On this episode we discuss everything you need to know about 3PLs (3rd Party Logistics)! Find out why you should use a 3PL for your Amazon FBA business, and common red flags when deciding to choose a 3PL. Afolabi has always been passionate about finding hidden treasures. This obsession for finding high-quality products at bargain prices led him to help several 7-figure Amazon brands increase their profits immensely by buying intelligently in Chinese marketplaces. For over 20 years, he has been learning and developing the best logistics strategies, relationships and tactics to streamline and improve profitability for his clients. He is a big believer that “You’ve got to make money when you buy, not just when you sell”.
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Episode: 231
Title: Norman Farrar Introduces Afolabi Oyerokun – Sourcing expert and co-founder of HONU Worldwide
Subtitle: “10 cost saving tips you should discuss with your 3PL provider in 2022”
Final Show Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVfOitcbqDk
Back on Lunch with Norm…In this episode, we discuss why you should use a 3PL (3rd Party Logistics) for your Amazon FBA business. We discuss everything you need to know about 3PLs and common red flags when deciding to choose a 3PL. Afolabi has always been learning and developing the best logistics strategies, relationships and tactics to streamline and improve profitability for his clients strategies for over 20 years. He is a big believer that “You’ve got to make money when you buy, not just when you sell”.
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In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:
12 Tips to Discuss with your 3PL – https://www.facebook.com/groups/lunchwithnorm/permalink/37940756041517359
Iconic Brand Metrics I Typically Look At, from my notes (as requested on the pod today)
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Norman Farrar 0:02
Hey everyone is Norman Farrar, aka the beard guy here and welcome to another lunch with Norm, the Amazon FBA and ecommerce podcast entre.
Norman Farrar 0:21
Okay, so for today’s show, we’re going to be talking about 10 cost saving tips to discuss with your three PL providers in 2022. So this is going to be an important way that I think every Amazon seller is going to be looking at ways to save money, and this is going to be a great show. So I’ve brought back my buddy Mike, the co-founder of honu, worldwide Afolabi Oyerokun, and we’re going to be talking about ways to save money 2022. When you deal with your three PL, okay, but before we get to that, just a quick word from our sponsor. Thank you solarize for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm solarize is your comprehensive solution for your everyday business needs. Everything you need to grow and scale your Amazon business is just one click away. For more information, contact Dimon his team over at solarize.com and remember solarize is with one our R, okay. Where is the man the myth? Kelsey?
Kelsey 1:29
Hello. Hello. Happy Monday. How are you?
Norman Farrar 1:32
I am doing fine. Just winding down this trip to Florida should be back. I’ll be back Wednesday, just in time for the podcast.
Kelsey 1:40
All right. Perfect. Sounds good.
Norman Farrar 1:43
Hope I broke the brand by the way. I broke the brand.
Kelsey 1:47
Yes. Yeah. Where’s your shirt?
Norman Farrar 1:49
I got a shirt. Yeah, yeah, I forgot. This is the first and hopefully the only red shirt in the podcast.
Kelsey 1:56
But well, no.
Norman Farrar 2:00
I’m still traveling with my mug.
Kelsey 2:02
Very nice. Very nice. And in the comments. How do you guys like norm shirt isn’t good, but let us know. Brand run. Welcome rad from Maryland. We have Jessica Rabbit all the way from Florida Howard Kaufman. And we have a Facebook user who’s looking forward to get some tips. So I’m sure afolabi is going to be doling those out for you guys, as well as a great giveaway as well. So tune in for that. Also, don’t forget to smash those like buttons, give us those thumbs up, we’d really appreciate it. Also, if you’re part of any groups, if you want to share this into your favorite Amazon ecommerce group, and share the knowledge we appreciate that as well. And looks like we’re going tropical with Andrew Smith. Jessica Rabbit loves the shirts. So it looks like the red is okay. Also, if you guys are interested, we have our Patreon membership program for the lunch with Norm podcast. So if you are interested in guest lessons, if you’re interested in q&a sessions with me and Norm me with social media norm with Amazon and E commerce selling, go over to lunch with Norm website and click on the membership button. And yeah, I think that’s it’s all right. Yep. From Howard. It’s all about positioning. It’s your Christmas 2021 theme shirt.
Norman Farrar 3:25
Yeah, that’s That’s right. That’s right. Yep. Okay, so if anybody has any questions during the podcast, just throw them over in the comment section and we’ll get right to you. But now it’s time to sit back. Relax. Grab that cup of coffee. I bring mine with me. And welcome off the lobby. Where are ya?
Afolabi Oyerokun 3:46
I’m here. Hey, we’ve been doing business
Norman Farrar 3:48
together for about a year and a half. And I think I’m getting your last name.
Afolabi Oyerokun 3:53
Oh, nice. You kind of glide through the last name. You know, the first name you saw cable? Or, huh? I’ll get it. I’ll get it. You’ll get it. You just have to learn how to sing a song. Last name is this song.
Norman Farrar 4:19
Whenever I think of you, it’s a song. I don’t know if it’s a good song. Song. But anyways, hey, look, we’ve been partners now for it’s about about a year and a half. And I’ve learned a lot from you know what you’ve done and how you do it and how you position yourself. This is going to be an interesting show. So by the way, guys, we had somebody that 12 hours ago, just mentioned that they couldn’t come on. And so we we reached out to Alpha lobby and said, Hey, like within what, 90 minutes? I said can you put together a presentation and he came up with this really great presence. rotation. So I really appreciate you coming on and helping us out for that. So I’m putting in spot. Yeah, I’m gonna back in the corner a little bit. But anyways, thanks. I appreciate it. Yeah, so let’s, let’s talk about this. I think, you know, there’s probably enough people that know who you are. Well, actually, let’s do a quick introduction. So can you just give us a little bit of background on who you are and what you do?
Afolabi Oyerokun 5:25
Well, thanks for having me on the show. Again, I really always enjoy coming here. It’s fine. So, my name afolabi Roku, and I’ve been doing product development, sourcing for, you know, 20 something years. And I recently partnered with the beard guy here. And we have a Threepio facility here. We’re serving ecommerce businesses. I think we have one customer that is not fully ecommerce, I think is more of a distribution company kind of person. So I’m here to answer your questions. We want to leave room for questions. So please feel free to answer questions. I’m going to be talking about tips. What we found out, you know, running a three PL facility, seeing all the mistakes people make, I’m learning everyday, like, some new things come up, like I’m like, wow, that’s a new one. So I’m learning every day me and my crew here. It’s it’s always something new every week. But everything we’re learning, we want to continue to share the good, the bad, the ugly, whatever. Whatever is good. We’ll share with you like Okay, keep doing this. Whatever is bad and ugly. Like, don’t do these to gain because it’s gonna cost you a lot of money to fix this problem. But you know, I’m so happy to be here again, sir. Thanks for having me. Let’s, let’s let’s do it.
Norman Farrar 6:57
Let’s do it. Okay, my job is really easy today. All I have to do is sit here and say, Okay, what is your first tip? I think we have 10.
Afolabi Oyerokun 7:10
Yes, we do. All right. You want me to start?
Norman Farrar 7:16
It’s It’s all up to you anytime.
Afolabi Oyerokun 7:20
All right. So I think one thing that many people don’t realize is they mistaking warehouse for three PL, that’s one thing I keep hearing, they think a three PL or warehouse is the same thing as a three PL three PL has a warehouse. But it’s not just a warehouse operation. So if you have somebody that says Hussein sent me your goods, I have a warehouse, you will quickly learn that three PL does way more than just storing your goods in three PL a warehouse is the same as security or the goal of a three PL is to help you save money and not spend more. Your three PL should be your partner or an extension of your business. You know you should be working together don’t just leave them isolated. And let them do their thing. I feel that you should work with them. You guys should have like a, like a quarterly or even if it’s twice a year, like have like a zoom or a sit down session with your Threepio. And plan together. That’s one of the major things that people don’t do that I just wanted to put in there first. And also, you want to say something?
Norman Farrar 8:38
Yeah, like I want to see like what questions what makes the warehouse different from the three PL like if you were going to go and ask somebody that you wanted to give it provide storage for your product in the warehouse? What would you ask them because it could be a disaster, there could be a lot of things that go wrong if you’re asking your warehouse to do three PL services and they can’t do it.
Afolabi Oyerokun 9:03
Exactly. So these 10 tips that I’m going to share today will form the basis of everyone’s questions. Okay, because the 10 tips were actually I actually took them out of basic questions you should ask your three PL I just went a little further to solve those to answer those questions. So it’s a combination of a question and answer. That’s what make the tip so once I’m going to them people would be able to know oh geez, I need to ask my theory to repeal if they can do that or if they can do this. So by the time I go through them, we will see all the questions they should ask.
Norman Farrar 9:41
Okay, very good. All right. So I’ll leave you go then I’m just gonna just
Afolabi Oyerokun 9:47
no problem. Another thing I want to put in before I start going over the tips is when you’re looking for a three PL make sure you use a new generation three PL not just anywhere else. There is a three PL that are owned by old school warehouse operators, they have no clue about what ecommerce is. So when you’re telling them, hey, I want you to put an FN SKU or GS one code, they’re like, What? What are you talking about? Oh, if you get stuck, when you’re creating your Amazon shipment, or you get stuck, they can’t help you, because they don’t have a clue what you’re doing. I see a lot of people, you know, reach out to me and say, hey, you know, I wanted to create these and I’m stuck, I don’t know what to do, we can usually guide them, some of them, we have access to the seller central, we can finish, I have this, we have this customer, she, she doesn’t know how to finish all our shipments. So she will just create them up with like, helped me just finish it. Because she doesn’t, she’s not based in the US. So she doesn’t know if she pick UPS, FedEx LTL food truck, she doesn’t know all that. So and I understand because if you make mistakes in picking the wrong freight, you can pay a lot for it. And that’s what the warehouse would never do for you a new generation Threepio that understands ecommerce, and Amazon, they will be able to do that for you because they know exactly which what options to pick when you’re picking all these things, right. The second thing is to use a Threepio that understands Amazon and E commerce, they should be able to plug into your multi channel fulfillment and help you if you get stuck, they will know exactly what to do to dig you out of all your problems. Right. Now, that’s going to the tip. The first one is you should discuss it your three PL your product sales trend. What kind of sales? Do you have a seasonal product? Because God forbid you have your product. Okay, your three PL doesn’t have a clue that you’re shipping your products to them. Right? You put two containers on water. And then the container is like a week from approaching the port in the US or you’re like hey, by the way, I have two containers coming that repealed was like, we don’t have room for you. Then where are you going to go to right? But this is my this is my biggest time of the year? Well, we didn’t know that. So I feel that we should start you should sit down. Talk about your sales trend. Are you selling a summer product? Are you selling a spring product? Those your products spike in summer? Are you selling back to school? Is it a Christmas product? You should have that kind of conversation?
Norman Farrar 12:41
That’s that’s so important. Especially now there’s so many three pills are 100% full? Yes. So that would be a major catastrophe. If you had a container to arriving, and you just expect a three PL can throw it in there.
Afolabi Oyerokun 12:58
Yep, it doesn’t work like that, because three pls are guided by OSHA. And they cannot. If they don’t represent capacity, you know, they don’t want to go over that. Because let’s see an inspector shows up and he sees pilots all over where they should where they’re not supposed to be because you’re too full. You know, they could find them. So three POS always talk to them and say, Hey, I’m going to send 15 containers this year, or next year. Or you can give them a range, you can say I’m going to expect nine to 12 containers this whole year. There’s going to be two in January, two in March for in, you know July, just let them know so that they can prepare your space for you. And your life will be a lot easier. That’s the first one.
Norman Farrar 13:54
Perfect. And by the way, do you have a PDF that you’ll be providing at the end? Maybe Kelsey well, but it’s just the 10 tips laid
Afolabi Oyerokun 14:01
out? Yes. Perfect. Perfect. Okay, so so we’ll provide this for everybody so that when they’re talking to their three PL always have this, you know this PDF in front of you just ask them questions, you know, help them help you pretty much. Okay, number two. Do you order quarterly bi monthly monthly? Do you plan to reduce your dependency on Amazon’s high storage fee? what’s your what’s your end goal? What’s your end goal? It’s very similar to the first the sales trend. The sales trend is based on how much you’re selling on Amazon or you’re on your Shopify store wherever you’re selling. The second one is how much how do you order your products. You don’t want your product sitting around sitting around for long three. Pls don’t like to store your product for a long time. We don’t like it. We like products to come in and get out. Come in, get out. Come Get us so that we can serve as many people as possible. So if your order schedule is by quarterly, then you should let your Threepio know that you’re going to be ordering and let them know the turnaround time that your orders, if it’s a 90 day turnaround, let them know it’s 90 day turnaround. This will let them create a cycle for you. They know brand XYZ has a quarterly cycle. So we know that, you know 17 pallets spaces are for them. Or we know that 200 pallets spaces are for them. And we can even create a spot for you in a section of the facility so that they know that you’re fast mover that you’re slow mover or whatever, they will create something for you there.
Norman Farrar 15:50
Yeah, it helps you as well, because you have to plan right? So if you want to take on another customer or two, if you’re full, or if the person doesn’t know that, let’s say it’s a seasonal product, and you move out everything. You don’t know whether you can bring in somebody or not. Exactly. So it affects everybody.
Afolabi Oyerokun 16:11
Yes, he does. It does a lot of three PL would eventually I foresee three PL stat offering storage spaces, like dedicated storage spaces. That’s where we’re going as well we re process of doing that whereby we say to you, okay, do you need 50 storage spaces all year round, we block it out for you. And you pay, you know, a flat rate for all those things that do that that’s what aggregators do. So all these people buying up Amazon stores, what they do is they go to a three PL and block out the whole space, because they don’t want to find themselves, you know, coming with their products and you don’t have space for them. So they will say look, we will rent 100 pilot spaces from from you for the whole year. Whether we use it or not. We just want it that’s a security for us. Knowing that we don’t want to run out we don’t want to get into any trouble. So it could be a good idea for for any brand that is moving a lot of volume. Okay, good. Yep. Yep. So number three is talk to your three PL on how to eliminate Amazon’s long term storage fees. Tell them how much you paid last year or this year? say look, I paid $7,000 in storage in long term storage fee. How can I reduce that? Then we can now say all right, let’s back up your order. Let’s say okay, you order in January, we receive it in March. And then they sell in? April, May, June. Okay. All right. So let’s see if you can ship you can divide your shipping into three different shipments, Instead of lumping them all together, instead of you ordering, you know, 15,000 units, why don’t you order 555 and stack them on top of each other, let them arrive one month after each other. That way, you’re saving money on three PL and you’re also saving money on the Amazon long term story, Amazon would not charge your long term storage fee for that. Right. So these are some of the things you sit down, discuss with them, tell them how much you’re gonna save. You might be able to save 50% or more just on storage fees by, you know, bringing your goods systematically. It’s all about planning.
Norman Farrar 18:37
Right? It goes even one step further than that. Because if you’re doing that, and you’re breaking it up, and you’re going from, let’s say over the quarter, if you if you’re placing an order once a quarter, like for 15,000 units, or you’re placing at once a month, now you’ve got your cash flow loosens up because you’re turning the inventory 12 times rather than four times a year. Yep. So that’s another big play. But I like what you’re saying about the Amazon long term storage fees because that will kill you. And you know, people just don’t realize most repeals are just a lot cheaper than having your your product take up space in Amazon.
Afolabi Oyerokun 19:21
It’s a lot right now. Amazon charges you between January to I believe, September, June, they charge about 75 cents a cubic feet. When it gets to October to December, it’s $2.64 a cubic feet. That’s crazy. Yes, average three to range ranges from 50 cents to I’ve seen as high as 65 cents per cubic feet. Before we are 50 cents a cubic feet but I’ve seen somebody I think I’ve seen a website promote like 65 cents a cubic feet, whatever it is. You should, you know, you would always say you will always see over Amazon’s feeds. Okay. All right. Another The fourth thing to discuss with your three PL is how you ship your product from wherever it’s coming from, to the final destination. Some people have just two pilots, some people have just seven pilots, and they’re like, you know, do I ship it l LCL. Yeah, LCL makes sense to ship it. But what if you talk to your three PL and your Threepio can actually help you consolidate your product into the container that is already coming towards your Threepio. So I tell people to reach out to Katelyn, who is doing all our consolidation in China, I say, hey, reach out to Kathleen, if we have any container coming to our three PL, she arranged for me to come to, you know, you know, wherever it’s loading in China or wherever, and consolidate with other pilots, and it’s coming to us, you will save a lot of money. If you’re shipping LCL before and it’s about who knows if they’re charging you $50 the CBN by the time you consolidate, it might be $20, a CBM, maybe $30, the CBM. And everything is coming to us here. So we will receive it in one chunk. And we will check you out, you know check you in faster, everything will be faster. So discuss with your Threepio they might have a way they might have partners in your current, your origin, the product origin, maybe it’s China or India, they might have partners that are going to load into their containers and consolidate for you. You’re going to save a lot of money that way. You never know until you ask.
Norman Farrar 21:46
Absolutely. Okay, so before we go to any other questions, one thing, okay, let us know if you’ve had any issues with your three PL good, bad or ugly. And just post them in the comment section. We are having a giveaway today. And alpha lobby if you want to explain the giveaway, that’ll be great.
Afolabi Oyerokun 22:08
Yes. So we are going to stall one pilot for a whole year. For the giveaway today. It’s those two pilots, one of your pilots will will store it for a whole year. So we give you one pilot free for the whole year.
Norman Farrar 22:25
That’s awesome. Okay, so that’s, that’s fantastic. So get a free palette at the three PL free. And that’s all you have to do is hashtag we’ll have Kelsey, if you want a second entry. Just take two people. Okay, and Kelsey, can we flip over to a word from our sponsor? Thank you Z CO for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Are you looking to take your ecommerce business from local to global, you can with the help of z and their brand new app. That’s right. You can track live shipments with push notifications. Get detailed lead times for each stage of your shipment, and store all compliance and VAT reclaim documents in the palm of your hand. All while listening to lunch with Norm. Ready to expand your E commerce empire. And take your Amazon FBA business global. Use the link in the description to learn more about Z’s new app that’s now available on desktop and mobile. That’s z.co z e dot C Oh, I did say that about 10 times because I kept saying Zedd
Afolabi Oyerokun 23:40
that’s really cool, though. That’s really cool for you to have like a nice platform where you can track shipments worldwide. That’s awesome. That’s yeah, that’s cool. That’s cool.
Norman Farrar 23:50
Okay, so let’s go to number four. Number five minutes then five. Number five. Okay,
Afolabi Oyerokun 23:57
yeah. All right, discuss with your Threepio how to avoid unforeseen handling charges. I heard a story. Somebody was telling me that the three PL tried based on just fixing problems, handling problems. All this handling issues that three POS have to fix when your products arrive could be prevented if you can just work with them. Some people show up with product with no marking on the boxes. How in the world is your three PEOC supposed to know what’s in those boxes. When it doesn’t have any marking on it. There is no information there is nothing we have to open it every time a 3pm opens your box they’re charging you. So make sure your print, you know your printouts are all legible. You know, try to put print out in all four corners of your boxes or at least two sides of your boxes. So that we can look at the pallet. And we can tell from any side we’re standing where what’s in that pallet. If not, we’re going to receive your pallet, we have to tear down all the pallet wrap, we have to break down all your boxes every time your three PL touches your box takes maybe three bucks for each carton they’re touching. So make sure you have all your writings on it. Make sure that you wrap your pallets really nicely. Make sure that you have corner protection on your pallet reduce handling as much as possible. So discuss with your Threepio. What are the mistakes are making? I see $700 in handling charges last month. What did you guys do? What did I do wrong? They will tell you, Oh your boxes arrived and all that there was no tape on the boxes, we had to tape it up, your boxes arrived with holes in them, we had to cover them or we had to cut we had to take all the products out of your box and put it in a brand new box. Because you use you were so cheap on your boxes, you use the one ply box for you know 20 kg products. If you use a one ply packaging, of course, it’s going to fall into pieces because before it gets to your Threepio you should use three to five ply box for something that is heavy discussing with your Threepio Let them guide you let them take the let them take photos of all the issues they’ve got into dealing with your product and talk to your supplier and say okay, all right, I’m upgrading all my packaging to a five ply instead of a two ply one ply, so that I don’t have to take all these hits from my three to so that’s one thing to discuss with them. Okay.
Norman Farrar 26:48
But you know, and I don’t know if this is going to be a tip later, or if this is a tip for like right now. But you can not only the one ply, but make sure you pay for shipping lay sometimes. And I know that you’ve sent me pictures of oh my gosh, look at this person, you know, we quoted them this. And for a couple of $100 Extra, they got this and the cartons are everywhere they’re damaged. And just talking about handling, you’ve got to go in there and straighten everything up. The boxes are so badly damaged that you can’t ship them. So I mean, I’ve seen it, as you’ve probably seen a lot more than me, but I know that some of the more outstanding ones you’ve you’ve sent me images or talked about.
Afolabi Oyerokun 27:37
Yes, you know, I know the thing I’m finding out is when people are sending a pallet palletized goods, it’s almost better to actually wrap the top of the pallet as well. I’ve seen a lot of containers show up here we hose on top of the containers and water condensation when your product is moving, you know, you know from one country to the other, it’s going to pass through the sea and there’s condensation and the water came or rain. The water came on this pallets and they were soaked most of the product damage. So there is a way you can actually wrap or kind of put a sleeve on top of your palate to protect that. We was I was on a call with Megillah and I forgot the name of the guy at Neverland. Jennifer Francoise Francois Francois okay so Francois said never go for the cheapest freight I’m like oh wow it’s amazing somebody else is saying that people give you quotes or you go for the cheapest like I’m gonna go to Alibaba and choose the cheapest freight I’m going to go to is going to stain you like bad because they’re just going to dump your goods. They don’t follow any routine they don’t follow nothing they should dump your goods somewhere in the container and by the time it gets here you will pay way more than you’re trying to say by the time your container show up here. Yep Oh man, it’s fun. Let’s go to number six. Okay ah discuss with your three PL how you can optimize your inspection at your point of origin.
Afolabi Oyerokun 29:32
Products show up at three PL facility if they had been inspected in China or India or wherever they’re coming from. If you attempt to Europe three PL operator about what to look for. You would have told your inspection company to fix that issue or to look for that issue before you send it out. Right. Your three PL they receive your final goods. They refuse to receive your boxes. At the, you know, with the final look of your box, right. So whatever however your box show up at your three PL, it must have been beaten up, battered, you stabbed whatever. If your boxes stand the test, by the time it shows up at your Threepio, you did a good job, you did a good job. If it doesn’t talk to your Threepio and make sure you bump up or increase your inspection strictness, you got to be a lot stricter about your inspection in China or wherever, so that you will fix all those issues before they come before the goods arrive at your Threepio. Right, your data, your Threepio does inspection too, but it is expensive. I’m talking $2.50 per product inspected in the in us in the US, rather than you paying 10 cents or whatever in China, pay that 10 cents for product or 15. And whatever they’re going to charge for inspection in China so that you will not pay $2.50 When it gets to the US discuss it with your Threepio. They tell you what the problems your products are facing when they receive them. And they will you can prevent all those problems. All right, very good. Yep. All right. Number seven is out to send your product from your three PL to Amazon. I have been able to help a lot of brands. When they’re creating their shipments on Amazon. They just use SPDs or they use LTL. But there’s another way you can ship especially if you have more than 10 pallets. If you’re shipping more than 10 pallets from your three PL to Amazon, try and start using Amazon freight. It’s a full truck that Amazon was sent to your three PL and they were going to load up and it’s like 500 bucks for up to 26 pallets. 500 bucks. Wow. Yes, yes. So instead of you paying $110 $120 per pallet, if you ship it LTL why not get a food truck, get a food truck, go to freight.amazon.com It’s a free account register for the free account. Tell them to send you food truck. Once the Amazon Amazon when the food truck shows up here we’ll load them up. We can feed in up to 26 pallets for the same price $550 Sometimes it could be as high as 750, even at 754 26 pallets is a steal. Right. And then I see some people shipping. SPD SPD just means that you’re shipping individual boxes or individual cartons, where you could have palletized it, it’s going to cost you between five to $15 per case to ship SPD by UPS from your three PL to Amazon. If you’re going to ship at least if you’re going to ship out, say 15 boxes, 15 cases or more. Why don’t you go on pallet, you can palletize it, okay, you’re going to save a lot of money instead of you paying 15 bucks a case you palletize it and you pay one flat 110 $120 A pilot to ship it to you know three four states away from where your three pls okay? So ask you, if you’re new to three pl You don’t have any retail yet. You should talk to a three PL and tell them to give you their address. They use the address to create a dummy shipment or a test shipment to see where Amazon would tell you to ship the products to if it’s close by then you just win. You just want a jackpot. Okay. All right. So let them guide you on how to send products to Amazon from their Threepio facility. They might there could be several ways for you to save money. There’s this guy. He sells overweight, oversized products, like each of his products are like
Afolabi Oyerokun 34:18
60 to 72 inches wide. And I was like wait a minute, I sent him a messenger Facebook myself like what? Why are you sending your products? LTL it’s like is there another way to say yeah, you just choose to have full truckload so when he sent it LCL he paid $6,500 When he switched to full truckload, it was $550. Yes. Is that like, Oh my God, I’ve been pouring money away. I say yes, you’ve been pouring money away for a long time. Okay, so there are several ways you can save talk to your Threepio they will guide you They will guide you on how to do it. Okay. All right. Another thing to discuss with the three PL is to set up an automatic FBM fulfillment. So if you’re selling on Shopify, or you’re selling FBM on Amazon, your three PLS, you have a software that will plug into Amazon or integrate very well with your multiple channel. So that they can pull all your orders from Walmart everywhere, they can pull it automatically into the three PL software and then the three PL fulfills the order instead of you doing it manually. Okay, ask your three PL Do you guys have a software that can plug into this thing? Do you even ShipStation is fine if they have ShipStation they can you can integrate ShipStation with all this multiple channel. It’s just a little bit not harder. It takes a little bit more time if you’re going through ShipStation but it works really fine. Right? Talk to you Threepio I want to be doing FBM fulfillment I want to start selling on Etsy E bay Walmart. Can you help me plug into all these places? Nom you know, we do have somebody you already know that. They actually sell more on Walmart than on Amazon. They sell more they discovered a Hey Mike, my goodness, this is actually a Walmart product. You know, and they’re doing well on Walmart. And they tried so much on Amazon. They just not doing good. They went to Wayfair they were crushing it on Wayfair. So talk to your Threepio Amazon may not be the only way you can sell. You know not Do you guys don’t you have like a Walmart set up? For people to Yeah, set up on Walmart.
Norman Farrar 36:41
Yeah, so I wouldn’t recommend going to Walmart directly and trying to set up but if you go to one of their partners, like Pay Pal, Shopify, Shopify is awesome. If you go over to our our playlist on our YouTube channel, there is a Walmart playlist and all you have to do is watch the video now there’s probably about three or four really critical trip questions that they give you. And if you don’t, if you do it wrong, you’ll get rejected. But it’s not like Amazon. So if you get rejected, all you have to do is appeal. And usually by checking the right box, you’ll get right through. But yeah, check it out. There’s two videos one is the Amazon application. And it’s just a quick walkthrough. The other one is the appeal process.
Afolabi Oyerokun 37:33
Awesome. Awesome. So guys check it out. You know to it will really help you discuss the Witcher three PL how they can integrate very well with all these channels for you. Alright, then number nine one, we’re almost done, I need to spend a little bit more time on this one. Okay, so this this cars which are three PL how to get special rates for your fast moving products. So, the joy of a three pl If his products coming in and going out immediately, if your product is a fast mover, your Threepio will love you. They will love you and discussed special rates with them. Tell them and say hey, my products are coming I’m sending you a full container. And in about two weeks time, half of that container should be sent to Amazon alpha which should be gone or whatever. Discuss with them and just negotiate a better rate with them. Since they’re not storing it for the full month. If they’re not going to store it for the full month, cut a deal with them, discuss with them say hey, you know, can you give me a special discount if my product come in and they go out immediately. They’re not that the second part of that point is if your product is oversized, they may not be able to fit it onto the racks. Right they may not be able to fit it onto the regular warehouse rack. So they have to put it on the floor something or your product might be taking up double space on the warehouse right? In that case, just talk to them and say hey, you have a specialty for my oversight because they’re charging you per cubic feet. And for oversized products. You could be paying almost you know $1 per cubic feet if you’re not careful. So talk to them and say all right, you can put my product on the floor you can stack it nicely on one section of your warehouse. Can you give me a discount on it so that I can save your Threepio would be able to do it for you. We have a lot of oversized customers we have a lot of fast movers and we really want to help them that’s why we came up with this idea and say Look guys, if you’re going to be moving, if you have a fast product, we’ll put it on the ground floor of our warehouse. Right? A fast mover if you discuss with your with your with your brand, if your brand has a lot of if you have three skills that are very, very Fast moving, tell you tell your three PL they’ll put it on the bottom show, they don’t put it on top, because if they put it on top, it’s going to take more time to drive the forklift to go and get it and bring it down. So we like to put the fast movers on the ground floor, let them know which ones are going to be your fast movers. Easy in easy, they will love you for that. Okay, so that’s one thing to really negotiate with your Threepio that you can save on your storage, you can save all your fulfillment costs. If your products don’t need any extra box to put into it. If you’re going to send your product FBM as exactly the way they are without having to put it in another box before you send it out. You’re saving, you’re saving that Mr. Threepio just gets a label and slap it on your product done. Right. But if you don’t ask them, they don’t tell you. So you better talk to them and say hey, says my product doesn’t need any other any additional packaging. Could you guys give me a break on how to when I’m fulfilling it. In most cases, they will. They will give you a break. But we we’ve seen where.
Norman Farrar 41:07
And this goes back a bit earlier to a tip. But they’ll mix like I sell soap. But they’ll put and you sell soap. So but but but they’ll you know, they’ll mix them, they’ll mix the scents within the palate. So all of a sudden you’ve got all these different scents and you got to hunt around. So there’s the Dead Sea mud, there’s the lavender, and it could get mixed up. Somebody could send out the wrong box. So that’s that’s a major problem as well. So if it’s going to be a pallet is one standard pallet all Dead Sea mud or all lavender or whatever it is. The other thing is you’re talking oversized. So there’s a lot of people here who have no clue what a standard pallet size is, what is that.
Afolabi Oyerokun 41:57
So a standard pallet size is 40 by 48 inches 40 by 48 inches, and many warehouse. Many warehouse racks are usually 60 inches high between 40 and 60 inches high. So you have to bear that bear in mind when you’re doing that. Because if you have a product, if they stack it too high, it’s not going to fit into the warehouse rack. So they have to probably pull some products off of the pallet to be able to fit it in. And some products just extend wider than the pallet and Amazon doesn’t like that. So what we came up with is when you are when your product is more than 48 inches wide. You can stand it up to your three PL to stand the product up and line them standing and then use a metal banding to band it together. Right vertically and horizontally so that they don’t you know they don’t fall out, you know fall off while they go into Amazon’s warehouses.
Norman Farrar 43:04
Yeah, yeah. Okay, good. Yeah. Okay. So the drumroll Number 10
Afolabi Oyerokun 43:10
Number 10. E is product returns on site inspection product repairs and disposals many three pls don’t like returns and they don’t have this they don’t like report for disposal. If your product have issues, talk to your three PL do you handle repairs? If it’s just like repairs, do you? Do you like doing repackaging? I had a guy who was so mad. He called me up like, I think three four months ago, like I’m changing my Threepio I said what happened? So I will even help me put a stinking sticker over my product. I said everything up they’ll put sticker on products like they said no. I said what are they another three? If they can help you put your fn SKU label on your product who who else will help you do that? If they don’t do that? They say oh, they don’t handle returns Well, returns are a pain in the bud. But ask your Threepio they should be able to handle returns for you tell them what to do with the return. You want them to keep it you want them to inspect it and put it back in your inventory or you want them to dispose of it. Give them clear instruction of what they what you want them to do. disposal is the cheapest. We get it we don’t look at it. We just toss it done. If you want us to get your returns, open a look at the condition. Make sure everything is fine repackage it. It’s gonna cost more. So discuss with your Threepio how they can help you with returns. Defects disposals, you know they can even do some inspection for you after your products arrive. Maybe you notice something that is odd. I got this About a month or two ago, we got this pilot. And I was looking, I was just passing by the pilot. I’m like something looks odd on this pilot. So what the shipper, they used one of those cheap freight people. And what they did was they use the forklift to raise one box up on the pallet. And they took out the case, they stole the products, clothes, yes, close back the case, put it back and then they let the let the box sit on top of each other. Now, if somebody steals from a box, you know that that box, if you if you stack on some other boxes on top of the box that they’ve taken something out of, of course it’s going to squash, right. That’s how we knew something was wrong, because the pallet was leaning. Okay, it was leaning. So that means they’ve stolen something from one of the boxes at the bottom to put it in, right. So make sure y’all make sure your three PL can handle all those special request. They can help
Afolabi Oyerokun 46:04
you with your lunch with Norm.
Afolabi Oyerokun 46:07
What is that? It’s Clary. Tacos, tacos. I’m hungry now. Oh, boy. That’s good. That’s good.
Norman Farrar 46:22
You know, I have one bonus tip. I think. And we’ve talked about it just recently with soapboxes. So products made in America, but doesn’t have to be. But you know, you check overseas and you check out your pricing for these boxes. By the time they come over. They’re just as expensive. So what I’m talking about is bonus tip number 11 is think about kitting and assembly. A lot of fulfillment centers do kitting and assembly, some don’t, but some do, where you can take, like, let’s say you have a subscription service, okay, you can put a special letter in or an envelope thanking the person putting in a couple of different products mixing it up. Anyways, kitting in assembling is so important, especially if something goes wrong. So we had a, we had something years ago that went wrong with with kids. It their refrigerator magnets and the magnets were popping out. And so it was $155,000 to kit it in the US at that time. Wow. Okay, like, because we had to take out the magnets that were existing, put the magnets in with a drop of glue. And I mean, it was crazy. But at that time, you couldn’t even think about doing it. But now the process would have probably cost us a fraction of that we ended up going to China. And we got it all done for 5500 bucks. But what they did is they went through the whole process. We couldn’t find anybody that could really do that process here in the States. But now more and more people are more and more facilities are doing that where you can get the products and it can be affordable.
Afolabi Oyerokun 48:11
Yep. Some people like what you’re saying some people are now we’ve started the process, we have two or three products that we’re doing now with is we were able to find a supplier and we were able to find a US supplier, a US manufacturer, but there are some parts that they still have to make out of China. So we say okay, look, send the China parts to us. Yep, we’ll make the US part here. And they will assemble it together for you. Right. And then they can put made in the US on the on the thing. So we started we’re doing three, three products like that now, and I’m excited to see how they turn out. But so you know, let your Threepio know that you would like to assemble or you’d like to keep and if they can handle it, that will be a big bonus for you.
Norman Farrar 48:59
Absolutely. Yeah. And like, we I already know about the soap boxes, they are exactly the same or cheaper than bringing them in from China right now.
Afolabi Oyerokun 49:09
Yes. Correct. And people don’t realize that some things are actually cheaper in the US. So don’t give up on the old us. You know, talk about, you know, packaging, especially like you say packaging, look at ways that you can print inserts and packaging and everything and bring it all here to be to be to be done.
Norman Farrar 49:31
Well, I was just talking with I mean, I’ve talked to you about this my buddy here in Canada, who’s also in the States, but he’s got his digital packaging facility up and running now. And I’m going to have him on the podcast really soon. So yeah, small runs. It doesn’t have to be huge. That could be very small runs of packaging and, and also the expertise. So that’s for another podcast. We can get onto that but anyways, we got 11 Tips. That’s pretty good after lobby for 90 minutes. Notice.
Afolabi Oyerokun 50:06
We did it. We did it. Thanks.
Norman Farrar 50:09
All right. So Kelsey, do we have any questions?
Kelsey 50:12
We sure do. So yeah, we can start with Andrew Smith. He says I’ll go first. Not three PL related, but I’ll transfer my arm with regard to large retailers. What are the typical gross profit margins? They try to attain working in fop, USD China.
Afolabi Oyerokun 50:34
I’ve heard Stephen Selikoff mentioned these is Louis says 5x. Some products are good with 5x on products that go with 7x. And some products are good with 10x. So if you’re going to sell if the if the big box retailers are going to sell at $10, you should make sure your product is $1 or less. Because they will take I think they will take at least 50% of that. Yeah, they
Norman Farrar 51:04
keys. Yeah, whatever your wholesale prices, though, for the most part, depending it like some you can get away with less. But typical, is they key Keystone. They mark it up. They double it?
Afolabi Oyerokun 51:20
Yep. Yep. So prepare for $1 products to go for 10 bucks, even though the those kinds of products are shrinking. Now. It’s very hard to stop finding those kinds of products. That’s why you have to develop your own product. And just charge whatever you want for it. So I’ll go after patented products that you know that nobody’s going to. You know, how do you say that? The Chinese or whatever, people knock you off, right? So make sure you own that product, and you can charge whatever for it.
Kelsey 51:57
All right. Next question is from rad. When will the shipping prices come down? I know this is a big question. Right.
Norman Farrar 52:04
Okay. I’ll take this one. Rad. How long is a piece of string? I don’t know. What do you think of a lot?
Afolabi Oyerokun 52:19
I’ve always think it’s going to be q3. Honestly, 2022 q3 Because we’re going into Chinese New Year. Yeah. The price is going to rise again in January, right? And then Chinese us Chinese New Year finishes. And then everybody that didn’t. Well, everyone that wasn’t able to ship before Chinese New Year then are rushing to ship after Chinese New Year. So the price will stay high for q2 and q3 is the peak season. Alright, it being normal peak season of shipping is q3. So maybe in between two and three and then after three, I think it will come down. And let’s hope we don’t have any more stream of COVID
Norman Farrar 53:01
Oh my gosh, yeah, we’re one person can ship the shutdown the complete port of Ningbo. But yeah, you know what, I agree with that. We’ve talked about that before. I think it’ll probably be a few quarters before we see that maybe in a few dollars.
Afolabi Oyerokun 53:17
Yeah, yeah, unfortunately rad you know, we don’t know we don’t know we just let
Norman Farrar 53:25
it affect everybody unless yet unless you’re buying from North America or Central south. Yes.
Kelsey 53:33
No, Regan rad says I expected that answer from Darren. He was prepared Okay. From Tony, he says my stickers on product started falling off Can Can you specify a sticker type or glue we have to open each box now to re sticker so the
Afolabi Oyerokun 53:57
the glue that came with the stickers were not good from the from the very beginning your supplier use the cheap, cheap sticker to begin with. If you have to re sticker in the US, you know you can go for Uline stickers or you can go for what’s the name of the stickers? I just ordered some this morning actually. It’s called Mr. Nam, you can keep talking while I find the name of this.
Norman Farrar 54:25
Now I’m gonna just make an awkward moment for you just sit here in silence. No, no and yeah, you can definitely restrict your and it depends on the material. So you know, if you are putting it on cardboard, or if you’re putting it on something, there’s certain different there’s a piece of that won’t stick to certain materials. So you want to make sure that that’s or like just for an example if they’re spraying something free and again, I can’t give you just an example off the top of my head but if there’s overspray or if there’s Something that could cause a sticker not to stick as well.
Afolabi Oyerokun 55:03
Yeah, laminate. Laminate. If this laminate, I also found out that the temperature at the warehouse also affects how the stickers go on the product. So I think if it’s too if it’s too hot, or too cold, I forgot which which season is because we noticed that in summer, stickers Stay well. And then in winter, I think they kind of tend to fall off. Yeah, even regular stickers. So, but if you get a really good sticker, maybe staples brand is okay. It’s 30 on a page stickers by staples. But Avery Avery Avery. Yes, every is good to Staples, Avery Uline. They have really, really good stickers. And there are some stickers that are actually laminated, and they have extra strength. If your product has lamination on top of it, maybe a glossy finish or whatever that may be causing it but test different brands and see which one sticks the most. Yeah.
Norman Farrar 56:05
There’s lots of options. But don’t forget, like even if you are looking for different types of stickers, you can always call customer support and see what they would recommend. Yep. But there’s thing called Mr. Houle, to which you can always go and check that.
Kelsey 56:22
All right, just a reminder that we do have a giveaway. So comment hashtag we’ll Kelsey, two in one year free storage, from the three PL. And if you take two people to get an extra entry. So that’s just hashtag. We’ll have Kelsey, we’re going to be spinning soon. We still have just a couple more questions to go through. Also, I want to just give off a lobby a little shout out. We’re doing our whole new live on Wednesday, 10am Eastern noon. So if you want to learn more about Office lobby and how to develop your product within 90 days. Come tune in 10 o’clock am Eastern Time at the whole new worldwide Facebook page. And we’re going to be going live. And Okay. Our next question is from Andrew. Can three pls receive returns from Amazon?
Afolabi Oyerokun 57:14
Yes, correct. That’s probably recommended. Recommended yet they do you get you just let them know what to do with the returns. Andrew, if you want them to trash it, tell them just trash it. If you want them to open it up, check the condition because all some of these returns are in terrible, terrible condition. So you might want to just guide them and tell them what you want them to do when they receive those returns.
Norman Farrar 57:38
Yeah, it I mean, it’s so important because they will go out and resell. Paul Barron. He was on he’s talking about this. Did you hear about this? No, not yet. Okay, so he does he does swim diapers, right. So this person sent back to swim diaper as a return. But Amazon took it. sent it out. Okay, you would think it’d be okay. Well, it was a poopy diaper. Oh, no. Yeah. I couldn’t believe it. So he gets nailed for it because Amazon sent it out. So I always recommend Yeah, have your three PL, you know, check it accept it. Yeah, for sure.
Afolabi Oyerokun 58:19
Yeah. Okay. That’s that’s, that’s terrible.
Norman Farrar 58:28
Okay, any more questions? Kells,
Kelsey 58:29
we’ve got one last question for all right, Ralph. He says have you bought from a Canadian wholesaler? If yes, what are the pros and cons? Thanks.
Afolabi Oyerokun 58:40
I’ve bought from a Canadian manufacturer and not a wholesaler. And for me, everything worked very, very well. I don’t know if Norm has something to share with a Canadian wholesaler perspective.
Norman Farrar 58:54
I can’t see that. I mean, I can see it absolutely being an advantage. You know, it’s, it’s probably what we’ve you know, we’ve got the dollar. But the other thing is the border you’re buying from a Canadian wholesaler, you know that you can probably get your products delivered fairly quickly. And, um, anyway, depends. Yeah, I, I was gonna say something that wouldn’t apply to the wholesaler but to consumer orders. But yeah, getting it across the border. I think you’ve got time on your side. I think you’ve got the dollar on your side. That’s probably the best reasons to do it. Now can Canada is very similar to the US. There are certain products that are good, certain products that are bad. But I think lead time and the dollar is probably the best thing.
Afolabi Oyerokun 59:43
Another thing for Luke to remember is when you’re buying from a wholesaler, make sure you cover up the barcode with your own barcode. If not, you’re just ending up promoting the wholesaler you somebody can come and easily you know, you know compete with you, because you’re leaving the old the wholesalers or the manufacturers barcode on it, you should change the backhoe to your own barcode. So that you know they will find it a little bit harder to trace and compete with you.
Norman Farrar 1:00:14
Well, yeah, and one last thing for that and make sure that in their resellers agreement they can sell to you. So that if you’re selling on Amazon, that and this happened to a client of mine, where they thought they had, okay, they were selling a lot, they were selling one $2 million a year on Amazon of these different products. And he didn’t have the he didn’t have the ability to sell on online. So he had all his product confiscated. There was a 600,000 original $600,000 loss of profit lawsuit that came down all because he bought from a wholesaler. He was sort of the third party to sell it, you know, manufacturer to the wholesaler wholesaler was selling to everybody. And they had no, that reseller clause said that they had no right to sell on online on Amazon. So just check that out, too.
Afolabi Oyerokun 1:01:11
Yep. Good. Good. That’s it. Counts. Do we have anybody else?
Kelsey 1:01:19
All right. I think that’s it for questions. And it’s, it’s time for, we’ll have Kelsey so everyone sit back buckle up. And here we go.
Kelsey 1:01:43
All right. Welcome, everyone to the wheel. Kelsey. This is our giveaway that we do on every podcast. So tune in live at 12pm. Eastern time to enter. If you’re listening from the podcast as a replay, as so yeah. Thank you, everyone who entered we’re going to be giving a year storage for one pilot with awful lobby. So I’m going to go shuffle up those names. The winner if you could please email me K at lunch with Norm calm, and we’ll connect you.
Norman Farrar 1:02:13
You also it’s a great prize.
Kelsey 1:02:15
Yeah, yeah. Yep. 48 hours to
Norman Farrar 1:02:19
Steven Lawson. Alright. Nice.
Kelsey 1:02:28
All right. Congratulations.
Afolabi Oyerokun 1:02:30
Step. Stevie must be praying. I guarantee you. Because his product is on its way here. He must be great. Oh, really? That’s awesome. All right. So let me we let me wait.
Norman Farrar 1:02:46
That’s funny. That’s funny. So Steven, just make sure you probably already know this. Just send it over to Kay at lunch with Norm calm, and we’ll get the whole process going for you. All right off the lobby. So how do people get ahold of you?
Afolabi Oyerokun 1:03:02
Just send us an email savings at only worldwide.com savings that on a worldwide.com? Hit me up on Facebook Messenger. Anything I can do to help you if you have a quick question. Drop it in my Facebook Messenger. And I will be able to answer your questions.
Norman Farrar 1:03:20
Fantastic. So anybody interested? Apple lobby is going live on Wednesday at I think 10. Right.
Afolabi Oyerokun 1:03:27
10 o’clock Eastern. We’re talking product development in less than 90 days.
Norman Farrar 1:03:32
Okay. All right. Thank you, sir, for being on the podcast today. I appreciate it. I’ll be talking to you a little bit later today. But thank you I really cute. I was having a heart attack 90 minutes
Afolabi Oyerokun 1:03:44
ago. You’re welcome. So it’s always an honor to be here. Thank you, sir, for having me. Have a lovely, lovely lunch. I’m gonna go get my own lunch right now.
Norman Farrar 1:03:55
Okay, that’ll be lunch without the lobby. Or that tomorrow. Okay. We’ll see you later. Okay, everybody. So I hope you enjoyed that one. That was sort of an impromptu podcast about the 10 ways to save or 10 questions to ask your three people to save. So on Wednesday, we’ve got a really great guest coming up. Kerry Miller, you’ve probably heard me talk about her. She works at Helium 10. And she is the Walmart expert over there. I’ve talked to her a bunch of times. She’s an awesome person. And we’re going to be talking about selling on Walmart in 2022. Okay, so before we get to the Squier, we’ll just have another quick word from our sponsor. I wanted to give a quick shout out and say thank you to global wired advisors for sponsoring this episode of lunch with Norm. Global wired advisors is a leading digital investment bank focused on optimizing the business sales process. For more information please call Chris shuffling and his team Over at global wired advisors.com. Okay, we’re back, Squire.
Kelsey 1:05:08
And hello, hello. Yes. Thank you, everyone. So read, said waiting for PDF from Alpha lobby. So I have already posted the PDF, you can find that in the lunch with Norton Facebook group, I just made a post. So if you go over to the files, you can see that there’s a PDF there. So that’s only available if you are part of the Facebook group, but it is there. Just maybe refresh the page and you should be able to see it.
Norman Farrar 1:05:34
Well, you want to get paid or something. Hashtag proactive. Kelsey,
Kelsey 1:05:38
I’m on the pata. Alright, and also just wanted to mention, because we’re going to be talking about Walmart on Wednesday, Norm, you have the selling on Walmart, Facebook group as well. So if you guys don’t know about it, that we have an area this is with Tim Jordan, Miquel chat, Nick, in norm that they discussed selling a Walmart, they do q&a sessions there as well. It’s a great community. It’s pretty active. And you can have questions answered there. makellos. super active over there. So check that that’s just selling on Walmart marketplace group. But yeah, that’s it. Hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode, smash those like buttons. Yeah, don’t forget about joining awful lobbies live that’s happening on Wednesday at 10am. That’s on the whole new worldwide Facebook page. So it’s sometimes we do share it into the lunch with Norm groups and stuff. But if you want to get regular notifications, go over to the whole new robot. And other than that, I think we just have to talk about getting some more beard if you’re interested. So we do have a patreon group. This is our membership program, where you can get a whole lot more of the beard, which includes group sessions with Tim or Norman i. And then we also do guest lessons we had Steven block who did a private group session for about an hour and a little bit about building communities. So we have different guests every month as well as monthly SOPs. And you get a lunch with Norm mug, and m&ms as well and a bunch of other discounts and goodies as well. So that’s the lunch with Norm website, just click the membership button up top and you’ll be able to see our program there. Okay, that’s that’s perfect. You’re done talking?
Norman Farrar 1:07:26
You can you can just get off the screen. Go. Oh, alright. So just one thing, we’ve never really asked this on the podcast before but we are looking for a couple of content writers that if anybody is interested becoming part of the lunch with Norm team, and interest in developing content, written content, we would love to talk to you. Okay, so that’s it. And join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at noon, eastern central time. Thank you all for lobby for just pulling that content within 90 minutes. We really appreciate that. And thank you for being part of our community. We could not do this without you. We will see you on Wednesday with Kerry Miller. Guys. Ladies, everybody. Have a good day. Mantra
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