:11
That might be it. Yeah, it might be running a little bit late.
Kelsey 1:07:13
You might just have to hold on for a little bit. So hopefully we got everyone and I’ll be adding the messenger group once again. I’ve added Norman and Paul, just to make sure because I’ve never done this before, too. So Paul will probably help us out with that. So it might just take a couple, maybe an hour or two after the Clubhouse but we’ll definitely get everything started with those invite chains and yeah, so if anyone is interested, if you haven’t yet joined the Facebook group or the Beard Nation, you just need to search for Lunch with Normal Amazon FBA and eCommerce Collective. Head over there. I’ll put the links in the comment section as well and yeah, like and share this episode. If you know someone that’s interested in Clubhouse, go ahead and tag them in this video. All of this has a replay too so you can find it on YouTube. Just search Norman Farrar Lunch with Norm or anything, you’ll find us. The channel name is Norman Farrar. So I think that’s pretty much it. Oh, Kelsey, I can get it on an iPhone from your link. Thanks so much. Alright, so you use the link with your phone.
Norman 1:08:25
Oh, alright. Very good. Okay, so that’s it for today. On Friday, we’re gonna be joined by Movley’s and I hope I say your name right Sajag Agarwal, which is an incredible company. They’re involved with sourcing and logistics. Yes., they are competitors with Honu. But he’s got a lot to bring to the table. We’re going to be talking about product inspections. So if you guys thought that product inspections were just a simple call and a spot check, check this out. He’s gonna dive deep into what a product inspection is, questions x, how to set it up, and what’s the right product inspection for your products. So join us on Friday with that and I think that’s it. So tune in every Monday, Wednesday and Friday noon, Eastern Standard Time. We kind of just ad lib today. We just wanted to see where the podcast would go. I hope you enjoyed it. We’re gonna try to do more of these and check out Clubhouse, see what you think. Give us your input. But anyways, thank you everybody for watching. Thanks for being part of the community and enjoy the rest of your day.
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