Are you using social media correctly? On this episode, we discuss the main goals businesses should have with their social media, and 7 free tools to boost traffic on social media. Joining us on today’s episode of Lunch with Norm we have Wilfred Ligthart. Wilfred is a Digital Blacksmith that specializes in driving external traffic. Expert in engaging, developing and monetizing digital communities. He advises entrepreneurs on developing an online marketing strategy crafted to meet the goals and objectives of any company. He has grown multiple Facebook fan pages amassing millions of followers and then converting these followers into paid customers.
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Episode: 237
Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Wilfried Ligthart – Digital Blacksmith who specializes in driving external traffic
Subtitle: “How to Use Social Media the RIGHT Way With 7 Free Tools”
Final Show Link:
Back on Lunch with Norm…Learn about 7 free tools to boost traffic on Social Media and how to utilize the most out of your social media. Wilfred Ligthart is a Digital Market, expert in engaging and monetizing on digital communities. He advises entrepreneurs on developing an online marketing strategy crafted to meet the goals and objectives of any company.
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Norman Farrar 0:02
Hey everybody is Norman Farrar aka the beard guy here with another lunch with Norm, the Amazon FBA and Ecommerce podcast.
Norman Farrar 0:21
Okay, today on the show we’re gonna be talking about using social media the right way, and seven free tools you can use to boost your traffic. The guest today is my little business partner Wilford light heart, who is the founder of a digital blacksmith that specializes in driving external traffic. He is an expert and award winning developer that engages and monetizes digital communities. I know this, I’ve seen it. He has grown multiple Facebook pages to apps. This is crazy, amassing millions and millions of followers and then converting them into paid customers. Last year, Wilfried reached 2 billion people on Facebook with a $10,000 budget. So we’ll be talking to him in a second. But before we get to that, let’s have a word from our sponsor. Thank you solarize for sponsoring this episode of lunch with dorm seller eyes is your comprehensive solution for your everyday business needs. Everything you need to grow and scale your Amazon business is just one click away. For more information, contact demon his team over at and remember solarize is with one R. man it’s gonna be nice getting back to my studio on Wednesday. But before we do that, of course, where’s Kels squire?
Kelsey 1:48
Hello. Hello, however, how’s everyone doing? Yeah, it’s gonna be nice to be back to our home turf in Canada. But uh, yeah, I think it’s gonna be a great episode today and can’t wait. And we’re also on time today, which is great. It’s a good start to the week. I’m loving that. And yeah, so if you’re new to the show, don’t forget to smash those like buttons, get those thumbs up going. How’s everyone’s holidays going? Let us know in the comment sections. We’re going to be talking a bunch about social media and getting that traffic to your social media. And yeah, it’s gonna be a great episode. If you’re wanting to join the community, you can go over to the lunch with Norm, Amazon FBA and Ecommerce collective, which is our Facebook group. And then if you’re interested in more, if you would like the paid part of the podcast to support lunch with Norm, you can go over to our lunch with Norm websites, and just click on the membership tab and you’ll be able to find what we have to offer which is small group session q&a is with me and norm. Three monthly with some guest lessons, you get a coffee mug, some m&ms monthly SOPs, you get a whole bunch of goodies, deals and discounts as well. So check it out. And we can just jump into it today.
Norman Farrar 3:08
If you do want more training, we don’t talk about it too often. But you can always check out the Centurion league too. And that is group mentoring. So it’s not part of the podcast, but it’s something that myself and Tim Jordan are involved with. And I think we do a pretty good job on it. So anyways, check it out. The Centurion League. If you do want more extensive training, we dive into different topics eight times a month. Okay, so I think that’s about it. If you have any questions, throw your comments over in the comment section. Sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show. Where are you? Wilford?
Wilfried Ligthart 3:49
I’m currently still in Amsterdam norm like you’re locked down. been two years. So last time I flew in. And 2019 I actually flew the world twice. Hawaii. I met you there. He went to China twice. United States, but still a lockdown.
Norman Farrar 4:11
Oh, yeah. I know, we can get into we will
Wilfried Ligthart 4:18
go into that detail. But yeah, it’s ridiculous. You could just shut shut the whole world down, then I know.
Norman Farrar 4:24
I know. Luckily, we’re in the E commerce service business. So you know, we’re not affected at like restaurant owners, or other types of businesses out there. So at least we’re lucky at this side of the end or the other side of the end, whatever you want to talk
Wilfried Ligthart 4:42
about, well actually we’re here to help them that they’re still not using social media or don’t have a website and I think it’s a missed opportunity, especially nowadays. You need to have the shut you down physically, then you need to be online. So let’s let’s hop in To the details, I would say,
Norman Farrar 5:01
but let’s do it. But before we do that, Wilfred, can you just tell us a little bit about what you do?
Wilfried Ligthart 5:08
Yeah, absolutely. I had to find introduction. But I was CEO of a multi million dollar firm in Holland for I think, well over 20 years, but I was the CEO, but not the shareholder. So it was just a paid job. And in 2015, I wanted to do something for myself. And I thought, well, let’s, let’s do an econ business, because you can do it from from anywhere. And I soon realized, and I’m, of course from Holland, that if you throw away money on PPC, then it can be a waste of money. So I literally spent a year in my basement tweaking and adjusting and almost like scientists blew up my accounts and found the Blackhat way, the gray hat way, turn up into the white hat way and find that if you do it the right way. The algorithms are almost like bouncers at a nightclub, if you want to go in party with the girls that they say, Oh, you’re not allowed, you are allowed. And that’s how those those algorithms work. If you provide quality content, then they will let you in and they will give you free reach. And for me, it’s almost like an addiction. We have a page now it’s doing 13 million people last week. And that’s what I say it’s almost like an addiction if you see something going viral. And do you know whether one of the major works is what people need to worry for the you know what, what the best word is in social media attention. Because if you get attention, then people will stop check you out and say, Oh, that’s a nice product. Let’s buy it. And that’s basically what we’re always getting. And you said in the introduction as well. Yeah, we your business partners. And I’m not sure if you remember the client that said, I don’t care about engagement. And then I said, Well, you need to be engaged before you get married, and it’s still the people will will resonate to because that’s it, if people won’t buy from you, if you send out a cold email. I tried it again, also during Black Friday, but the response was horrible, because you need to establish a relationship first. And if you have that relationship, you can turn them into your loyal ambassadors. And if they are your loyal ambassadors, they will buy almost everything you do because they have brand awareness then and yeah, for them, your brand is part of their lifestyle. And that’s, that’s what you want. And you have to do it to grab their attention need to have a lot of engagement and post quality content. And if you do that the right way, then as I said, people go to Facebook to be entertained, for example. And if you are offering that kind of entertainment, then Facebook loves you for it and will give you more reach. And that’s your that’s basically how it works. And the same with Google. They don’t care about entertainment, they care more about if people search for the best bicycle ever, and you provide that quality article, and if 10 Different bicycles people could choose from, then Google will put you number one, and it’s all about how long do they stick on your website? And everything is data related to them. So yeah.
Norman Farrar 8:20
And, you know, sorry about this, I am in my office. And I don’t know these are just it’s live, you’re gonna hear answering machine come up with something. It’s live.
Wilfried Ligthart 8:34
What’s up, isn’t it?
Norman Farrar 8:37
Know, we here we go again. So yeah, so I’ll talk over it, hopefully. But you know, one of the things that we talked about a lot when we were trying to get the business off the ground, and trying to struggle with a lot of clients were, it’s not a one and done. It’s something that you have to have multiple touchpoints. And if you think that, Oh, I’m going to spend 1000 bucks or 1500 bucks, maybe more, and we’re going to have one campaign this this month and then we’re going to stop. It’s just not going to work in you know what there was a in Toronto I used to drive in to Toronto every morning. And I hear on the radio station I listened to about Saul Korman, who is his clothier, you know, he was a tailor. And the only teller I knew in Toronto was Saul Corman and it just stuck in my mind because every morning, you know, three, two or three times before I got into Toronto, I hear this bloody commercial. And it’s kind of the same with either not just social media, but multiple touchpoints. You know, it can be all sorts of not just Facebook ads, it could be Amazon PPC could be Amazon post. These are all touch points. But one thing that you do and you’re an expert at your I should say and award winning, I just saw that expert
Wilfried Ligthart 10:00
The other way around. Here’s my trophy. Oh, it’s there. Okay,
Norman Farrar 10:03
there you go. Um, you do a great job with building communities. And I mean, that’s really drew us together, you know, is that your talent on what you can do? So why is that important? And let’s start with that. Why is building a community so important?
Wilfried Ligthart 10:23
Well, as I say, they you want to have loyal followers, and you need to have quality content to attract people, you want to have pattern interrupt, and people scroll through the feed, you want to have something that’s appealing enough for them to stop and then check you out. And I always love to talk about my snowball model. And it’s basically everything related into one big snowball. And if you do it the right way, you roll it up to the mountain. And that’s the hardest part. I always say, if your marketing feels like marketing, then you do something wrong, it needs to be fun and entertaining. But what I also miss a lot of businesses is that they do not spend enough time on research, they have a product and say, Oh, this is amazing, because I think it’s amazing. So it will sell. But it totally forget about checking the audiences to competition. What’s your strategy? What is? What are your sharing? What content are you creating? And if you checked out every thing in the box, what do people really care about? And that’s always what I say? And maybe that’s a cliche, but if you have a product, what is your why? Why should I care. And if you know exactly why I should care, you know exactly where my pain points are, then you can attract people with your quality content, you can do tutorials, but unboxing help them out. And the funny thing is I sometimes you run into a problem. And I thought, well, I fixed my problem. And I can just delete the website as visited or I created now my own website with how to fix things. If I have a problem, I put it on my own website. And I reach 10,000 People already because most of the people are having the same problems over and over again. And it’s the same with the product. If you have a you know, a treadmill or something like that. And you could say the 10 things you should never do with a treadmill or authentic you should do with a treadmill or the five, craziest things you will ever see people using a thread mail. So you have three different options. And then if you get post online, people see that on Facebook, click on it. And
Wilfried Ligthart 12:32
all those big companies, big tech is looking at each other. And if something is appealing on Google, it will be appealing on Facebook because they don’t want to miss out on the next big thing. And the beautiful thing about that is if it’s appealing on Google and Facebook, Amazon will pick up and give you more reach as well, because they love external traffic. And, yeah, if you write a quality article, people go to your website. And we still see that we can rank people brands on page one within two or three weeks. And that’s basically doing a lot of research. And you have a premier because finally after a lot of people asked me to finalize my course. So it will be done within a few weeks. And then I basically show you all the tools we’re doing our digital blacksmith. So we need to have our own toolings. Because without tools, as I said, we’re data driven. So and that’s also one thing, if you put on an ATS, people spend $1,000, to say it’s not working. But if we run an ad, we have 50 different campaigns, strategies, text, creatives, and then we want to see what the winner is because you never know how you can be surprised by by running ads. And that’s why you need to check the data every time you do something. And that’s also a lot of work. And that’s why I’m always saying when I’m on stage as well, I bring you good and bad news. The good news is anyone can do it. That’s why I want to create my own course the bad news is it’s a lot a lot of work. And that’s especially when you are an entrepreneur, you have your inventory problems, your financials, all those other things. And then at the end of the day, you also shoot to social media. And the funny thing is, I was just talking to Kelsey before we were live and I pressed the wrong button and there was something going on in my system because I wanted to post something on Instagram, if you miss one day on Instagram, they will cut your reach and you have to start all over again. Or basically they favor you for the fact that you post every day. And if my competition is not posting every day and I’m posting every day in the long run, you will see that you will get more reach more reaches more traffic. And if you reach the right audience, it will be turned into sales. That’s one of the big things I always heard. Yeah, I have a lot of engagement but I don’t see any sales and that’s why you also need to be very good clever and staring people in the right direction, I always say 80% should be quality 20% can be a sale. And that’s what people know, when they know that you are a profit center. You want to make money at the end of the day. So they don’t they don’t mind if you every now and then say no, did you check out my latest product? Or did you do this? Or what do you think of my product? Can you give me a tutorial or review whatever. And of course, never promise them something. And that’s the Amazon to us. But gather a lot of things out there. And I’m not sure how we are running into time. But for today, I also want to focus people on seven different tools, we use the role free. Yep. Again, you know, I do want to go back to what you were saying, Well, you know, excuse me for one sec. frog in my throat. Anyway, my cigars,
Norman Farrar 15:54
too many chocolate bars. Okay, you said at the very beginning, you have to be engaged before you get married. And I remember you saying that. I say that all the time now. Yeah. You know, it’s just a great saying. And it’s so it’s so true. Yeah, the other thing that I learned from you was how much you have to you build the group. And it’s, it’s not like you were saying about promoting, promoting, promoting, you always said, value value value value promote? Yeah, and you get a lot of people that are very passionate about their product, they, they go in, they show their product. And what they’re doing is they’re turning off people before they get to know them, if you all you have to do. And you can mix up the content, but you can write a blog, or you can have a meme, or you can have a poll or you could do something. But if you’re showing value, it’s so bloody important. And I remember, I don’t know if you remember this, but I remember going to Chad Reubens accelerator, and I said, oh, let’s let’s blow them away. So I got on the plane, you posted something that day, okay. And when I got into the dinner the night before, we already had something like a million views, right? And the shares were starting during the conference, it went up by the next day, there was 5 million views and 30,000 shares off of that one post. Now, do you think you’re not going to get any type of sales? Or do you think nobody’s going to come over and go, Wow, this was great. Let’s check out their business page or their brand page. Yeah, but you build a community or you work with any communities, you provide value, like if your dog lover, and you provide that information, they’re not looking for, it’s not rocket science, they just want information that they they want to engage with.
Wilfried Ligthart 18:01
Absolutely, I then a funny story is we we found the video with a dapsone with a reindeer hand on it and was biting on a carrot was amazing. What we do is we post that video and of course you need to be careful with with copywriting frequents and that kind of stuff. And this case, we could use it because we also have an excellent group and we ask the person to do it. But then we got questions, when can I buy that nice hat. And then later on when something surpasses the algorithms, the bouncers when I win, then you can add your URL, don’t start with your URL, because you will not get any reach. But if you put in your URL after 25,000 REITs or something like that, you can say oh, do you want this amazing app? Go here and then people will click on it because they want to check out that that amazing app and then we literally sold a bunch of those those hats and and that’s that’s yeah, you need to be careful of course, not doing sales all the time. But yeah, if you have a nice uterus touched to it or something like that, people don’t mind it. It’s as I said, if it’s if it’s commercial or not today, the one I have a good intent and if you see the comments below this video, I had one lady saying oh my god, my dog also add carrots like that. And thank you so much for providing me a good memory in a trip to memory lane when I had my dog and I think now it’s and then a second post should be as good as your first. If she likes that one, as well. See is your loyal follower. That’s how the algorithms work. Also, when I let’s say you start a product right now, what you need to do is you can only have one Facebook account, but let’s say you create another one, your wife doesn’t have one. If you only like pages related to your niche, your time feed will be filled with competitors posts, and you see exactly what they are doing. And if you see something that’s nice and appealing to you Maybe you can replicate it, make it better, and then post it yourself. And before you know it, you’re the authority expert in your niche. And that’s why I say, Keep a close eye on the competition as well. That’s, that’s what what you need to do. And yeah, look what’s going on, do your posts on the right time. 90% Of all the people that post in the wrong times people are online between two and 4pm. So post on that particular time, and they, you now know already when next year’s Christmas is, that’s not a surprise. So plan your posts ahead. And you know, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Black Friday, Thanksgiving, all those different dates are all set in stone. So I’m not saying create all your posts already. But at least you can post 30 days ahead that then make it a little bit easier for yourself that way.
Norman Farrar 20:55
Well, I want to talk about one other thing before we get in the tools. And I think this is super important. We fell victim to this censorship. Censorship in social media right. Now. You want to talk a little bit about that?
Wilfried Ligthart 21:09
Yeah, yeah, you can. I had a post and I thought, Oh, this is so amazing, because it will go viral. And then you get some bogus copy fry copywriting fragments, or fast checkers that are paid by the mainstream media that That’s bogus. But yeah, all those things you have to take in consideration. And so it’s best as a brand to stay away from any politics or stay away from any COVID material, because before you know it, you will get you get a strike and what they do, they will shadow ban you when you think I’m still around and can still post my stuff, but nobody will see it. Yeah, yeah, you need to be very careful with those things. And just don’t just copy things. As I said, create, try to create your own. And the beautiful thing is that’s also what Gary Vee is instructing. A lot of times, if you have one piece of content, make a video out of it, you post on YouTube make a square, post, he can put it on Instagram. So he can use one piece of content for all different social media platforms. And that’s another big thing as well diversify. I was at in New York, the other day i You spoke there as well as DTG. Combined thing they did $16 billion in, in revenue. And I always love to tease a little bit. So I said, Oh, have you trust Amazon, and I don’t hope variables. Amazon will check out what year I spoke and who was in the audience because nobody raised their hands. But that’s how it is if you sell Amazon and how awesome that platform is. And I think they do an amazing job. It’s It’s not your business, you’re not in control. And you need to be in control. That’s why I also say diversify, sell on Walmart, have your own Shopify store, and do all that kind of stuff. But also on social media, don’t use only Facebook, everything should be 20%. In if they kick you off of Facebook or shadow ban you you still have all the other media outlets. And that’s what I want to see a lot. And what you also need to do is check out your audience heard, it’s also so important if they ask you a question, answer in five minutes, because the competition will not do that. I saw a report the other day that 80% of all questions are not answered within five minutes. And if they asked question to your competitor and to you and if you answer the question, first you will get the sale. That’s that’s how it works. Because they trust your your judgment on that one, and you’re there to help them out. So and that’s why you can use messenger bots to do all those things. So yeah, be on top of your game.
Norman Farrar 23:52
Right. Okay, so before we get to the next question, if anybody’s listening, I just want to see if you invest in social media. So if you’re investing time and money into social media, you want to let us know if not tell us why. Also, we have a great giveaway. You’ve given me this giveaway a few times you’ve helped me out and you want to tell us a little bit about your giveaway, which is incredible, and the value of it.
Wilfried Ligthart 24:20
I will dissect your current social media presence. And that’s also a thing from the Ducha we don’t sugarcoat so if you give me your URL and your social media, I will show you exactly what what is going wrong or what is working well as well as sometimes I’m so I even get surprised and say Oh, this is amazing. But 99 out of 100% your speed will not be up to par and if your speed is not up to par then Google will never rank you page one. And yeah, those things are actually important and I was also a mutual friend of ours. Howard tie I spoke with his event the other day And he told me that he got the product ranked number one on Amazon without one sale and without one review, how did he do it? He ranked number one on Google. And that’s why I say all those big companies look at each other. And if you get a lot of, I always call it Google juice. If Google sends you traffic, and you can send it either to your own website, or your product is number one on Google, then you will get the Amazon love as well. And that’s what you want, because it will save you a lot of PPC. So
Norman Farrar 25:31
I can tell you, I was not that 1% That was oh, well, for light. I was definitely in the fetal position, and you probably will be too, but you will know it’s the straight truth GOOD, BETTER ugly that Wilfred will give. And this is an incredible like he when he says he’s gonna do an audit, he is doing an audit, he goes right through everything. So to get this is hashtag. We’ll have Kelsey and take two people and you will get an extra entry. Okay, so Kelsey, before we get to the next thing, let’s have a word from our sponsor. I wanted to give a quick shout out and say thank you to global wired advisors for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Global wired advisors is a leading digital investment bank focused on optimizing the business sales process. For more information, please call Chris shuffling and his team over at global wired Okay, and if you do have questions, make sure you get them over here at Woodford is an expert in social media. So just ask him anything. Go ahead. Alright, Wilfred, let’s talk about those seven free tools.
Wilfried Ligthart 26:48
Yeah, yeah. What’s funny, and also interesting is that people spend two hours and 24 minutes is the latest HootSuite report on social media every day. And that’s almost 60% of the global population. And that’s why I say social media is in my opinion of the utmost importance. There are your audience and your friends are out there. And I talked about your chatbot answering services. And the first one is mobile monkey. Before people are starting asking questions, writing down, I will put all those links in, in the Facebook chat. And maybe we can also put it on YouTube. But it’s mobile And it automates your interactions with people who engage with your content. Hey, Connie.
Norman Farrar 27:35
Thought I just give you a little surprise.
Wilfried Ligthart 27:36
Yeah, it was nice surprises you Tony. Yeah. But yeah, that’s that’s the first tool we always use. And if people for example, say hey, I want a free guide, leave a comment in the keyword guide, you can automate your posts based upon keywords. And it’s as I said, you can have the paid version but I always love to have the free one. Because if you reach the point that you have to pay for it, you make a lot of money and you can just scale up and one thing it’s also important that not really affiliated to any of those tools, but we just use them because I think that they are great. I’ve never heard of it mobile monkey. Yeah, yeah, it’s it’s a new chatbot answering service and yeah, especially on Instagram. Instagram is a little weird too. And obviously the link is already in there as Kelsey doing an amazing job. Next one it says What we are you a using to check out YouTube and Instagram for your own reach and your your own growth but also you can check out the competition what is working well for them? What posts are great, how fast our subscribers growing and you can know exactly Hey, this was a big day for them. What did they exactly do? So yeah, as I said, use it to your advantage and see what what competition is doing dissect them and yeah, if you know what’s working for them, it will definitely work for you. For example, what we see now is a small reel videos are the ones you have on tick tock, you can also put it on YouTube and it works amazingly well. Short videos because people want to consume content you get three seconds to make a first impression nowadays. So they want to consume the content very fast. And can you
Norman Farrar 29:29
use the same video like if you’re doing something over on tick tock? Can you use that video on reels Yeah, absolutely. Yes. The same format.
Wilfried Ligthart 29:38
So yes, clean format. Yeah. Yep. Yep, it’s a it’s the poem format as they say and what else to say is have three of those reels and then have to longer video than the normal format because the no format will get you more subscribers. The big ones is just like swiping up but it’s all about brand awareness and they need to see you seven times before What I buy from you, so yeah, everything works a great way. Another tool that we use a lot is Google Trends. And it will actually show you what are trending keywords over time and do a prediction as well. And you can see exactly what’s hot on water. And yeah, the one that knows is Google. And they even know if there’s traffic or whatever, because everyone has his phone. And everyone has location on. So yeah, there is no such thing as privacy online. So as as marketeers. Let’s profit from it and see what people are searching for. And desktop in my seven steps. But of course, you should have Google Analytics, Google search console as well. And those two tools are also for free, right. And I think Google is doing an amazing job at providing those tools that because it will actually show you. Yeah, what’s hot and happening. So Google Trends was definitely one that we we use a lot, especially for product launches. And I think you can see what people are actually searching for. And we always focus on on high volume, low competition keywords. And that’s, that’s another tool add on my list. I think I mentioned it in the past as well, it’s As the, you can do five searches for free. If you have only one brand, that should be enough every day, you can do five searches. But again, if you make a lot of money, you can upgrade to the paid version, you can do a lot more. But that will actually show you what is high volume, low competition. And sometimes we see typos in a certain brand or a certain phrase. And those typos get sometimes more services than the original text because a one of your sponsors, he said with one our if people mix up and tie for two hours, you still want to rank number one for that particular keyword. So that’s also something, you can definitely check out with a tool like SERP stat, because it will show you exactly how many people are searching for the tool worldwide or you can focus on us or worldwide. And yeah, that’s what we use that a lot. In my onboarding calls with clients, I always use the phrase free and take callers. 3600 people look for that particular phrase. And keyword difficulty is eight out of 100. So that means it’s very easy to rank number one for free and take callers. So write an article about five fleeing takeovers that will not work on your dog, and people are scared as hell. And they go, Oh my God, I don’t want my dog to have fleas, they click on the link and go to your website. And here you have a mess. So do extensive keyword research. And that’s one thing we we definitely use. Another one we use is A bit like awario, where either tool from AppSumo. That’s also a great way place to to go search for tools. We mentioned that the other call I think, September app, app This one is called It’s kind of like the same now you can put in your brand name and your competitors brand name and you see exactly all over the internet if people talk about them on Twitter, or Reddit or YouTube. And if it’s if it’s good, then you have to thank for them for him and say, Oh, you’re amazing. You’re such a good loyal follower. And if it’s bad, you need to jump on it. Because before you know it, it’s it goes like I’ll stay now. And then if people say they’re scammers, other people will see it. And it’s almost like we going back to the old days when neighbors say oh, you need to go there because that’s amazing. And yeah, this is one, we definitely use another one. It’s also brand new. It’s not just analytics, and not just
Wilfried Ligthart 33:54
And it’s also an analytics tool is more kinda like an Instagram account tool, it will show you real engagement. And it will help you identify top performing content pieces, for example, you want to know what’s working, or again, it’s all about research. And what are spikes in growth for certain types of business certain types of hashtags. And that’s, that’s what you want to know. Because yeah, if it works for them, then it will work for you and your last on my list, and it’s a golden oldie. It’s it’s it’s Photoshop for dummies. I still use it every day. I have a designer and he’s totally into Photoshop, of course. But yeah, sometimes you want to create fast peeling content and just go to to see and you can create amazing pieces there. And there’s what I said that talked about my course I get promoted a little bit more. But when it’s totally life, we will have a call another call norm and we can talk about that as well. But in that particular course, I’m going to give a I’m going to give away all my tools that we are using all those of the paid the paid ones. Yeah, you know, as well. And that’s a view, by the wrong tools, you end up losing 1000s and 1000s of dollars, and they don’t do anything. And that’s not what we want. We will learn it the hard way as we say it. And we now have around 50 tools we use on a daily basis. And most of them run smoothly and show exactly every morning, I log in and see exactly what’s going on. What’s working well, what’s not working, where should be put a little bit more attention to it, that kind of stuff. So it’s all about Adana. That’s key.
Norman Farrar 35:45
Yeah. The other app that I want you over the website, you just mentioned it, but app Sumo is so I can’t give it enough praise, because you can go in there, and you can get something that could be 300 bucks. 1000 bucks, $2,500 for $39. Lifetime.
Wilfried Ligthart 36:06
Yeah, no. I bought serpstat on AppSumo for $49 lifetime. And yet, I think it’s $79 a month if you want to buy it now. So yeah, it can be submitted as well, because we also shared an Excel sheet one the other day, and we both at 100 Different software softwares. And that’s why I said, I need to be careful as well. Some things don’t do, as they say, or you have things that happen or overlap or whatever. But yeah, you need to have your tools. And
Norman Farrar 36:38
yeah, and there is one other and this is specific to social media. I don’t know if you’ve tried it. But we had Rand Fishkin on, he’s the founder of Moz. And he started a new service called Spark, Toro, I talk about it a lot. And if you want to go out there and find who your competition is listening to their audience, their influencers within a very short period of time, you can go in and you can find this now it is free, but there is a paid version. And the paid version, I think, is $49 a month. It, I can’t say enough about it. It’s fantastic. So it’s Spark, Toro, and if you want to throw that up there as well, Kelsey, but there, those all, everything that you’re talking about there, we use a lot of those tools, especially Canva. So Kelsey is on Canva, or other artists are on Canva quite a bit. And you can do so many things so easily with it. You don’t have to be a graphic artist,
Wilfried Ligthart 37:40
another tool I can. And that’s a cliffhanger to our next call. And a few months from now, I’m not a beta tester on it. And what that to such so amazing. And we’ll be around for only $10 a month, I guess. And what it does, it will, it’s artificial intelligence. And if you have an app running on Facebook, it will go into your target audience and say, hey, you need to tweet this, this, this and that. And so I do it for you. So click one button, and then tweaks your audience. Because there are so many crazy settings, we found out that someone that loves bakery are also into Disney, for example, such strange combination. And what we saw already embedded this that will that 80% of your ads will be more give you more ROI. So but that’s a cliffhanger for in two months from now, then it will be finished. Yeah, that’s why I say we always tweak and adjust. And it’s also what you need to do on social media every day is a surprise, because every day you need to post something. And again, it’s a lot of work. But if you miss one day, then it’s not that you can start over. But yeah, you need to be there as much as you can.
Norman Farrar 38:53
Yeah, for him for content. I don’t know if you’ve ever used this app, we use it all the time phrase, F ra s It’s great. It’s like answer the public. But it goes out there it finds the questions that people are asking it finds the best content. So it’s not just asking quite a question. It’s finding the best quality article. And then it tells you how to beat that article. So goes back to the old Neil Patel. You know, if you don’t have the best blog article, don’t bother publishing.
Wilfried Ligthart 39:29
Yeah, I didn’t. Same with with Google. And if you post something, and you know your competition is 10 facts. Don’t post five facts, post 25 facts, because it’s the only way you will capture him. And that’s also to show you how deep we are going. We have a system that we have 10 different websites. And every week we post something with 800 Words 2000 Words 5000 Words, and just to see what the algorithm is doing, and then we know exactly Hey, that’s strange. Because for example, now 1200 words, five images. That’s the magic number. And don’t ask me why. But those algorithms change every day. It’s also a physical intelligence. And it can be that next month, all of a sudden, 2000 words, is magic with three links and three images in them. So that’s why everything changes all the time.
Norman Farrar 40:22
So do you go back? I love content. So do you ever go back on the month on the quarter every half year, and add more content to your content?
Wilfried Ligthart 40:35
Oh, absolutely. It needs to be crisp and clean. As I say, we also found out that even mentioning the year will help you ranking. So say that that’s 10 best tips for dog grooming in 2021 will definitely help you out in your ranking. And you can change it to 2022. But you need to alter some content as well as to be fresh, but adding the date to your content will definitely help. Absolutely. Yeah, I
Norman Farrar 41:05
guess I was, I was just gonna come back and say Yeah, cuz that could also kill you. If you don’t go back in there and change it. If you if you’re looking for something and something from 2018 comes up in 2021. You’re not really going to pay attention to it. So do what you say go in there. Alter the content a little bit. Add the header as to what 2022 or whatever it is. Yeah, that would be fantastic.
Wilfried Ligthart 41:31
Yeah. And what’s also important, any eyes of Google is Cornerstone content. If you have a lot of duplicate content, let’s say talked about flea and tick collars. Yep, need to have one major Cornerstone article about three and ticklers, then you can have two separate supporting articles linking to the big one. But that’s it. Don’t write 25 articles about flee and takeovers. Because Google doesn’t know, what should I promote, they don’t promote your website, they promote your blog. And that’s why it’s so important to have one major big article talking about everything you want to know. And that’s it. I see a lot of people they write 25 different articles about that topic. And then Google thinks, oh, it’s old thing content, I will not rank any of those 25 articles. And that’s why I said in the beginning, the Google Search Console, if you go in there and click on Pages, and then you click on searches to see exactly what are people landing on that particular page. So not your whole website, but you need to zoom in into your blog. And that’s, that’s so important that,
Norman Farrar 42:38
you know, that just I just thought of something. So you’re a Google certified partner as well. We should have a conversation one of these days, and maybe put together just a quick slideshow on how to use Google Search Console, you know, or Google Analytics, because, you know, we’ve got so many people who haven’t outsourced and they don’t know the importance of it. And it’s so bloody important that you do this.
Wilfried Ligthart 43:04
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And yeah, if you know, what Google is favoring for, and that’s why I said in beginning with them with a content audit, what’s your speed? Did you use abilities? As okay? Do you have great design, and that kind of stuff is so important, because people, we show that on, on our status as well, our attention span is lower than a goldfish. So people end on your website, within three seconds, they need to find what they’re looking for, otherwise, they will jump off. And they will know exactly if they jump off within three seconds. And it’s a great Gray Hat tool. And I never mentioned it. So I never said it. But if you want to tease your competition, a little click on the link and then jump off within two seconds, because they will get a minus behind their name because people jump off. And of course, if you only doing it yourself, you will not have an impact if 10,000 other people doing it, but
Norman Farrar 44:01
nothing you’re saying.
Wilfried Ligthart 44:05
And that’s all fun. Yeah, we have a law firm as well. And the most expensive click is $900. Some kind of DUI in some kind of city. And yeah, just to get your competition into bankruptcy, click on the link 10 times, they lose my gosh. And that’s why I say free organic is key because you can go for those PPC, but if three people click on that link, you lose $2,700. And you don’t have anything to show for. So I rather have a quality piece article about that particular DUI and why should you not do it and if you have it wants you to call Better Call Saul I guess but
Norman Farrar 44:48
so, you know, maybe you can provide this later. I know we can’t do it right now. But you have a really great slide that you use in your presentations about paid versus organic and by doing Right, you know what you’ll pay for paid originally, then you’ll start to see the organic starting to go. And then at the end of it, you’ll show show months later that it’s almost all organic. almost zero paid. Yeah. And I think it’s important for people to see so I can you supply that graphic afterwards was in the show notes.
Wilfried Ligthart 45:21
Yeah, I can definitely go for it. And, and that’s also what social media people, let’s say you start from scratch right now you create a page, and you see nothing happening. But keep going, keep hustling, keep finding out what’s working, what not. And also start with a lie campaign, because you want to have followers in the beginning, if that’s why I say it’s a snowball model airy, you push the snowball the mountain, but then you release it grows on autopilot. So especially in the beginning, and we have one page to 100,000 likes in, in six weeks. Of course, we had great content. But in the beginning, we had a lie campaign. And then it almost grows on autopilot. Because if Facebook finds out what you’re doing, and it works well, in engagement, rate wise, then it will definitely pay out. And yeah, and also Yeah, master one thing first, and that’s what I’m going to be my course I’m not going promote anything, we are going to do everything but first be a master on Facebook, then go to Instagram, then go to Twitter. And of course I said you need to diversify. But you cannot do everything today. And that’s why you need to be very clever with your time as well. And that’s why you need to have a strategy. What is your strategy with Facebook? What is with Twitter what is with with Pinterest, and we’re now testing with tick tock. Sometimes we see a video going viral and then the other day, we don’t see anything happening for five days. So we want to know exactly. Why is that not working? Or why is it working and tick tock is a little hard because it’s just swiping every 10 seconds, I see my kids as well and just swipe on their phone, and they don’t care about any engagement or whatever. But yeah, we still want to try it out. And that’s the same for a lot of things that are currently a burning a you. You have your telegram group as well with your new new group. And we see more and more that chatting in telegram is also very favorable, because it’s not a matter of production, with Facebook and Instagram. So if they kick you off, at least you have your loyal followers in telegram and yeah, we see more and more of those chat groups are also very often happening.
Norman Farrar 47:37
Yeah, I can’t believe how popular they are. It was started one, Tim started it a few months ago. And you know, our group is just constantly talking in these telegram groups. Okay, so let’s get to some of the questions. I’m sure there’s a few here. Kelsey. You got questions? Oh, before we get to the questions, by the way. So we’ve got a, a social media audit that Wilfred I can tell you. It’s fantastic. Wolf has done it for me on a couple of occasions. And he gets into detail. So if you’re interested in that it’s hashtag we’ll have Kelsey, take two people and you will get an extra entry.
Kelsey 48:21
All right, so let’s see. From Zane, Hello, how can new sellers on Amazon, us utilize social media marketing properly to drive traffic on our products?
Wilfried Ligthart 48:35
Well, that’s a great question. What I also say you can be different things you can do or you can have a landing page as an intermediary between thread driving traffic to Amazon straightaway because can be careful. If you send people to Amazon and one time and they don’t buy it will hurt your ranking as well. So you can definitely do a landing page. I always prefer to have your own website and promote your products there. What else I love to have for example is a review website where you can create a review website five different products before yours will be number one and easier to read for known with the one that’s that’s going to set up the nuclear bomb. But that certainly was something what you want to do. And of course, you need to respect the TLS. But giveaways still work and I’m not meeting the giveaways that you do 10 giveaways a day. You only do one and that’s also it’s not in here. I’m not sure if it’s free, but we it’s called thing Sumo. Yeah, and then you can ask people to have an extra entry ticket if they share it on Facebook, share it on Twitter, and then you can just give away one particular item and yeah, that’s also one thing you want to do which want to have birds around the brand. People need to pray for your product and the only one thing to do with this, the owl there every single day.
Norman Farrar 50:02
One other thing, Zayn that I think it’s so underrated. And I don’t know if you get into this or not, I started to get into it this year, or Yeah, within the last year and a half, it’s blown me away is Google My Business. So now called Google business profile. If you go in, and you have your anchor URL, which is back to your Amazon page, any image, or any social media posts that you have that in, will instantly get indexed and picked up by Google My Business. We’ve seen some crazy, crazy, crazy results by using it. And if you use Google My Business to put your products, you’ll automatically have your images in Google Images and Google Shopping. So that’s something else that you can use. That is, that is awesome. Plus, take everything that you just said, will free. Take those images take the repurposing like you say, Gary Vee, and put them into your Amazon posts. You’ll drive extra traffic that way as well. So those are a few things. So hopefully that helps you out say,
Wilfried Ligthart 51:13
Yeah, but also you can do is in Google, you can create your own websites, and they are ranked always very good because Google themselves, so create a product page there as well.
Norman Farrar 51:25
I’ve never thought of that you’re going to do it’s always, you know, Shopify, or WordPress. But don’t do they have their own websites. Yeah. And I’m sure they promote them better than anything else. Yeah.
Wilfried Ligthart 51:36
And the link to an Excel sheet with product information linked to Google can interlink them together, then Google thing. Oh, that must be important. So it’s all
Kelsey 51:47
right. And the next question is from Hamza? Could you please guide us on what should be the strategy of a single product brand? Because with one product, fresh content creation is tough. Looking forward to your response? All right.
Norman Farrar 52:04
Go ahead. Go ahead and start? Well, I
Wilfried Ligthart 52:07
think with one brother, you’re still in a niche. So go for the niche. If you have one dog products, go for the dogs. And the more you talk about dogs every now and then you can promote your product. So yeah, take it one step higher and look at the niche that you’re promoting. And then you need to have enough content.
Norman Farrar 52:27
Yeah, and if you think about it, think about diversifying content. So content, one of the first things that Kelsey does when he creates social media campaigns, is he goes in, he says, what type of content can I create? What would be the best? So is it a blog article? Is it curated content, content, photographs, images, polls, surveys, there’s so many things. And I’ll give you an example. You know, this product will. So it’s like toe wart remover, one product in a brand, like it’s one product, if I can write and promote content for toe wart remover over a year and a half, and just put up constants, constant images, constant posts, across different and what I did with this is I just repurposed everything. It’s if I can do a toe wart remover, think what you can do with something that’s got content. So it was tough, because we had to find but we also went into sites like Post Planner, you could use this with Hootsuite or wherever, but hashtag find the popular hashtags, find what people are writing about, take that information. And then either share curated content because livered that’s one of the specialties those are one of the hacks that if somebody’s already got a viral video share it you should be able to get you know something coming back to like a lot of people interested in them if it’s within the niche so I don’t know if that answers your question but there’s no problem promoting a single product in a brand all you have to know what the niches where your audience if you spark Toro, use that app find your audience you can do it without it but you can literally find it in seconds using Spark Toro and then start building out content with a targeting your audience.
Wilfried Ligthart 54:30
Yeah, we didn’t talk about influencers that much ever. They are also there. Yeah. Girls that talk about skincare. You can use that as well. They can say oh, today we’re going to talk about toes instead of makeup all the time. I want to have fresh the toes as well and then they can somehow promote your product. So yeah, that’s that’s definitely what you need to do a lot of research and that’s what is going viral in your niche. And that’s, that’s also a struggle we always have with brands because they say we have a high quality brand. And we don’t want anything humorous on our Facebook posts. But sometimes humor is one key thing to get engagement. And I always say, well, even in those major newspapers like Washington Post, they have a cartoon in there because they want to mix up the content a little bit. So even now, and then you can just do something that will make people laugh instead of being serious all the time. And I also say it’s it’s daily snack. And if you post something today, if we all forget about it tomorrow, go. Don’t Don’t be too anal about it that what you’re posting.
Norman Farrar 55:41
Yeah, and you probably hear a little bit in the background. I think we got a bunch of people that just came over, so apologize for that. Like, okay, it is live, it is live. Usually I’d be on the ground by now. But I’m getting used to this stuff. Counts. Okay. Next question.
Kelsey 55:58
All right. Next one is from Tony. How can I get better quality traffic? My Shopify traffic was up 30%. But sales were flat?
Wilfried Ligthart 56:09
Well, I don’t think it’s a quality. That’s a problem as I think more check out your landing pages, what is the experience people are getting? Is it easy to get the Add to Cart button? Do they know what they are buying? Is there a certain discount? Or? Yeah, people land on your page? Well, they are seeing, and not only check it out on your desktop, but also check it out on your phone. And it can be a total different experience. So yeah, you need to guide people to what they’re doing. And then you only have three seconds. And you can use a hot jar as a tool to see what people are actually doing on your page. And if you don’t have it, you can even use Google Analytics, you can have the chrome version. And then you see exactly what people click on it. So if you have your Google Analytics on, and you go to your website to see 20% clicked on this link 10%. Click here. And use also Google analytics to see a drop off point when when people go away. So if you have 30%, more traffic, but no sales, we see that also with a few clients. Yeah, it’s either the product, the price or the experience. So you need to check out what’s going on there.
Norman Farrar 57:21
Okay, any other questions? Close?
Kelsey 57:24
Okay, we have a couple more. Okay. So I’ll try to see. Alright, this one. Another question. What about the ideal time to start digital marketing for a new product launch? If it is the first product do you do beforehand? Do you wait till the product is live? And then start social media? What do you do?
Wilfried Ligthart 57:47
We are normally I would use a few weeks to get those around the brand. But don’t start today. If your product is not ready within the year, that’s a waste of time, but the time span should be a few weeks. And definitely don’t wait before it’s out there. That start social media right now, because it will take some time to build the momentum. And we didn’t talk about that well, but press release is still a good way to go with the day is there. That’s let’s say, next week, Monday, the product is on Amazon, or in your Shopify store, use your press releases on that particular time to get the ball rolling as well. But yeah, a few weeks should be should be enough. But don’t wait too long. And don’t go start when your product is there already. Because it will take some time and effort for normally it will take around two to three months on Google to rank anything. So
Norman Farrar 58:41
yeah. And that’s part of what we call the pre launch strategy. And you know, get that content out there. Get people ready, get them. Like you said, the press release if you if you want to use a press release, built caught real content, like a quality blog articles onto your website, and just get that algorithm ready. You know, primed that. And by the way, that is the perfect time. Two months, three months, even a couple of weeks, but get your Google business profile up there. Yeah. And it will. It just makes things so much easier when Google is automatically indexing everything you are doing.
Wilfried Ligthart
Unknown Speaker 59:27
Yeah, and therefore that need to like you first. Yeah, like you, you need to have quality content. So it’s all about value.
Norman Farrar 59:37
Alright, girls, last question. Okay.
Kelsey 59:39
Last question. Yes, this is from a team does Amazon give credit for for the different links for traffic for Facebook, YouTube, Google Instagram.
Wilfried Ligthart 59:51
They actually have an attribution program right now that you can track and see what your social media things are doing. And yeah, I know for a fact that A lot of external traffic. And that’s why I’m banging down on us so much for illegal activities, like giving away reviews and that kind of stuff or giveaways and aren’t meant to be as a real driver for traffic. If you are number one on Google because you have an amazing quality content, please, then they will love you for it. But if you do it the wrong way at BlackHat, or gray hat, then you will can be penalized. So they definitely see everything that’s going on.
Norman Farrar 1:00:31
Also with that attribution program, so if you’re brand registry, and you have that attribution program, they have their referral bonus program. So if you drive traffic from any of those that you mentioned, any social media and you drive traffic over to your website, and there’s an sorry, over to your product listing, and there’s a sale, instead of paying that 15% referral, you pay 5% They’re giving you a 10% bonus, that’s credited against your account now.
Wilfried Ligthart 1:01:04
Yeah, chi Ching. Yeah, that’s why I’m stretching.
Kelsey 1:01:10
Alright, so is it time for the we’ll have Kelsey.
Norman Farrar 1:01:13
Yeah, I think there was one other question that just snuck through.
Kelsey 1:01:17
Okay, we’ll check. Yes, from Bronwyn? What is the best way to use social media for pre launch of a Kickstarter campaign?
Wilfried Ligthart 1:01:27
Yeah, it’s based basically what we’re already talked about, be be everywhere as much as possible, when the right time. And yeah, if it’s a Kickstarter or just a product launch, it doesn’t make a difference. And this model also works in every niche. If you have a high engaging audience, then they will create for your content or you need to make them pay for your content.
Norman Farrar 1:01:52
Well, you know what, I’m just kind of curious, because it changes all the time. What is the least expensive, most effective social media platform out there right now?
Wilfried Ligthart 1:02:03
Well, that’s also very funny, that depends on your niche. If you’re looking for people that are into the butterflies that are green, and are only growing in the middle of leaves, there is an audience for that. But that particular audience may be on Reddit. But if you have someone that’s into the total removal and those
Norman Farrar 1:02:22
removal, not total removal.
Wilfried Ligthart 1:02:25
Yeah. So forth, remove all the idiots that though glue, things like that. Sorry about that.
Norman Farrar 1:02:34
See, my just me it’s not just
Wilfried Ligthart 1:02:37
sky, but you need to check out where your audience is. And the only way to do it is check out your competition or has surveys or you need to find out where they are, where they’re hanging out. And for every niche is different. So definitely in the US, for example, we now have a client that is into the armor and the guns. Yeah. And we know that that’s a Facebook and Instagram, they don’t like guns and ammo or so that’s not the place for us to go. We need to be more already. build our own email list, create ebooks to giveaway. This way. You also create engagement and an audience and then we just email those people within newsletter.
Norman Farrar 1:03:17
Very good. Okay, so now I think it’s that time.
Kelsey 1:03:21
That’s right, it’s time for the wheel of Kelsey. Here we go. All right. Thank you, everyone. For entering our we’ll Kelsey, today I’m going to shuffle these up. Here we go. 321. Alright, so if the winner could please email me Kay, at lunch with And we’ll get you set up and the winner is?
Norman Farrar 1:03:58
Oh, Nick. Almost rad.
Kelsey 1:04:04
Congratulations, Nick. Yeah, once you contact me, I’ll put you in contact with Wilfred. You have 48 hours to contact or we’ll have to spend again, just in case sometimes. We don’t hear back from any of the winner. So 48 hours, let me know K Atlant with Norm calm, and congratulations.
Norman Farrar 1:04:26
Okay, well, that’s it, Wilfred. If people want to get a hold of you, or your company, how would they do that?
Wilfried Ligthart 1:04:36
You just go to digital My email is Wilfried digital and they can reach out to me we don’t accept any clients but we do have our course coming up. So maybe people that want to do it themselves. They can they can sign up on that particular part. But we I guess we will do with that as a separate webinar to get your people engaged with it by We just finishing up. It’s not really live yet, but that’s the way to go. So, yeah, we don’t do any clients unfortunately anymore. Yeah, because we have our own products. And that’s working amazingly well. But, yeah, we can definitely help people out that way. So yeah. Okay.
Norman Farrar 1:05:16
Well, thank you for coming on today.
Wilfried Ligthart 1:05:19
Love to do it. And we’ll be back in a few months about the new tool for Facebook ads, artificial intelligence.
Norman Farrar 1:05:26
I am looking forward. Alright, so say hi to everybody. The whole family over there. We’ll do hope you’re not locked down
Wilfried Ligthart 1:05:34
too long. And yeah, we can still go outside but no restaurants, no cinemas? No theaters, but we had a we had the promises no COVID and politics in this session.
Norman Farrar 1:05:44
That’s right. So play some charades. Okay. Well, we’ll see you later. Have a good one. All right, everybody. I hope you enjoyed this episode. We are going to be joined on Wednesday by Joe hog and Rob salmon. And we’re going to be talking about trends on Amazon ag for Amazon aggregators in 2022. I think it’s a topic a lot of people are interested in. But before we get to Kelsey, let’s have the final word from our sponsor. Thank you Z CO for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Are you looking to take your ecommerce business from local to global, you can with the help of z and their brand new app. That’s right. You can track live shipments with push notifications. Get detailed lead times for each stage of your shipment, and store all compliance and VAT reclaimed documents in the palm of your hand. All while listening to lunch with Norm. Ready to expand your E commerce empire. And take your Amazon FBA business global. Use the link in the description to learn more about Z’s new app that’s now available on desktop and mobile. That’s z e dot C O. Alright squire. Where are ya?
Kelsey 1:07:03
Alright, here I am. So another great episode. Thank you, Wilfred. And we look forward to having you back. And let me see. So yes, Nick green. Let me know you’re the winner of today’s we’ll have Kelsey. Hope everyone enjoyed today’s episode. Don’t forget to smash those Like buttons. If you’re watching from YouTube. Make sure you press the subscribe button down below. And yeah, thank you guys. Okay, and if you’re interested, Fred’s website, it’s digital So you can check it out right here. And yeah, I think that’s it.
Norman Farrar 1:07:41
You’re done. That’s, that’s good. That’s a record. Short and sweet. Okay. It’s not even a New Year’s resolution yet. Okay. Okay. So join us every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon Eastern Standard Time. Thank you. Thank you, Wilfred, for coming on just just a ton of nuggets that he talks about with his social media. And you know why it’s important. So many Amazon sellers don’t realize how important social media is or they don’t see seeing things right off the bat so they don’t do it. But you know, just listening and knowing Woolford is something that if you can grow and spend a bit of time doing, it’ll be well worth it down the line. But thank you today for joining us. Thank you for being part of our community. We could not do this without you. And we will see you on Wednesday.
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